FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

News Naidheachdan

B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Ag iomradh timcheall Eilean Mhuile

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Anne Lundon – Preseantair] Thòisich sgioba às Eilean Mhuile air slighe an-dè is iad ag iomradh timcheall air an eilean. Tha astar de 90 mìle na lùib agus thathas an dòchas gun tèid aca a dhèanamh ann an trì latha. Tha iad ga dhèanamh airson airgead a chruinneachadh airson raon-cluiche air an eilean. Tha an aithris seo aig Seonaidh MacCoinnich.

[Seonaidh MacCoinnich – Neach-aithris] Le ceòl na pìoba ri chluinntinn air an cùlaibh, dh’ fhàg an sgoth, An Eala Bhàn agus Sìne Bhàn, ’s iad a’ dèanamh oidhirp a dhol timcheall Eilean Mhuile. Chan ann cho tric sin a bhios latha cho ciùin 's a th’ann an-dràst ann, rud a tha a’ toirt toileachas dha na sgiobaidhean. Thèid aca air stad nuair a bhios i dorcha, agus daoine de gach aois a’ gabhail pàirt san iomairt.

[Niall MacAonghais] Bidh mi, an trup seo tha mise ag iomradh Diardaoin agus anns an safety boat Dihaoine. Uill bidh mi ag iomradh Dihaoine cuideachd agus a’ dèanamh safety boat cover. Tha mi smaointinn gum bi sinn shìos mu Loch Spelve no Craignure ‘s a-nuas gu Tobar Mhoire Dihaoine. Tha mi an dòchas co-dhiù!

[Seonaidh MacCoinnich – Neach-aithris] Ach ris a tha a’ mhuir timcheall chladaichean Mhuile coltach?

[Cailean Moireasdan] Bhiodh e nas doirbhe anns na torrannan agus a’ dol timcheall nan rubhannan mar Cailleach agus Treisnis. Ach tha iad gu math fortanach gu bheil an tìde cho ciùin an t-seachdain seo. Tha mi cinnteach gu robh e feumail a’ dol a-mach a dh’iomradh tric anns na seachdainean a chaidh airson dèanamh deiseil.

[Seonaidh MacCoinnich – Neach-aithris] Agus chan eil teagamh ann gum bi e ga fhaireachdainn às dèidh trì latha fada.

[Nick Turnbull] The hands, obviously, start to get blisters on them, there’s no way round that. They’ll get blisters. So you’ve got to go through that pain barrier of blisters. And the muscles are all going to get tired, they’re big boats, they’re heavy oars and it’s going to be tiring without a shadow of a doubt.

[Seonaidh MacCoinnich – Neach-aithris] Thathas an dòchas tron iomairt aca airgead a thogail airson raon-cluiche ùr ann an Dearbhaig.

[Cailean Moireasdan] ’S e pròiseact cudromach a tha seo oir tha ionad-spòrs againn, a tha feumail, mar a tha e a-nis. Agus bhiodh e math dha-rìribh airson clann na sgìre, luchd-turais agus a h-uile duine eile san àite, gum bi àite againn far am bi e comasach spòrs a chluich.

[Seonaidh MacCoinnich – Neach-aithris] Uill tha sinn faisg air Calgairidh air ceann a tuath dhen eilean agus tha iad air 17 mìle a dhèanamh mar-thà. So, chan eil ach 73 mìle ri dhol. Seonaidh MacCoinnich, BBC An Là, Muile.



Isle of Mull row

English Beurla

[Anne Lundon – Presenter] A team from the Isle of Mull yesterday began their journey rowing round the island. It’s a distance of 90 miles and they hope to complete it in three days. They are doing it to raise money for a playing field on the island. Seonaidh MacKenzie has this report.

[Seonaidh MacKenzie – Reporter] With the music of the pipes playing behind them, the two skiffs, An Eala Bhàn and Sìne Bhàn set off on their attempt to go round the Isle of Mull. It’s not very often there’s a day as calm as it is today, something which makes the teams very happy. They will stop when it gets dark, and there’s people of all ages taking part in the venture.

[Neil MacInnes] This time round I will be rowing on Thursday and in the safety boat on Friday. Well I’ll be rowing on Friday too and doing safety boat cover. I think we’ll be down around Loch Spelve or Craignure and coming down to Tobermory on Friday. I hope so anyway!

[Seonaidh MacKenzie – Reporter] But what is the sea around the shores of Mull like?

[Colin Morrison] It will be more difficult around the small hills and going round headlands such as Caliach and Treshnish. But they are very fortunate that the weather is so calm this week. I’m sure it was useful going out rowing the past few weeks in preparation.

[Seonaidh MacKenzie – Reporter] And there’s no doubt that they’ll be feeling it after three long days.

[Nick Turnbull] The hands, obviously, start to get blisters on them, there’s no way round that. They’ll get blisters. So you’ve got to go through that pain barrier of blisters. And the muscles are all going to get tired, they’re big boats, they’re heavy oars and it’s going to be tiring without a shadow of a doubt.

[Seonaidh MacKenzie – Reporter] They hope, through their venture, to raise money to build a new pitch in Dervaig.

[Colin Morrison] It’s an important project as we have a sports centre, a facility which is useful as it is now. And it would very good indeed for the children of the area, tourists and every other person in the area, that there will be a place where they can play sport.

[Seonaidh MacKenzie – Reporter] Well we’re near Calgary in the north end of the island and they’ve already done 17 miles. So, they only have another 73 miles to go. Seonaidh MacKenzie, BBC An Là, Mull.



Ag iomradh timcheall Eilean Mhuile

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Anne Lundon – Preseantair] Thòisich sgioba às Eilean Mhuile air slighe an-dè is iad ag iomradh timcheall air an eilean. Tha astar de 90 mìle na lùib agus thathas an dòchas gun tèid aca a dhèanamh ann an trì latha. Tha iad ga dhèanamh airson airgead a chruinneachadh airson raon-cluiche air an eilean. Tha an aithris seo aig Seonaidh MacCoinnich.

[Seonaidh MacCoinnich – Neach-aithris] Le ceòl na pìoba ri chluinntinn air an cùlaibh, dh’ fhàg an sgoth, An Eala Bhàn agus Sìne Bhàn, ’s iad a’ dèanamh oidhirp a dhol timcheall Eilean Mhuile. Chan ann cho tric sin a bhios latha cho ciùin 's a th’ann an-dràst ann, rud a tha a’ toirt toileachas dha na sgiobaidhean. Thèid aca air stad nuair a bhios i dorcha, agus daoine de gach aois a’ gabhail pàirt san iomairt.

[Niall MacAonghais] Bidh mi, an trup seo tha mise ag iomradh Diardaoin agus anns an safety boat Dihaoine. Uill bidh mi ag iomradh Dihaoine cuideachd agus a’ dèanamh safety boat cover. Tha mi smaointinn gum bi sinn shìos mu Loch Spelve no Craignure ‘s a-nuas gu Tobar Mhoire Dihaoine. Tha mi an dòchas co-dhiù!

[Seonaidh MacCoinnich – Neach-aithris] Ach ris a tha a’ mhuir timcheall chladaichean Mhuile coltach?

[Cailean Moireasdan] Bhiodh e nas doirbhe anns na torrannan agus a’ dol timcheall nan rubhannan mar Cailleach agus Treisnis. Ach tha iad gu math fortanach gu bheil an tìde cho ciùin an t-seachdain seo. Tha mi cinnteach gu robh e feumail a’ dol a-mach a dh’iomradh tric anns na seachdainean a chaidh airson dèanamh deiseil.

[Seonaidh MacCoinnich – Neach-aithris] Agus chan eil teagamh ann gum bi e ga fhaireachdainn às dèidh trì latha fada.

[Nick Turnbull] The hands, obviously, start to get blisters on them, there’s no way round that. They’ll get blisters. So you’ve got to go through that pain barrier of blisters. And the muscles are all going to get tired, they’re big boats, they’re heavy oars and it’s going to be tiring without a shadow of a doubt.

[Seonaidh MacCoinnich – Neach-aithris] Thathas an dòchas tron iomairt aca airgead a thogail airson raon-cluiche ùr ann an Dearbhaig.

[Cailean Moireasdan] ’S e pròiseact cudromach a tha seo oir tha ionad-spòrs againn, a tha feumail, mar a tha e a-nis. Agus bhiodh e math dha-rìribh airson clann na sgìre, luchd-turais agus a h-uile duine eile san àite, gum bi àite againn far am bi e comasach spòrs a chluich.

[Seonaidh MacCoinnich – Neach-aithris] Uill tha sinn faisg air Calgairidh air ceann a tuath dhen eilean agus tha iad air 17 mìle a dhèanamh mar-thà. So, chan eil ach 73 mìle ri dhol. Seonaidh MacCoinnich, BBC An Là, Muile.



Isle of Mull row

English Beurla

[Anne Lundon – Presenter] A team from the Isle of Mull yesterday began their journey rowing round the island. It’s a distance of 90 miles and they hope to complete it in three days. They are doing it to raise money for a playing field on the island. Seonaidh MacKenzie has this report.

[Seonaidh MacKenzie – Reporter] With the music of the pipes playing behind them, the two skiffs, An Eala Bhàn and Sìne Bhàn set off on their attempt to go round the Isle of Mull. It’s not very often there’s a day as calm as it is today, something which makes the teams very happy. They will stop when it gets dark, and there’s people of all ages taking part in the venture.

[Neil MacInnes] This time round I will be rowing on Thursday and in the safety boat on Friday. Well I’ll be rowing on Friday too and doing safety boat cover. I think we’ll be down around Loch Spelve or Craignure and coming down to Tobermory on Friday. I hope so anyway!

[Seonaidh MacKenzie – Reporter] But what is the sea around the shores of Mull like?

[Colin Morrison] It will be more difficult around the small hills and going round headlands such as Caliach and Treshnish. But they are very fortunate that the weather is so calm this week. I’m sure it was useful going out rowing the past few weeks in preparation.

[Seonaidh MacKenzie – Reporter] And there’s no doubt that they’ll be feeling it after three long days.

[Nick Turnbull] The hands, obviously, start to get blisters on them, there’s no way round that. They’ll get blisters. So you’ve got to go through that pain barrier of blisters. And the muscles are all going to get tired, they’re big boats, they’re heavy oars and it’s going to be tiring without a shadow of a doubt.

[Seonaidh MacKenzie – Reporter] They hope, through their venture, to raise money to build a new pitch in Dervaig.

[Colin Morrison] It’s an important project as we have a sports centre, a facility which is useful as it is now. And it would very good indeed for the children of the area, tourists and every other person in the area, that there will be a place where they can play sport.

[Seonaidh MacKenzie – Reporter] Well we’re near Calgary in the north end of the island and they’ve already done 17 miles. So, they only have another 73 miles to go. Seonaidh MacKenzie, BBC An Là, Mull.



Eilean Mhuile

Isle of Mull


playing field



Creag an Iubhair


Tobar Mhoire





sports centre