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Trying things A’ feuchainn rudan

Càirdeas (Friendship)Càirdeas

Consolidate what you have learnt in this episode of Càirdeas.

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Ceit Halò. Hello.
Anna Halò.
Madainn mhath, madam.
Good morning, madam.
Ceit Haha Anna.
Trobhad suas.
Haha Anne.
Come on up.
Anna Seo a-nis, madam.
Bha mi a' feuchainn ri ròsan dearg fhaighinn dhut ach bha iad fada ro dhaor.
Here now, madam.
I tried to get red roses for you but they were far too dear.
Ceit An do dh’fheuch thu a’ chèic seo?
Tha i uabhasach blasta.
Did you try this cake?
It’s awfully tasty.
Anna Ist, a Cheit.
Chan urrainn dhomhsa biadh a cheannach ann am Marks.
Tha e ro dhaor dhomhsa.
Wheesht, Kate.
I can’t buy food in Marks.
It is too dear for me.
Ceit Ò, Anna.
Tha mi duilich.
A bheil thu fhathast gun obair?
An robh thu a' feuchainn ri obair fhaighinn?
Oh, Anne.
I’m sorry.
Are you still unemployed?
Were you trying to get a job?
Anna A Cheit, bidh mi a' feuchainn a h-uile seachdain.
Seall seo.
Tha mi air fichead litir a sgrìobhadh an t-seachdain seo fhèin a' feuchainn ri obair fhaighinn.
Agus an t-seachdain sa chaidh.
Agus an t-seachdain roimhe sin cuideachd.
Agus seall thusa.
Tha obair agad ach chan eil thu airson a dhol ann.
Kate, I try every week.
Look at this.
I’ve written twenty letters this very week to try and get a job.
And last week.
And the week before that too.
And look at you.
You have a job but you don’t want to go.
Ceit Uill, cha deach mi dhan sgoil an-dè ceart gu leòr.
Tha e uabhasach duilich a bhith ag obair còmhla ri Tormod an-dràsta.
Well, I didn’t go to the school yesterday right enough.
It’s awfully difficult to work with Norman at the moment.
Anna Uill, feumaidh tu a' feuchainn.
Cò bhios gam thoirt a-mach gu biadh ma bhios tusa gun obair?
Well, you must try.
Who will take me out for a meal if you are unemployed?
Ceit Anna?
A bheil thu airson a dhol a-mach gu biadh?
Do you want to go out for a meal?
Anna Tha, tapadh leat.
Ach feumaidh mi a' chèic seo ith’ an toiseach.
Thalla is cuir ort d’ aodach spaideil.
Ò, agus faodaidh tu seo a chur ort cuideachd.
Yes, thanks.
But I have to eat this cake first.
Off you go and get dressed up.
Oh, and you may put this on too.
Ceit Anna, càit an d’ fhuair thu iad?
Tha iad annasach.
Anne, where did you get them?
They’re different.
Anna Rinn mi iad.
Rinn, siuthad feuch ort iad.
I made them.
Yes, go and them them on.
Ceit Ò, Anna, tapadh leat.
’S e banacharaid mhath a th’ annad.
Oh, Anne, thank you.
You are a good friend.
Anna ’S e.
Agus a-nis tha an t-acras orm.
Càit an tèid sinn?
And now I’m hungry.
Where will we go?
Iseabail Och, a Shìne, tha mi cho toilichte d’ fhaicinn.
Bha mi a' feuchainn fònadh thugad ach...
Och, Jean, I’m so happy to see you.
I tried to phone you but...
SÌne Tha mi a' fuireach còmhla ri mo mhàthair an-dràsta. I’m staying with my mother just now.
Iseabail A Shìne, a bheil do mhàthair a’ cumail gu math?
Bha fios a’m gun robh rudeigin ceàrr.
Tha thu a' coimhead cho sgìth.
A bheil thu fhèin ceart gu leòr?
Jean, is your mother keeping well?
I knew that something was wrong.
You look so tired.
Are you alright yourself?
SÌne Och uill, tha. Och well, yes.
Iseabail Dè tha thu a’ ciallachadh?
Dè tha ceàrr?
What do you mean?
What’s wrong?
SÌne Trobhad, Iseabail.
Nach tèid sinn airson cupa tì?
Come on, Ishbel.
Let’s go for a cup of tea.
Iseabail Bèibidh?
A bheil thu cinnteach?
An robh thu aig an dotair fhathast?
Are you sure?
Were you at the doctor yet?
SÌne Tha mi cinnteach ceart gu leòr. I’m sure right enough.
Iseabail A Shìne, m’ eudail.
Dè tha Tormod a’ smaoineachadh mu dheidhinn?
Anna, Ceit, hàlo, gabh mo leisgeul.
Chan eil Sìne a’ faireachdainn ro mhath an-diugh.
Nach eil e mìorbhaileach?
Tha dùil aice ri bèibidh.
Jean, darling.
What does Norman think about it?
Anne, Kate, hello, excuse me.
Jean isn’t feeling too well today.
Isn’t it marvellous?
She is expecting a baby.