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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Tha tè ùr a' dol gu Bermuda

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Gilleasbuig MacDhòmhnaill – Preseantair Spòrs] Chan eil ach beagan sheachdainean a-nis gus an tòisich Geamannan Eileanan na Cruinne. Airson grunn bhliadhnaichean, tha lùth-chleasaichean às na h-Eileanan an Iar air a bhith a’ dol ann. Am-bliadhna, tha ainm ùr no dhà air a bhith a’ dèanamh air Bermuda, far am bi geamannan na bliadhna-sa. Fhuair Alasdair Friseal facal air òg à Leòdhas a tha gu bhith a’ ruith anns na geamannan airson a’ chiad uair.

[Alasdair Friseal – Neach-aithris] Seisean-trèanaidh eile aig an ionad spòrs ann an Steòrnabhagh, tha lùth-chleasaichean bho na h-eileanan an-dràsta a’ dèanamh deiseil airson pàirt a ghabhail ann an Geamannan Eileanan na Cruinne, cuid dhiubh, leithid Jenny Nic an t-Sagairt airson a’ chiad uair.

[Jenny Nic an t-Sagairt] Bidh sinn a’ dèanamh warm up còmhla ri chèile ‘s an uair sin a’ dèanamh starts uaireannan air na blocks againne is fhuair sinn blocks ùr, ‘s tha sinn taingeil airson sin, agus bidh sinn a’ dèanamh sprints agus diofar sprints ‘s dòcha cheud no aon ceud, ach tha sinn gan cumail goirid an-dràsta dìreach airson speed.

[Alasdair Friseal – Neach-aithris] Tha a h-athair, Seumas, tric ri fhaicinn aig na seiseanan-trèanaidh, agus tha e a’ dèanamh moladh mòr air na goireasan a tha ri fhaotainn dha na lùth-chleasaichean òga.

[Seumas Mac an t-Sagairt] Tha goireas sgoinneil againne an seo fhèin, tha coaches na lùib gu saor-thoileach. Tha Jim air a bhith ga coidseadh, mar gum biodh, bhon a bha i dusan bliadhna a dh’ aois – trì-deug. Tha esan gu bhith air falbh cuideachd.

[Alasdair Friseal – Neach-aithris] Ach, tha astar mòr ann eadar Leòdhas agus Bermuda. Ciamar ma tha a tha Jenny gu bhith dèiligeadh ri àrainneachd agus aimsir gu tùr eadar-dhealaichte?

[Jenny Nic an t-Sagairt] Chan eil mi idir air a dhol air falbh cho fàd’ ri sin gu co-fharpais, dìreach sìos gu Glaschu, còmhla ris a’ chlub, ach bidh seo uabhasach eadar-dhealaichte bho na rudan a tha mi air a dhèanamh ron a seo, ach bidh e math. ‘S dòcha gu bheil Bermuda deiseil airson sinne ach chan eil mi an dùil gu bheil mi deiseil fhathast. Bidh feum agam faighinn cleachdte ris an aimsir, ‘s tha mi a’ smaointinn gum bi sinn a’ dol air falbh ron rud, bidh sin math, son faighinn cleachdte ris an aimsir dhiofraichte is rudan mar sin.

[Alasdair Friseal – Neach-aithris] Uallach mòr a th’ ann fhathast do phàrant sam bith.

[Seumas Mac an t-Sagairt] Tha i sia-deug bliadhna a dh’ aois, ’s tha i air falbh leatha fhèin, ach tha fhios agad gu bheil Jim, an coidse aice, gu bhith ann. Tha Will a’ falbh. Tha Murdo Ailig, tha tòrr bhon a’ chlub fhèin air falbh. Leis an sin fhèin, tha mòran gu bhith air falbh leatha, tha Màiri Levack à Uibhist fhèin gu bhith ann. Tha fhios agad gum bi daoine ann a sheallas às a dèidh fhèin, ach air an laimh eile tha ise nis na nighean òg mar gum biodh, na h-inbheach òg agus tha e annasach smaointinn gu bheil i a’ dol air falbh cho fada ri sin.



A new girl is going to Bermuda

English Beurla

[Gilleasbuig MacDonald – Sports Presenter] It is only a few weeks until the start of the World Island Games. For many years, athletes from the Western Isles have been going. This year, there is a new name or two making are making their way to Bermuda, where the games will be this year. Alasdair Fraser had a word with a young girl from Lewis who is going to run in the games for the first time.

[Alasdair Fraser – Reporter] Another training session at the sports centre in Stornoway, athletes from the islands are preparing just now to take part in the World Island Games. Many of them, like Jenny MacTaggart for the first time.

[Jenny MacTaggart] We do a warm up together and then we do starts, sometimes on our blocks and we have new blocks and we are grateful for that and we do sprints and different sprints, maybe two hundred, or a hundred, but we are keeping them short just now, just for speed.

[Alasdair Fraser – Reporter] Her father, Seumas, is often to be seen at the training sessions and he praises the resources that are available to the young athletes.

[Seumas MacTaggart] We have a great resource here, the coaches involved are voluntary. Jim has been coaching her, as it were, since she was 12 years old – 13. He is going to be away too.

[Alasdair Fraser – Reporter] But, there is a big distance between Lewis and Bermuda. How is Jenny going to cope with the environment and weather that is totally different?

[Jenny MacTaggart] I have never gone as far as that to a competition, just down to Glasgow, with the club, but this will be very different from the things that I have done up to now, but it will be good. Maybe Bermuda is ready for us, but I don’t think that I am ready yet. I will have to get used to the weather and I think we are going two days before the thing, it’ll be good, to get used to the different weather and things like that.

[Alasdair Fraser – Reporter] It’s a big concern for any parent.

[Seumas MacTaggart] She is sixteen years old and she is away by herself, but you know that Jim, her coach, will be there. Will is going. Murdo Alec, there are lots from the club itself going. So that said, there are going to be plenty away with her, Mairi Levack from Uist itself is going to be there. You know that there will be people who will look after her. She is now a young girl, as it were, a young adult and it is strange to think she will be gone as long as that.



Tha tè ùr a' dol gu Bermuda

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Gilleasbuig MacDhòmhnaill – Preseantair Spòrs] Chan eil ach beagan sheachdainean a-nis gus an tòisich Geamannan Eileanan na Cruinne. Airson grunn bhliadhnaichean, tha lùth-chleasaichean às na h-Eileanan an Iar air a bhith a’ dol ann. Am-bliadhna, tha ainm ùr no dhà air a bhith a’ dèanamh air Bermuda, far am bi geamannan na bliadhna-sa. Fhuair Alasdair Friseal facal air òg à Leòdhas a tha gu bhith a’ ruith anns na geamannan airson a’ chiad uair.

[Alasdair Friseal – Neach-aithris] Seisean-trèanaidh eile aig an ionad spòrs ann an Steòrnabhagh, tha lùth-chleasaichean bho na h-eileanan an-dràsta a’ dèanamh deiseil airson pàirt a ghabhail ann an Geamannan Eileanan na Cruinne, cuid dhiubh, leithid Jenny Nic an t-Sagairt airson a’ chiad uair.

[Jenny Nic an t-Sagairt] Bidh sinn a’ dèanamh warm up còmhla ri chèile ‘s an uair sin a’ dèanamh starts uaireannan air na blocks againne is fhuair sinn blocks ùr, ‘s tha sinn taingeil airson sin, agus bidh sinn a’ dèanamh sprints agus diofar sprints ‘s dòcha cheud no aon ceud, ach tha sinn gan cumail goirid an-dràsta dìreach airson speed.

[Alasdair Friseal – Neach-aithris] Tha a h-athair, Seumas, tric ri fhaicinn aig na seiseanan-trèanaidh, agus tha e a’ dèanamh moladh mòr air na goireasan a tha ri fhaotainn dha na lùth-chleasaichean òga.

[Seumas Mac an t-Sagairt] Tha goireas sgoinneil againne an seo fhèin, tha coaches na lùib gu saor-thoileach. Tha Jim air a bhith ga coidseadh, mar gum biodh, bhon a bha i dusan bliadhna a dh’ aois – trì-deug. Tha esan gu bhith air falbh cuideachd.

[Alasdair Friseal – Neach-aithris] Ach, tha astar mòr ann eadar Leòdhas agus Bermuda. Ciamar ma tha a tha Jenny gu bhith dèiligeadh ri àrainneachd agus aimsir gu tùr eadar-dhealaichte?

[Jenny Nic an t-Sagairt] Chan eil mi idir air a dhol air falbh cho fàd’ ri sin gu co-fharpais, dìreach sìos gu Glaschu, còmhla ris a’ chlub, ach bidh seo uabhasach eadar-dhealaichte bho na rudan a tha mi air a dhèanamh ron a seo, ach bidh e math. ‘S dòcha gu bheil Bermuda deiseil airson sinne ach chan eil mi an dùil gu bheil mi deiseil fhathast. Bidh feum agam faighinn cleachdte ris an aimsir, ‘s tha mi a’ smaointinn gum bi sinn a’ dol air falbh ron rud, bidh sin math, son faighinn cleachdte ris an aimsir dhiofraichte is rudan mar sin.

[Alasdair Friseal – Neach-aithris] Uallach mòr a th’ ann fhathast do phàrant sam bith.

[Seumas Mac an t-Sagairt] Tha i sia-deug bliadhna a dh’ aois, ’s tha i air falbh leatha fhèin, ach tha fhios agad gu bheil Jim, an coidse aice, gu bhith ann. Tha Will a’ falbh. Tha Murdo Ailig, tha tòrr bhon a’ chlub fhèin air falbh. Leis an sin fhèin, tha mòran gu bhith air falbh leatha, tha Màiri Levack à Uibhist fhèin gu bhith ann. Tha fhios agad gum bi daoine ann a sheallas às a dèidh fhèin, ach air an laimh eile tha ise nis na nighean òg mar gum biodh, na h-inbheach òg agus tha e annasach smaointinn gu bheil i a’ dol air falbh cho fada ri sin.



A new girl is going to Bermuda

English Beurla

[Gilleasbuig MacDonald – Sports Presenter] It is only a few weeks until the start of the World Island Games. For many years, athletes from the Western Isles have been going. This year, there is a new name or two making are making their way to Bermuda, where the games will be this year. Alasdair Fraser had a word with a young girl from Lewis who is going to run in the games for the first time.

[Alasdair Fraser – Reporter] Another training session at the sports centre in Stornoway, athletes from the islands are preparing just now to take part in the World Island Games. Many of them, like Jenny MacTaggart for the first time.

[Jenny MacTaggart] We do a warm up together and then we do starts, sometimes on our blocks and we have new blocks and we are grateful for that and we do sprints and different sprints, maybe two hundred, or a hundred, but we are keeping them short just now, just for speed.

[Alasdair Fraser – Reporter] Her father, Seumas, is often to be seen at the training sessions and he praises the resources that are available to the young athletes.

[Seumas MacTaggart] We have a great resource here, the coaches involved are voluntary. Jim has been coaching her, as it were, since she was 12 years old – 13. He is going to be away too.

[Alasdair Fraser – Reporter] But, there is a big distance between Lewis and Bermuda. How is Jenny going to cope with the environment and weather that is totally different?

[Jenny MacTaggart] I have never gone as far as that to a competition, just down to Glasgow, with the club, but this will be very different from the things that I have done up to now, but it will be good. Maybe Bermuda is ready for us, but I don’t think that I am ready yet. I will have to get used to the weather and I think we are going two days before the thing, it’ll be good, to get used to the different weather and things like that.

[Alasdair Fraser – Reporter] It’s a big concern for any parent.

[Seumas MacTaggart] She is sixteen years old and she is away by herself, but you know that Jim, her coach, will be there. Will is going. Murdo Alec, there are lots from the club itself going. So that said, there are going to be plenty away with her, Mairi Levack from Uist itself is going to be there. You know that there will be people who will look after her. She is now a young girl, as it were, a young adult and it is strange to think she will be gone as long as that.



Geamannan Eileanan na Cruinne / Geamaichean Eileanan na Cruinne

World Island Games

The reporter uses the first example for 'games', the sports presenter uses the second phrase.




training session



