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Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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An aimsir còmhla ri Anne Lundon

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Innes Rothach - Preseantair] Sùil air an aimsir a-nis, còmhla ri Anne.

[Anne Lundon - Neach-aithris na h-aimsir] Ceud taing, feasgar math dhuibh. Uill, cha robh coltas buileach ro dhona air an aimsir an-diugh. Greisean math de shoilleireachd agus de ghrèine, gu seach h-àraidh mun a’ Chost an Ear, ach ma bheir sinn sùil air an dealbh airson a-nochd, ‘s ann a’ sìor-fhàs nas sgòthaiche a tha i dhan mhòr-chuid. An t-uisge a tha seo a’ gluasad a-staigh dhan Chost an Iar, gluasad dhan Ear, mar a thèid an oidhche air adhart. Tha i gu bhith mu chòig no sia Celsius mun Chost an Ear. Ach anns an uisge mu sheachd no ochd Celsius mun Chost an Iar, oiteagan-gaoithe bhon Iar-Dheas cuideachd.

[Anne Lundon - Neach-aithris na h-aimsir] Sùil air adhart gu màireach ma-thà agus ‘s ann sgòthach a bhios i dhan mhòr-chuid, a’ chiad char. An t-uisge a tha seo fhathast mun chuairt, mun Chost an Iar agus seo trom agus leantainneach aig amannan ach bu chòir gun tig piseach air cùisean gu ìre mu Mheadhan agus Ceann a Deas na dùthcha agus gu seach h-àraidh Taobh Sear na dùthcha far am bi greisean math de shoilleireachd agus do ghrèine.

[Anne Lundon - Neach-aithris na h-aimsir] Sùil nas mionaidiche ma-thà air na bhios a’ tachairt feasgar a-màireach mu cheithir uairean. A’ ghaoth bhon Iar-Dheas, an ìre mhath làidir tro na h-Eileanan mu Thuath, mar an ceudna taobh nan Eileanan Siar ‘s mun Chost an Iar, an t-uisge a tha seo fhathast a’ cumail smachd air cùisean, seo trom agus leantainneach aig amannan ach thig piseach air cùisean mu Mheadhan agus Ceann a Deas na dùthcha. Mairidh i car sgòthach ged-thà. Ach, son a’ Chost an Ear greisean math de shoilleireachd agus de ghrèine a’ tighinn troimhe. Agus dh’ fhaodadh i mu cheithir-deug Celsius a ruighinn aig a’ char as àirde.

[Anne Lundon - Neach-aithris na h-aimsir] Son a’ chòrr dhen fheasgar ma-thà agus gu ruige beul na h-oidhche, chan eil atharrachadh mòr a’ tighinn air cùisean. An t-uisge a tha seo, fhathast a’ cumail smachd air cùisean mun Iar-thuath, ach bu chòir gum bi an turadh ann mun Iar, mu Mheadhan agus mu Cheann a Deas na dùthcha.

[Anne Lundon - Neach-aithris na h-aimsir] Sùil air adhart gu Diardaoin ma-thà, chì sinn an aghaidh tha seo, a’ gluasad tron dùthaich, tro na h-uairean beaga, a’ toirt leis t-sìde car fliuch, frasach, measgachadh dhe fhrasan agus greisean de shoilleireachd tron latha, Na frasan nas buailtiche mun Chost an Iar. Greisean math dhe shoilleireachd ged-thà mun a’ Chost an Ear agus dh’fhaodadh i mu thrì-deug Celsius a ruighinn aig a’ char as àirde. Sin agaibh e.



The weather with Anne Lundon

English Beurla

[Innes Rothach - Presenter] A look at the weather with Anne.

[Anne Lundon – Weather Reporter] Many thanks, good afternoon to you. Well, the weather was not too bad today. Good spells of brightness and sun, especially about the East Coast, but if we look at the picture for tonight, it gets much more cloudy for many. This rain moves in to the West Coast, moving to the East, as the night moves on. It is going to be about five or six Celsius about the West Coast. But, in the rain about seven or eight Celsius about the West Coast, gusts of wind from the South-West too.

[Anne Lundon - Weather Reporter] An eye over the weather tomorrow, then and it will be cloudy for the most part. This rain is still about, about the West Coast and heavy here and continuing at times, but there will be an improvement in matters about the Central best and the South of the country and especially the East Coast of the country where there will be good spells of brightness and sun.

[Anne Lundon - Weather Reporter] A closer eye then on how it will be tomorrow afternoon at about four o’ clock in the afternoon. The wind from the South-West, very strong through the Northern Isles, the same in the Western Isles and about the East Coast, the rain here is still keeping control on matters, this is heavy and continuous at times but an improvement will about the Centre and South end of the country. It will stay quite cloudy then. But, for the East Coast, good spells of sunshine and sun coming through. And it could reach 14 Celsius at the highest point.

[Anne Lundon - Weather Reporter] For the rest of the afternoon the and until nightfall, there is not a big change on things. This rain still keeping control on the North-West, but there should be a break in the clouds about the West, the Centre and the South End of the country.

[Anne Lundon - Weather Reporter] Looking forward to Thursday then, we see this front moving through the country, through the wee hours bringing with it some wet, showery weather, a mix of showers and spells of brightness through the day. The showers are more susceptible about the West Coast. Good spells of brightness though about these East Coast and it could be about 13 Celsius at the highest point. That’s it.



An aimsir còmhla ri Anne Lundon

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Innes Rothach - Preseantair] Sùil air an aimsir a-nis, còmhla ri Anne.

[Anne Lundon - Neach-aithris na h-aimsir] Ceud taing, feasgar math dhuibh. Uill, cha robh coltas buileach ro dhona air an aimsir an-diugh. Greisean math de shoilleireachd agus de ghrèine, gu seach h-àraidh mun a’ Chost an Ear, ach ma bheir sinn sùil air an dealbh airson a-nochd, ‘s ann a’ sìor-fhàs nas sgòthaiche a tha i dhan mhòr-chuid. An t-uisge a tha seo a’ gluasad a-staigh dhan Chost an Iar, gluasad dhan Ear, mar a thèid an oidhche air adhart. Tha i gu bhith mu chòig no sia Celsius mun Chost an Ear. Ach anns an uisge mu sheachd no ochd Celsius mun Chost an Iar, oiteagan-gaoithe bhon Iar-Dheas cuideachd.

[Anne Lundon - Neach-aithris na h-aimsir] Sùil air adhart gu màireach ma-thà agus ‘s ann sgòthach a bhios i dhan mhòr-chuid, a’ chiad char. An t-uisge a tha seo fhathast mun chuairt, mun Chost an Iar agus seo trom agus leantainneach aig amannan ach bu chòir gun tig piseach air cùisean gu ìre mu Mheadhan agus Ceann a Deas na dùthcha agus gu seach h-àraidh Taobh Sear na dùthcha far am bi greisean math de shoilleireachd agus do ghrèine.

[Anne Lundon - Neach-aithris na h-aimsir] Sùil nas mionaidiche ma-thà air na bhios a’ tachairt feasgar a-màireach mu cheithir uairean. A’ ghaoth bhon Iar-Dheas, an ìre mhath làidir tro na h-Eileanan mu Thuath, mar an ceudna taobh nan Eileanan Siar ‘s mun Chost an Iar, an t-uisge a tha seo fhathast a’ cumail smachd air cùisean, seo trom agus leantainneach aig amannan ach thig piseach air cùisean mu Mheadhan agus Ceann a Deas na dùthcha. Mairidh i car sgòthach ged-thà. Ach, son a’ Chost an Ear greisean math de shoilleireachd agus de ghrèine a’ tighinn troimhe. Agus dh’ fhaodadh i mu cheithir-deug Celsius a ruighinn aig a’ char as àirde.

[Anne Lundon - Neach-aithris na h-aimsir] Son a’ chòrr dhen fheasgar ma-thà agus gu ruige beul na h-oidhche, chan eil atharrachadh mòr a’ tighinn air cùisean. An t-uisge a tha seo, fhathast a’ cumail smachd air cùisean mun Iar-thuath, ach bu chòir gum bi an turadh ann mun Iar, mu Mheadhan agus mu Cheann a Deas na dùthcha.

[Anne Lundon - Neach-aithris na h-aimsir] Sùil air adhart gu Diardaoin ma-thà, chì sinn an aghaidh tha seo, a’ gluasad tron dùthaich, tro na h-uairean beaga, a’ toirt leis t-sìde car fliuch, frasach, measgachadh dhe fhrasan agus greisean de shoilleireachd tron latha, Na frasan nas buailtiche mun Chost an Iar. Greisean math dhe shoilleireachd ged-thà mun a’ Chost an Ear agus dh’fhaodadh i mu thrì-deug Celsius a ruighinn aig a’ char as àirde. Sin agaibh e.



The weather with Anne Lundon

English Beurla

[Innes Rothach - Presenter] A look at the weather with Anne.

[Anne Lundon – Weather Reporter] Many thanks, good afternoon to you. Well, the weather was not too bad today. Good spells of brightness and sun, especially about the East Coast, but if we look at the picture for tonight, it gets much more cloudy for many. This rain moves in to the West Coast, moving to the East, as the night moves on. It is going to be about five or six Celsius about the West Coast. But, in the rain about seven or eight Celsius about the West Coast, gusts of wind from the South-West too.

[Anne Lundon - Weather Reporter] An eye over the weather tomorrow, then and it will be cloudy for the most part. This rain is still about, about the West Coast and heavy here and continuing at times, but there will be an improvement in matters about the Central best and the South of the country and especially the East Coast of the country where there will be good spells of brightness and sun.

[Anne Lundon - Weather Reporter] A closer eye then on how it will be tomorrow afternoon at about four o’ clock in the afternoon. The wind from the South-West, very strong through the Northern Isles, the same in the Western Isles and about the East Coast, the rain here is still keeping control on matters, this is heavy and continuous at times but an improvement will about the Centre and South end of the country. It will stay quite cloudy then. But, for the East Coast, good spells of sunshine and sun coming through. And it could reach 14 Celsius at the highest point.

[Anne Lundon - Weather Reporter] For the rest of the afternoon the and until nightfall, there is not a big change on things. This rain still keeping control on the North-West, but there should be a break in the clouds about the West, the Centre and the South End of the country.

[Anne Lundon - Weather Reporter] Looking forward to Thursday then, we see this front moving through the country, through the wee hours bringing with it some wet, showery weather, a mix of showers and spells of brightness through the day. The showers are more susceptible about the West Coast. Good spells of brightness though about these East Coast and it could be about 13 Celsius at the highest point. That’s it.




break in the clouds


gusts of wind

beul na h-oidhche




na h-uairean beaga

the wee hours