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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Sgeama paidhleit air an A9

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Angela NicIlleathain - Preseantair] An ath-bhliadhna, bidh e ceadaichte do dhràibhearan-làraidh siubhal aig 50 mìle san uair air earrannan singilte den phrìomh rathad eadar a' Ghàidhealtachd agus meadhan na h-Alba. Dh'inns Riaghaltas na h-Alba gun tèid sgeama paidhleit a dhèanamh nuair a thèid siostam ùr a bhios a' tomhais astar coitcheann dhràibhearan a chur an-sàs air an A9. Tha Eileen NicDhòmhnaill ag aithris.

[Eileen NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] ‘S ann gu math mall a tha an trafaig a’ gluasad air a’ phrìomh rathad eadar a' Ghàidhealtachd agus meadhan na h-Alba. Ach dh’fhaodadh gun atharraich sin anns na bliadhnaichean a tha romhainn. An-dràsta, chan fhaod luchd nan làraidhean bathair a dhol nas luaithe na fhichead mìle san uair ann an earrainnean singilte dhen A9. Tha iad ag ràdh gu bheil e a’ fàgail dràibhearan eile mì-fhoighidneach agus ag adhbhrachadh tubaistean.

[Eileen NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] O chionn bliadhna, chuir iad iomairt air bhonn a’ casg astar àrdachadh gu leth-cheud mìle san uair. An-diugh, dh’inns Riaghaltas na h-Alba gun tèid sgeama paidhleit a chur air cois an ath bhliadhna. Aig a’ cheart àm, thèid siostam ùr a chur an-sàs a bhios a’ tomhais astar coitcheann dhràibhearan eadar Inbhir Nis agus Dùn Bhlàthain. Tha luchd-iomairt air an dòigh.

[Conor McKenna] It’s brilliant news, it’s really, really good news. That’ll make a huge difference. In the respect of safety, there’ll be less frustration on the roads now and people will be more than happy to sit behind the lorry doing fifty rather than forty. You know, the queues are ridiculous.. The overtaking was suicidal at times, so, you know, it’ll be a lot better.

[Eileen NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Tha Donaidh MacDhòmhnaill na mhanaidsear còmhdhala aig a’ chompanaidh bathair DR McLeod. Tha uallach air son còrr is ceud dràibhear. Tha e ag ràdh gun seall an sgeama paidhleit gu bheil feum air an àrdachadh an chuid son dràibhearan agus nan companaidhean.

[Donaidh MacDhòmhnaill] Uill, ma tha sinne a’ ruith son na ferries. Tha na dràibhearan gu math tric, tha e gu math tight dhaibh dèanamh air ferry anns na h-uairean aca, depends run a tha iad air, ‘s a' gabhail mar a tha Tesco is an Coop, feumaidh na trailers sin a bhith air a’ ferry. Feumaidh iad a bhith an Ulapul mu leth uair an-dèidh trì sa mhadainn agus gu math tric, tha e gu math tight dhaibh sin a dhèanamh, e feum dhaibh, iadsan, iad e gun teagamh. Bidh e nas fhasa dhaibh. Bithidh.

[Eileen NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Chuir luchd-gnìomhachais fàilte air an naidheachd cuideachd. Tha iad ag ràdh gum bi iad na bhuannachd do dh’eaconomaidh na Gaidhealtachd air fad. Ach, gu feum an sgeama a leudachadh gus am bi an rathad dà-fhillte.

[Stiùbhart Nicol] We do need this move and we’re happy for it to be a pilot to be considered to have the evidence then evaluated properly because we think it’s really important that the transport and the traffic flows within the A9 corridor, it’s really important that that flows easily and although it’s a small increase, it’s a relatively big increase and it will help the traffic flow.

[Eileen NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Tha dùil gun tòisich an sgeama sa Chèitean. Tha dùil cuideachd gum mair e sia mìosan. Bidh e ri fhaicinn an uair sin co-dhiù a bhios an rathad nas sàbhailte na tha e an-dràsta. Eileen NicDhòmhnaill, BBC An Là.



Pilot scheme on the A9

English Beurla

[Angela MacLean - Presenter] Next year, lorry drivers will be allowed to travel at 50 miles per hour on single carriageway stretches of the main road between the Highlands and the middle of Scotland. The Scottish Government told of a new pilot scheme that would allow drivers’ speed limits to be raised on the A9. Eileen MacDonald reports.

[Eileen MacDonald – Reporter] Traffic moves very slowly on the main road between the Highlands and the middle of Scotland. But, that could change in the years ahead of us. Just now, Heavy Goods Vehicles cannot go faster than forty miles per hour on single carriageway sections of the A9. They say that this this leaves other drivers impatient and causes accidents.

[Eileen MacDonald – Reporter] Just over a year ago, a campaign was started to raise the speed limit to 50 miles per hour. Today, the Scottish Government said that a pilot scheme would be introduced. At the same time, a new system would be introduced that would measure speed limits between Inverness and Dunblane. Campaigners are happy.

[Conor McKenna] I’s brilliant news, it’s really, really good news. That’ll make a huge difference. In the respect of safety, there’ll be less frustration on the roads now and people will be more than happy to sit behind the lorry doing fifty rather than forty. You know, the queues are ridiculous. The overtaking was suicidal at times, so, you know, it’ll be a lot better.

[Eileen MacDonald – Reporter] Donnie Macdonald who is a transport manager at the goods company DR MacLeod. He is responsible for more than 100 drivers. He says that the pilot scheme will show that there is a need for both the drivers and the companies.

[Donnie MacDonald] Well, if we are running for the ferries, the drivers, it is very tight for them to make the ferry in their hours, it depends what run they are on. They have to be in Ullapool at about half past three in the morning and often, it is very tight for them to make this, it will do them good, they will do it, they will do it without a doubt. It will be easier for them. It will.

[Eileen MacDonald – Reporter] Business people welcomed the news too. They say that it will strenghthen the Highland economy. But, the scheme must be expanded until the road is duelled.

[Stuart Nicol] We do need this move and we’re happy for it to be a pilot to be considered to have the evidence then evaluated properly because we think it’s really important that the transport and the traffic flows within the A9 corridor, it’s really important that that flows easily and although it’s a small increase, it’s a relatively big increase and it will help the traffic flow.

[Eileen MacDonald – Reporter] It is expected that the scheme will start in May. It is also expected that it will last for six months, It will be then seen if the road is safer than it is now. Eileen MacDonald. BBC An Là.



Sgeama paidhleit air an A9

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Angela NicIlleathain - Preseantair] An ath-bhliadhna, bidh e ceadaichte do dhràibhearan-làraidh siubhal aig 50 mìle san uair air earrannan singilte den phrìomh rathad eadar a' Ghàidhealtachd agus meadhan na h-Alba. Dh'inns Riaghaltas na h-Alba gun tèid sgeama paidhleit a dhèanamh nuair a thèid siostam ùr a bhios a' tomhais astar coitcheann dhràibhearan a chur an-sàs air an A9. Tha Eileen NicDhòmhnaill ag aithris.

[Eileen NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] ‘S ann gu math mall a tha an trafaig a’ gluasad air a’ phrìomh rathad eadar a' Ghàidhealtachd agus meadhan na h-Alba. Ach dh’fhaodadh gun atharraich sin anns na bliadhnaichean a tha romhainn. An-dràsta, chan fhaod luchd nan làraidhean bathair a dhol nas luaithe na fhichead mìle san uair ann an earrainnean singilte dhen A9. Tha iad ag ràdh gu bheil e a’ fàgail dràibhearan eile mì-fhoighidneach agus ag adhbhrachadh tubaistean.

[Eileen NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] O chionn bliadhna, chuir iad iomairt air bhonn a’ casg astar àrdachadh gu leth-cheud mìle san uair. An-diugh, dh’inns Riaghaltas na h-Alba gun tèid sgeama paidhleit a chur air cois an ath bhliadhna. Aig a’ cheart àm, thèid siostam ùr a chur an-sàs a bhios a’ tomhais astar coitcheann dhràibhearan eadar Inbhir Nis agus Dùn Bhlàthain. Tha luchd-iomairt air an dòigh.

[Conor McKenna] It’s brilliant news, it’s really, really good news. That’ll make a huge difference. In the respect of safety, there’ll be less frustration on the roads now and people will be more than happy to sit behind the lorry doing fifty rather than forty. You know, the queues are ridiculous.. The overtaking was suicidal at times, so, you know, it’ll be a lot better.

[Eileen NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Tha Donaidh MacDhòmhnaill na mhanaidsear còmhdhala aig a’ chompanaidh bathair DR McLeod. Tha uallach air son còrr is ceud dràibhear. Tha e ag ràdh gun seall an sgeama paidhleit gu bheil feum air an àrdachadh an chuid son dràibhearan agus nan companaidhean.

[Donaidh MacDhòmhnaill] Uill, ma tha sinne a’ ruith son na ferries. Tha na dràibhearan gu math tric, tha e gu math tight dhaibh dèanamh air ferry anns na h-uairean aca, depends run a tha iad air, ‘s a' gabhail mar a tha Tesco is an Coop, feumaidh na trailers sin a bhith air a’ ferry. Feumaidh iad a bhith an Ulapul mu leth uair an-dèidh trì sa mhadainn agus gu math tric, tha e gu math tight dhaibh sin a dhèanamh, e feum dhaibh, iadsan, iad e gun teagamh. Bidh e nas fhasa dhaibh. Bithidh.

[Eileen NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Chuir luchd-gnìomhachais fàilte air an naidheachd cuideachd. Tha iad ag ràdh gum bi iad na bhuannachd do dh’eaconomaidh na Gaidhealtachd air fad. Ach, gu feum an sgeama a leudachadh gus am bi an rathad dà-fhillte.

[Stiùbhart Nicol] We do need this move and we’re happy for it to be a pilot to be considered to have the evidence then evaluated properly because we think it’s really important that the transport and the traffic flows within the A9 corridor, it’s really important that that flows easily and although it’s a small increase, it’s a relatively big increase and it will help the traffic flow.

[Eileen NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Tha dùil gun tòisich an sgeama sa Chèitean. Tha dùil cuideachd gum mair e sia mìosan. Bidh e ri fhaicinn an uair sin co-dhiù a bhios an rathad nas sàbhailte na tha e an-dràsta. Eileen NicDhòmhnaill, BBC An Là.



Pilot scheme on the A9

English Beurla

[Angela MacLean - Presenter] Next year, lorry drivers will be allowed to travel at 50 miles per hour on single carriageway stretches of the main road between the Highlands and the middle of Scotland. The Scottish Government told of a new pilot scheme that would allow drivers’ speed limits to be raised on the A9. Eileen MacDonald reports.

[Eileen MacDonald – Reporter] Traffic moves very slowly on the main road between the Highlands and the middle of Scotland. But, that could change in the years ahead of us. Just now, Heavy Goods Vehicles cannot go faster than forty miles per hour on single carriageway sections of the A9. They say that this this leaves other drivers impatient and causes accidents.

[Eileen MacDonald – Reporter] Just over a year ago, a campaign was started to raise the speed limit to 50 miles per hour. Today, the Scottish Government said that a pilot scheme would be introduced. At the same time, a new system would be introduced that would measure speed limits between Inverness and Dunblane. Campaigners are happy.

[Conor McKenna] I’s brilliant news, it’s really, really good news. That’ll make a huge difference. In the respect of safety, there’ll be less frustration on the roads now and people will be more than happy to sit behind the lorry doing fifty rather than forty. You know, the queues are ridiculous. The overtaking was suicidal at times, so, you know, it’ll be a lot better.

[Eileen MacDonald – Reporter] Donnie Macdonald who is a transport manager at the goods company DR MacLeod. He is responsible for more than 100 drivers. He says that the pilot scheme will show that there is a need for both the drivers and the companies.

[Donnie MacDonald] Well, if we are running for the ferries, the drivers, it is very tight for them to make the ferry in their hours, it depends what run they are on. They have to be in Ullapool at about half past three in the morning and often, it is very tight for them to make this, it will do them good, they will do it, they will do it without a doubt. It will be easier for them. It will.

[Eileen MacDonald – Reporter] Business people welcomed the news too. They say that it will strenghthen the Highland economy. But, the scheme must be expanded until the road is duelled.

[Stuart Nicol] We do need this move and we’re happy for it to be a pilot to be considered to have the evidence then evaluated properly because we think it’s really important that the transport and the traffic flows within the A9 corridor, it’s really important that that flows easily and although it’s a small increase, it’s a relatively big increase and it will help the traffic flow.

[Eileen MacDonald – Reporter] It is expected that the scheme will start in May. It is also expected that it will last for six months, It will be then seen if the road is safer than it is now. Eileen MacDonald. BBC An Là.



sgeama paidhleit

piot scheme

astar coitcheann

speed limit


duelled, dual-carriageway



ag adhbhrachadh
