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Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

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Leabhar ùr aig Am Freicadan Dubh

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Iain MacIlleathain – Presentair] Nise, gheibh sinn an spòrs còmhla ri Ruaraidh ann an mionaid no dhà. Ron sin, ged-thà, tha sinn a’ a Pheairt, far an deach leabhar fhoillseachadh an-diugh a’ comharrachadh cheud gu leth bliadhna de cheòl pìoba an Fhreiceadan Duibh. Tha cheud gu leth port anns an leabhar, còmhla ri eachdraidh nam pìosan. Uimhir de dh’obair ann gu dearbh a bhith ga tharraing ri chèile is gun tug e trì bliadhna deug sin a dhèanamh. Tha Dòmhnall MacLaomainn ag aithris.

[Dòmhnall MacLaomainn – Neach-aithris] Tha sgeulachd an Fhreiceadan Duibh agus sgeulachd ceòl na pìoba gu math dlùth ri chèile agus tha an leabhar seo ag amas an sgeulachd sin innse, na fuinn, nan saighdearan agus na pìobairean fhèin.

[Lt Gn Sir Alasdair Irwin] The core of the book, of course, is the tunes themselves, two hundred and fifty tunes, all of which have a specific Blackwatch connection, in one way or another. But in addition to that, we have quite a lot of very interesting information, records of the pipe majors, of the regiment from the earliest days. There’s a section of photographs, black and white. It is another important element in the whole business of preserving the legacy and heritage of the regiment in the history of Scotland.

[DJ Mac an t-Saoir] leabhar mar seo cudromach airson feadhainn dha na seann phuirt, tha a’ dol às an airm a chumail beò. Tha e cudromach dhan rèisimeid fhèin agus cuideachd tha e cudromach dha na saighdearan a bhith a’ cluinntinn seann phuirt. Mar sin, ‘s e leabhar gu math cudromach a th’ ann ann dha na Freiceadain Dubh co-dhiù.

[Dòmhnall MacLaomainn – Neach-aithris] Chan e a-mhàin anns an dùthaich-sa a tha sgeulachd pìobaireachd an Fhreiceadan Duibh ri faicinn. Chaidh an ceòl air feadh an t-saoghail, le saighdearan a’ sabaid air feadh Ìmpireachd Bhreatainn.

[Alasdair Duthie] The pipers from through the regiment's history have gone all over the world. You just have to look at how many pipers and drummers appear at the world championships, or how many pipers from overseas there are playing around the games during the summer at the Glenfiddoch at Blair Castle to just see how far their influence has gone.

[Dòmhnall MacLaomainn – Neach-aithris] Chan e a-mhàin ceòl a tha anns an leabhar seo. Tha cuideachd tòrr eachdraidh ann mu dheidhinn an Fhreiceadan Dubh, 's tha sin gu h-àraid cudromach dhaibh air sgàth gun deach iad a-mach à bith bho chionn sia bliadhna. Ged nach eil am Freiceadain Dubh a’ sabaid mar rèisimeid tuilleadh, an leabhar seo cinnteach gun lean dìleab nam port aca. Dòmhnall MacLaomainn. BBC An Là, ann am Peairt.



A new Book about The Black Watch

English Beurla

[Iain MacLean – Presenter] Now, we’ll get the sports with Ruaraidh in a minute or two. Before that, though, we are going through to Perth, where a book was published commemorating two hundred and fifty years of pipe music from The Black Watch. There are two hundred and fifty tunes in the book, with history of the pieces. A lot of work, that’s for sure, has gone in to collating it and it took thirteen years to do it. Donald Lamont reports.

[Dòmhnall Lamont – Reporter] The story of The Black Watch and the story of pipe music are intertwined and this book aims to tell the tale, the tunes of the soldiers and the pipers themselves.

[Lt Gn Sir Alasdair Irwin] The core of the book, of course, is the tunes themselves, two hundred and fifty tunes, all of which have a specific Black Watch connection, in one way or another. But in addition to that, we have quite a lot of very interesting information, records of the pipe majors, from the regiment from the earliest days. There’s a section of photographs, black and white. It is another important element in the whole business of preserving the legacy and heritage of the regiment in the history of Scotland.

[DJ Macintyre] A book like this is important for some of the old tunes that are from the army, to keep them alive. It’s important for the regiment itself and it is also important for the soldiers to hear the old tunes. So, it’s a very important book for the Black Watch.

[Dòmhnall Lamont – Reporter] It’s not just in the country that you can see the story of The Black Watch. The music has been all over the world, with soldiers fighting all over the British Empire.

[Alasdair Duthie] The pipers from through the regiment's history have gone all over the world. You just have to look at how many pipers and drummers appear at the world championships, or how many pipers from overseas there are playing around the games in the summer at the Glenfiddoch at Blair Castle to just see how far their influence has gone.

[Dòmhnall Lamont – Reporter] It’s not only music that is in this book. There is also lots of history about The Black Watch, and that is especially important to them as they ceased to exist six years ago. Although, The Black Watch no longer fight as a regiment anymore, this book will make sure that the legacy lives on through their tunes. Donald Lamont, BBC An Là, in Perth.



Leabhar ùr aig Am Freicadan Dubh

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Iain MacIlleathain – Presentair] Nise, gheibh sinn an spòrs còmhla ri Ruaraidh ann an mionaid no dhà. Ron sin, ged-thà, tha sinn a’ a Pheairt, far an deach leabhar fhoillseachadh an-diugh a’ comharrachadh cheud gu leth bliadhna de cheòl pìoba an Fhreiceadan Duibh. Tha cheud gu leth port anns an leabhar, còmhla ri eachdraidh nam pìosan. Uimhir de dh’obair ann gu dearbh a bhith ga tharraing ri chèile is gun tug e trì bliadhna deug sin a dhèanamh. Tha Dòmhnall MacLaomainn ag aithris.

[Dòmhnall MacLaomainn – Neach-aithris] Tha sgeulachd an Fhreiceadan Duibh agus sgeulachd ceòl na pìoba gu math dlùth ri chèile agus tha an leabhar seo ag amas an sgeulachd sin innse, na fuinn, nan saighdearan agus na pìobairean fhèin.

[Lt Gn Sir Alasdair Irwin] The core of the book, of course, is the tunes themselves, two hundred and fifty tunes, all of which have a specific Blackwatch connection, in one way or another. But in addition to that, we have quite a lot of very interesting information, records of the pipe majors, of the regiment from the earliest days. There’s a section of photographs, black and white. It is another important element in the whole business of preserving the legacy and heritage of the regiment in the history of Scotland.

[DJ Mac an t-Saoir] leabhar mar seo cudromach airson feadhainn dha na seann phuirt, tha a’ dol às an airm a chumail beò. Tha e cudromach dhan rèisimeid fhèin agus cuideachd tha e cudromach dha na saighdearan a bhith a’ cluinntinn seann phuirt. Mar sin, ‘s e leabhar gu math cudromach a th’ ann ann dha na Freiceadain Dubh co-dhiù.

[Dòmhnall MacLaomainn – Neach-aithris] Chan e a-mhàin anns an dùthaich-sa a tha sgeulachd pìobaireachd an Fhreiceadan Duibh ri faicinn. Chaidh an ceòl air feadh an t-saoghail, le saighdearan a’ sabaid air feadh Ìmpireachd Bhreatainn.

[Alasdair Duthie] The pipers from through the regiment's history have gone all over the world. You just have to look at how many pipers and drummers appear at the world championships, or how many pipers from overseas there are playing around the games during the summer at the Glenfiddoch at Blair Castle to just see how far their influence has gone.

[Dòmhnall MacLaomainn – Neach-aithris] Chan e a-mhàin ceòl a tha anns an leabhar seo. Tha cuideachd tòrr eachdraidh ann mu dheidhinn an Fhreiceadan Dubh, 's tha sin gu h-àraid cudromach dhaibh air sgàth gun deach iad a-mach à bith bho chionn sia bliadhna. Ged nach eil am Freiceadain Dubh a’ sabaid mar rèisimeid tuilleadh, an leabhar seo cinnteach gun lean dìleab nam port aca. Dòmhnall MacLaomainn. BBC An Là, ann am Peairt.



A new Book about The Black Watch

English Beurla

[Iain MacLean – Presenter] Now, we’ll get the sports with Ruaraidh in a minute or two. Before that, though, we are going through to Perth, where a book was published commemorating two hundred and fifty years of pipe music from The Black Watch. There are two hundred and fifty tunes in the book, with history of the pieces. A lot of work, that’s for sure, has gone in to collating it and it took thirteen years to do it. Donald Lamont reports.

[Dòmhnall Lamont – Reporter] The story of The Black Watch and the story of pipe music are intertwined and this book aims to tell the tale, the tunes of the soldiers and the pipers themselves.

[Lt Gn Sir Alasdair Irwin] The core of the book, of course, is the tunes themselves, two hundred and fifty tunes, all of which have a specific Black Watch connection, in one way or another. But in addition to that, we have quite a lot of very interesting information, records of the pipe majors, from the regiment from the earliest days. There’s a section of photographs, black and white. It is another important element in the whole business of preserving the legacy and heritage of the regiment in the history of Scotland.

[DJ Macintyre] A book like this is important for some of the old tunes that are from the army, to keep them alive. It’s important for the regiment itself and it is also important for the soldiers to hear the old tunes. So, it’s a very important book for the Black Watch.

[Dòmhnall Lamont – Reporter] It’s not just in the country that you can see the story of The Black Watch. The music has been all over the world, with soldiers fighting all over the British Empire.

[Alasdair Duthie] The pipers from through the regiment's history have gone all over the world. You just have to look at how many pipers and drummers appear at the world championships, or how many pipers from overseas there are playing around the games in the summer at the Glenfiddoch at Blair Castle to just see how far their influence has gone.

[Dòmhnall Lamont – Reporter] It’s not only music that is in this book. There is also lots of history about The Black Watch, and that is especially important to them as they ceased to exist six years ago. Although, The Black Watch no longer fight as a regiment anymore, this book will make sure that the legacy lives on through their tunes. Donald Lamont, BBC An Là, in Perth.



Am Freiceadan Dubh

The Black Watch





air feadh an t-saoghail

all over the world

Ìmpireachd Bhreatainn

British Empire