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Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Na mo chuid aodaich

Gaelic Gàidhlig

Angela NicIlleathain – Presentair] Oidhche Shathairne, chumar an còigeamh oidhche de ‘Na mo chuid aodaich’, far an robh dràma, comadaidh agus taisbeanadh aodaich tro na linntean. ‘S iad Pròiseact nan Ealan a chuir air dòigh an tachartas agus thèid a h-uile sgillinn airgid a chaidh a thogail gu carthannas. Chùm Seonaidh MacCoinnich againn fhèin air falbh bhon chatwalk, ach dheasaich e an aithris seo dhuinn.

[Seonaidh MacCoinnich – Neach-aithris] Modalan a’ deasachadh airson a dhol air a’ chatwalk, mar phàirt den oidhche aig ‘Na mo chuid aodaich’ ann an Inbhir Nis Disathairne. B’ e seo an t-siathamh ‘Na mo chuid aodaich’, ach a’ chiad fhear anns a’ bhaile mhòr. Tha na sreathan de dh’oidhcheannan seo a’ togail airgead airson diofar carthannais, ach bha barrachd na taisbeanadh aodaich fhèin a’ tachairt air an oidhche.

[Marisa NicDhòmhnaill] Nuair a thòisich sinn an dealbh ‘Na mo chuid aodaich’, bha sinn a’ feuchainn ri aodach fhaighinn thairis air an linn a chaidh seachad, bho thoiseach na linne gu deireadh na linne, ach gu math luath, thuig sinn nach robh sinn a’ dol a dh’fhaighinn mòran de dh’aodach ro na deich air fhicheadan. Agus ‘s ann an uair sin, cho-dhùin sinn gur e an rud a dhèanadh sinn gun dhèanadh sinn dealbh-chluich bheag aig an toiseach a bheireadh iomradh dha na daoine air an t-suidheachadh a bh’ann aig an àm.

[Iain MacRàth] Tha e dìreach mu dheidhinn dithis a tha a’ ruith B&B. ‘S tha aon dhiubh a’ feuchainn ri faighinn dheth, a’ cur a car às an teile. ‘S tha i cho àrd na h-inntinn fhèin. Mu dheireadh thall, tha an a tha seo, Royalty a’ tighinn a-steach ach i aig an deireadh, ach Mòr! Mòr Dhòmhnallach, ach ‘s e fìor royalty a th’innte-sa gu dearbh!

[Seonaidh MacCoinnich – Neach-aithris] Ach ciamar a bha an oidhche airson nam modalan fhèin?

[Debbie MacAoidh] Bha e glè mhath! Yeah, ‘s e beagan de rush a bh’ann a bhith a’ cur nan outfits eadar-dhealaichte oirnn. A chionn cha robh cus ùine eadar outfit aon agus a dhà dhòmhsa, actually, ‘s e rush a bha sin.

[Seonaidh MacCoinnich – Neach-aithris] Thog an oidhche fhèin mu dhà mhìle not airson na buidhne carthannais, The Archie Foundation. Ach mu chòig thar fhichead mìle not uile gu lèir thairis air na còig oidhcheannan mu thràth. Ach, an ath cheum dha ‘Na mo chuid aodaich’.

[Marisa NicDhòmhnaill] Aon ‘Na mo chuid aodaich’ eile a bhios againne agus bidh sinn ann an Uibhist aig toiseach na h-ath bhliadhn’, agus tha sinn ag obair còmhla ri sgioba dràma Uibhist airson an fhear sin, agus ‘s e sin e. Bidh sinne air ‘Na mo chuid aodaich’, bidh sinn an uair sin ga chur dhan leabaidh agus bidh sinn a’ tòiseachadh air rudeigin eile.

[Seonaidh MacCoinnich – Neach-aithris] Seonaidh MacCoinnich, BBC An Là, Inbhir Nis.



My own clothes

English Beurla

[Angela MacLean – Presenter] Saturday night, the fifth night was held of ‘Na mo chuid aodaich’ (In my many clothes), where there was drama, comedy and a show of clothes through the centuries. Pròiseact nan Ealan (The Arts Project) arranged the event and every penny raised will go to charity. Seonaidh MacKenzie kept himself from the catwalk, but he prepared this report for us.

[Seonaidh MacKenzie – Reporter] Models preparing for the for the catwalk, as part of the night ‘Na mo chuid aodaich’ in Inverness on Saturday. This was the sixth ‘Na mo chuid aodaich’, but the first one in the big city. The series of nights raise money for different charities, but there was more than the clothes show itself happening on the night.

[Marisa MacDonald] When we started the show ‘Na mo chuid aodaich’, we were trying to get clothes from the last century, from the start of the century to the end of the century, but very quickly, we understood that we weren’t going to get many clothes from before the thirties. Ans after that, we decided that the thing we would do was that we would do a wee play at the start that would give an idea to the people what the things were like at the time.

[Iain MacRae] It’s just about two people who run a B&B. And one of them tries to get away with getting one over on the other girl. And she is so high in her own mind. At the end, there is another girl, a girl from royalty comes in, but who is she in the end, but Mòr! Mòrag Macdonald, but she is true royalty, absolutely!

[Seonaidh MacKenzie – Reporter] But how was the night for the models themselves?

[Debbie MacKay] It was very good! Yeah, it was a bit of a rush, putting on the different outfits. Because there wasn’t a lot of time between outfit one and the second one for me, actually, it was a rush.

[Seonaidh MacKenzie – Reporter] the night raised about two thousand pounds for the charity group, The Archie Foundation. But about twenty-five pounds in total over the past five nights. But what is the next step for ‘Na mo chuid aodaich’?

[Marisa MacDonald] One more ‘Na mo chuid aodaich’ that we’ll have and we will be in The Uists at the start of next year and we are working with a drama group from The Uists for that one and that’s it. We’ll be on ‘Na mo chuid aodaich’, we will then put it to bed and we’ll be starting on something else.

[Seonaidh MacKenzie – Reporter] Seonaidh MacKenzie, BBC An Là, Inverness.



Na mo chuid aodaich

Gaelic Gàidhlig

Angela NicIlleathain – Presentair] Oidhche Shathairne, chumar an còigeamh oidhche de ‘Na mo chuid aodaich’, far an robh dràma, comadaidh agus taisbeanadh aodaich tro na linntean. ‘S iad Pròiseact nan Ealan a chuir air dòigh an tachartas agus thèid a h-uile sgillinn airgid a chaidh a thogail gu carthannas. Chùm Seonaidh MacCoinnich againn fhèin air falbh bhon chatwalk, ach dheasaich e an aithris seo dhuinn.

[Seonaidh MacCoinnich – Neach-aithris] Modalan a’ deasachadh airson a dhol air a’ chatwalk, mar phàirt den oidhche aig ‘Na mo chuid aodaich’ ann an Inbhir Nis Disathairne. B’ e seo an t-siathamh ‘Na mo chuid aodaich’, ach a’ chiad fhear anns a’ bhaile mhòr. Tha na sreathan de dh’oidhcheannan seo a’ togail airgead airson diofar carthannais, ach bha barrachd na taisbeanadh aodaich fhèin a’ tachairt air an oidhche.

[Marisa NicDhòmhnaill] Nuair a thòisich sinn an dealbh ‘Na mo chuid aodaich’, bha sinn a’ feuchainn ri aodach fhaighinn thairis air an linn a chaidh seachad, bho thoiseach na linne gu deireadh na linne, ach gu math luath, thuig sinn nach robh sinn a’ dol a dh’fhaighinn mòran de dh’aodach ro na deich air fhicheadan. Agus ‘s ann an uair sin, cho-dhùin sinn gur e an rud a dhèanadh sinn gun dhèanadh sinn dealbh-chluich bheag aig an toiseach a bheireadh iomradh dha na daoine air an t-suidheachadh a bh’ann aig an àm.

[Iain MacRàth] Tha e dìreach mu dheidhinn dithis a tha a’ ruith B&B. ‘S tha aon dhiubh a’ feuchainn ri faighinn dheth, a’ cur a car às an teile. ‘S tha i cho àrd na h-inntinn fhèin. Mu dheireadh thall, tha an a tha seo, Royalty a’ tighinn a-steach ach i aig an deireadh, ach Mòr! Mòr Dhòmhnallach, ach ‘s e fìor royalty a th’innte-sa gu dearbh!

[Seonaidh MacCoinnich – Neach-aithris] Ach ciamar a bha an oidhche airson nam modalan fhèin?

[Debbie MacAoidh] Bha e glè mhath! Yeah, ‘s e beagan de rush a bh’ann a bhith a’ cur nan outfits eadar-dhealaichte oirnn. A chionn cha robh cus ùine eadar outfit aon agus a dhà dhòmhsa, actually, ‘s e rush a bha sin.

[Seonaidh MacCoinnich – Neach-aithris] Thog an oidhche fhèin mu dhà mhìle not airson na buidhne carthannais, The Archie Foundation. Ach mu chòig thar fhichead mìle not uile gu lèir thairis air na còig oidhcheannan mu thràth. Ach, an ath cheum dha ‘Na mo chuid aodaich’.

[Marisa NicDhòmhnaill] Aon ‘Na mo chuid aodaich’ eile a bhios againne agus bidh sinn ann an Uibhist aig toiseach na h-ath bhliadhn’, agus tha sinn ag obair còmhla ri sgioba dràma Uibhist airson an fhear sin, agus ‘s e sin e. Bidh sinne air ‘Na mo chuid aodaich’, bidh sinn an uair sin ga chur dhan leabaidh agus bidh sinn a’ tòiseachadh air rudeigin eile.

[Seonaidh MacCoinnich – Neach-aithris] Seonaidh MacCoinnich, BBC An Là, Inbhir Nis.



My own clothes

English Beurla

[Angela MacLean – Presenter] Saturday night, the fifth night was held of ‘Na mo chuid aodaich’ (In my many clothes), where there was drama, comedy and a show of clothes through the centuries. Pròiseact nan Ealan (The Arts Project) arranged the event and every penny raised will go to charity. Seonaidh MacKenzie kept himself from the catwalk, but he prepared this report for us.

[Seonaidh MacKenzie – Reporter] Models preparing for the for the catwalk, as part of the night ‘Na mo chuid aodaich’ in Inverness on Saturday. This was the sixth ‘Na mo chuid aodaich’, but the first one in the big city. The series of nights raise money for different charities, but there was more than the clothes show itself happening on the night.

[Marisa MacDonald] When we started the show ‘Na mo chuid aodaich’, we were trying to get clothes from the last century, from the start of the century to the end of the century, but very quickly, we understood that we weren’t going to get many clothes from before the thirties. Ans after that, we decided that the thing we would do was that we would do a wee play at the start that would give an idea to the people what the things were like at the time.

[Iain MacRae] It’s just about two people who run a B&B. And one of them tries to get away with getting one over on the other girl. And she is so high in her own mind. At the end, there is another girl, a girl from royalty comes in, but who is she in the end, but Mòr! Mòrag Macdonald, but she is true royalty, absolutely!

[Seonaidh MacKenzie – Reporter] But how was the night for the models themselves?

[Debbie MacKay] It was very good! Yeah, it was a bit of a rush, putting on the different outfits. Because there wasn’t a lot of time between outfit one and the second one for me, actually, it was a rush.

[Seonaidh MacKenzie – Reporter] the night raised about two thousand pounds for the charity group, The Archie Foundation. But about twenty-five pounds in total over the past five nights. But what is the next step for ‘Na mo chuid aodaich’?

[Marisa MacDonald] One more ‘Na mo chuid aodaich’ that we’ll have and we will be in The Uists at the start of next year and we are working with a drama group from The Uists for that one and that’s it. We’ll be on ‘Na mo chuid aodaich’, we will then put it to bed and we’ll be starting on something else.

[Seonaidh MacKenzie – Reporter] Seonaidh MacKenzie, BBC An Là, Inverness.



Pròiseact nan Ealan

The Gaelic Arts Agency





ath bhliadhna

next year

