Entertainment Dibhearsan
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
Obair phìoba sa chidsin
[Donaidh] Tha na dh’units seo a' dol air ais dhan oisean agus mar as trice tha pìoban 's uèirichean fo na dh’units agus tha e tòrr nas fheàrr a bhith ag obair air na rudan sin aig an ìre seo. An-dràsta tha mise a' dol a chur a' phìos fhiodha seo fo na pìoban agus tha mi a' dol a cheangal a h-uile rud ris an làr. Tha na clips a tha seo a' dol fon phìob agus bidh iad a' cumail na pìoba anns an àite cheart.
[Donaidh] Agus sin a' phìob. Mun cuairt mar sin agus bruthadh sìos e. Dèan cinnteach ...
[Donaidh] Agus a-nis a' phìob airson an uisge shalaich. Feumaidh a' phìob seo a bhith a' laighe nas àirde na an làr gus am bi an t-uisge a' ruith air falbh. Dìreach mar seo. Tha mi a-nis a' dol a chur an lùba+ seo air aig aon cheann. An nut an toiseach 's an uair sin an washer dearg, agus an washer rubair, agus dèan cinnteach gu bheil an taobh seo, an taobh caol, aig an taobh a-muigh dhen phìob.
[Donaidh] Sin e. Agus tha e tòrr nas fhasa dìreach a bhith a' cur beagan de stuth a tha thu a' cleachdadh airson nan soithichean dìreach mun cuairt mar sin. "Mun cuairt, mun cuairt, saoil dè thig?". Mar seo, cho teann. Agus an uair sin bidh seo dìreach a' sgruitheadh an àirde. Mar seo, cho teann 's a ghabhas. Agus tha am pìos seo a-nis deiseil airson a' phìob eile a bhith a' dol suas chun an t-sinc. 'S e push fit a tha seo agus bidh a' phìob dìreach a' dol a-steach dìreach cho furasta 's a ghabhas.
[Donaidh] Agus leis an sgriutha.
[Donaidh] Sin agad e. Abair thusa pìobaireachd, eh?
Chaidh am prògram seo, DIY Le Donnie, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2014. Le taing do BBC Gàidhlig.
Pipework in the kitchen
[Donnie] These units are going back into the corner and usually there are pipes and wires under the units and it is much better to work on these things at this stage. Just now I am going to put this piece of wood under the pipes and I am going to attach everything to the floor. These clips are going under the pipe and they will keep the pipe in the correct place.
[Donnie] And that is the pipe. Around like that and push it down. Make sure ...
[Donnie] And now the waste water pipe. This pipe must lie higher than the floor so that the water will run away. Just like this. I am now going to put this bend on it at one end. The nut first and then the red washer, and the rubber washer, and make sure that this side, the narrow side, is at the outside of the pipe.
[Donnie] That is it. And it is much easier just to put a little of the stuff that you use for the dishes just around like that. "Around, around, I wonder what will come?". Like this, so tight. And then this just screws up. Like this, as tight as possible. And this piece is now ready for the other pipe going up to the sink. This is a push fit and the pipe just goes in as easy as can be.
[Donnie] And with the screw.
[Donnie] That is it. What piping, eh?
This programme, DIY Le Donnie, was first broadcast in 2014. Courtesy of BBC Gàidhlig
Obair phìoba sa chidsin
[Donaidh] Tha na dh’units seo a' dol air ais dhan oisean agus mar as trice tha pìoban 's uèirichean fo na dh’units agus tha e tòrr nas fheàrr a bhith ag obair air na rudan sin aig an ìre seo. An-dràsta tha mise a' dol a chur a' phìos fhiodha seo fo na pìoban agus tha mi a' dol a cheangal a h-uile rud ris an làr. Tha na clips a tha seo a' dol fon phìob agus bidh iad a' cumail na pìoba anns an àite cheart.
[Donaidh] Agus sin a' phìob. Mun cuairt mar sin agus bruthadh sìos e. Dèan cinnteach ...
[Donaidh] Agus a-nis a' phìob airson an uisge shalaich. Feumaidh a' phìob seo a bhith a' laighe nas àirde na an làr gus am bi an t-uisge a' ruith air falbh. Dìreach mar seo. Tha mi a-nis a' dol a chur an lùba+ seo air aig aon cheann. An nut an toiseach 's an uair sin an washer dearg, agus an washer rubair, agus dèan cinnteach gu bheil an taobh seo, an taobh caol, aig an taobh a-muigh dhen phìob.
[Donaidh] Sin e. Agus tha e tòrr nas fhasa dìreach a bhith a' cur beagan de stuth a tha thu a' cleachdadh airson nan soithichean dìreach mun cuairt mar sin. "Mun cuairt, mun cuairt, saoil dè thig?". Mar seo, cho teann. Agus an uair sin bidh seo dìreach a' sgruitheadh an àirde. Mar seo, cho teann 's a ghabhas. Agus tha am pìos seo a-nis deiseil airson a' phìob eile a bhith a' dol suas chun an t-sinc. 'S e push fit a tha seo agus bidh a' phìob dìreach a' dol a-steach dìreach cho furasta 's a ghabhas.
[Donaidh] Agus leis an sgriutha.
[Donaidh] Sin agad e. Abair thusa pìobaireachd, eh?
Chaidh am prògram seo, DIY Le Donnie, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2014. Le taing do BBC Gàidhlig.
Pipework in the kitchen
[Donnie] These units are going back into the corner and usually there are pipes and wires under the units and it is much better to work on these things at this stage. Just now I am going to put this piece of wood under the pipes and I am going to attach everything to the floor. These clips are going under the pipe and they will keep the pipe in the correct place.
[Donnie] And that is the pipe. Around like that and push it down. Make sure ...
[Donnie] And now the waste water pipe. This pipe must lie higher than the floor so that the water will run away. Just like this. I am now going to put this bend on it at one end. The nut first and then the red washer, and the rubber washer, and make sure that this side, the narrow side, is at the outside of the pipe.
[Donnie] That is it. And it is much easier just to put a little of the stuff that you use for the dishes just around like that. "Around, around, I wonder what will come?". Like this, so tight. And then this just screws up. Like this, as tight as possible. And this piece is now ready for the other pipe going up to the sink. This is a push fit and the pipe just goes in as easy as can be.
[Donnie] And with the screw.
[Donnie] That is it. What piping, eh?
This programme, DIY Le Donnie, was first broadcast in 2014. Courtesy of BBC Gàidhlig