FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Teachdaireachd do luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig bho Alasdair Allan

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Angela NicIlleathain – Preseantair] is coireach gu bheil Gàidheil tric a’ diùltadh an cànan a bhruidhinn anns na coimhearsnachdan aca fhèin fiù ’s ri clann ann am foghlam Gàidhlig. Thog ministear chànanan na h-Alba, Alasdair Allan, a’ cheist an-diugh 's e toirt seachad òraid aig co-labhairt thidsearan Gàidhlig. Thuirt e gu feumar freagairt fhaighinn agus a’ chùis a leasachadh. Gheall e cuideachd gun tèid neartachadh air bile an fhoghlaim a thaobh na Gàidhlig fhoillseachadh a dh’ aithghearr. Tha Dòmhnall Moireasdan ag aithris.

[Dòmhnall Moireasdan – Neach-aithris] Bùithtean-obrach anns gach oisean. Tidsearan ag ionnsachadh mu ghoireasan teagaisg ùra. ‘S ann mu theagasg a tha co-labhairt Alltan. Ach tha cothrom air ceistean nas motha cuideachd. Tha bile foghlaim a’ dol tron phàrlamaid an-dràsta. Stèidhicheadh e process tro feum Comhairlean dèiligeadh le iarrtas airson foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig. Ach tha cuid mì-thoilichte nach toir e làn chòir air foghlam Gàidhlig. Ged nach bi i sin ann, gheall ministear an fhoghlaim Alasdair Allan gum foillsich e neartachadh air a’ bhile a dh’ aithghearr.

[Alasdair Allan BPA] Tha mise a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil cothrom ann airson a bhith bruidhinn mu dheidhinn cuspairean mar ‘entitlement’ agus a leithid. Cuspairean mar ‘presumption.’ So, am facal as fhèarr a th’ann fon lagha? Feumaidh sinn a bhith faiceallach am facal as fhèarr a th’ann. Ach bidh rudeigin anns na molaidhean mu a bhith dèiligeadh ris na ceistean a tha air a bhith gan togail mu dheidhinn nan còirichean sin.

[Dòmhnall Moireasdan – Neach-aithris] Anns an òraid rinn am ministear soilleir gu bheil na bheachd san, foghlam garbh cudromach ach nach dèan e leis fhèin e. Thuirt e gu robh e airson barrachd Gàidhlig fhaicinn anns na coimhearsnachdan agus daoine aig a bheil a’ Ghàidhlig a’ bruidhinn na Gàidhlig barrachd ris a’ chloinn a tha dol dhan sgoil.

[Alasdair Allan BPA] Bu chòir dhuinn gu dearbha, feumaidh sinn an suidheachadh seo a leasachadh. Feumaidh sinn obrachadh còmhla, na coimhearsnachdan Gàidhlig air feadh na h-Alba gus dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil an cànan ga chleachdadh ann am beatha làitheil. Nam choimhearsnachd fhèin, tha mi air luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig fhaicinn ‘s iad a’ diùltadh Gàidhlig a bhruidhinn ri clann a tha fileanta sa Ghàidhlig. Feumaidh sinn faighinn gu cnag na cùise feuch carson a tha seo fhathast.

[Dòmhnall Moireasdan – Neach-aithris] Ceistean mòra, ach chuir am ministear goireas ùr aig bhog an-diugh cuideachd. Go! Gaelic. Air a dhealbh le Stòrlann airson tidsearan a chuideachadh a’ teagaisg na h-uimhir de Ghàidhlig ann an sgoiltean Beurla na h-Alba.

[Dòmhnall Moireasdan] Saoilidh mi gu bheil cothrom againn an seo àrdachadh mòr mòr mòr a dhèanamh air na h-àireamhan a tha co-dhiù a’ faighinn beagan tuigse air a’ chànan. Agus co aig a tha fios, ‘s dòcha gun tog iad air sin nuair a ghluaiseas iad chun àrd-sgoil.

[Dòmhnall Moireasdan – Neach-aithris] Ach ‘s e an teachdaireachd as inntinniche bhon latha an-diugh gu dòcha gur ann ri na Gàidheil fhèin anns na coimhearsnachdan a tha e an urra an ath cheum do leasachadh na Gàidhlig a ghluasad bho dhearg gu uaine. Dòmhnall Moireasdan, BBC An anns an Aghaidh Mhòr.



A message to Gaelic speakers from Alasdair Allan

English Beurla

[Angela MacLean – Presenter] What is causing Gaels to often refuse to speak the language in their own communities, even to children in Gaelic education? The Minister for Scotland’s languages, Alasdair Allan, raised this question today whilst giving a speech at a conference for Gaelic teachers. He said an answer was needed to address the issue. He also promised that the education bill with respect to Gaelic will be strengthened and published soon. Donald Morrison reports.

[Donald Morrison- Reporter] Workshops in every corner. Teachers learning about new teaching facilities. The An t-Alltan conference is about teaching. But there’s an opportunity for greaterquestions too. The education bill is currently being passed through Parliament. It will put in place a process whereby authorities can assess requests for Gaelic medium education. But some are unhappy that Gaelic Education won’t be an entitlement. Despite this, Language Minister Alasdair Allan promised he would publish a strengthened bill soon.

[Alasdair Allan MSP] I believe that there’s an opportunity to be discussing subjects like entitlement and such things. Subjects such as presumption. So, what is the correct term by law? We must be careful with the best choice of word. But there will be something in the recommendations about dealing with questions raised. regarding these rights.

[Donald Morrison- Reporter] In the speech the minister made it clear that in his opinion, education is extremely important but that he cannot do it alone. He said he wanted to see more Gaelic in communities and that people with Gaelic should be speaking more Gaelic to school children??

[Alasdair Allan MSP] We must indeed improve this situation. We need to work together, Gaelic communities across Scotland, to ensure that the language is being used in day to day life. In my own community, I’ve witnessed Gaelic speakers refusing to speak Gaelic to children who are fluent in the language. We must get to the heart of the matter to see why this is still the case.

[Donald Morrison - Reporter] Big questions, but today the minister also launched a new facility. Go! Gaelic. Designed by Stòrlann to help teachers teach some Gaelic in English only schools in Scotland.

[Donald Morrison] I believe that we have an opportunity to to greatly increase the number of people who have an understanding of the language. And who knows, perhaps they’ll pick it up when they move to secondary school.

[Donald Morrison- Reporter] But the most interesting message from today is that perhaps the responsibility to develop Gaelic and bring it a step forward from red to green, lies with Gaels themselves. Donald Morrison, BBC An Là in Aviemore.



Teachdaireachd do luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig bho Alasdair Allan

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Angela NicIlleathain – Preseantair] is coireach gu bheil Gàidheil tric a’ diùltadh an cànan a bhruidhinn anns na coimhearsnachdan aca fhèin fiù ’s ri clann ann am foghlam Gàidhlig. Thog ministear chànanan na h-Alba, Alasdair Allan, a’ cheist an-diugh 's e toirt seachad òraid aig co-labhairt thidsearan Gàidhlig. Thuirt e gu feumar freagairt fhaighinn agus a’ chùis a leasachadh. Gheall e cuideachd gun tèid neartachadh air bile an fhoghlaim a thaobh na Gàidhlig fhoillseachadh a dh’ aithghearr. Tha Dòmhnall Moireasdan ag aithris.

[Dòmhnall Moireasdan – Neach-aithris] Bùithtean-obrach anns gach oisean. Tidsearan ag ionnsachadh mu ghoireasan teagaisg ùra. ‘S ann mu theagasg a tha co-labhairt Alltan. Ach tha cothrom air ceistean nas motha cuideachd. Tha bile foghlaim a’ dol tron phàrlamaid an-dràsta. Stèidhicheadh e process tro feum Comhairlean dèiligeadh le iarrtas airson foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig. Ach tha cuid mì-thoilichte nach toir e làn chòir air foghlam Gàidhlig. Ged nach bi i sin ann, gheall ministear an fhoghlaim Alasdair Allan gum foillsich e neartachadh air a’ bhile a dh’ aithghearr.

[Alasdair Allan BPA] Tha mise a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil cothrom ann airson a bhith bruidhinn mu dheidhinn cuspairean mar ‘entitlement’ agus a leithid. Cuspairean mar ‘presumption.’ So, am facal as fhèarr a th’ann fon lagha? Feumaidh sinn a bhith faiceallach am facal as fhèarr a th’ann. Ach bidh rudeigin anns na molaidhean mu a bhith dèiligeadh ris na ceistean a tha air a bhith gan togail mu dheidhinn nan còirichean sin.

[Dòmhnall Moireasdan – Neach-aithris] Anns an òraid rinn am ministear soilleir gu bheil na bheachd san, foghlam garbh cudromach ach nach dèan e leis fhèin e. Thuirt e gu robh e airson barrachd Gàidhlig fhaicinn anns na coimhearsnachdan agus daoine aig a bheil a’ Ghàidhlig a’ bruidhinn na Gàidhlig barrachd ris a’ chloinn a tha dol dhan sgoil.

[Alasdair Allan BPA] Bu chòir dhuinn gu dearbha, feumaidh sinn an suidheachadh seo a leasachadh. Feumaidh sinn obrachadh còmhla, na coimhearsnachdan Gàidhlig air feadh na h-Alba gus dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil an cànan ga chleachdadh ann am beatha làitheil. Nam choimhearsnachd fhèin, tha mi air luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig fhaicinn ‘s iad a’ diùltadh Gàidhlig a bhruidhinn ri clann a tha fileanta sa Ghàidhlig. Feumaidh sinn faighinn gu cnag na cùise feuch carson a tha seo fhathast.

[Dòmhnall Moireasdan – Neach-aithris] Ceistean mòra, ach chuir am ministear goireas ùr aig bhog an-diugh cuideachd. Go! Gaelic. Air a dhealbh le Stòrlann airson tidsearan a chuideachadh a’ teagaisg na h-uimhir de Ghàidhlig ann an sgoiltean Beurla na h-Alba.

[Dòmhnall Moireasdan] Saoilidh mi gu bheil cothrom againn an seo àrdachadh mòr mòr mòr a dhèanamh air na h-àireamhan a tha co-dhiù a’ faighinn beagan tuigse air a’ chànan. Agus co aig a tha fios, ‘s dòcha gun tog iad air sin nuair a ghluaiseas iad chun àrd-sgoil.

[Dòmhnall Moireasdan – Neach-aithris] Ach ‘s e an teachdaireachd as inntinniche bhon latha an-diugh gu dòcha gur ann ri na Gàidheil fhèin anns na coimhearsnachdan a tha e an urra an ath cheum do leasachadh na Gàidhlig a ghluasad bho dhearg gu uaine. Dòmhnall Moireasdan, BBC An anns an Aghaidh Mhòr.



A message to Gaelic speakers from Alasdair Allan

English Beurla

[Angela MacLean – Presenter] What is causing Gaels to often refuse to speak the language in their own communities, even to children in Gaelic education? The Minister for Scotland’s languages, Alasdair Allan, raised this question today whilst giving a speech at a conference for Gaelic teachers. He said an answer was needed to address the issue. He also promised that the education bill with respect to Gaelic will be strengthened and published soon. Donald Morrison reports.

[Donald Morrison- Reporter] Workshops in every corner. Teachers learning about new teaching facilities. The An t-Alltan conference is about teaching. But there’s an opportunity for greaterquestions too. The education bill is currently being passed through Parliament. It will put in place a process whereby authorities can assess requests for Gaelic medium education. But some are unhappy that Gaelic Education won’t be an entitlement. Despite this, Language Minister Alasdair Allan promised he would publish a strengthened bill soon.

[Alasdair Allan MSP] I believe that there’s an opportunity to be discussing subjects like entitlement and such things. Subjects such as presumption. So, what is the correct term by law? We must be careful with the best choice of word. But there will be something in the recommendations about dealing with questions raised. regarding these rights.

[Donald Morrison- Reporter] In the speech the minister made it clear that in his opinion, education is extremely important but that he cannot do it alone. He said he wanted to see more Gaelic in communities and that people with Gaelic should be speaking more Gaelic to school children??

[Alasdair Allan MSP] We must indeed improve this situation. We need to work together, Gaelic communities across Scotland, to ensure that the language is being used in day to day life. In my own community, I’ve witnessed Gaelic speakers refusing to speak Gaelic to children who are fluent in the language. We must get to the heart of the matter to see why this is still the case.

[Donald Morrison - Reporter] Big questions, but today the minister also launched a new facility. Go! Gaelic. Designed by Stòrlann to help teachers teach some Gaelic in English only schools in Scotland.

[Donald Morrison] I believe that we have an opportunity to to greatly increase the number of people who have an understanding of the language. And who knows, perhaps they’ll pick it up when they move to secondary school.

[Donald Morrison- Reporter] But the most interesting message from today is that perhaps the responsibility to develop Gaelic and bring it a step forward from red to green, lies with Gaels themselves. Donald Morrison, BBC An Là in Aviemore.



a’ diùltadh




bile an fhoghlaim

education bill





cnag na cùise

heart of the matter

An Aghaidh Mhòr
