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Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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An Aimsir le Kirsteen NicDhòmhnaill

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Angela NicIllEathain – Preseantair] An aimsir a-nis, agus tha sin aig Kirsteen.

[Kirsteen NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris na h-aimsir] Tapadh leatsa dha-rìribh, feasgar math, a chàirdean. Uill, toiseach oifigeil a’ gheamhraidh an-diugh agus gu dearbha, ‘s ann geamhradail a bhios an aimsir tro mhòran sgìrean an t-seachdain-sa.

[Kirsteen NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris na h-aimsir] A-nochd, ma-tà, tha an t-uisge a tha seo gu bhith a cumail a’ dol a’ putadh air falbh gu an ear-dheas. Air a chùlaibh aimsir gu math nas tiorma agus nas fhuaire, le greisean fada de dh’iarmailt shoilleir agus dealt reòthaidh gu sònraichte a-staigh air an dùthaich, air an Tuath. Bidh beagan frasan ri fhaicinn tro oisean an Iar-Thuath a-nochd a bhios geamhradail air na monaidhean is iad air am putadh a-staigh air a’ ghaoith bhon iar-thuath a bhios ag èirigh beagan anns na sgìrean-sa mar a thèid an oidhche air adhart. Mu dhà celsius fo ìre reòthaidh aig a’ char as ìsle a-nochd. Anns a’ chumantas tro na bailtean mòra, eadar mu dhà agus ceithir celsius anns a’ chumantas.

[Kirsteen NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris na h-aimsir] A-màireach, tha sinn a’ tòiseachadh an latha tioram do mhòran sgìrean, ach caran fuar agus reòthte do chuid. Mar a thèid an latha air adhart, mairidh an tìoradh mun ear, mu mheadhan agus mu cheann an deas na dùthcha, le greisean de shoillearachd agus grèine am pailteas. Tro oisean an Iar-Thuath, ge-tà, tha sinn a’ sùileachadh gu mair i frasach, gu h-àraidh sa mhadainn le frasan geamhradail air na monaidhean agus fiù ‘s gu ruige an talamh àrd, co-dhiù airson greiseag. Ach feasgar tha sinn a’ sùileachadh gur ann nas aotraime agus nas sgapte a bhios na frasan a tha seo, agus gu dearbha, gum bi greisean de shoillearachd agus grèine eatorra agus gun leagh sneachda sam bith a-staigh air an duthaich air an talamh àrd.

[Kirsteen NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris na h-aimsir] A’ ghaoth gu bhith ag atharrachadh a-rithist, is i a’ tighinn bhon Iar no bhon Iar-Dheas feasgar a-màireach, agus i mu ochd celsius aig a’ char as àirde mun Iar. Dhan a chòrr ge-tà, tha sinn a’ sùileachadh gu mair an tioradh le greisean de shoillearachd agus grèine mar a bha mi ag ràdh, car fuar ge-tà, aig eadar mu chòig agus seachd celsius le gaoth lag a-staigh air an dùthaich.

[Kirsteen NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris na h-aimsir] A’ toirt sùil air adhart gu ciaradh an fheasgair, ‘s ann fuar a bhios i agus tioram tro mhòran sgìrean dhen dùthaich, agus a-rithist, na frasan a tha seo a’ cumail a’ dol tro oisean an Iar-Thuath.

[Kirsteen NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris na h-aimsir] A’ toirt sùil air adhart gu Diciadain agus ‘s e bruthadh àrd a bhios os cionn na h-aimsire fhathast gu ìre mhòr. Mar sin dheth, ‘s ann tìoram a bhios cùisean anns a’ chumantas, le greisean de shoillearachd agus grèine do mhòran sgìrean mun Ear. Mun Iar ge-tà, caran sgòthach le smugaraich uisge aig amannan, eadar ochd agus deich celsius mun Iar, nas fhuaire mun Ear.



The weather with Kirsteen MacDonald

English Beurla

[Angela MacLean – Presenter] And now the weather, with Kirsteen.

[Kirsteen MacDonald – Weather Reporter] Thank you very much, good evening everyone. Well, it’s officially the start of winter today and certainly, the weather will be wintery in many areas this week.

[Kirsteen MacDonald – Weather Reporter] Tonight, then, this rain will continue to push to the south-east. After that, much drier and colder weather, with long spells of bright skies and frozen dew especially inland, to the north of the country. There will be some showers through parts of the north-west tonight which will be wintery on the hills, pushing the wind through from the north-west, which will lift slightly in these areas as the evening progresses. Around minus two celsius at the lowest tonight. Generally, throughout the larger cities, around two to four celsius in general.

[Kirsteen MacDonald – Weather Reporter] Tomorrow, we start with a dry day in many areas, but slightly cold and freezing for many. As the day goes on, the dry spells will continue in the east, the central belt and south of the country, with many light sunny spells. Through the north-west though, showers are expected, especially in the morning with wintery showers on the hills and even on high land, for a while. In the afternoon, these showers are expected to be lighter and less frequent, with sunny spells in between which will result in any snow on higher ground melting.

[Kirsteen MacDonald – Weather Reporter] The wind will change again, as it comes from the west or south-west tomorrow afternoon, at eight xelsius at the most around the west. For everyone else though, the dry spells are expected to last with sunny spells as I was saying, a little cold though, between five and seven celsius with a light wind in coming in.

[Kirsteen MacDonald – Weather Reporter] Taking a look at late afternoon, it will be cold and dry through many areas of the country, and again, these showers keep going through to the north-west.

[Kirsteen MacDonald – Weather Reporter] Taking a look at Wednesday and there’s still mostly a high pressure above the weather. Due to that, it’ll mostly be dry, with sunny spells for many areas in the east. Around the west though, a little cloudy with drizzle at times, between eight and ten celsius around the west, and colder around the east.



An Aimsir le Kirsteen NicDhòmhnaill

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Angela NicIllEathain – Preseantair] An aimsir a-nis, agus tha sin aig Kirsteen.

[Kirsteen NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris na h-aimsir] Tapadh leatsa dha-rìribh, feasgar math, a chàirdean. Uill, toiseach oifigeil a’ gheamhraidh an-diugh agus gu dearbha, ‘s ann geamhradail a bhios an aimsir tro mhòran sgìrean an t-seachdain-sa.

[Kirsteen NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris na h-aimsir] A-nochd, ma-tà, tha an t-uisge a tha seo gu bhith a cumail a’ dol a’ putadh air falbh gu an ear-dheas. Air a chùlaibh aimsir gu math nas tiorma agus nas fhuaire, le greisean fada de dh’iarmailt shoilleir agus dealt reòthaidh gu sònraichte a-staigh air an dùthaich, air an Tuath. Bidh beagan frasan ri fhaicinn tro oisean an Iar-Thuath a-nochd a bhios geamhradail air na monaidhean is iad air am putadh a-staigh air a’ ghaoith bhon iar-thuath a bhios ag èirigh beagan anns na sgìrean-sa mar a thèid an oidhche air adhart. Mu dhà celsius fo ìre reòthaidh aig a’ char as ìsle a-nochd. Anns a’ chumantas tro na bailtean mòra, eadar mu dhà agus ceithir celsius anns a’ chumantas.

[Kirsteen NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris na h-aimsir] A-màireach, tha sinn a’ tòiseachadh an latha tioram do mhòran sgìrean, ach caran fuar agus reòthte do chuid. Mar a thèid an latha air adhart, mairidh an tìoradh mun ear, mu mheadhan agus mu cheann an deas na dùthcha, le greisean de shoillearachd agus grèine am pailteas. Tro oisean an Iar-Thuath, ge-tà, tha sinn a’ sùileachadh gu mair i frasach, gu h-àraidh sa mhadainn le frasan geamhradail air na monaidhean agus fiù ‘s gu ruige an talamh àrd, co-dhiù airson greiseag. Ach feasgar tha sinn a’ sùileachadh gur ann nas aotraime agus nas sgapte a bhios na frasan a tha seo, agus gu dearbha, gum bi greisean de shoillearachd agus grèine eatorra agus gun leagh sneachda sam bith a-staigh air an duthaich air an talamh àrd.

[Kirsteen NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris na h-aimsir] A’ ghaoth gu bhith ag atharrachadh a-rithist, is i a’ tighinn bhon Iar no bhon Iar-Dheas feasgar a-màireach, agus i mu ochd celsius aig a’ char as àirde mun Iar. Dhan a chòrr ge-tà, tha sinn a’ sùileachadh gu mair an tioradh le greisean de shoillearachd agus grèine mar a bha mi ag ràdh, car fuar ge-tà, aig eadar mu chòig agus seachd celsius le gaoth lag a-staigh air an dùthaich.

[Kirsteen NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris na h-aimsir] A’ toirt sùil air adhart gu ciaradh an fheasgair, ‘s ann fuar a bhios i agus tioram tro mhòran sgìrean dhen dùthaich, agus a-rithist, na frasan a tha seo a’ cumail a’ dol tro oisean an Iar-Thuath.

[Kirsteen NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris na h-aimsir] A’ toirt sùil air adhart gu Diciadain agus ‘s e bruthadh àrd a bhios os cionn na h-aimsire fhathast gu ìre mhòr. Mar sin dheth, ‘s ann tìoram a bhios cùisean anns a’ chumantas, le greisean de shoillearachd agus grèine do mhòran sgìrean mun Ear. Mun Iar ge-tà, caran sgòthach le smugaraich uisge aig amannan, eadar ochd agus deich celsius mun Iar, nas fhuaire mun Ear.



The weather with Kirsteen MacDonald

English Beurla

[Angela MacLean – Presenter] And now the weather, with Kirsteen.

[Kirsteen MacDonald – Weather Reporter] Thank you very much, good evening everyone. Well, it’s officially the start of winter today and certainly, the weather will be wintery in many areas this week.

[Kirsteen MacDonald – Weather Reporter] Tonight, then, this rain will continue to push to the south-east. After that, much drier and colder weather, with long spells of bright skies and frozen dew especially inland, to the north of the country. There will be some showers through parts of the north-west tonight which will be wintery on the hills, pushing the wind through from the north-west, which will lift slightly in these areas as the evening progresses. Around minus two celsius at the lowest tonight. Generally, throughout the larger cities, around two to four celsius in general.

[Kirsteen MacDonald – Weather Reporter] Tomorrow, we start with a dry day in many areas, but slightly cold and freezing for many. As the day goes on, the dry spells will continue in the east, the central belt and south of the country, with many light sunny spells. Through the north-west though, showers are expected, especially in the morning with wintery showers on the hills and even on high land, for a while. In the afternoon, these showers are expected to be lighter and less frequent, with sunny spells in between which will result in any snow on higher ground melting.

[Kirsteen MacDonald – Weather Reporter] The wind will change again, as it comes from the west or south-west tomorrow afternoon, at eight xelsius at the most around the west. For everyone else though, the dry spells are expected to last with sunny spells as I was saying, a little cold though, between five and seven celsius with a light wind in coming in.

[Kirsteen MacDonald – Weather Reporter] Taking a look at late afternoon, it will be cold and dry through many areas of the country, and again, these showers keep going through to the north-west.

[Kirsteen MacDonald – Weather Reporter] Taking a look at Wednesday and there’s still mostly a high pressure above the weather. Due to that, it’ll mostly be dry, with sunny spells for many areas in the east. Around the west though, a little cloudy with drizzle at times, between eight and ten celsius around the west, and colder around the east.





dealt reòthaidh

frozen dew





ciaradh an fheasgair

late afternoon

