Entertainment Dibhearsan
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
A bheil thusa a’ sgeadachadh an taighe? Tha is Eòghann
[Eòghann] Is mise Eòghann MacEanraig agus, an-diugh, airson mo chumail a’ dol fhad ’s a tha mi a-staigh, tha mi a’ dol a pheantadh ’s a sgeadachadh an doras-aghaidh againn.
[Eòghann] Mar a chì sibh, tha e dìreach caran sgìth a choimhead agus tha mi a’ dol a chur flap ùr airson nan litrichean air, glagan cuideachd – chan eil fear air an-dràsta. Agus noban ùr air cuideachd agus a’ dol ga pheantadh car gorm, car dubh-ghorm.
[Eòghann] Airson am filler a dhèanamh rèidh tha mi a’ dol a chleachdadh seann phass a bh’ agamsa bho cùrsa a rinn mi ’s a’ Ghearmailt an-uiridh.
[Eòghann] Nist tha mi a’ dol a chleachdadh drile-dhealain an seo agus mar sin tha slàinte ’s sàbhailteachd dha-rìribh cudromach ach cuideachd feumar cuimhneachadh gu bheil mise ann an Mànran.
[Eòghann] Uill, bha mi dìreach a’ dèanamh cinnteach gu fit-eadh flap airson nan litrichean mus peant mi an doras agus tha e fit-eadh so tha sin math.
[Eòghann] Cuideachd rud eile math a rinn mi – an-dràsta chan fhosgail e buileach agus tha sin math oir chan fhaigh corona-bhìoras sam bith a-staigh mur a dh’fhosglas a flap.
[Maria] Cur cheart e!
[Eòghann] Chan eil duine a’ cur litrichean san latha a th’ ann!
[Maria] Cur cheart e!
‘Às dèidh beagan ùine…’
[Eòghann] Uill sin agaibh a chàirdean, shiud a’ chiad chòta deiseil. Tha e a’ tighinn air adhart meadhanach math. Seo Maria, dè do bheachd?
[Maria] Aw tha.. tha pìos ann a shiud dèan cinnteach..
[Eòghann] Tha fios agam chan e seo ach a’ chiad còta.
[Maria] Agus pìos sìos an sin chan eil e cho math.
[Eòghann] A’ chiad còta a th’ ann!
[Maria] Agus am frèam?
[Eòghann] Am frèam?
[Maria] Am frèam air an doras, mun cuairt ann an sin.
[Eòghann] Bha thu ag iarraidh dath eile air an frèam.
[Maria] Cha robh, cur an aon dath air.
[Eòghann] Thuirt thusa… gun robh thu ag iarraidh dath eile air an frèam….
[Eòghann] Bocsa airson nan litrichean air, glagan ùr air, ach tha trioblaid agam – tha noban a dhìth orm.
[Eòghann] Tha mi air fear eile òrdachadh air an eadar-lìon ach anns an eadar-ama tha mi a’ dol a ghoid am fear seo a chur mi air an spare room bho chionn ghoirid oir cha tig duine a cheilidh oirnn san latha a th’ ann co-dhiù.
[Eòghann] Shin agad e a-nist deiseil! Ceud mile fàilte! Bheil iuchar agad?
[Maria] Bheil iuchar agadsa?
[Eòghann] Chan eil!
Are you decorating the house? Ewen is
[Ewen] I’m Ewen Henderson and, today, to keep me going while I’m staying inside, I’m going to paint and decorate our front door.
[Ewen] As you can see, it’s just a bit tired-looking and I’m going to put a new flap for letters on it, a knocker as well – there isn’t one yet. And a new know too and I’m going to paint it kind of blue, kind of black-blue.
[Ewen] To make the filler smooth I’m going to use this old pass that I had from a tour I did in Germany last year.
[Ewen] Now I’m going to use this electric drill and so health and safety is very important but also remember that I’m in Manran.
[Ewen] Well, I was just making sure that the letter flap would fit before painting the door and it fits so that’s good.
[Ewen] Also, another good thing I did – now it won’t open completely and that’s good because no coronavirus will get in if the flap won’t open.
[Maria] Fix it!
[Ewen] No one sends letters these days!
[Maria] Fix it!
‘Some time later…’
[Ewen] Well there you are folks, that’s the first coat ready. It’s coming along fairly well. Here’s Maria, what do you think?
[Maria] Aww there’s… there’s a bit there make sure…
[Ewen] I know this is only the first coat.
[Maria] And a bit down there isn’t very good.
[Ewen] The first coat!
[Maria] And the frame?
[Ewen] The frame?
[Maria] The door frame, around there.
[Ewen] You wanted another colour on the frame.
[Maria] I didn’t, put the same colour on it.
[Ewen] You said… that you wanted another colour on the frame…
[Ewen] A letter box, a new knocker, but there’s a problem – I’m missing a knob.
[Ewen] I’ve ordered another one on the internet but in the meantime, I’m going to steal this one that I put in the spare room not long ago because no one will visit us these days anyway.
[Ewen] There it is now, finished! A hundred thousand welcomes! Do you have a key?
[Maria] Do you have a key?
[Ewen] No!
A bheil thusa a’ sgeadachadh an taighe? Tha is Eòghann
[Eòghann] Is mise Eòghann MacEanraig agus, an-diugh, airson mo chumail a’ dol fhad ’s a tha mi a-staigh, tha mi a’ dol a pheantadh ’s a sgeadachadh an doras-aghaidh againn.
[Eòghann] Mar a chì sibh, tha e dìreach caran sgìth a choimhead agus tha mi a’ dol a chur flap ùr airson nan litrichean air, glagan cuideachd – chan eil fear air an-dràsta. Agus noban ùr air cuideachd agus a’ dol ga pheantadh car gorm, car dubh-ghorm.
[Eòghann] Airson am filler a dhèanamh rèidh tha mi a’ dol a chleachdadh seann phass a bh’ agamsa bho cùrsa a rinn mi ’s a’ Ghearmailt an-uiridh.
[Eòghann] Nist tha mi a’ dol a chleachdadh drile-dhealain an seo agus mar sin tha slàinte ’s sàbhailteachd dha-rìribh cudromach ach cuideachd feumar cuimhneachadh gu bheil mise ann an Mànran.
[Eòghann] Uill, bha mi dìreach a’ dèanamh cinnteach gu fit-eadh flap airson nan litrichean mus peant mi an doras agus tha e fit-eadh so tha sin math.
[Eòghann] Cuideachd rud eile math a rinn mi – an-dràsta chan fhosgail e buileach agus tha sin math oir chan fhaigh corona-bhìoras sam bith a-staigh mur a dh’fhosglas a flap.
[Maria] Cur cheart e!
[Eòghann] Chan eil duine a’ cur litrichean san latha a th’ ann!
[Maria] Cur cheart e!
‘Às dèidh beagan ùine…’
[Eòghann] Uill sin agaibh a chàirdean, shiud a’ chiad chòta deiseil. Tha e a’ tighinn air adhart meadhanach math. Seo Maria, dè do bheachd?
[Maria] Aw tha.. tha pìos ann a shiud dèan cinnteach..
[Eòghann] Tha fios agam chan e seo ach a’ chiad còta.
[Maria] Agus pìos sìos an sin chan eil e cho math.
[Eòghann] A’ chiad còta a th’ ann!
[Maria] Agus am frèam?
[Eòghann] Am frèam?
[Maria] Am frèam air an doras, mun cuairt ann an sin.
[Eòghann] Bha thu ag iarraidh dath eile air an frèam.
[Maria] Cha robh, cur an aon dath air.
[Eòghann] Thuirt thusa… gun robh thu ag iarraidh dath eile air an frèam….
[Eòghann] Bocsa airson nan litrichean air, glagan ùr air, ach tha trioblaid agam – tha noban a dhìth orm.
[Eòghann] Tha mi air fear eile òrdachadh air an eadar-lìon ach anns an eadar-ama tha mi a’ dol a ghoid am fear seo a chur mi air an spare room bho chionn ghoirid oir cha tig duine a cheilidh oirnn san latha a th’ ann co-dhiù.
[Eòghann] Shin agad e a-nist deiseil! Ceud mile fàilte! Bheil iuchar agad?
[Maria] Bheil iuchar agadsa?
[Eòghann] Chan eil!
Are you decorating the house? Ewen is
[Ewen] I’m Ewen Henderson and, today, to keep me going while I’m staying inside, I’m going to paint and decorate our front door.
[Ewen] As you can see, it’s just a bit tired-looking and I’m going to put a new flap for letters on it, a knocker as well – there isn’t one yet. And a new know too and I’m going to paint it kind of blue, kind of black-blue.
[Ewen] To make the filler smooth I’m going to use this old pass that I had from a tour I did in Germany last year.
[Ewen] Now I’m going to use this electric drill and so health and safety is very important but also remember that I’m in Manran.
[Ewen] Well, I was just making sure that the letter flap would fit before painting the door and it fits so that’s good.
[Ewen] Also, another good thing I did – now it won’t open completely and that’s good because no coronavirus will get in if the flap won’t open.
[Maria] Fix it!
[Ewen] No one sends letters these days!
[Maria] Fix it!
‘Some time later…’
[Ewen] Well there you are folks, that’s the first coat ready. It’s coming along fairly well. Here’s Maria, what do you think?
[Maria] Aww there’s… there’s a bit there make sure…
[Ewen] I know this is only the first coat.
[Maria] And a bit down there isn’t very good.
[Ewen] The first coat!
[Maria] And the frame?
[Ewen] The frame?
[Maria] The door frame, around there.
[Ewen] You wanted another colour on the frame.
[Maria] I didn’t, put the same colour on it.
[Ewen] You said… that you wanted another colour on the frame…
[Ewen] A letter box, a new knocker, but there’s a problem – I’m missing a knob.
[Ewen] I’ve ordered another one on the internet but in the meantime, I’m going to steal this one that I put in the spare room not long ago because no one will visit us these days anyway.
[Ewen] There it is now, finished! A hundred thousand welcomes! Do you have a key?
[Maria] Do you have a key?
[Ewen] No!