FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Taigh-tasgaidh ann am bogsa

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Iain MacAonghais - Preseantair] Nise, tha draghan ann an Srath Nabhair gun chaill daoine anns an sgìre cuimhne air an eachdraidh aca agus sgeulachd sgrios nam fuadaichean mur toir iad taic dhan an taigh-tasgaidh aca. Thèid pròiseact ùr a chur air bhog a’ toirt sealladh dhan an taigh-tasgaidh air chuairt anns an sgìre ann am bucas. Chaidh Dòmhnall MacLaomainn a dh’ fhaicinn na bha fa-near dhaibh.

[Dòmhnall MacLaomainn – Neach-aithris] Air fhosgladh ann an naoi-ceud deug seachdad ‘s a sia, ‘s e seo taigh-tasgaidh Srath Nabhair. Tha e làn eachdraidh nam fuadaichean, ach, a dh’ aithghearr, bidh an taigh-tasgaidh air an rathad ann am bogsa.

[Dòmhnall MacLaomainn – Neach-aithris] Co às a thàinig an smuain seo?

[Joanne B Karr] The museum box here is really a taster of all the things that are in the museum and it’s a kind of a self-contained exhibition, self-display, so and we can put into any village hall. Other museums, heritage centres and groups can borrow it and they can learn about all the objects that are here.

[Dòmhnall MacLaomainn – Neach-aithris] Tha seo a’ tighinn as dèidh pròiseact eile far an robh luchd-ealain ag amas air taisbeanadh a chruthachadh bho diofar phìosan a bha anns an taigh-tasgaidh, leithid seann bhròg, pùdarair a dhèanamh a-mach à craiceann coin agus mapa air a dhèanamh le craiceann fèidh. Ach tha fhathast feum air barrachd ùidh a thogail.

[Dòmhnall MacLaomainn – Neach-aithris] Tha eachdraidh gu math cudromach anns an sgìre-sa, gu h-àraidh le sgeulachd nam fuadaichean. Agus airson an adhbhar sin tha daoine a tha ag obair san taigh-tasgaidh an dòchas gun tog a’ phròiseact seo aire dhaoine ann an eachdraidh agus cuideachd airson adhbhar gu math sìmplidh eile; chan eil taigh-tasgaidh eile ri fhaicinn airson ceud mìle shìos an rathaid.

[Mairead Dhòmhnallach (Meg MacDonald)] Tha trioblaid againne, chan eil daoine ionadail a’ tighinn tric gu leòr dhan taigh-tasgaidh. Tha na daoine ann an seo ag iarraidh tòiseachadh museum, an taigh-tasgaidh agus àrdachadh cuideachd. Tro bhùthan-obrach agus taisbeanaidhean ann an àiteachan eile, agus sna sgoiltean, gu sònraichte.

[Dòmhnall MacLaomainn – Neach-aithris] Obair mhòr romhpa, ach obair chudromach, bidh iad an dòchas, ma thogas am bogsa ùidh dhaoine ann an taigh-tasgaidh gun toir sin orra thighinn a dh’ fhaicinn a’ chòrr dhe na pìosan eachdraidh phrìseil seo. Dòmhnall MacLaomainn, BBC An Là, Srath Nabhair



A museum in a box

English Beurla

[Iain MacInnes - Presenter] Now, there are concerns in Srathnaver that people in the area will forget their history and the destructive story of the clearances if they don’t support their museum. A new project has been set up to give people a glimpse of the museum, by taking it on tour in a box. Donald Lamont went to see what was on offer.

[Donald Lamont – Reporter] Opened in nineteen seventy-six, this is Srathnaver Museum. It is full of history of the clearances, but soon the museum will be on the road, in a box.

[Donald Lamont – Reporter] Where did this idea come from?

[Joanne B Karr] The museum box here is really a taster of all the things that are in the museum and it’s a kind of a self-contained exhibition, self-display, so and we can put into any village hall. Other museums, heritage museums and other groups can borrow it and they can learn about all the objects that are her.

[Donald Lamont – Reporter] This comes after another project where artists aimed to create an exhibition from different pieces from the museum, like an old shoe, powder which was made from dog skin and a map made from deer skin. But they still need to raise more interest.

[Donald Lamont – Reporter] History is very important in this area, especially with the story of the clearances. And because of that reason the people who work in the museum are hoping that this project will raise people’s interest in history and they also have another reason; there is no museum to be seen for another hundred miles down the road.

[Meg MacDonald] We have a problem, local people are not coming often enough to the museum here and they want to start to raise the profile of the museum too. Through workshops and exhibitions in other areas and the schools, especially.

[Donald Lamont – Reporter] A big job is ahead of them, the hope is that if the box raises people’s interest in the museum that this will inspire them to come and see more of the precious historical things here. Donald Lamont BBC An Là Srathnaver



Taigh-tasgaidh ann am bogsa

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Iain MacAonghais - Preseantair] Nise, tha draghan ann an Srath Nabhair gun chaill daoine anns an sgìre cuimhne air an eachdraidh aca agus sgeulachd sgrios nam fuadaichean mur toir iad taic dhan an taigh-tasgaidh aca. Thèid pròiseact ùr a chur air bhog a’ toirt sealladh dhan an taigh-tasgaidh air chuairt anns an sgìre ann am bucas. Chaidh Dòmhnall MacLaomainn a dh’ fhaicinn na bha fa-near dhaibh.

[Dòmhnall MacLaomainn – Neach-aithris] Air fhosgladh ann an naoi-ceud deug seachdad ‘s a sia, ‘s e seo taigh-tasgaidh Srath Nabhair. Tha e làn eachdraidh nam fuadaichean, ach, a dh’ aithghearr, bidh an taigh-tasgaidh air an rathad ann am bogsa.

[Dòmhnall MacLaomainn – Neach-aithris] Co às a thàinig an smuain seo?

[Joanne B Karr] The museum box here is really a taster of all the things that are in the museum and it’s a kind of a self-contained exhibition, self-display, so and we can put into any village hall. Other museums, heritage centres and groups can borrow it and they can learn about all the objects that are here.

[Dòmhnall MacLaomainn – Neach-aithris] Tha seo a’ tighinn as dèidh pròiseact eile far an robh luchd-ealain ag amas air taisbeanadh a chruthachadh bho diofar phìosan a bha anns an taigh-tasgaidh, leithid seann bhròg, pùdarair a dhèanamh a-mach à craiceann coin agus mapa air a dhèanamh le craiceann fèidh. Ach tha fhathast feum air barrachd ùidh a thogail.

[Dòmhnall MacLaomainn – Neach-aithris] Tha eachdraidh gu math cudromach anns an sgìre-sa, gu h-àraidh le sgeulachd nam fuadaichean. Agus airson an adhbhar sin tha daoine a tha ag obair san taigh-tasgaidh an dòchas gun tog a’ phròiseact seo aire dhaoine ann an eachdraidh agus cuideachd airson adhbhar gu math sìmplidh eile; chan eil taigh-tasgaidh eile ri fhaicinn airson ceud mìle shìos an rathaid.

[Mairead Dhòmhnallach (Meg MacDonald)] Tha trioblaid againne, chan eil daoine ionadail a’ tighinn tric gu leòr dhan taigh-tasgaidh. Tha na daoine ann an seo ag iarraidh tòiseachadh museum, an taigh-tasgaidh agus àrdachadh cuideachd. Tro bhùthan-obrach agus taisbeanaidhean ann an àiteachan eile, agus sna sgoiltean, gu sònraichte.

[Dòmhnall MacLaomainn – Neach-aithris] Obair mhòr romhpa, ach obair chudromach, bidh iad an dòchas, ma thogas am bogsa ùidh dhaoine ann an taigh-tasgaidh gun toir sin orra thighinn a dh’ fhaicinn a’ chòrr dhe na pìosan eachdraidh phrìseil seo. Dòmhnall MacLaomainn, BBC An Là, Srath Nabhair



A museum in a box

English Beurla

[Iain MacInnes - Presenter] Now, there are concerns in Srathnaver that people in the area will forget their history and the destructive story of the clearances if they don’t support their museum. A new project has been set up to give people a glimpse of the museum, by taking it on tour in a box. Donald Lamont went to see what was on offer.

[Donald Lamont – Reporter] Opened in nineteen seventy-six, this is Srathnaver Museum. It is full of history of the clearances, but soon the museum will be on the road, in a box.

[Donald Lamont – Reporter] Where did this idea come from?

[Joanne B Karr] The museum box here is really a taster of all the things that are in the museum and it’s a kind of a self-contained exhibition, self-display, so and we can put into any village hall. Other museums, heritage museums and other groups can borrow it and they can learn about all the objects that are her.

[Donald Lamont – Reporter] This comes after another project where artists aimed to create an exhibition from different pieces from the museum, like an old shoe, powder which was made from dog skin and a map made from deer skin. But they still need to raise more interest.

[Donald Lamont – Reporter] History is very important in this area, especially with the story of the clearances. And because of that reason the people who work in the museum are hoping that this project will raise people’s interest in history and they also have another reason; there is no museum to be seen for another hundred miles down the road.

[Meg MacDonald] We have a problem, local people are not coming often enough to the museum here and they want to start to raise the profile of the museum too. Through workshops and exhibitions in other areas and the schools, especially.

[Donald Lamont – Reporter] A big job is ahead of them, the hope is that if the box raises people’s interest in the museum that this will inspire them to come and see more of the precious historical things here. Donald Lamont BBC An Là Srathnaver



bogsa / bucas


Srath Nabhair






