Entertainment Dibhearsan
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
A’ teagasg aig an taigh ann an 2020
[Somhairle] Halò a chàirdean. Is mise Somhairle MacDhòmhnaill agus tha mise air lèine is tàidh a chur orm airson a’ chiad turas ann an faisg air trì mìosan, airson feuchainn ri beagan de bheachd a thoirt dhuibh air cò ris a tha e air a bhith coltach do thidsearan a’ feuchainn ri an obair a dhèanamh bhon dachaigh aig àm a’ ghlasaidh.
[Somhairle] ’S e tidsear stiùiridh a th’ annamsa ann an sgoil mhòr air a’ Ghàidhealtachd anns a bheil barrachd na mìle sgoilear.
[Somhairle] Tha uallach ormsa airson barrachd na dà cheud gu leth dhiubh agus, mar as trice, bidh mi a’ cur seachad mo làithean, a bharrachd air a bhith a’ teagasg, le clann air mo bheulaibh no ann an coinneamhan le pàrantan no buill eile dhe na teaghlaich aca a’ feuchainn ri duilgheadasan sam bith a th’ aca, anns an sgoil no taobh a-muigh na sgoile, a rèiteachadh.
[Somhairle] Chanainn-sa gur e am pìos as cudromaiche dhe mo obair, ’s e conaltradh a tha ann. Conaltradh a bhrosnachadh agus a lìbhrigeadh eadar sgoilearan fhèin, eadar sgoilearan ’s na tidsearan, a’ toirt a-staigh cuideachd na teaghlaich, agus cuideachd daoine proifeiseanta bho sheirbheisean sam bith eile a bhios a’ bualadh air beatha a’ chloinne aig àm sam bith.
[Somhairle] Mar eisimpleir ’s dòcha a’ phoileas, seirbheisean slàinte no na seirbheisean sòisealta.
[Somhairle] Tha sin doirbh gu leòr ri dhèanamh nuair a tha e comasach dhuinn uile a bhith còmhla ann an rùm no ann an togalach fiù ’s.
[Somhairle] Ach tuigidh sibh, a’ feuchainn ri sin a dhèanamh on taigh gur e gnothach builleach eadar-dhealaichte a th’ ann.
[Somhairle] An gabh an obair seo a dhèanamh on taigh?
[Somhairle] Ag innse na fìrinn, an ìre mhath, gabhaidh.
[Somhairle] Ach tha rud no dhà ann a tha ga dhèanamh gu math doirbh.
[Somhairle] Gu h-àraid...
[Nighean] Tha an t-acras orm!
[Gille] Mise cuideachd!
[Somhairle] Gu h-àraid air sgàth 's gur e pàrant a th’ annam fhèin.
[Somhairle]’S e an rud a bha mi ag iarraidh canail ri na pàrantan a-nochd: na gabh cus dragh.
[Somhairle] Tha sinne a’ tuigsinn mar a tha e, tha e a’ tachairt dhuinn fhèin cuideachd.
[Somhairle] Chan eil mionaid a’ dol seachad far nach eil cuideigin a’ sabaid, a’ sgiamhail, a’ dol ann an stuirte, a’ briseadh rudeigin, ruith air falbh fiù ’s.
[Somhairle] Na gabh cus dragh mu dheidhinn an obair-sgoile aca.
[Somhairle] Nuair a thilleas na sgoiltean, lìonaidh na tidsearan beàrnan sam bith anns an eòlas aca ’s chan eil na beàrnan a tha sin cho dona ’s a tha sibh an dùil.
[Somhairle] Agus coimheadaidh sinn às an dèidh.
[Somhairle] Ach... dè an rud as motha a tha mi air ionnsachadh tron an seo?
[Somhairle] Uill, ’s e g’ eil mi den bheachd gu bheil tidsearan bun-sgoil airidh air tuarastal a tha fada, fada nas motha na tha iad a’ faighinn an-dràsta.
[Somhairle] Ceart, tha sin dheth... cuidhteas dhen tàidh a tha seo.
Teaching at home in 2020
[Sorley] Hello friends. I’m Sorley MacDonald and I have put on a shirt and tie for the first time in close to three months, to try to give you a bit of an idea of how it’s been for teachers trying to do their work from home during lockdown.
[Sorley] I’m a guidance teacher in a big school in the Highlands in which there are more than a thousand students.
[Sorley] I have the responsibility for more than two-hundred and fifty of them and, usually, I spend my days, apart from teaching, with children in front of me or in meetings with parents or other members of their families trying to reconcile any difficulties they have, inside or outside of school.
[Sorley] I’d say that the most important piece of my work is communication – encouraging and enabling communication between students themselves, between students and the teachers, also including the families, and also professionals from any services that impact the children’s lives at any time.
[Sorley] For example, maybe the police, health services or social services.
[Sorley] That’s difficult enough to do when it’s possible for us all to be together in a room or even a building.
[Sorley] Can this work be done from the house?
[Sorley] To tell the truth, to a good extent, it can.
[Sorley] But there’s one or two things that make it very difficult.
[Sorley] Especially…
[Girl] I’m hungry!
[Boy] Me too!
[Sorley] Especially because I’m a parent myself.
[Sorley] The thing I wanted to say to parents tonight is: don’t worry too much.
[Sorley] We understand how it is, it is happening to us too.
[Sorley] Not a minute goes by where someone isn’t fighting, screaming, going in a huff, breaking something, even running away.
[Sorley] Don’t worry too much about their school work.
[Sorley] When the schools return, the teachers will fill any gaps in their knowledge, and those gaps aren’t as bad as you expect.
[Sorley] And we’ll look after them.
[Sorley] But… what’s the most important thing I have learned through this?
[Sorley] Well, it’s that I believe that primary teachers deserve a much much higher wage than they are getting right now.
[Sorley] Right, that’s off… off with this tie.
A’ teagasg aig an taigh ann an 2020
[Somhairle] Halò a chàirdean. Is mise Somhairle MacDhòmhnaill agus tha mise air lèine is tàidh a chur orm airson a’ chiad turas ann an faisg air trì mìosan, airson feuchainn ri beagan de bheachd a thoirt dhuibh air cò ris a tha e air a bhith coltach do thidsearan a’ feuchainn ri an obair a dhèanamh bhon dachaigh aig àm a’ ghlasaidh.
[Somhairle] ’S e tidsear stiùiridh a th’ annamsa ann an sgoil mhòr air a’ Ghàidhealtachd anns a bheil barrachd na mìle sgoilear.
[Somhairle] Tha uallach ormsa airson barrachd na dà cheud gu leth dhiubh agus, mar as trice, bidh mi a’ cur seachad mo làithean, a bharrachd air a bhith a’ teagasg, le clann air mo bheulaibh no ann an coinneamhan le pàrantan no buill eile dhe na teaghlaich aca a’ feuchainn ri duilgheadasan sam bith a th’ aca, anns an sgoil no taobh a-muigh na sgoile, a rèiteachadh.
[Somhairle] Chanainn-sa gur e am pìos as cudromaiche dhe mo obair, ’s e conaltradh a tha ann. Conaltradh a bhrosnachadh agus a lìbhrigeadh eadar sgoilearan fhèin, eadar sgoilearan ’s na tidsearan, a’ toirt a-staigh cuideachd na teaghlaich, agus cuideachd daoine proifeiseanta bho sheirbheisean sam bith eile a bhios a’ bualadh air beatha a’ chloinne aig àm sam bith.
[Somhairle] Mar eisimpleir ’s dòcha a’ phoileas, seirbheisean slàinte no na seirbheisean sòisealta.
[Somhairle] Tha sin doirbh gu leòr ri dhèanamh nuair a tha e comasach dhuinn uile a bhith còmhla ann an rùm no ann an togalach fiù ’s.
[Somhairle] Ach tuigidh sibh, a’ feuchainn ri sin a dhèanamh on taigh gur e gnothach builleach eadar-dhealaichte a th’ ann.
[Somhairle] An gabh an obair seo a dhèanamh on taigh?
[Somhairle] Ag innse na fìrinn, an ìre mhath, gabhaidh.
[Somhairle] Ach tha rud no dhà ann a tha ga dhèanamh gu math doirbh.
[Somhairle] Gu h-àraid...
[Nighean] Tha an t-acras orm!
[Gille] Mise cuideachd!
[Somhairle] Gu h-àraid air sgàth 's gur e pàrant a th’ annam fhèin.
[Somhairle]’S e an rud a bha mi ag iarraidh canail ri na pàrantan a-nochd: na gabh cus dragh.
[Somhairle] Tha sinne a’ tuigsinn mar a tha e, tha e a’ tachairt dhuinn fhèin cuideachd.
[Somhairle] Chan eil mionaid a’ dol seachad far nach eil cuideigin a’ sabaid, a’ sgiamhail, a’ dol ann an stuirte, a’ briseadh rudeigin, ruith air falbh fiù ’s.
[Somhairle] Na gabh cus dragh mu dheidhinn an obair-sgoile aca.
[Somhairle] Nuair a thilleas na sgoiltean, lìonaidh na tidsearan beàrnan sam bith anns an eòlas aca ’s chan eil na beàrnan a tha sin cho dona ’s a tha sibh an dùil.
[Somhairle] Agus coimheadaidh sinn às an dèidh.
[Somhairle] Ach... dè an rud as motha a tha mi air ionnsachadh tron an seo?
[Somhairle] Uill, ’s e g’ eil mi den bheachd gu bheil tidsearan bun-sgoil airidh air tuarastal a tha fada, fada nas motha na tha iad a’ faighinn an-dràsta.
[Somhairle] Ceart, tha sin dheth... cuidhteas dhen tàidh a tha seo.
Teaching at home in 2020
[Sorley] Hello friends. I’m Sorley MacDonald and I have put on a shirt and tie for the first time in close to three months, to try to give you a bit of an idea of how it’s been for teachers trying to do their work from home during lockdown.
[Sorley] I’m a guidance teacher in a big school in the Highlands in which there are more than a thousand students.
[Sorley] I have the responsibility for more than two-hundred and fifty of them and, usually, I spend my days, apart from teaching, with children in front of me or in meetings with parents or other members of their families trying to reconcile any difficulties they have, inside or outside of school.
[Sorley] I’d say that the most important piece of my work is communication – encouraging and enabling communication between students themselves, between students and the teachers, also including the families, and also professionals from any services that impact the children’s lives at any time.
[Sorley] For example, maybe the police, health services or social services.
[Sorley] That’s difficult enough to do when it’s possible for us all to be together in a room or even a building.
[Sorley] Can this work be done from the house?
[Sorley] To tell the truth, to a good extent, it can.
[Sorley] But there’s one or two things that make it very difficult.
[Sorley] Especially…
[Girl] I’m hungry!
[Boy] Me too!
[Sorley] Especially because I’m a parent myself.
[Sorley] The thing I wanted to say to parents tonight is: don’t worry too much.
[Sorley] We understand how it is, it is happening to us too.
[Sorley] Not a minute goes by where someone isn’t fighting, screaming, going in a huff, breaking something, even running away.
[Sorley] Don’t worry too much about their school work.
[Sorley] When the schools return, the teachers will fill any gaps in their knowledge, and those gaps aren’t as bad as you expect.
[Sorley] And we’ll look after them.
[Sorley] But… what’s the most important thing I have learned through this?
[Sorley] Well, it’s that I believe that primary teachers deserve a much much higher wage than they are getting right now.
[Sorley] Right, that’s off… off with this tie.