FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

News Naidheachdan

B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Lùghdachadh eile air an uimhir de phàipearan

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Alasdair Friseil - Preseantair] Nis’, Thàinig lùghdachadh eile air an uimhir de phàipearan-naidheachd a tha gan reic ann an Alba. Agus na h-àireamhan airson a’ chiad sia mìosan dhen bhliadhna ga fhoillseachadh. Tha a’ ghnìomhachas a’ cumail a-mach nach eil cùisean buileach cho dona ri sin ged-tà, oir mar a tha Iain MacAonghais a-nis ag aithris tha mòran a bharrachd dhaoine a-nis a’ leughadh nam pàipearan-naidheachd air-loidhne.

[Iain MacAonghais – Neach-aithris] Airson linntean, tha iad air a bhith a’ toirt dhuinn na naidheachdan as ùire bho gach ceàrn. Cinn-naidheachd an t-saoghail ann an dubh agus geal agus dathan anns an latha a th’ ann.

[Iain MacAonghais – Neach-aithris] Ach chan eil teagamh gu bheil saoghal nam pàipearan-naidheachd ag atharrachadh le nas lugha de dhaoine air am fàgail le meuran car salach bho naidheachdan na maidne. Tha gu leòr a’ gluasad chun an eadar-lìn le tablets, le fònaichean-làimhe agus a leithid airson an cuid naidheachdan fhaighinn.

[Iain MacAonghais – Neach-aithris] Sin aon de na prìomh adhbharan a th’ air cùlaibh figearan an latha an-diugh ri sheall anns a’ chiad leth dhen bhliadhna gun deach àireamh luchd-leughaidh an Scotsman sìos seachd-deug às a’ cheud, sin an coimeas ris a’ chiad leth dhen bhliadhna an-uiridh. Thuit àireamh luchd-leughaidh a’ Phress and Journal nas lugha na còig às a’ cheud agus Pàipear Beag an Eilean Sgitheanaich an aon ìre.

[Iain X Maciver] Uill, airson nam pàipearan mòra nàiseanta, ‘s e an dùbhlan, tha mise a’ smaoineachadh, a th’ aca ‘s e mar a bheir iad air na daoine a tha airson leughadh thar nam pàipearan aca air-loidhne pàigheadh air a shon. Bidh a h-uile duin’ aca, faodadh tu a bhith cinnteach anns an àm a tha ri tighinn, bidh iad a’ coimhead ri dòigh air choreigin airson airgead fhaighinn, airson gu faic thu, ‘s dòch’, càil sam bith a bharrachd, a bharrachd air, can, naidheachd.

[Iain MacAonghais – Neach-aithris] Tha gach pàipear ged-tà a’ feuchainn modail eadar-dhealaichte, ach a’ bhuaidh a tha an eadar-lìon a’ toirt air pàipearan-naidheachd ionadail, leithid Am Pàipear a tha stèidhichte ann an Uibhist?

[Iain Stephen Moireasdan] Tha thu a’ strì an aghaidh an eadar-lìn, sin an duilgheadas mòr a tha aig fòghnachdain dha na pàipearan-naidheachd, oir tha naidheachdan a’ nochdadh aca, cho luath ‘s a tha iad a’ tachairt. Tha daoine fhèin a’ cur suas dealbhan, stòiridhean, is mar sineach tha na pàipearan-naidheachd rudeigin air deireadh. Mar sin, tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gur e an dùbhlain as motha ‘s e dòigh fhaighinn air na sgeulachdan as ùire a lorg no innse ann an dòigh diofraichte.

[Iain MacAonghais – Neach-aithris] Thàinig na h-àireamhan seo agus Johnstone Press aig a bheil pàipearan-naidheachd leithid Gazette Steòrnabhaigh, innse gun deach còrr air cheud millean not a thoirt far luach na companaidh. Ged a nochd iad prothaid de chòrr is ceithir às a’ cheud, a’ chiad prothaid aca ann an seachd bliadhna.

[Iain MacAonghais – Neach-aithris] Chan eil duine ag ràdh gu bheil nam pàipearan-naidheachd seachad, ach ‘s e dùbhlan a tha mu choinneamh buidhnean-naidheachd, ach sgeulachdan làidir innse ann an dòigh taitneach an chuid anns na pàipearan aca agus air-loidhne agus cosnadh a dhèanamh às. Iain MacAonghais, BBC An Là, ann an Inbhir Nis.



A decrease in the number of newspapers

English Beurla

[Alasdair Fraser - Presenter] Now, there has been another decrease in the number of papers that have been sold in Scotland. And the numbers for the first six months of the year have been published. The business is making out that things are not as bad as that though, as Iain MacInnes now reports, more people now read the newspapers online.

[Iain MacInnes – Reporter] For centuries, they have been giving us the newest news from each corner. Headlines of the world in black and white, and in colour today.

[Iain MacInnes – Reporter] But there is no doubt that the world of newspapers are changing with fewer people left with dirty fingers with the morning’s news. Many are moving to the internet with tablets, mobile phones and the like for their news.

[Iain MacInnes – Reporter] That is one of the main reasons behind the figures today which show in the first half of the year that the number of readers of the Scotsman is down 17% in comparison with the first half of the year last year. The number of readers of the Press and Journal fell 5% and the West Highland Free Press by the same level.

[Iain X Maciver] Well, for the big national papers, that is the challenge, I think, they have is how they will give people who want to read through their papers online to pay for them. Every one of them, you can be sure in the time to come, they will be looking at a way to get money to see maybe more than, say, news.

[Iain MacInnes – Reporter] Each paper tries a different model, but what is the effect that the internet has on local papers, like Am Pàipear that is based in Uist.

[Iain Stephen Morrison] You are battling against the internet that is the big worry that is defeating many of the newspapers, as their news appears as fast as it happens. The people themselves put up pictures, stories and like that the newspapers are somewhat behind. As such, I think that this is the biggest challenge, that way to get the newest story or tell it in a different way.

[Iain MacInnes – Reporter] These numbers came from Johnstone Press who have newspapers like the Stornoway Gazette tell us that £200,000 has been taken from the worth of the company. Although they published profits of more than four per cent, their first profit in seven years.

[Iain MacInnes – Reporter] Nobody is saying that the day of the newspapers is over, but the challenge that is facing newsgroups is to tell strong stories in a pleasing manner in two ways in the papers and online and make a profit. Iain MacInnes, BBC An Là, in Inverness.



Lùghdachadh eile air an uimhir de phàipearan

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Alasdair Friseil - Preseantair] Nis’, Thàinig lùghdachadh eile air an uimhir de phàipearan-naidheachd a tha gan reic ann an Alba. Agus na h-àireamhan airson a’ chiad sia mìosan dhen bhliadhna ga fhoillseachadh. Tha a’ ghnìomhachas a’ cumail a-mach nach eil cùisean buileach cho dona ri sin ged-tà, oir mar a tha Iain MacAonghais a-nis ag aithris tha mòran a bharrachd dhaoine a-nis a’ leughadh nam pàipearan-naidheachd air-loidhne.

[Iain MacAonghais – Neach-aithris] Airson linntean, tha iad air a bhith a’ toirt dhuinn na naidheachdan as ùire bho gach ceàrn. Cinn-naidheachd an t-saoghail ann an dubh agus geal agus dathan anns an latha a th’ ann.

[Iain MacAonghais – Neach-aithris] Ach chan eil teagamh gu bheil saoghal nam pàipearan-naidheachd ag atharrachadh le nas lugha de dhaoine air am fàgail le meuran car salach bho naidheachdan na maidne. Tha gu leòr a’ gluasad chun an eadar-lìn le tablets, le fònaichean-làimhe agus a leithid airson an cuid naidheachdan fhaighinn.

[Iain MacAonghais – Neach-aithris] Sin aon de na prìomh adhbharan a th’ air cùlaibh figearan an latha an-diugh ri sheall anns a’ chiad leth dhen bhliadhna gun deach àireamh luchd-leughaidh an Scotsman sìos seachd-deug às a’ cheud, sin an coimeas ris a’ chiad leth dhen bhliadhna an-uiridh. Thuit àireamh luchd-leughaidh a’ Phress and Journal nas lugha na còig às a’ cheud agus Pàipear Beag an Eilean Sgitheanaich an aon ìre.

[Iain X Maciver] Uill, airson nam pàipearan mòra nàiseanta, ‘s e an dùbhlan, tha mise a’ smaoineachadh, a th’ aca ‘s e mar a bheir iad air na daoine a tha airson leughadh thar nam pàipearan aca air-loidhne pàigheadh air a shon. Bidh a h-uile duin’ aca, faodadh tu a bhith cinnteach anns an àm a tha ri tighinn, bidh iad a’ coimhead ri dòigh air choreigin airson airgead fhaighinn, airson gu faic thu, ‘s dòch’, càil sam bith a bharrachd, a bharrachd air, can, naidheachd.

[Iain MacAonghais – Neach-aithris] Tha gach pàipear ged-tà a’ feuchainn modail eadar-dhealaichte, ach a’ bhuaidh a tha an eadar-lìon a’ toirt air pàipearan-naidheachd ionadail, leithid Am Pàipear a tha stèidhichte ann an Uibhist?

[Iain Stephen Moireasdan] Tha thu a’ strì an aghaidh an eadar-lìn, sin an duilgheadas mòr a tha aig fòghnachdain dha na pàipearan-naidheachd, oir tha naidheachdan a’ nochdadh aca, cho luath ‘s a tha iad a’ tachairt. Tha daoine fhèin a’ cur suas dealbhan, stòiridhean, is mar sineach tha na pàipearan-naidheachd rudeigin air deireadh. Mar sin, tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gur e an dùbhlain as motha ‘s e dòigh fhaighinn air na sgeulachdan as ùire a lorg no innse ann an dòigh diofraichte.

[Iain MacAonghais – Neach-aithris] Thàinig na h-àireamhan seo agus Johnstone Press aig a bheil pàipearan-naidheachd leithid Gazette Steòrnabhaigh, innse gun deach còrr air cheud millean not a thoirt far luach na companaidh. Ged a nochd iad prothaid de chòrr is ceithir às a’ cheud, a’ chiad prothaid aca ann an seachd bliadhna.

[Iain MacAonghais – Neach-aithris] Chan eil duine ag ràdh gu bheil nam pàipearan-naidheachd seachad, ach ‘s e dùbhlan a tha mu choinneamh buidhnean-naidheachd, ach sgeulachdan làidir innse ann an dòigh taitneach an chuid anns na pàipearan aca agus air-loidhne agus cosnadh a dhèanamh às. Iain MacAonghais, BBC An Là, ann an Inbhir Nis.



A decrease in the number of newspapers

English Beurla

[Alasdair Fraser - Presenter] Now, there has been another decrease in the number of papers that have been sold in Scotland. And the numbers for the first six months of the year have been published. The business is making out that things are not as bad as that though, as Iain MacInnes now reports, more people now read the newspapers online.

[Iain MacInnes – Reporter] For centuries, they have been giving us the newest news from each corner. Headlines of the world in black and white, and in colour today.

[Iain MacInnes – Reporter] But there is no doubt that the world of newspapers are changing with fewer people left with dirty fingers with the morning’s news. Many are moving to the internet with tablets, mobile phones and the like for their news.

[Iain MacInnes – Reporter] That is one of the main reasons behind the figures today which show in the first half of the year that the number of readers of the Scotsman is down 17% in comparison with the first half of the year last year. The number of readers of the Press and Journal fell 5% and the West Highland Free Press by the same level.

[Iain X Maciver] Well, for the big national papers, that is the challenge, I think, they have is how they will give people who want to read through their papers online to pay for them. Every one of them, you can be sure in the time to come, they will be looking at a way to get money to see maybe more than, say, news.

[Iain MacInnes – Reporter] Each paper tries a different model, but what is the effect that the internet has on local papers, like Am Pàipear that is based in Uist.

[Iain Stephen Morrison] You are battling against the internet that is the big worry that is defeating many of the newspapers, as their news appears as fast as it happens. The people themselves put up pictures, stories and like that the newspapers are somewhat behind. As such, I think that this is the biggest challenge, that way to get the newest story or tell it in a different way.

[Iain MacInnes – Reporter] These numbers came from Johnstone Press who have newspapers like the Stornoway Gazette tell us that £200,000 has been taken from the worth of the company. Although they published profits of more than four per cent, their first profit in seven years.

[Iain MacInnes – Reporter] Nobody is saying that the day of the newspapers is over, but the challenge that is facing newsgroups is to tell strong stories in a pleasing manner in two ways in the papers and online and make a profit. Iain MacInnes, BBC An Là, in Inverness.











