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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Buaidh na sìde ri fhaicinn anns na bùithtean

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Angela NicIlleathain – Preseantair] Dh’ fhoillsich prìomh bhùithtean Bhreatainn na figearan as fheàrr airson mìos an Iuchair ann an seachd bliadhna. A rèir Co-bhanntachd Bhùithtean Bhreatainn, dh’ fhàs na chaidh a reic phuing a dhà às a’ cheud an taca ris an Iuchar an-uiridh. as coireach? Tha an t-sìde bhlàth agus tachartasan a dh’ fhàg daoine toilicht’ a rèir choltais. Tha tuilleadh aig Catriona NicFhionghain.

[Catriona NicFhionghain – Neach-aithris] Nach iomadh feum a tha às a’ ghrèin. Gun teagamh sam bith, bha a’ ghrian a’ deàrrsadh air feadh na Rìoghachd Aonaichte sa mhìos a chaidh. A rèir figearan a thàinig a-mach an-diugh, bha buaidh na sìde ri fhaicinn anns an àireamh de dhaoine a bha a’ ceannachd anns na bhùithtean. Tha Co-bhanntachd Bhùithtean Bhreatainn air a ràdh gur e an t-Iuchar an treasamh mìos as dèidh a chèile far an robh leudachadh den leithid ri fhaicinn. Ach a bheil seo a’ ciallachadh gu bheil làithean grianach air thoiseach oirnn?

[Dòmhnall Màrtainn] Tha an aimsir bhlàth a’ toirt dhaoine mar gum biodh a-mach bho na couchaichean aca agus a’ tòiseachadh a-nis a’ dol dha na bùithtean a rèir choltais agus dh’ fhaodadh e a bhith gu bheil sin ann, ach saoilidh mi gum bu chòir barrachd na sin a bhith ann ma tha thu fhèin misneachail gu bheil d’ obair nas sàbhailte. Dh’ fhaodadh e a bhith na bha o chionn bliadhna air as. Uill, tha e a’ dol a dhèanamh barrachd ciall gu bheil thu a’ dol a chaitheamh barrachd airgid.

[Catriona NicFhionghain – Neach-aithris] Tha na figearan a chaidh fhoillseachadh a’ sealltainn gu bheil na chaidh a cheannach anns an Iuchar air a dhol suas phuing a dhà às a’ cheud an àireamh as fheàrr bho dhà mhìle ‘s a sia. Cuideachd, tha ceannachd air-loidhne air a dhol suas seachd puing a naoi às a’ cheud.

[Helen Dickensen] In July, we had a number of sort of special factors, if you like? The combination of some fantastic weather and that confidence factor, really being driven by the combination of royal babies, the Lions, Chris Froome in the Tour de France, the beginning of the ashes etc, etc so a lot of activity out there that just made people feel a bit more positive.

[Catriona NicFhionghain – Neach-aithris] Ach cho misneachail ‘s a bu chòir dhuinn a bhith? A rèir rannsachadh leis an TUC, tha mòran de theaghlaichean Breatannach a’ cleachdadh an airgid a th’ aca air a shàbhaladh gus cumail a’ dol tron chrìonadh eacanomaigeach.

[Dòmhnall Màrtainn] Chan urrainn dhuinn a bhith ro dhubhach. Tha na figearan seo dubh is geal ag ràdh gu bheil daoine a’ caitheamh barrachd na bha iad, agus gu bheil sin a’ cuideachadh nam bùithtean, ach còmhla ri sin, cha mhòr nach eil thu faicinn sales is discounts is mar sin air adhart. Nise a bheil sin cho math dhan luchd-reic? Tha mar gum biodh g’ eil iad a’ faighinn seachad dhan stoc a th’ ac’, ach a bheil iad a’ dèanamh uiread de phrothaid às, chan eil fhios agam?

[Catriona NicFhionghain – Neach-aithris] Chan eil teagamh ann nach eil sìde mhath a’ toirt dhuinn togail, ach an e samhla a tha seo air na thachras dhan eaconomaidh againne san àm ri teachd. ‘S e tìde a dh’ innseas. Catriona NicFhionghain, BBC An Là.



The effect of the weather can be seen in the shops

English Beurla

[Angela MacLean – Presenter] The main shops in Britain published their best figures for the month of July in seven years. According to the British Independent Retailers Association, sales grew by 2.2% compared with July last year. What is the cause? The warm weather and things that have left people happy, seemingly. Catriona MacKinnon has more.

[Catriona MacKinnon – Reporter] The sun has many uses. Without a doubt, the sun was shining all over the United Kingdom last month. According to figures that came out today, the effect of the weather could be seen in the number of people that were buying in the shops. The British Independent Retailers Association have said that July was the third month in a row where there was a rise to be seen. But does this mean that there are sunny days before us?

[Donald Martin] The warm weather has brought people out from their couches and start going to the shops and it could be that, but I think that there is more than that if you have confidence that your work is safe. It could be than it was a year ago. Well, it makes more sense if you are going to spend more money.

[Catriona MacKinnon – Reporter] The figures that were published show that was bought in July has risen by 2.2%, the best number since 2006. Also, online purchases have gone up 7.9%.

[Helen Dickensen] In July, we had a number of sort of special factors, if you like? The combination of some fantastic weather and that confidence factor, really being driven by the combination of royal babies, the Lions, Chris Froome in the Tour de France, the beginning of the ashes etc, etc so a lot of activity out there that just made people feel a bit more positive.

[Catriona MacKinnon – Reporter] But how confident should we be? According to TUC research, more British families use the money that they have been saving to keep going through the economic crisis.

[Donald Martin] We can’t be too downcast. The figures are black and white say that people are spending more than they had and that helps the shops, but with that, you are seeing sales and discounts and things like that. Now is that so good for the sellers? It means they are getting rid of their stock, but do they make much of a profit, I don’t know?

[Catriona MacKinnon – Reporter] there is no doubt that the good weather gives us a lift, but is it a sign of what will happen to our economy in the future? Time will tell. Catriona MacKinnon, BBC An Là.



Buaidh na sìde ri fhaicinn anns na bùithtean

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Angela NicIlleathain – Preseantair] Dh’ fhoillsich prìomh bhùithtean Bhreatainn na figearan as fheàrr airson mìos an Iuchair ann an seachd bliadhna. A rèir Co-bhanntachd Bhùithtean Bhreatainn, dh’ fhàs na chaidh a reic phuing a dhà às a’ cheud an taca ris an Iuchar an-uiridh. as coireach? Tha an t-sìde bhlàth agus tachartasan a dh’ fhàg daoine toilicht’ a rèir choltais. Tha tuilleadh aig Catriona NicFhionghain.

[Catriona NicFhionghain – Neach-aithris] Nach iomadh feum a tha às a’ ghrèin. Gun teagamh sam bith, bha a’ ghrian a’ deàrrsadh air feadh na Rìoghachd Aonaichte sa mhìos a chaidh. A rèir figearan a thàinig a-mach an-diugh, bha buaidh na sìde ri fhaicinn anns an àireamh de dhaoine a bha a’ ceannachd anns na bhùithtean. Tha Co-bhanntachd Bhùithtean Bhreatainn air a ràdh gur e an t-Iuchar an treasamh mìos as dèidh a chèile far an robh leudachadh den leithid ri fhaicinn. Ach a bheil seo a’ ciallachadh gu bheil làithean grianach air thoiseach oirnn?

[Dòmhnall Màrtainn] Tha an aimsir bhlàth a’ toirt dhaoine mar gum biodh a-mach bho na couchaichean aca agus a’ tòiseachadh a-nis a’ dol dha na bùithtean a rèir choltais agus dh’ fhaodadh e a bhith gu bheil sin ann, ach saoilidh mi gum bu chòir barrachd na sin a bhith ann ma tha thu fhèin misneachail gu bheil d’ obair nas sàbhailte. Dh’ fhaodadh e a bhith na bha o chionn bliadhna air as. Uill, tha e a’ dol a dhèanamh barrachd ciall gu bheil thu a’ dol a chaitheamh barrachd airgid.

[Catriona NicFhionghain – Neach-aithris] Tha na figearan a chaidh fhoillseachadh a’ sealltainn gu bheil na chaidh a cheannach anns an Iuchar air a dhol suas phuing a dhà às a’ cheud an àireamh as fheàrr bho dhà mhìle ‘s a sia. Cuideachd, tha ceannachd air-loidhne air a dhol suas seachd puing a naoi às a’ cheud.

[Helen Dickensen] In July, we had a number of sort of special factors, if you like? The combination of some fantastic weather and that confidence factor, really being driven by the combination of royal babies, the Lions, Chris Froome in the Tour de France, the beginning of the ashes etc, etc so a lot of activity out there that just made people feel a bit more positive.

[Catriona NicFhionghain – Neach-aithris] Ach cho misneachail ‘s a bu chòir dhuinn a bhith? A rèir rannsachadh leis an TUC, tha mòran de theaghlaichean Breatannach a’ cleachdadh an airgid a th’ aca air a shàbhaladh gus cumail a’ dol tron chrìonadh eacanomaigeach.

[Dòmhnall Màrtainn] Chan urrainn dhuinn a bhith ro dhubhach. Tha na figearan seo dubh is geal ag ràdh gu bheil daoine a’ caitheamh barrachd na bha iad, agus gu bheil sin a’ cuideachadh nam bùithtean, ach còmhla ri sin, cha mhòr nach eil thu faicinn sales is discounts is mar sin air adhart. Nise a bheil sin cho math dhan luchd-reic? Tha mar gum biodh g’ eil iad a’ faighinn seachad dhan stoc a th’ ac’, ach a bheil iad a’ dèanamh uiread de phrothaid às, chan eil fhios agam?

[Catriona NicFhionghain – Neach-aithris] Chan eil teagamh ann nach eil sìde mhath a’ toirt dhuinn togail, ach an e samhla a tha seo air na thachras dhan eaconomaidh againne san àm ri teachd. ‘S e tìde a dh’ innseas. Catriona NicFhionghain, BBC An Là.



The effect of the weather can be seen in the shops

English Beurla

[Angela MacLean – Presenter] The main shops in Britain published their best figures for the month of July in seven years. According to the British Independent Retailers Association, sales grew by 2.2% compared with July last year. What is the cause? The warm weather and things that have left people happy, seemingly. Catriona MacKinnon has more.

[Catriona MacKinnon – Reporter] The sun has many uses. Without a doubt, the sun was shining all over the United Kingdom last month. According to figures that came out today, the effect of the weather could be seen in the number of people that were buying in the shops. The British Independent Retailers Association have said that July was the third month in a row where there was a rise to be seen. But does this mean that there are sunny days before us?

[Donald Martin] The warm weather has brought people out from their couches and start going to the shops and it could be that, but I think that there is more than that if you have confidence that your work is safe. It could be than it was a year ago. Well, it makes more sense if you are going to spend more money.

[Catriona MacKinnon – Reporter] The figures that were published show that was bought in July has risen by 2.2%, the best number since 2006. Also, online purchases have gone up 7.9%.

[Helen Dickensen] In July, we had a number of sort of special factors, if you like? The combination of some fantastic weather and that confidence factor, really being driven by the combination of royal babies, the Lions, Chris Froome in the Tour de France, the beginning of the ashes etc, etc so a lot of activity out there that just made people feel a bit more positive.

[Catriona MacKinnon – Reporter] But how confident should we be? According to TUC research, more British families use the money that they have been saving to keep going through the economic crisis.

[Donald Martin] We can’t be too downcast. The figures are black and white say that people are spending more than they had and that helps the shops, but with that, you are seeing sales and discounts and things like that. Now is that so good for the sellers? It means they are getting rid of their stock, but do they make much of a profit, I don’t know?

[Catriona MacKinnon – Reporter] there is no doubt that the good weather gives us a lift, but is it a sign of what will happen to our economy in the future? Time will tell. Catriona MacKinnon, BBC An Là.



crìonadh eacanomaigeach / crìonadh eacanomach

economic crisis



Co-bhanntachd Bhùithtean Bhreatainn

British Independent Retailers Association

a’ caitheamh


