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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Sgoth Shìldeig

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Mairi Rodgers – Preseantair] Nis, tha muinntir Shìldeig air a bhith ag obair gu cruaidh thar nam mìosan a dh' fhalbh a' togail sgoth a thathas a-nis am beachd a chleachdadh ann an rèisean. Seo deireadh - agus cuideachd toiseach - pròiseact coimhearsnachd a th' air daoine a tharraing bho air feadh na sgìre. Tha an aithris seo aig Calum MacIlleathain.

[Calum MacIlleathain – Neach-aithris] Sgioba nam ban aig Cluba Iomraidh Shìldeig is Loch Toirbheartan, a’ toirt an sgoth aca mun cuairt air Eilean Shìldeig. ‘S ann anns a’ Ghearran a thòisich buidheann anns an sgìre air sgoth a thogail. Leanaidh cruth sgoth St Ayles, a bheir mu 10 mìosan a thogail mar as trice, ach chaidh crìoch a chur air sgoth Shìldeig taobh a-staigh sia mìosan. ‘S e Sildvik, seann ainm Lochlannach a’ bhaile, a thug iad air a’ bhàta mar ainm.

[Dòmhnall Dòmhnallach] Bha mòran ag obair anns na seachdainean bho dheireadh a chaidh seachad, dèanamh ràimh agus a’ peantadh ‘s gu dearbha cha robh tìde mhath airson peantadh, bha e gu math fliuch agus giobach agus grànda ach rinn sinn an gnothach agus tha i a’ coimhead glè mhath. Rinn sinn glè mhath airson ‘amateurs.’

[Calum MacIlleathain – Neach-aithris] Tha còrr is 130 sgoth St Ayles rin lorg a-nise mun cuairt air costa na h-Alba. ‘S i Sildvik an sgoth as ùire air clàr Comunn Iomraidh Cladaichean na h-Alba, a tha a’ cumail iomadh rèis tron bhliadhna. ‘S ann aig regatta Shìldeig a chaidh am bàta a rèiseadh airson a’ chiad uair. Le sgiobaidhean làidir an leithid Ulapul, Abhach agus Cill Rìbhinn a’ farpais, agus le ràmh a’ briseadh, cha do ghlèidh an Sildvik rèis sam bith air an latha. Ach tha e coltach gu robh togail a’ bhàta cudromach don choimhearsnachd air fad.

[Ruairidh MacIllInnein] It’s really brought about the involvement of lots of local communities, not just Shieldaig, from Torridon and Alligan and Diabaig and a big cross section of the community you know, male / female, young / old. So it’s really brought the community a lot closer together I feel.

[Calum MacIlleathain – Neach-aithris] Tha dòchas gun tèid taigh-bàta a thogail anns a’ bhaile, far an tèid Sildvik a chumail agus far am bi i ri fhaotainn don choimhearsnachd air fad.

[Dòmhnall Dòmhnallach] Tha iad den dùil sin uair sam bith. Bidh i sin faisg air a’ chidhe ‘s ma bhios duine ga h-iarraidh, uill feumaidh iad ceathrar co-dhiù airson iomradh. Ach bidh i sin airson duine sam bith a tha ag iarraidh a dhol a-mach airson turas beag.

[Calum MacIlleathain – Neach-aithris] Sheall na h-uimhir ùidh ann a bhith ag iomradh a’ bhàta. Chaidh deuchainnean a chumail gus criuthaichean a thaghadh airson an regatta. Tha fiù ‘s cuid san sgìre a’ bruidhinn an dàrna sgoth a thogail is dòchas gun tèid aca an Sildvik a’ rèiseadh air feadh na dùthcha. Calum MacIlleathain, BBC An Là, Sìldeig.



Shieldaig skiff

English Beurla

[Mairi Rodgers – Presenter] Now, the people of Shieldaig have been working hard over the past months building a skiff which they intend to use in races. This is the end – and also the beginning – of a community project which has attracted people from all over the area. Calum MacLean has this report.

[Calum MacLean – Reporter] Sheildaig and Torridon Rowing Club women’s team, taking their skiff around Shieldaig Island. In February, a group in the area began to build a skiff. It follows the design of a St Ayles Skiff, which usually takes 10 months to build, but the Shieldaig skiff was completed within 6 months. They named the boat Sildvik, the old Viking name for the town.

[Donald MacDonald] Many were working the last few weeks, making oars and painting and certainly it wasn’t the weather for painting, it was very wet, rough and horrible but we managed and she looks quite good. We did well for amateurs.

[Calum MacLean – Reporter] There are now more than 130 St Ayles Skiffs to be found on the coast of Scotland. Sildvik is the newest skiff on the Scottish Coastal Rowing Association’s register, who hold many races throughout the year. The boat was raced for the first time at the Sheildaig Regatta. With strong teams such as Ullapool, Avoch and St Andrews competing, and with two broken oars, Sildvik didn’t win any races on the day. But it seems the building of the boat was important to the entire community.

[Ruairidh MacLennan] It’s really brought about the involvement of lots of local communities, not just Shieldaig, from Torridon and Alligan and Diabaig and a big cross section of the community you know, male / female, young / old. So it’s really brought the community a lot closer together I feel.

[Calum MacLean – Reporter] They hope to build a boathouse in the village, where Sildvik will be held and available to the whole community.

[Donald MacDonald] That is their hope anytime now. She’ll be close to the pier for anyone who wants to use her. Well, you need four anyway to row her. But she’ll be there for anyone who wants to go out on a little trip.

[Calum MacLean – Reporter] Lots showed interest in rowing the boat. Trials were held to choose the crews for the regatta. Some in the area are even talking of building a second skiff in the hope that they can race Sildvik across the country. Calum MacLean, BBC An Là, Shieldaig.



Sgoth Shìldeig

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Mairi Rodgers – Preseantair] Nis, tha muinntir Shìldeig air a bhith ag obair gu cruaidh thar nam mìosan a dh' fhalbh a' togail sgoth a thathas a-nis am beachd a chleachdadh ann an rèisean. Seo deireadh - agus cuideachd toiseach - pròiseact coimhearsnachd a th' air daoine a tharraing bho air feadh na sgìre. Tha an aithris seo aig Calum MacIlleathain.

[Calum MacIlleathain – Neach-aithris] Sgioba nam ban aig Cluba Iomraidh Shìldeig is Loch Toirbheartan, a’ toirt an sgoth aca mun cuairt air Eilean Shìldeig. ‘S ann anns a’ Ghearran a thòisich buidheann anns an sgìre air sgoth a thogail. Leanaidh cruth sgoth St Ayles, a bheir mu 10 mìosan a thogail mar as trice, ach chaidh crìoch a chur air sgoth Shìldeig taobh a-staigh sia mìosan. ‘S e Sildvik, seann ainm Lochlannach a’ bhaile, a thug iad air a’ bhàta mar ainm.

[Dòmhnall Dòmhnallach] Bha mòran ag obair anns na seachdainean bho dheireadh a chaidh seachad, dèanamh ràimh agus a’ peantadh ‘s gu dearbha cha robh tìde mhath airson peantadh, bha e gu math fliuch agus giobach agus grànda ach rinn sinn an gnothach agus tha i a’ coimhead glè mhath. Rinn sinn glè mhath airson ‘amateurs.’

[Calum MacIlleathain – Neach-aithris] Tha còrr is 130 sgoth St Ayles rin lorg a-nise mun cuairt air costa na h-Alba. ‘S i Sildvik an sgoth as ùire air clàr Comunn Iomraidh Cladaichean na h-Alba, a tha a’ cumail iomadh rèis tron bhliadhna. ‘S ann aig regatta Shìldeig a chaidh am bàta a rèiseadh airson a’ chiad uair. Le sgiobaidhean làidir an leithid Ulapul, Abhach agus Cill Rìbhinn a’ farpais, agus le ràmh a’ briseadh, cha do ghlèidh an Sildvik rèis sam bith air an latha. Ach tha e coltach gu robh togail a’ bhàta cudromach don choimhearsnachd air fad.

[Ruairidh MacIllInnein] It’s really brought about the involvement of lots of local communities, not just Shieldaig, from Torridon and Alligan and Diabaig and a big cross section of the community you know, male / female, young / old. So it’s really brought the community a lot closer together I feel.

[Calum MacIlleathain – Neach-aithris] Tha dòchas gun tèid taigh-bàta a thogail anns a’ bhaile, far an tèid Sildvik a chumail agus far am bi i ri fhaotainn don choimhearsnachd air fad.

[Dòmhnall Dòmhnallach] Tha iad den dùil sin uair sam bith. Bidh i sin faisg air a’ chidhe ‘s ma bhios duine ga h-iarraidh, uill feumaidh iad ceathrar co-dhiù airson iomradh. Ach bidh i sin airson duine sam bith a tha ag iarraidh a dhol a-mach airson turas beag.

[Calum MacIlleathain – Neach-aithris] Sheall na h-uimhir ùidh ann a bhith ag iomradh a’ bhàta. Chaidh deuchainnean a chumail gus criuthaichean a thaghadh airson an regatta. Tha fiù ‘s cuid san sgìre a’ bruidhinn an dàrna sgoth a thogail is dòchas gun tèid aca an Sildvik a’ rèiseadh air feadh na dùthcha. Calum MacIlleathain, BBC An Là, Sìldeig.



Shieldaig skiff

English Beurla

[Mairi Rodgers – Presenter] Now, the people of Shieldaig have been working hard over the past months building a skiff which they intend to use in races. This is the end – and also the beginning – of a community project which has attracted people from all over the area. Calum MacLean has this report.

[Calum MacLean – Reporter] Sheildaig and Torridon Rowing Club women’s team, taking their skiff around Shieldaig Island. In February, a group in the area began to build a skiff. It follows the design of a St Ayles Skiff, which usually takes 10 months to build, but the Shieldaig skiff was completed within 6 months. They named the boat Sildvik, the old Viking name for the town.

[Donald MacDonald] Many were working the last few weeks, making oars and painting and certainly it wasn’t the weather for painting, it was very wet, rough and horrible but we managed and she looks quite good. We did well for amateurs.

[Calum MacLean – Reporter] There are now more than 130 St Ayles Skiffs to be found on the coast of Scotland. Sildvik is the newest skiff on the Scottish Coastal Rowing Association’s register, who hold many races throughout the year. The boat was raced for the first time at the Sheildaig Regatta. With strong teams such as Ullapool, Avoch and St Andrews competing, and with two broken oars, Sildvik didn’t win any races on the day. But it seems the building of the boat was important to the entire community.

[Ruairidh MacLennan] It’s really brought about the involvement of lots of local communities, not just Shieldaig, from Torridon and Alligan and Diabaig and a big cross section of the community you know, male / female, young / old. So it’s really brought the community a lot closer together I feel.

[Calum MacLean – Reporter] They hope to build a boathouse in the village, where Sildvik will be held and available to the whole community.

[Donald MacDonald] That is their hope anytime now. She’ll be close to the pier for anyone who wants to use her. Well, you need four anyway to row her. But she’ll be there for anyone who wants to go out on a little trip.

[Calum MacLean – Reporter] Lots showed interest in rowing the boat. Trials were held to choose the crews for the regatta. Some in the area are even talking of building a second skiff in the hope that they can race Sildvik across the country. Calum MacLean, BBC An Là, Shieldaig.



Cluba Iomraidh Shìldeig is Loch Toirbheartan

Sheildaig and Torridon Rowing Club





Comann Iomraidh Cladaichean na h-Alba

Scottish Coastal Rowing Association





Cill Rìbhinn

– St Andrews

