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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Ubhal-ghortan deug a chur air feadh Pàirce Nàiseanta a' Mhonaidh Ruaidh

Gaelic Gàidhlig

Iain MacIlleathain – Preseantair] Nise, thèid ochd ubhal-ghortan deug, no orchards, a chur air feadh Pàirce Nàiseanta a' Mhonaidh Ruaidh, airson comharrachadh gu bheil deich bliadhna ann bho chaidh a' phàirc a stèidheachadh. 'S ann le seòrsaichean ubhail Albannach a thèid a lìonadh, agus ann an cuid de shuidheachaidhean, gheibh am poball cothrom air a' mheas a bhuain. Tha tuilleadh fiosrachaidh aig Teàrlach Quinnell.

[Teàrlach Quinnell - Neach-aithris] Nuair a smaoinicheas tu air ubhal-ghortan, ’s ann air talamh ìosal, torrach, grianach a laigheas d’aigne. Chan ann mar sin a tha Pàirc Nàiseanta a' Mhonaidh Ruaidh, ach tha ochd ubhal-ghortan deug gan stèidhicheadh air feadh na pàirce, a’ comharrachadh gu bheil a’ phàirc deich bliadhna a dh’aois. Chuir diofar bhuidhnean iarrtasan a-steach agus tha iad a’ faighinn an craobhan bhon Ùghdarras ann an co-bhann leis a’ bhuidhinn Food for Life. Ged nach fhàs craobhan-ubhail àbhaisteach ro mhath sa phàirc, fàsaidh ùbhlan traidiseanta Albhannach.

[Glynis Ross] We’re working in Highland communities and when you walk into these communities, people don’t necessarily think they can grow fruit and so if you’d said about planting apple trees “No, no, that doesn’t grow here”. And so there’s an education behind this and letting people know that there’s actually several hundreds of varieties of apples and many of them are Scottish varieties and so we’ve stuck with that in all of the orchards and we’re looking at the different sites that we’ve got and we’ll have specifically chosen varieties that will work in those places as well, to give us the best rate of success.

[Teàrlach Quinnell - Neach-aithris] Chan e Ùghdarras na Pàirce a-mhàin a tha a’ coimhead ris na tha de bhiadh ga fhàs sa sgìre a leudachadh. Ann an Ceann a’ Ghiùthsaich, tha pròiseact a’ dol gus liosan a chruthachadh a ghabhas daoine air màl. Thèid ubhal-ghort a chur ann cuideachd. Tha taic mhòr aig leithid de phròiseactan am measg an t-sluaigh agus tha foghlam aig teas-meadhan a’ ghnothaich.

[Maureen Hammond] Tha an dòchas gum biodh na liosan seo agus an ubhal-ghort a’ toirt cothrom foghlam do chlann is, ‘s dòcha, do dhaoine a’ bhaile cuideachd an cuid fhèin fhàs. Is tha e gu math cudromach dèanamh sin oir a rèir Survey Nàiseanta Chloinne, thuirt feadhainn gun tàinig càis bho lusan is buntàta bho chraobhan. Is mar sin, tha e glè chudromach a bhith a’ teagaisg dhan chlann às a thàinig am biadh againne.

[Teàrlach Quinnell - Neach-aithris] Far a bheil na h-ubhal-ghortan air talamh poblach, faodaidh duine sam bith cothrom fhaighinn air ùbhlan a bhuain. Chan e rud ùr sam bith a th’ ann a bhith a’ cur measan anns an sgìre seo. Agus mar phàirt de na phròiseactan ann an Ceann a’ Ghiùthsaich an seo, thèid gearragan a thoirt far nan seann chraobhan siristeach a th’ air a bhith an seo o chionn fhada agus an cur air freumhaichean ùra gus beatha nas fhaide a thoirt dhaibh. Teàrlach Quinnell, BBC An Là, ann am Bàideanach.



Orchards planted in The Cairngorms National Park

English Beurla

[Iain MacLean – Presenter] Now 18 orchards will be planted all offer the Cairngorms National Park to celebrate ten years since the Park was founded. It’s been filled with Scottish varieties of apples and in many cases; the public will get the chance to pick the fruit. Charles Quinnell has more information.

[Charles Quinnell - Reporter] When you think of orchards, it’s of low, fertile, sunny ground that your mind turns to. It’s not like that on the Cairngorms National Park, but 18 orchards have been established all over the park, commemorating that the park is ten years old. Different groups put in requests and they are getting the trees from the trust in partnership with the group Food for Life. Although normal apple trees won’t grow too well in the park, traditional Scottish apples will.

[Glynis Ross] We’re working in Highland communities and when you walk into these communities, people don’t necessarily think they can grow fruit and so if you’d said about planting apple trees “No, no, that doesn’t grow here”. And so there’s an education behind this and letting people know that there’s actually several hundreds of varieties of apples and many of them are Scottish varieties and so we’ve stuck with that in all of the orchards and we’re looking at the different sites that we’ve got and we’ll have specifically chosen varieties that will work in those places as well, to give us the best rate of success.

[Charles Quinnell - Reporter] It is not only the Park Trust who are looking at expanding food growth in the area. In Kingussie, there is a project is going where plots are created to rent to people. You are encouraged to grow things. There is a lot of support for this type of project amongst the population and education is at the centre of the business.

[Maureen Hammond] The hope is that these plots and orchard offer an education opportunity to children and maybe to people of the town too to grow things themselves. It is important to do that as according to a national children’s society, many said that cheese came from plants and potatoes came from trees. And as such, it is really important to teach to the children where our food comes.

[Charles Quinnell - Reporter] Where the trees are on public ground, any person has the chance to pick apples. It is not a knew thing to grow fruit in this area. And as a part of these projects in Kingussie, cuttings are taken from old cherry trees that have been here for a long time and planted as new roots to give them a longer life. Charles Quinnell, BBC An Là, in Badenoch.



Ubhal-ghortan deug a chur air feadh Pàirce Nàiseanta a' Mhonaidh Ruaidh

Gaelic Gàidhlig

Iain MacIlleathain – Preseantair] Nise, thèid ochd ubhal-ghortan deug, no orchards, a chur air feadh Pàirce Nàiseanta a' Mhonaidh Ruaidh, airson comharrachadh gu bheil deich bliadhna ann bho chaidh a' phàirc a stèidheachadh. 'S ann le seòrsaichean ubhail Albannach a thèid a lìonadh, agus ann an cuid de shuidheachaidhean, gheibh am poball cothrom air a' mheas a bhuain. Tha tuilleadh fiosrachaidh aig Teàrlach Quinnell.

[Teàrlach Quinnell - Neach-aithris] Nuair a smaoinicheas tu air ubhal-ghortan, ’s ann air talamh ìosal, torrach, grianach a laigheas d’aigne. Chan ann mar sin a tha Pàirc Nàiseanta a' Mhonaidh Ruaidh, ach tha ochd ubhal-ghortan deug gan stèidhicheadh air feadh na pàirce, a’ comharrachadh gu bheil a’ phàirc deich bliadhna a dh’aois. Chuir diofar bhuidhnean iarrtasan a-steach agus tha iad a’ faighinn an craobhan bhon Ùghdarras ann an co-bhann leis a’ bhuidhinn Food for Life. Ged nach fhàs craobhan-ubhail àbhaisteach ro mhath sa phàirc, fàsaidh ùbhlan traidiseanta Albhannach.

[Glynis Ross] We’re working in Highland communities and when you walk into these communities, people don’t necessarily think they can grow fruit and so if you’d said about planting apple trees “No, no, that doesn’t grow here”. And so there’s an education behind this and letting people know that there’s actually several hundreds of varieties of apples and many of them are Scottish varieties and so we’ve stuck with that in all of the orchards and we’re looking at the different sites that we’ve got and we’ll have specifically chosen varieties that will work in those places as well, to give us the best rate of success.

[Teàrlach Quinnell - Neach-aithris] Chan e Ùghdarras na Pàirce a-mhàin a tha a’ coimhead ris na tha de bhiadh ga fhàs sa sgìre a leudachadh. Ann an Ceann a’ Ghiùthsaich, tha pròiseact a’ dol gus liosan a chruthachadh a ghabhas daoine air màl. Thèid ubhal-ghort a chur ann cuideachd. Tha taic mhòr aig leithid de phròiseactan am measg an t-sluaigh agus tha foghlam aig teas-meadhan a’ ghnothaich.

[Maureen Hammond] Tha an dòchas gum biodh na liosan seo agus an ubhal-ghort a’ toirt cothrom foghlam do chlann is, ‘s dòcha, do dhaoine a’ bhaile cuideachd an cuid fhèin fhàs. Is tha e gu math cudromach dèanamh sin oir a rèir Survey Nàiseanta Chloinne, thuirt feadhainn gun tàinig càis bho lusan is buntàta bho chraobhan. Is mar sin, tha e glè chudromach a bhith a’ teagaisg dhan chlann às a thàinig am biadh againne.

[Teàrlach Quinnell - Neach-aithris] Far a bheil na h-ubhal-ghortan air talamh poblach, faodaidh duine sam bith cothrom fhaighinn air ùbhlan a bhuain. Chan e rud ùr sam bith a th’ ann a bhith a’ cur measan anns an sgìre seo. Agus mar phàirt de na phròiseactan ann an Ceann a’ Ghiùthsaich an seo, thèid gearragan a thoirt far nan seann chraobhan siristeach a th’ air a bhith an seo o chionn fhada agus an cur air freumhaichean ùra gus beatha nas fhaide a thoirt dhaibh. Teàrlach Quinnell, BBC An Là, ann am Bàideanach.



Orchards planted in The Cairngorms National Park

English Beurla

[Iain MacLean – Presenter] Now 18 orchards will be planted all offer the Cairngorms National Park to celebrate ten years since the Park was founded. It’s been filled with Scottish varieties of apples and in many cases; the public will get the chance to pick the fruit. Charles Quinnell has more information.

[Charles Quinnell - Reporter] When you think of orchards, it’s of low, fertile, sunny ground that your mind turns to. It’s not like that on the Cairngorms National Park, but 18 orchards have been established all over the park, commemorating that the park is ten years old. Different groups put in requests and they are getting the trees from the trust in partnership with the group Food for Life. Although normal apple trees won’t grow too well in the park, traditional Scottish apples will.

[Glynis Ross] We’re working in Highland communities and when you walk into these communities, people don’t necessarily think they can grow fruit and so if you’d said about planting apple trees “No, no, that doesn’t grow here”. And so there’s an education behind this and letting people know that there’s actually several hundreds of varieties of apples and many of them are Scottish varieties and so we’ve stuck with that in all of the orchards and we’re looking at the different sites that we’ve got and we’ll have specifically chosen varieties that will work in those places as well, to give us the best rate of success.

[Charles Quinnell - Reporter] It is not only the Park Trust who are looking at expanding food growth in the area. In Kingussie, there is a project is going where plots are created to rent to people. You are encouraged to grow things. There is a lot of support for this type of project amongst the population and education is at the centre of the business.

[Maureen Hammond] The hope is that these plots and orchard offer an education opportunity to children and maybe to people of the town too to grow things themselves. It is important to do that as according to a national children’s society, many said that cheese came from plants and potatoes came from trees. And as such, it is really important to teach to the children where our food comes.

[Charles Quinnell - Reporter] Where the trees are on public ground, any person has the chance to pick apples. It is not a knew thing to grow fruit in this area. And as a part of these projects in Kingussie, cuttings are taken from old cherry trees that have been here for a long time and planted as new roots to give them a longer life. Charles Quinnell, BBC An Là, in Badenoch.





Ceann a’ Ghiuthsaich







plot (of land)