Entertainment Dibhearsan
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
Dèan dealan-dè origami
[Shannon] Halò a h-uile duine, is mise Shannon. An t-seachdain sa chaidh rinn mi bhidio airson A-Staigh. Rinn mi dealan-dè a’ cleachdadh origami agus tha tòrr dhaoine air a bhith a’ cur message thugam a’ faighneachd ciamar a rinn mi e. So, mur-eil pìos pàipeir ceàrnach agad, ’s urrainn dhut a’ faighinn A4 pìos pàipeir, cuir fold ann mar sin agus geàrr a’ phìos seo dheth. Ma tha thu ag iarraidh ’s urrainn dhut a’ cur dathan snog air no pàtran sam bith. Tha am pàipear agam, tha pàtaran air mar-thà so dèan deiseil agus nì sinn còmhla e.
[Shannon] Airson a’ chiad phàirt, paisg am pàipear agad ann an leth, ceithir tursan air gach taobh gus am bi e coltach ri rionnag.
[Shannon] Airson an ath phàirt, cuir dà crease sa phàipear gus am bi e coltach ri triantan.
[Shannon] An uair sin, air aon taobh dhen triantan, paisg na h-oiseanan suas – mar seo.
[Shannon] Air an taobh eile, cuir e bun-os-cionn agus paisg suas a-rithist e – mar seo.
[Shannon] Airson na pìos mu dheireadh, paisg e air leth agus sin agad e.
[Shannon] Tha còir gum bi e a’ coimhead mar dealan-dè a-nis!
[Shannon] Ok, so sin an dealan-dè agam deiseil.
[Shannon] Tha mi airson an fheadhainn agaibhse fhaicinn, cuir message thugam air Instagram aig @shannoncoll3.
[Shannon] Taing, tìoraidh!
Make an origami butterfly
[Shannon] Hello everyone, I’m Shannon. Last week I made a video for A-Staigh. I made a butterfly using origami and lots of people have been sending messages to me asking how I made it. So, if you don’t have a square piece of paper, you can get an A4 piece of paper, put a fold in it like that and cut this piece off. If you want, you can put nice colours on it or any pattern. I have my paper, there’s already a pattern on it so get ready and we’ll make it together.
[Shannon] For the first part, fold your paper in half, four times on each side until it looks like a star.
[Shannon] For the next part, put two creases in the paper so it looks like a triangle.
[Shannon] Then, on the other side of the triangle, fold the corners up – like this.
[Shannon] On the other side, put it upside down and fold it up again – like this.
For the past piece, fold it in half and there you have it.
[Shannon] It should look like a butterfly now!
[Shannon] OK, so that’s my butterfly finished.
[Shannon] I want to see your ones, message me on Instagram at @shannoncoll3.
[Shannon] Thanks, bye!
Dèan dealan-dè origami
[Shannon] Halò a h-uile duine, is mise Shannon. An t-seachdain sa chaidh rinn mi bhidio airson A-Staigh. Rinn mi dealan-dè a’ cleachdadh origami agus tha tòrr dhaoine air a bhith a’ cur message thugam a’ faighneachd ciamar a rinn mi e. So, mur-eil pìos pàipeir ceàrnach agad, ’s urrainn dhut a’ faighinn A4 pìos pàipeir, cuir fold ann mar sin agus geàrr a’ phìos seo dheth. Ma tha thu ag iarraidh ’s urrainn dhut a’ cur dathan snog air no pàtran sam bith. Tha am pàipear agam, tha pàtaran air mar-thà so dèan deiseil agus nì sinn còmhla e.
[Shannon] Airson a’ chiad phàirt, paisg am pàipear agad ann an leth, ceithir tursan air gach taobh gus am bi e coltach ri rionnag.
[Shannon] Airson an ath phàirt, cuir dà crease sa phàipear gus am bi e coltach ri triantan.
[Shannon] An uair sin, air aon taobh dhen triantan, paisg na h-oiseanan suas – mar seo.
[Shannon] Air an taobh eile, cuir e bun-os-cionn agus paisg suas a-rithist e – mar seo.
[Shannon] Airson na pìos mu dheireadh, paisg e air leth agus sin agad e.
[Shannon] Tha còir gum bi e a’ coimhead mar dealan-dè a-nis!
[Shannon] Ok, so sin an dealan-dè agam deiseil.
[Shannon] Tha mi airson an fheadhainn agaibhse fhaicinn, cuir message thugam air Instagram aig @shannoncoll3.
[Shannon] Taing, tìoraidh!
Make an origami butterfly
[Shannon] Hello everyone, I’m Shannon. Last week I made a video for A-Staigh. I made a butterfly using origami and lots of people have been sending messages to me asking how I made it. So, if you don’t have a square piece of paper, you can get an A4 piece of paper, put a fold in it like that and cut this piece off. If you want, you can put nice colours on it or any pattern. I have my paper, there’s already a pattern on it so get ready and we’ll make it together.
[Shannon] For the first part, fold your paper in half, four times on each side until it looks like a star.
[Shannon] For the next part, put two creases in the paper so it looks like a triangle.
[Shannon] Then, on the other side of the triangle, fold the corners up – like this.
[Shannon] On the other side, put it upside down and fold it up again – like this.
For the past piece, fold it in half and there you have it.
[Shannon] It should look like a butterfly now!
[Shannon] OK, so that’s my butterfly finished.
[Shannon] I want to see your ones, message me on Instagram at @shannoncoll3.
[Shannon] Thanks, bye!