FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

News Naidheachdan

B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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A’ chiad cheap ga ghearradh airson ionad chloinne ann an Ospadal an Ràthaig Mhòir

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Mairi Rodgers – Preseantair] Nis, o chionn trì bliadhna thòisich NHS na Gàidhealtachd agus an carthannas ‘The Archie Foundation’ air airgead a thogail airson uàrd na cloinne ann an Ospadal an Ràthaig Mhòir a leasachadh. Thog iad tòrr a bharrachd na bha dùil agus nas luaithe na bha dùil. Tha iad a-nis ag amas air ionad chloinne ùr a thogail ach tha leth mhillean not a dhìth orra fhathast. Chaidh an tè-naidheachd againn Eilean Green a choimhead orra.

[Eilean Green – Neach-aithris] An seo aig Ospadal an Ràthaig Mhòir chaidh a’ chiad cheap a ghearradh an-diugh airson ionad chloinne ùr a thèid fhosgladh anns an Lùnastal an ath-bliadhna. Tha iad air 1.5 millean not a thogail mar-thà ach tha iad feumach air 2 millean not airson crìoch a chur air.

[Eilean Green – Neach-aithris] Tha an ‘Archie Foundation’ agus NHS na Gàidhealtachd air a bhith ag obrachadh còmhla gus an airgead seo a thogail airson na goireasan aca a leasachadh agus a thoirt cruinn còmhla ann an ionad sònraichte airson clann.

[David Cunningham] So we’re able to say to the public, ‘if you support us, then we’ll use that money to make the difference. None of the money given will ever be spent on the things the NHS should be spending their money on, but we’ll work with them to provide a much bigger project and it’s hugely important that we still do that last half a million and that last leg of the race, as it were, will provide some of the really exciting extras. Some of the interior designs, some of the things that will make a real impact on families when they’re visiting.

[Eilean Green – Neach-aithris] Tha iad airson ‘s gum bi an leasachadh seo na bhuannachd airson clann agus an cuid theaghlaichean a tha a’ tighinn bho air feadh na Gàidhealtachd agus nan eilean. Tha iad airson àrainneachd thlachdmhor a chruthachadh dhan fheadhainn òga agus leabannan a chur a thaobh airson nam pàrantan aca.

[Cairistiona Cheannadach] Tha e dìreach do-chreidsinneach am pròiseact tha seo fhaicinn aig an ìre tha seo. Dìreach mìorbhaileach. Chan ann a-mhàin airson clann ann an Siorrachd Inbhir Nis agus mun cuairt a tha seo idir. Aig ìre air choreigin, clann nan eileanan agus na sgìrean sgapte, fad is farsaing ann an roinn na Gàidhealtachd.

[Eilean Green – Neach-aithris] Tha Cairistiona an dòchas am mathan Eàirdsidh a chur gu feum aig Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail na bliadhna-sa ann an Inbhir Nis, ann an oidhirp tuilleadh airgid a thogail dhan Ospadal. Eilean Green, BBC An Là, Inbhir Nis.



The first turf is cut on thefor a children's hospital at Raigmore

English Beurla

[Mairi Rodgers – Presenter] Three years ago, NHS Highland and the charity ‘The Archie Foundation’ started raising money to develop the children’s ward in Raigmore hospital. They raised more money than anticipated and quicker than they expected. They now aim to build a new children’s ward but they need a further half a million pounds. Our reporter Eilean Green went to visit them.

[Eilean Green – Reporter] Here at Raigmore hospital the first piece of turf was cut today for the children’s unit which will be opened in August next year. They have raised £1.5million so far but they require £2million to finish it.

[Eilean Green – Reporter] The ‘Archie Foundation’ and NHS Highland have been working together to raise this money to develop their facilities and bring everything together in a specific unit for children.

[David Cunningham]So we’re able to say to the public, ‘if you support us, then we’ll use that money to make the difference. None of the money given will ever be spent on the things the NHS should be spending their money on, but we’ll work with them to provide a much bigger project and it’s hugely important that we still do that last half a million and that last leg of the race, as it were, will provide some of the really exciting extras. Some of the interior designs, some of the things that will make a real impact on families when they’re visiting.

[Eilean Green – Reporter] They hope this development will benefit children and their families who come from all over the Highlands and Islands. They wish to create a pleasant environment for the young ones and put beds beside them for their parents.

[Kristine Kennedy] It’s just unbelievable to see the project at this stage. Simply wonderful. This isn’t only for children in Inverness-shire and the surrounding area. To a certain extent, it’s for children from the Islands and remote communities far and wide across the Highlands.

[Eilean Green – Reporter] Kristine hopes to put Archie the bear to good use at the Royal National Mod this year in Inverness in an attempt to raise more money for the hospital. Eilean Green, BBC An Là, Inverness.



A’ chiad cheap ga ghearradh airson ionad chloinne ann an Ospadal an Ràthaig Mhòir

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Mairi Rodgers – Preseantair] Nis, o chionn trì bliadhna thòisich NHS na Gàidhealtachd agus an carthannas ‘The Archie Foundation’ air airgead a thogail airson uàrd na cloinne ann an Ospadal an Ràthaig Mhòir a leasachadh. Thog iad tòrr a bharrachd na bha dùil agus nas luaithe na bha dùil. Tha iad a-nis ag amas air ionad chloinne ùr a thogail ach tha leth mhillean not a dhìth orra fhathast. Chaidh an tè-naidheachd againn Eilean Green a choimhead orra.

[Eilean Green – Neach-aithris] An seo aig Ospadal an Ràthaig Mhòir chaidh a’ chiad cheap a ghearradh an-diugh airson ionad chloinne ùr a thèid fhosgladh anns an Lùnastal an ath-bliadhna. Tha iad air 1.5 millean not a thogail mar-thà ach tha iad feumach air 2 millean not airson crìoch a chur air.

[Eilean Green – Neach-aithris] Tha an ‘Archie Foundation’ agus NHS na Gàidhealtachd air a bhith ag obrachadh còmhla gus an airgead seo a thogail airson na goireasan aca a leasachadh agus a thoirt cruinn còmhla ann an ionad sònraichte airson clann.

[David Cunningham] So we’re able to say to the public, ‘if you support us, then we’ll use that money to make the difference. None of the money given will ever be spent on the things the NHS should be spending their money on, but we’ll work with them to provide a much bigger project and it’s hugely important that we still do that last half a million and that last leg of the race, as it were, will provide some of the really exciting extras. Some of the interior designs, some of the things that will make a real impact on families when they’re visiting.

[Eilean Green – Neach-aithris] Tha iad airson ‘s gum bi an leasachadh seo na bhuannachd airson clann agus an cuid theaghlaichean a tha a’ tighinn bho air feadh na Gàidhealtachd agus nan eilean. Tha iad airson àrainneachd thlachdmhor a chruthachadh dhan fheadhainn òga agus leabannan a chur a thaobh airson nam pàrantan aca.

[Cairistiona Cheannadach] Tha e dìreach do-chreidsinneach am pròiseact tha seo fhaicinn aig an ìre tha seo. Dìreach mìorbhaileach. Chan ann a-mhàin airson clann ann an Siorrachd Inbhir Nis agus mun cuairt a tha seo idir. Aig ìre air choreigin, clann nan eileanan agus na sgìrean sgapte, fad is farsaing ann an roinn na Gàidhealtachd.

[Eilean Green – Neach-aithris] Tha Cairistiona an dòchas am mathan Eàirdsidh a chur gu feum aig Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail na bliadhna-sa ann an Inbhir Nis, ann an oidhirp tuilleadh airgid a thogail dhan Ospadal. Eilean Green, BBC An Là, Inbhir Nis.



The first turf is cut on thefor a children's hospital at Raigmore

English Beurla

[Mairi Rodgers – Presenter] Three years ago, NHS Highland and the charity ‘The Archie Foundation’ started raising money to develop the children’s ward in Raigmore hospital. They raised more money than anticipated and quicker than they expected. They now aim to build a new children’s ward but they need a further half a million pounds. Our reporter Eilean Green went to visit them.

[Eilean Green – Reporter] Here at Raigmore hospital the first piece of turf was cut today for the children’s unit which will be opened in August next year. They have raised £1.5million so far but they require £2million to finish it.

[Eilean Green – Reporter] The ‘Archie Foundation’ and NHS Highland have been working together to raise this money to develop their facilities and bring everything together in a specific unit for children.

[David Cunningham]So we’re able to say to the public, ‘if you support us, then we’ll use that money to make the difference. None of the money given will ever be spent on the things the NHS should be spending their money on, but we’ll work with them to provide a much bigger project and it’s hugely important that we still do that last half a million and that last leg of the race, as it were, will provide some of the really exciting extras. Some of the interior designs, some of the things that will make a real impact on families when they’re visiting.

[Eilean Green – Reporter] They hope this development will benefit children and their families who come from all over the Highlands and Islands. They wish to create a pleasant environment for the young ones and put beds beside them for their parents.

[Kristine Kennedy] It’s just unbelievable to see the project at this stage. Simply wonderful. This isn’t only for children in Inverness-shire and the surrounding area. To a certain extent, it’s for children from the Islands and remote communities far and wide across the Highlands.

[Eilean Green – Reporter] Kristine hopes to put Archie the bear to good use at the Royal National Mod this year in Inverness in an attempt to raise more money for the hospital. Eilean Green, BBC An Là, Inverness.



Ospadal an Ràthaig Mhòir

Raigmore Hospital

uàrd na cloinne

children’s ward





