Entertainment Dibhearsan
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
Tha Ramsay a’ dol a Ghleann Comhann
[Ramsay] Tha deagh ghreis on a bha mis’ air mo chois cho tràth seo. Sia uairean sa mhadainn, madainn Disathairne, ach ’s math ’s fhiach air.
[Ramsay] Tha mi dol a chur rud beag a bharrachd a chur dhan bhaga air sgàth ’s gu bheil iomadach outfit change a dhìth airson deireadh na seachdaine sa.
[Ramsay] ’S fìor thoil leamsa Gleann Comhann ach ’s àbhaist dhomh dìreach draibheadh roimhe, mar sin chuir mi romham a dhol ann agus fuireach ann gus sùil a thoirt air an sgìre.
[Ramsay] Tha sinn gu math fortanach ann an Alba gu bheil comas againn a’ siubhal air feadh na dùthcha on a tha i cho beag ach aig an aon àm cho eadar-dhealaichte.
[Ramsay] ‘S geall nach creideadh tu gu bheil Gleann Comhann dìreach ceithir fichead sa sia mìle air falbh bho Ghlaschu agus tha sin uile air an aon rathad agus mar sin tha sinn dìreach dol a chumail oirnn.
[Ramsay] Abair gu bheil mi a dèanamh gàire nuair a chì mi an soidhne a tha sin, ‘Fàilte don Ghàidhealtachd’, tha thu dhachaigh, tha thu air teicheadh, tha thu air falbh bhon bhaile mhòr, agus tha seo dìreach a’ fosgladh a-mach romhad ’s tha thu air do dhòigh tha mi creidsinn.
Ramsay’s off to Glencoe
[Ramsay] It has been a good while since I was awake as early as this. Six o’ clock in the morning, Saturday morning, but it’s well worth it.
[Ramsay] I’m going to put a little bit more in the bag because there’s a need for many outfit changes for this weekend.
[Ramsay] I really like Glencoe but I usually just drive there, so I’ve put it before me to go there and stay there to have a look at the area.
[Ramsay] We’re very lucky in Scotland that we are able to travel around the country because it’s so small but at the same time so different.
[Ramsay] It’s a promise you won’t believe that Glencoe is just 86 miles away from Glasgow and that’s all on the same road and so we’re just going to keep going.
[Ramsay] Don’t I laugh when I see that smile, ‘welcome to the Highlands’, you’re home, you’ve escaped, you are away from the big city, and this just opens out before you’re happy I believe.
Tha Ramsay a’ dol a Ghleann Comhann
[Ramsay] Tha deagh ghreis on a bha mis’ air mo chois cho tràth seo. Sia uairean sa mhadainn, madainn Disathairne, ach ’s math ’s fhiach air.
[Ramsay] Tha mi dol a chur rud beag a bharrachd a chur dhan bhaga air sgàth ’s gu bheil iomadach outfit change a dhìth airson deireadh na seachdaine sa.
[Ramsay] ’S fìor thoil leamsa Gleann Comhann ach ’s àbhaist dhomh dìreach draibheadh roimhe, mar sin chuir mi romham a dhol ann agus fuireach ann gus sùil a thoirt air an sgìre.
[Ramsay] Tha sinn gu math fortanach ann an Alba gu bheil comas againn a’ siubhal air feadh na dùthcha on a tha i cho beag ach aig an aon àm cho eadar-dhealaichte.
[Ramsay] ‘S geall nach creideadh tu gu bheil Gleann Comhann dìreach ceithir fichead sa sia mìle air falbh bho Ghlaschu agus tha sin uile air an aon rathad agus mar sin tha sinn dìreach dol a chumail oirnn.
[Ramsay] Abair gu bheil mi a dèanamh gàire nuair a chì mi an soidhne a tha sin, ‘Fàilte don Ghàidhealtachd’, tha thu dhachaigh, tha thu air teicheadh, tha thu air falbh bhon bhaile mhòr, agus tha seo dìreach a’ fosgladh a-mach romhad ’s tha thu air do dhòigh tha mi creidsinn.
Ramsay’s off to Glencoe
[Ramsay] It has been a good while since I was awake as early as this. Six o’ clock in the morning, Saturday morning, but it’s well worth it.
[Ramsay] I’m going to put a little bit more in the bag because there’s a need for many outfit changes for this weekend.
[Ramsay] I really like Glencoe but I usually just drive there, so I’ve put it before me to go there and stay there to have a look at the area.
[Ramsay] We’re very lucky in Scotland that we are able to travel around the country because it’s so small but at the same time so different.
[Ramsay] It’s a promise you won’t believe that Glencoe is just 86 miles away from Glasgow and that’s all on the same road and so we’re just going to keep going.
[Ramsay] Don’t I laugh when I see that smile, ‘welcome to the Highlands’, you’re home, you’ve escaped, you are away from the big city, and this just opens out before you’re happy I believe.