FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

News Naidheachdan

B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Sanasan telebhisein Gàidhlig

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Màiri Rodgers – Presentair] Airson a’ chiad turas a-riamh, thèid sanasan telebhisein Gàidhlig a chraoladh gus daoine a bhrosnachadh a dhol a-staigh airson teagasg. Thèid na sanasan ‘Thig a Theagaisg’ a chraobh-sgaoileadh a-màireach air STV, airson cha mhòr ceala-deug. Aig a’ cheart àm ged-tà, dh’aitich Bòrd na Gàidhlig nach eil fhios aca le cinnt cia mheud tidsear air a bheil iad ag amas gus dùblachadh a thoirt air an àireamh chlann-sgoile a tha a’ dol tro foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig. Seo Eileen NicDhòmhnaill.

[Eileen NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] A’ cuimhneachadh air liosta fhada de luchd-teagaisg ann am Bun-sgoil Chliasmoil. Bha a-riamh duilgheadasan ann an ginealach òg a thàladh gu bhith teagaisg tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig. Ach chan ann nas giorra a bhios an liosta sin anns na bliadhnaichean a tha romhainn. As t-samhradh, cheumnaich trì air fhichead oileanach le ceum ann an teagasg tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig aig ìre bun-sgoile agus àrd-sgoile. B’ e seo an àireamh as àirde a-riamh. Ach, am-bliadhna, thàinig lùghdachadh de leth-cheud sa cheud a chuir a-staigh airson nan cùrsaichean. Cha bhi ach aon tidsear deug ùr ann, an ath-bhliadhna. Mar sin, tha Bòrd na Gàidhlig a’ cur romhpa fhèin barrachd dhaoine a thàladh gu bhith a’ teagaisg. Son a’ chiad turas a-riamh, thèid sin a dhèanamh tro shanasan telebhisein air STV. Tòisichidh iad a-màireach agus bidh iad rim faicinn airson ceala-deug cha mhòr. Chosg am pròiseact còig air fhichead mìle not, ach tha am Bòrd ag ràdh gum math 's fhiach a’ chosgais sin.

[Stephen MacÌomhair - BnaG] Tha sinn air obrachadh a-mach eadar na làithean a tha an rud gu bhith air an tele agus an àireamh de dhaoine a chì na sanasan ‘s tha sinne làn dùil gum faic còrr is aon puing còig millean neach na sanasan seo, nach cosg e ach sgillinn airson gach neach a chì na sanasan.

[Eileen NicDhòmhnaill – neach-aithris] Ged a chaidh cosgais a’ phròiseict obrachadh a-mach, chan eil fios le cinnt fhathast cia mheud duine air a bheil feum a’ Ghàidhlig a chumail beò. Tha am Bòrd ag amas gum bi a dhà uimhir de chlann-sgoile a’ dol tro fhoghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig ron bhliadhna mhìle ‘s a seachd-deug.

[Stephen MacÌomhair - BnaG] Chan urrainn dhuinn siud a dhèanamh gun tuilleadh luchd-teagaisg a bhith againne son seo a dhèanamh. Chan eil cinnt ann an-dràsta cia mheud luchd-teagaisg a tha dhìth oirnn, ach tha sinn a’ feuchainn na beàrnan a th’ ann an-dràsta a lìonadh agus bho sin air adhart, tha sinn a’ feuchainn tuilleadh thidsearan a thrusadh gus an suidheachadh a chur air dòigh mar bu chòir.

[Eileen NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Tha fear a th' air a bhith an-sàs ann am foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig bho thùs, a’ faireachdainn gu feum an obair fhèin a dhèanamh nas tarrangaiche.

[Dòmhnall Iain MacLeòid] ’S dòcha, feumaidh sinn coimhead air dòighean ùra air fiù ’s barrachd de thidsearan fhaighinn. Mar eisimpleir, bidh bruidhinn air, bho àm gu àm air barrachd, pàighidh barrachd tuarastail a thabhann dha tidsearan, ma tha iad a’ teagaisg tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig. Tha sin gu math doirbh fhaighinn troimhe, chionn tha aonaidhean, 's a daoine, luchd-poilitigs is fheadainn an aghaidh sin. Ach ’s dòcha gu feum sinn coimhead air rudan mar sin.

[Eileen NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Às aonais luchd-teagaisg Gàidhlig, cha bhi ceannardan sgoile ann - trioblaid a tha mu thràth air èirigh an Inbhir Nis. Às aonais an tuilleadh dhiubh, ‘s i a’ cheist am bi a’ Ghàidhlig buan agus beò anns na bliadhnaichean a tha romhainn. Eileen NicDhòmhnaill. BBC An



Gaelic TV adverts

English Beurla

[Mairi Rodgers – Presenter] For the first time ever, Gaelic television adverts will be broadcast to inspire people to teach. The adverts ‘Come and Teach’ will be broadcast tomorrow on STV, for about a fortnight. At the same time, though, Bòrd na Gàidhlig admitted that they don’t know with certainty how many teachers they need to reach their aim to double the number of children who will go through Gaelic Medium Education. Here’s Eileen Macdonald.

[Eileen Macdonald – Reporter] Remembering a long list of teachers in Cliasmol Primary School. There was always trouble attracting the younger generation to teach through the medium of Gaelic, but the list won’t be as short in the years to come. In the summer, twenty three students graduated with a degree in teaching through the medium of Gaelic, at primary and secondary school levels. This was the highest ever levels. But, this year, a decrease of fifty per cent put in for the courses. There will only be eleven new teachers next year. Because of this, Bòrd na Gàidhlig intend to attract more people to teaching. For the first time ever, this will be done through television adverts on STV. They will start tomorrow and they will be shown for about a fortnight. The project cost twenty-five thousand pounds, but the board says that it is worth the price.

[Stephen MacIver - BnaG] We have worked out that between the days that it is on the tele and the number of people who will see the adverts, we fully expect that 1.5 million people will see these adverts, and that will only cost two pence for every person who will see the adverts.

[Eileen Macdonald – Reporter] Although the costs of the project have been worked out, it is not known with certainty how many people are required to keep Gaelic alive. The board aim to have ttwice the number of schoolchildren through Gaelic Medium Education before the year 2017.

[Stephen MacIver - BnaG] We can not do that without more teachers. It is not known with certainty yet how many teachers we need, but we are trying to fill the gaps that exist just now and we are trying to find more teachers to set the situation up as it should be.

[Eileen Macdonald – Reporter] Someone who has been involved with Gaelic Medium education from the outset feels that the work has to be made more attractive.

[Donald John MacLeod] Maybe we need new ways to get more teachers. For example, we need to talk about, from time to time, more pay, more pay to attract people to teaching, if they are teaching through the medium of Gaelic. It is very difficult to get as there are unions, people, politicians and people against that. But maybe we have to look at things like that.

[Eileen Macdonald – Reporter] Without Gaelic teachers, there will not be school heads – a problem that has arisen in Inverness. Without more of them, the question is, will Gaelic survive in the years to come. Eileen Macdonald. BBC An Là.



Sanasan telebhisein Gàidhlig

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Màiri Rodgers – Presentair] Airson a’ chiad turas a-riamh, thèid sanasan telebhisein Gàidhlig a chraoladh gus daoine a bhrosnachadh a dhol a-staigh airson teagasg. Thèid na sanasan ‘Thig a Theagaisg’ a chraobh-sgaoileadh a-màireach air STV, airson cha mhòr ceala-deug. Aig a’ cheart àm ged-tà, dh’aitich Bòrd na Gàidhlig nach eil fhios aca le cinnt cia mheud tidsear air a bheil iad ag amas gus dùblachadh a thoirt air an àireamh chlann-sgoile a tha a’ dol tro foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig. Seo Eileen NicDhòmhnaill.

[Eileen NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] A’ cuimhneachadh air liosta fhada de luchd-teagaisg ann am Bun-sgoil Chliasmoil. Bha a-riamh duilgheadasan ann an ginealach òg a thàladh gu bhith teagaisg tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig. Ach chan ann nas giorra a bhios an liosta sin anns na bliadhnaichean a tha romhainn. As t-samhradh, cheumnaich trì air fhichead oileanach le ceum ann an teagasg tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig aig ìre bun-sgoile agus àrd-sgoile. B’ e seo an àireamh as àirde a-riamh. Ach, am-bliadhna, thàinig lùghdachadh de leth-cheud sa cheud a chuir a-staigh airson nan cùrsaichean. Cha bhi ach aon tidsear deug ùr ann, an ath-bhliadhna. Mar sin, tha Bòrd na Gàidhlig a’ cur romhpa fhèin barrachd dhaoine a thàladh gu bhith a’ teagaisg. Son a’ chiad turas a-riamh, thèid sin a dhèanamh tro shanasan telebhisein air STV. Tòisichidh iad a-màireach agus bidh iad rim faicinn airson ceala-deug cha mhòr. Chosg am pròiseact còig air fhichead mìle not, ach tha am Bòrd ag ràdh gum math 's fhiach a’ chosgais sin.

[Stephen MacÌomhair - BnaG] Tha sinn air obrachadh a-mach eadar na làithean a tha an rud gu bhith air an tele agus an àireamh de dhaoine a chì na sanasan ‘s tha sinne làn dùil gum faic còrr is aon puing còig millean neach na sanasan seo, nach cosg e ach sgillinn airson gach neach a chì na sanasan.

[Eileen NicDhòmhnaill – neach-aithris] Ged a chaidh cosgais a’ phròiseict obrachadh a-mach, chan eil fios le cinnt fhathast cia mheud duine air a bheil feum a’ Ghàidhlig a chumail beò. Tha am Bòrd ag amas gum bi a dhà uimhir de chlann-sgoile a’ dol tro fhoghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig ron bhliadhna mhìle ‘s a seachd-deug.

[Stephen MacÌomhair - BnaG] Chan urrainn dhuinn siud a dhèanamh gun tuilleadh luchd-teagaisg a bhith againne son seo a dhèanamh. Chan eil cinnt ann an-dràsta cia mheud luchd-teagaisg a tha dhìth oirnn, ach tha sinn a’ feuchainn na beàrnan a th’ ann an-dràsta a lìonadh agus bho sin air adhart, tha sinn a’ feuchainn tuilleadh thidsearan a thrusadh gus an suidheachadh a chur air dòigh mar bu chòir.

[Eileen NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Tha fear a th' air a bhith an-sàs ann am foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig bho thùs, a’ faireachdainn gu feum an obair fhèin a dhèanamh nas tarrangaiche.

[Dòmhnall Iain MacLeòid] ’S dòcha, feumaidh sinn coimhead air dòighean ùra air fiù ’s barrachd de thidsearan fhaighinn. Mar eisimpleir, bidh bruidhinn air, bho àm gu àm air barrachd, pàighidh barrachd tuarastail a thabhann dha tidsearan, ma tha iad a’ teagaisg tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig. Tha sin gu math doirbh fhaighinn troimhe, chionn tha aonaidhean, 's a daoine, luchd-poilitigs is fheadainn an aghaidh sin. Ach ’s dòcha gu feum sinn coimhead air rudan mar sin.

[Eileen NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Às aonais luchd-teagaisg Gàidhlig, cha bhi ceannardan sgoile ann - trioblaid a tha mu thràth air èirigh an Inbhir Nis. Às aonais an tuilleadh dhiubh, ‘s i a’ cheist am bi a’ Ghàidhlig buan agus beò anns na bliadhnaichean a tha romhainn. Eileen NicDhòmhnaill. BBC An



Gaelic TV adverts

English Beurla

[Mairi Rodgers – Presenter] For the first time ever, Gaelic television adverts will be broadcast to inspire people to teach. The adverts ‘Come and Teach’ will be broadcast tomorrow on STV, for about a fortnight. At the same time, though, Bòrd na Gàidhlig admitted that they don’t know with certainty how many teachers they need to reach their aim to double the number of children who will go through Gaelic Medium Education. Here’s Eileen Macdonald.

[Eileen Macdonald – Reporter] Remembering a long list of teachers in Cliasmol Primary School. There was always trouble attracting the younger generation to teach through the medium of Gaelic, but the list won’t be as short in the years to come. In the summer, twenty three students graduated with a degree in teaching through the medium of Gaelic, at primary and secondary school levels. This was the highest ever levels. But, this year, a decrease of fifty per cent put in for the courses. There will only be eleven new teachers next year. Because of this, Bòrd na Gàidhlig intend to attract more people to teaching. For the first time ever, this will be done through television adverts on STV. They will start tomorrow and they will be shown for about a fortnight. The project cost twenty-five thousand pounds, but the board says that it is worth the price.

[Stephen MacIver - BnaG] We have worked out that between the days that it is on the tele and the number of people who will see the adverts, we fully expect that 1.5 million people will see these adverts, and that will only cost two pence for every person who will see the adverts.

[Eileen Macdonald – Reporter] Although the costs of the project have been worked out, it is not known with certainty how many people are required to keep Gaelic alive. The board aim to have ttwice the number of schoolchildren through Gaelic Medium Education before the year 2017.

[Stephen MacIver - BnaG] We can not do that without more teachers. It is not known with certainty yet how many teachers we need, but we are trying to fill the gaps that exist just now and we are trying to find more teachers to set the situation up as it should be.

[Eileen Macdonald – Reporter] Someone who has been involved with Gaelic Medium education from the outset feels that the work has to be made more attractive.

[Donald John MacLeod] Maybe we need new ways to get more teachers. For example, we need to talk about, from time to time, more pay, more pay to attract people to teaching, if they are teaching through the medium of Gaelic. It is very difficult to get as there are unions, people, politicians and people against that. But maybe we have to look at things like that.

[Eileen Macdonald – Reporter] Without Gaelic teachers, there will not be school heads – a problem that has arisen in Inverness. Without more of them, the question is, will Gaelic survive in the years to come. Eileen Macdonald. BBC An Là.



sanasan telebhisein

television adverts





This is also the word for 'step'.



Foghlam tro Meadhan na Gàidhlig

Gaelic Medium Education