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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Ceist mu aitreabh Sgoil an t-Òib

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Angela NicIlleathain – Preseantair] Tha ceist air èirigh mu na thachras do dh’ aitreabh Sgoil an t-Oib anns Na Hearadh. Chuir a’ chomhairle romhpa an sgoil a leasachadh. Chan eil feum an-diugh ge-tà ach air an aon togalach. Thòisich deasbad mu bu chòir tachairt dhan togalach eile, a tha an-dràsta na Sgoil Àraich. Tha roghainn ann a leigeil. Ach tha muinntir an àite son a chumail mar goireas coimhearsnachd. Tha an aithris-sa aig Ruairidh Rothach.

[Ruairidh Rothach – Neach-aithris] Tha Sgoil an t-Oib feumach air leasachadh. Tha oidhirp a’ dol an-dràsta an dàrna leth dhen togalach ath-nuadhachadh. Ach tha ceist mu choinneamh thachras dhan t-seann Bhunsgoil far a bheil an sgoil-àraich an-dràsta. Le àireamh nan sgoilear air a dhol sìos thar nam bliadhnaichean, chan eil feum air thogalach. Ach tha miann aig muinntir an àite an togalach a chumail air sgàth dìth ghoireis dhe leithid anns an sgìre. Agus chan e seo a mhàin. Tha tòrr eachdraidh co-cheangailte ris an t-seann togalach. Chaidh a thogail ann an linn Leverhulme.

[Hamish Mac an Tàilleir] Tha mi smaoineachadh gur e, mar gum biodh ‘social club’ luchd-obrach aig Lord Leverhulme a bh’ ann an siud anns a’ phìos ud o thoiseach agus mar sin chan eil sinn cinnteach fhathast a bheil e listed no nach eil. Dh’ fhaodadh e bhith gu bheil agus ‘s e sin ceist eile ach tha, cuideachd, ma thèid a chumail tha cosgais gu bhith na lùib agus feumar a h-uile càil dhen sin a chothromachadh ri chèile.

[Ruairidh Rothach – Neach-aithris] Tha cuid de dhaoine a’ gearain air na meadhanan sòisealta mu dhol a-mach na comhairle agus iad ag ràdh gu bheil a’ chomhairle airson an togalach a leigeil gun cothrom a thoirt dhan choimhearsnachd a chleachdadh.

[Catriona Stiùbhart] Uill aig an ìre seo chan eil duine air a thighinn gu co-dhùnadh sam bith mu dheidhinn an dàrna togalaich. Tha àireamh nan sgoilearan air a dhol sìos gu 23 agus le sin tha sin dol a dhèanamh an-àird aon phàirt dhen sgoil agus bha sinn shìos a’ sealltainn dhaibh dealbhan, rud a ghabhadh a dhèanamh ris an sgoil. Ach, cha robh duine air a thighinn air adhart le plana gnìomh sam bith airson an t-seann phìos sgoile a dhèanamh an-àirde. Agus thuirt stiùiriche an fhoghlaim gun toireadh e trì mìosan do bhuidheann sam bith no do dhuine sam bith bha ag iarraidh a thighinn an-àirde le plana gnìomh airson an togalaich.

[Ruairidh Rothach – Neach-aithris] Tha trì mìosan aig muinntir an t-Oib airson plana ghnothachais a chur air dòigh a chuireas an cèill mar a thèid an togalach a chur gu feum. Bidh coinneamh phoblach ann Diluain-sa tighinn airson beachdachadh air an togalach a chur gu feum. Agus tha beachd no dhà air tighinn am bàrr mar-tha .

[Hamish Mac an Tàilleir] Tha tòrr de rudan ann. Ceann a Deas Na Hearadh agus Na Hearadh air fad, chan eil togalaichean againn nach eil air an cleachdadh mar-tha a ghabhadh cleachdadh airson rudan dhen t-seòrsa sin. Agus tha sin a’ cur bacadh gu leòr air iomairtean a dh’ fhaodadh a bhith dol air adhart, nach eil toglaichean againn anns an cuir sinn iad.

[Ruairidh Rothach – Neach-aithris] Ruairidh Rothach, BBC An Là.



Questions about the Leverhulme Memorial School building

English Beurla

[Angela Maclean – Presenter] A question has arisen about what will happen to the Leverhulme Memorial School building in Harris. The council plan to renovate the school. There is only need today though for one building. A debate has begun about what should happen to the other building, which is currently a nursery school. There’s an option to knock it down. But the local people want to keep it as a community facility. Roddy Munro has this report.

[Roddy Munro – Reporter] Leverhulme Memorial School school needs renovated. An effort is currently being made to renovate half of it. But there is a question about what will happen to the old primary school, where the nursery school is just now. With the school roll dropping each year there isn’t a need for two buildings. But the local people wish to keep the building as there’s a lack of such facilities in the area. But that’s not all. The building has a lot of history. It was built in the age of Leverhulme.

[Hamish Taylor] I believe the front bit was a social club of sorts for Lord Leverhulme’s workers and therefore we can’t be sure if it’s listed yet or not. It could well be, that’s another question but also, if it’s kept there will be cost implications. Everything needs to be weighed out.

[Roddy Munro – Reporter] Many people are complaining on social media about the council’s behaviour and they say the council wish to knock down the building without giving the community a chance to use it.

[Catriona Stewart] Well at this stage no conclusion has been reached about the second building. The school roll has gone down to 23 and with that, we are going to do up one part of the school. We went down and showed them pictures of what could be done to the school. But, nobody has come up with any sort of action plan to do up the old part of the school. The director of education said it he would give three months for a group or individual to come up with a business plan for the building.

[Roddy Munro – Reporter] The people of Leverburgh have three months to come up with a business plan which states how the building will be used. There will be a public meeting next Monday to deliberate how the building will be used. And a few ideas have come to light already.

[Hamish Taylor] There are lots of things is could be used for. In South Harris and Harris as a whole there are no buildings that aren’t already in use that could be used for things like that. That restricts events that could be taking place, that we haven’t any buildings for them to take place in.

[Roddy Munro – Reporter] Roddy Munro, BBC An Là.



Ceist mu aitreabh Sgoil an t-Òib

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Angela NicIlleathain – Preseantair] Tha ceist air èirigh mu na thachras do dh’ aitreabh Sgoil an t-Oib anns Na Hearadh. Chuir a’ chomhairle romhpa an sgoil a leasachadh. Chan eil feum an-diugh ge-tà ach air an aon togalach. Thòisich deasbad mu bu chòir tachairt dhan togalach eile, a tha an-dràsta na Sgoil Àraich. Tha roghainn ann a leigeil. Ach tha muinntir an àite son a chumail mar goireas coimhearsnachd. Tha an aithris-sa aig Ruairidh Rothach.

[Ruairidh Rothach – Neach-aithris] Tha Sgoil an t-Oib feumach air leasachadh. Tha oidhirp a’ dol an-dràsta an dàrna leth dhen togalach ath-nuadhachadh. Ach tha ceist mu choinneamh thachras dhan t-seann Bhunsgoil far a bheil an sgoil-àraich an-dràsta. Le àireamh nan sgoilear air a dhol sìos thar nam bliadhnaichean, chan eil feum air thogalach. Ach tha miann aig muinntir an àite an togalach a chumail air sgàth dìth ghoireis dhe leithid anns an sgìre. Agus chan e seo a mhàin. Tha tòrr eachdraidh co-cheangailte ris an t-seann togalach. Chaidh a thogail ann an linn Leverhulme.

[Hamish Mac an Tàilleir] Tha mi smaoineachadh gur e, mar gum biodh ‘social club’ luchd-obrach aig Lord Leverhulme a bh’ ann an siud anns a’ phìos ud o thoiseach agus mar sin chan eil sinn cinnteach fhathast a bheil e listed no nach eil. Dh’ fhaodadh e bhith gu bheil agus ‘s e sin ceist eile ach tha, cuideachd, ma thèid a chumail tha cosgais gu bhith na lùib agus feumar a h-uile càil dhen sin a chothromachadh ri chèile.

[Ruairidh Rothach – Neach-aithris] Tha cuid de dhaoine a’ gearain air na meadhanan sòisealta mu dhol a-mach na comhairle agus iad ag ràdh gu bheil a’ chomhairle airson an togalach a leigeil gun cothrom a thoirt dhan choimhearsnachd a chleachdadh.

[Catriona Stiùbhart] Uill aig an ìre seo chan eil duine air a thighinn gu co-dhùnadh sam bith mu dheidhinn an dàrna togalaich. Tha àireamh nan sgoilearan air a dhol sìos gu 23 agus le sin tha sin dol a dhèanamh an-àird aon phàirt dhen sgoil agus bha sinn shìos a’ sealltainn dhaibh dealbhan, rud a ghabhadh a dhèanamh ris an sgoil. Ach, cha robh duine air a thighinn air adhart le plana gnìomh sam bith airson an t-seann phìos sgoile a dhèanamh an-àirde. Agus thuirt stiùiriche an fhoghlaim gun toireadh e trì mìosan do bhuidheann sam bith no do dhuine sam bith bha ag iarraidh a thighinn an-àirde le plana gnìomh airson an togalaich.

[Ruairidh Rothach – Neach-aithris] Tha trì mìosan aig muinntir an t-Oib airson plana ghnothachais a chur air dòigh a chuireas an cèill mar a thèid an togalach a chur gu feum. Bidh coinneamh phoblach ann Diluain-sa tighinn airson beachdachadh air an togalach a chur gu feum. Agus tha beachd no dhà air tighinn am bàrr mar-tha .

[Hamish Mac an Tàilleir] Tha tòrr de rudan ann. Ceann a Deas Na Hearadh agus Na Hearadh air fad, chan eil togalaichean againn nach eil air an cleachdadh mar-tha a ghabhadh cleachdadh airson rudan dhen t-seòrsa sin. Agus tha sin a’ cur bacadh gu leòr air iomairtean a dh’ fhaodadh a bhith dol air adhart, nach eil toglaichean againn anns an cuir sinn iad.

[Ruairidh Rothach – Neach-aithris] Ruairidh Rothach, BBC An Là.



Questions about the Leverhulme Memorial School building

English Beurla

[Angela Maclean – Presenter] A question has arisen about what will happen to the Leverhulme Memorial School building in Harris. The council plan to renovate the school. There is only need today though for one building. A debate has begun about what should happen to the other building, which is currently a nursery school. There’s an option to knock it down. But the local people want to keep it as a community facility. Roddy Munro has this report.

[Roddy Munro – Reporter] Leverhulme Memorial School school needs renovated. An effort is currently being made to renovate half of it. But there is a question about what will happen to the old primary school, where the nursery school is just now. With the school roll dropping each year there isn’t a need for two buildings. But the local people wish to keep the building as there’s a lack of such facilities in the area. But that’s not all. The building has a lot of history. It was built in the age of Leverhulme.

[Hamish Taylor] I believe the front bit was a social club of sorts for Lord Leverhulme’s workers and therefore we can’t be sure if it’s listed yet or not. It could well be, that’s another question but also, if it’s kept there will be cost implications. Everything needs to be weighed out.

[Roddy Munro – Reporter] Many people are complaining on social media about the council’s behaviour and they say the council wish to knock down the building without giving the community a chance to use it.

[Catriona Stewart] Well at this stage no conclusion has been reached about the second building. The school roll has gone down to 23 and with that, we are going to do up one part of the school. We went down and showed them pictures of what could be done to the school. But, nobody has come up with any sort of action plan to do up the old part of the school. The director of education said it he would give three months for a group or individual to come up with a business plan for the building.

[Roddy Munro – Reporter] The people of Leverburgh have three months to come up with a business plan which states how the building will be used. There will be a public meeting next Monday to deliberate how the building will be used. And a few ideas have come to light already.

[Hamish Taylor] There are lots of things is could be used for. In South Harris and Harris as a whole there are no buildings that aren’t already in use that could be used for things like that. That restricts events that could be taking place, that we haven’t any buildings for them to take place in.

[Roddy Munro – Reporter] Roddy Munro, BBC An Là.



An t-Ob


Sgoil an t-Oib

Leverhulme Memorial School

na meadhanan sòisealta

social media

dol a-mach


plana gnothachais

business plan

Ceann a Deas Na Hearadh

South Harris