FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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An 15mh Còmhdhail Eadar-nàiseanta na Ceiltis aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Anne Lundon – Preseantair] Calum MacIlleathain ag aithris. Thèid an 15mh Còmhdhail Eadar-nàiseanta na Ceiltis a chumail airson a’ chiad uair aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu an ath-mhìos. Thathar a’ meas na Còmhdhail mar a’ phrìomh chruinneachadh de sgoilearan eachdraidh agus cànain nan Ceilteach agus e a’ gabhail àite a h-uile ceithir bliadhna. Tha tuilleadh aig an fhear-naidheachd againn Kerr Gibb.

[Kerr Gibb – Neach-aithris] Bha Aonghas MacMhathain - a’ chiad Chathair Ceilteach aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu - an làthair aig a’ Chiad Chòmhdhail Eadar-nàiseanta ann am Baile Atha Cliath, ann an 1959. Ach, cha deach a’ Chòmhdhail a chumail aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu fhèin gu ruige seo.

[Roibeard O Maolalaigh] Dh’ fheumadh sinn tagradh agus iarrtas a chur a-staigh air a shon ‘s bha tòrr farpais ann gun teagamh agus dh’ fheumadh sinn sin a dhèanamh aig a’ cho-labhairt mu dheireadh. Tha mi uabhasach toilichte gun deach againn agus gun deach leinn leis an iarrtas againn agus gu math math toilichte gu bheil i tighinn thugainn.

[Kerr Gibb – Neach-aithris] Bidh 450 a’ frithealadh is iad a’ tighinn bho chòig thar fhichead dùthaich air feadh an t-saoghail. Le mu 350 pàipearean acadaimigeach gan toirt seachad air cuspairean cho farsaing ri na Ceiltich ann an Galicia, agus Leabhraichean Cloinne ann an Cuimris. Agus thèid 4 ceuman urramach a bhuileachadh le urram sònraichte dhan Ghàidhlig.

[Roibeard O Maolalaigh] ‘S e urram dha-rìribh a th’ann do dh’oilthigh Ghlaschu, a’ chiad trup a bha a’ cho-labhairt againn. Ach, tha sinne airson urram a thoirt dhan Ghàidhlig agus tha, tha a’ Ghàidhig air cridhe na Còmhdhalach tha seo agus tha sin gu bhith gu math math làidir mu dheidhinn sin agus mar eisimpleir, air an sin, tha sinn gu bhith toirt seachad ceithir ceuman urramach do shàr sgoilearan. Coigrich a th’ annta uile ach a thàinig an seo o chionn ‘s dòcha 40 bliadhna agus a rinn obair dìreach ionmholta air Gàidhealtachd le dual-chainntean nach eil beò an-diugh airson a’ mhòr-chuid.

[Kerr Gibb – Neach-aithris] Tha cuid air gearan a dhèanamh nach eil e comasach tiogaid airson aon latha a-mhàin a cheannach.

[Fiona Dunn] Rinn sinn co-dhùnadh bhon toiseach gun a bhith tabhainn tiogaidean airson aon latha. Chan e co-labhairt àbhaisteach a th’ann idir anns a’ Chòmhdhail. Tha cothroman gu bhith ann èisteachd ri pàipearan rannsachaidh bho air feadh an t-saoghail, tha cothroman ann a dhol an lùib tachartasan sòisealta agus cuideachd a dhol air chuairt an taobh a-muigh Ghlaschu. Tha sinne an dòchas gun gabh daoine ris na cothroman air fad sin agus gu sònraichte leis nach bi a’ chòmhdhail ach a’ tachairt aon turas gach ceithir bliadhna.

[Kerr Gibb – Neach-aithris] Mar cheannard Urramach na Còmhdhalach tha an t-Ollamh Dòmhnall Meek.

[Dòmhnall Meek] Tha an sgoilearachd aig cridhe a’ ghnothaich air fad agus farsaingeachd sgoilearachd. Tha an saoghal gu lèir a’ tighinn a Ghlaschu mar gum biodh, na sgoilearan. Bidh daoine ann à Èirinn agus à Iapan, à thaobh an t-saoghail, agus tha seo na dhealbh air cho farsaing ‘s a tha na sgrùdaidhean Ceilteach air fàs farsing air feadh an t-saoghail agus cuideachd farsaing a thaobh chuspairean.

[Kerr Gibb – Neach-aithris] Le 350 pàipear gan toirt seachad agus còrr is 400 gu bhith a’ tadhal ‘s e tachartas a tha seo air a bheil gu leòr a dèanamh fiughair. Kerr Gibb BBC An Là, Oilthigh Ghlaschu.



The 15th International Congress of Celtic Studies at the University of Glasgow

English Beurla

[Anne Lundon – Presenter] Calum Maclean reporting. The 15th International Congress of Celtic Studies will be held for the first time at the University of Glasgow next month. The Congress, which takes place every four years, is considered to be the foremost gathering of Celtic culture and language scholars. Our reporter Kerr Gibb has more.

[Kerr Gibb – Reporter] Angus Matheson – the first Professor of Celtic at the University of Glasgow - attended the first International Congress in Dublin in 1959. But the Congress has never been held at the University of Glasgow until now.

[Roibeard O Maolalaigh]We had to put in an application for it at the last conference and indeed, there was plenty of competition. I’m very pleased our application was successful and very very happy that the congress is coming to us.

[Kerr Gibb – Reporter] There will be 450 delegates attending from 25 different countries all over the world, around 350 academic papers being distributed on subjects as varied as the Celts in Galicia and Welsh children’s books. Four honorary degrees will be awarded with a special for Gaelic.

[Roibeard O Maolalaigh] It’s a great honour for the University of Glasgow, the first time we’ve held the conference. But, we want to give a special place to Gaelic, it is at the heart of this Congress and we are going to really emphasize that. An example of this is that we are going to be giving out four honourary degrees to exceptional scholars. They are all non-Gaels who came here around 40 years ago and the work they did on the forgotten dialects of the Highlands and is commendable.

[Kerr Gibb – Reporter] Some have complained that you can’t buy day tickets.

[Fiona Dunn] We decided from the start not to offer day tickets. The Congress isn’t your normal conference. There will be opportunities to listen to research papers from all over the world, chances to get involved in social events and also take trips out of Glasgow. We hope people will make the most of all these opportunities as the Congress only take place once every four years.

[Kerr Gibb – Reporter] The Honorary President of the Congress is Professor Donald Meek.

[Donald Meek] Academia is at the heart of the matter, primarily academia. The whole world is coming to Glasgow as it were, the academies. There will be people from Ireland and from Japan, from both sides of the world and this shows how diverse Celtic research has become all over the world and also shows the wealth of subjects.

[Kerr Gibb – Reporter] With 350 papers being delivered and almost 400 delegates attending, many are looking forward to the event. Kerr Gibb, BBC An Là, the University of Glasgow.



An 15mh Còmhdhail Eadar-nàiseanta na Ceiltis aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Anne Lundon – Preseantair] Calum MacIlleathain ag aithris. Thèid an 15mh Còmhdhail Eadar-nàiseanta na Ceiltis a chumail airson a’ chiad uair aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu an ath-mhìos. Thathar a’ meas na Còmhdhail mar a’ phrìomh chruinneachadh de sgoilearan eachdraidh agus cànain nan Ceilteach agus e a’ gabhail àite a h-uile ceithir bliadhna. Tha tuilleadh aig an fhear-naidheachd againn Kerr Gibb.

[Kerr Gibb – Neach-aithris] Bha Aonghas MacMhathain - a’ chiad Chathair Ceilteach aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu - an làthair aig a’ Chiad Chòmhdhail Eadar-nàiseanta ann am Baile Atha Cliath, ann an 1959. Ach, cha deach a’ Chòmhdhail a chumail aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu fhèin gu ruige seo.

[Roibeard O Maolalaigh] Dh’ fheumadh sinn tagradh agus iarrtas a chur a-staigh air a shon ‘s bha tòrr farpais ann gun teagamh agus dh’ fheumadh sinn sin a dhèanamh aig a’ cho-labhairt mu dheireadh. Tha mi uabhasach toilichte gun deach againn agus gun deach leinn leis an iarrtas againn agus gu math math toilichte gu bheil i tighinn thugainn.

[Kerr Gibb – Neach-aithris] Bidh 450 a’ frithealadh is iad a’ tighinn bho chòig thar fhichead dùthaich air feadh an t-saoghail. Le mu 350 pàipearean acadaimigeach gan toirt seachad air cuspairean cho farsaing ri na Ceiltich ann an Galicia, agus Leabhraichean Cloinne ann an Cuimris. Agus thèid 4 ceuman urramach a bhuileachadh le urram sònraichte dhan Ghàidhlig.

[Roibeard O Maolalaigh] ‘S e urram dha-rìribh a th’ann do dh’oilthigh Ghlaschu, a’ chiad trup a bha a’ cho-labhairt againn. Ach, tha sinne airson urram a thoirt dhan Ghàidhlig agus tha, tha a’ Ghàidhig air cridhe na Còmhdhalach tha seo agus tha sin gu bhith gu math math làidir mu dheidhinn sin agus mar eisimpleir, air an sin, tha sinn gu bhith toirt seachad ceithir ceuman urramach do shàr sgoilearan. Coigrich a th’ annta uile ach a thàinig an seo o chionn ‘s dòcha 40 bliadhna agus a rinn obair dìreach ionmholta air Gàidhealtachd le dual-chainntean nach eil beò an-diugh airson a’ mhòr-chuid.

[Kerr Gibb – Neach-aithris] Tha cuid air gearan a dhèanamh nach eil e comasach tiogaid airson aon latha a-mhàin a cheannach.

[Fiona Dunn] Rinn sinn co-dhùnadh bhon toiseach gun a bhith tabhainn tiogaidean airson aon latha. Chan e co-labhairt àbhaisteach a th’ann idir anns a’ Chòmhdhail. Tha cothroman gu bhith ann èisteachd ri pàipearan rannsachaidh bho air feadh an t-saoghail, tha cothroman ann a dhol an lùib tachartasan sòisealta agus cuideachd a dhol air chuairt an taobh a-muigh Ghlaschu. Tha sinne an dòchas gun gabh daoine ris na cothroman air fad sin agus gu sònraichte leis nach bi a’ chòmhdhail ach a’ tachairt aon turas gach ceithir bliadhna.

[Kerr Gibb – Neach-aithris] Mar cheannard Urramach na Còmhdhalach tha an t-Ollamh Dòmhnall Meek.

[Dòmhnall Meek] Tha an sgoilearachd aig cridhe a’ ghnothaich air fad agus farsaingeachd sgoilearachd. Tha an saoghal gu lèir a’ tighinn a Ghlaschu mar gum biodh, na sgoilearan. Bidh daoine ann à Èirinn agus à Iapan, à thaobh an t-saoghail, agus tha seo na dhealbh air cho farsaing ‘s a tha na sgrùdaidhean Ceilteach air fàs farsing air feadh an t-saoghail agus cuideachd farsaing a thaobh chuspairean.

[Kerr Gibb – Neach-aithris] Le 350 pàipear gan toirt seachad agus còrr is 400 gu bhith a’ tadhal ‘s e tachartas a tha seo air a bheil gu leòr a dèanamh fiughair. Kerr Gibb BBC An Là, Oilthigh Ghlaschu.



The 15th International Congress of Celtic Studies at the University of Glasgow

English Beurla

[Anne Lundon – Presenter] Calum Maclean reporting. The 15th International Congress of Celtic Studies will be held for the first time at the University of Glasgow next month. The Congress, which takes place every four years, is considered to be the foremost gathering of Celtic culture and language scholars. Our reporter Kerr Gibb has more.

[Kerr Gibb – Reporter] Angus Matheson – the first Professor of Celtic at the University of Glasgow - attended the first International Congress in Dublin in 1959. But the Congress has never been held at the University of Glasgow until now.

[Roibeard O Maolalaigh]We had to put in an application for it at the last conference and indeed, there was plenty of competition. I’m very pleased our application was successful and very very happy that the congress is coming to us.

[Kerr Gibb – Reporter] There will be 450 delegates attending from 25 different countries all over the world, around 350 academic papers being distributed on subjects as varied as the Celts in Galicia and Welsh children’s books. Four honorary degrees will be awarded with a special for Gaelic.

[Roibeard O Maolalaigh] It’s a great honour for the University of Glasgow, the first time we’ve held the conference. But, we want to give a special place to Gaelic, it is at the heart of this Congress and we are going to really emphasize that. An example of this is that we are going to be giving out four honourary degrees to exceptional scholars. They are all non-Gaels who came here around 40 years ago and the work they did on the forgotten dialects of the Highlands and is commendable.

[Kerr Gibb – Reporter] Some have complained that you can’t buy day tickets.

[Fiona Dunn] We decided from the start not to offer day tickets. The Congress isn’t your normal conference. There will be opportunities to listen to research papers from all over the world, chances to get involved in social events and also take trips out of Glasgow. We hope people will make the most of all these opportunities as the Congress only take place once every four years.

[Kerr Gibb – Reporter] The Honorary President of the Congress is Professor Donald Meek.

[Donald Meek] Academia is at the heart of the matter, primarily academia. The whole world is coming to Glasgow as it were, the academies. There will be people from Ireland and from Japan, from both sides of the world and this shows how diverse Celtic research has become all over the world and also shows the wealth of subjects.

[Kerr Gibb – Reporter] With 350 papers being delivered and almost 400 delegates attending, many are looking forward to the event. Kerr Gibb, BBC An Là, the University of Glasgow.



Còmhdhail Eadar-nàiseanta na Ceiltis

International Congress of Celtic Studies

Oilthigh Ghlaschu

University of Glasgow

Baile Atha Cliath






pàipearan rannsachaidh

research papers