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Commenting on things about to happen A’ bruidhinn mu nithean a tha gus tachairt

It is hoped that another bridge will be builtThathar an dòchas gun tèid drochaid eile a thogail

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

Passive forms of verbs - such as thathar, bhathar and feumar - are sometimes used in the impersonal sense and such phrases are often heard on the news.

thathar it is (passive form of tha)

bhathar it was (passive form of bha)

feumar it must (passive form of feum)

Impersonal forms of 'there' which you often hear:

thathar an dòchas it is hoped

bhathar a’ bruidhinn it was discussed

feumar barrachd airgid a chosg more money must be spent

thathar an dùil it is expected

muinntir an eilein the people of the island

neach-labhairt a spokesperson

Video is playing in pop-over.

Presenter Agus a-nise gu cinn nan naidheachdan.
Thathar an dòchas gun tèid drochaid eile a thogail eadar an t-Eilean Sgitheanach agus Caol Loch Aillse.
Thathar ag ràdh gu bheil an drochaid a th’ ann an-dràsta ro thrang, agus gu bheil muinntir an eilein ag iarraidh tè ùir. Anns a’ Phàrlamaid an-diugh, bhathar a’ bruidhinn air airgead a chosg air bàtaichean iasgaich ann an Alba.
Thathar an dòchas gun tèid tuilleadh bhàtaichean a thogail a chionn ’s gu bheil an t-iasgach cho math an-dràsta.
Tha Comhairle nan Eilean ag ràdh gum feumar barrachd airgid a chosg anns na h-Eileanan.
Seo neach-labhairt bho Chomhairle nan Eilean.
And now to the news headlines.
It is hoped that another bridge will be built between the Isle of Skye and Kyle of Lochalsh.
It is said that the bridge that’s there now is too busy, and that the people of the island want another one. In the Parliament today, spending money on fishing boats in Scotland was discussed.
It is hoped that more boats will built because the fishing is so good just now.
The Island Council is saying that more money must be spent in the Islands.
Here’s a spokesperson from the Island Council.
Spokesperson Feumar barrachd airgid a chosg anns na h-Eileanan gun teagamh. More money must be spent in the Islands without any doubt.
Presenter Agus mu dheireadh.
Thathar an dòchas cròileagan Gàidhlig fhosgladh ann an Valparaiso ann an Chile.
Tha e coltach gum b’ àbhaist do sheòladairean Gàidhealach a bhith a’ seòladh a-mach à Valparaiso, agus thathar an dùil gum bi clann gu leòr ann an Valparaiso airson a dhol dhan chròileagan.
A-nise, sùil air an aimsir.
Latha fliuch a-màireach ma-thà agus Dimàirt, Diciadain, Diardaoin, Dihaoine agus Disathairne.
Agus thathar an dòchas gum bi a’ ghrian ann feasgar Didòmhnaich.
Sin e bhuamsa ma-thà.
Feasgar math.
And finally.
It is hoped that a Gaelic playgroup will be opened in Valparaiso in Chile.
It appears that Highland sailors used to sail out from Valparaiso, and it is thought that there will be enough children in Valparaiso to go to the playgroup.
Now, a look at the weather.
A wet day tomorrow then and on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
And it’s hoped that it will be sunny on Sunday afternoon.
That’s it from me then.
Good evening.