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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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300 bliadhna bhon dàrna Ar-a-mach nan Seumasach

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Iain MacIllEathain – Preseantair] Nise ‘s iongantach gu bheil làmh-sgrìobhainnann an eachraidh na h-Alba cho droch chliùiteach ris an òrdugh airson murt Glinne Comhainn. Tha am pàipear a-nis aig taigh-tasgaidh na h-Alba, mar phàirt de thaisbeanadh a tha comharrachadh trì cheud bliadhna bhon dàrna ar- a-mach nan Seumasach. Tha Andreas Wolff a-nis a’ mìneachadh a’ cheangail a th’ann eatorra.

[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Gach bliadhna thathar a’ comharrachadh murt Ghlinne Comhainn, a thachair ann an 1692, le seirbheis sa Chàrnaich. As dèidh a’ chiad ar-a-mach nan Seumasach ann an 1689, thug an rìgh Uilleam an t-òrdugh seachad gum feumadh na cinn cinnidh bòidean a ghabhail gus dearbhadh gu bheil e dìleas dha. Bha Dòmhallaich Glinne Comhainn fadalach gus sin a dhèanamh agus chaidh eisimpleir a dhèanamh leotha.

[Brigadier Iain MacPhàrlain] Bha na Seumasaich air rìgh-chathair na h-Alba airson ma dh’fhaodte 500 bliadhna agus bha, gu sònraichte na Gàidheil a’ creidsinn gur iad am fìor ghrèim.

[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Tha a-nise trì cheud bliadhna ann bhon an dàrna ar-a-mach nan Seumasach ‘s tha taisbeanadh aig leabharlann nàiseanta Dhùn Èideann ga chomharrachadh. Tha iad ga chur ann an co-theacsa leis an èirigh suas eile cuideachd.

[Raibeart Betterridge] The first one was just the initial reaction to the fact that the Stuarts had been removed from the throne and there was not really time for serious organisation, it was fairly quickly snuffed out. The 15 I think is a lot more interesting because it comes so soon after the union of the parliaments and a large number of the people that fought for the Stuarts in 1715 and 16 were very much against the union. By 1745, Britain was becoming more united, the Scots were starting to see some benefits of union.

[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Aig teis-mheadhan an taisbeanaidh tha làmh-sgrìobhainn, co-cheangailte ri murt Glinne Comhainn, nach eil ri fhaicinn dhan a’ phoball gu h-àbhaisteach.

[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] ‘S e seo an làmh-sgrìobhainn a thug an t-òrdugh seachad airson murt Ghlinne Comhainn agus chan eil e ag ràdh gu dìreach gu feum na saighdearan fuireach còmhla ris na Dòmhnallaich cha mhòr fad cola-deug mus tachradh am murt. ‘S e sin an rud as motha a thug uabhas air daoine as dèidh làimh, gu robh na saighdearan a’ fuireach còmhla ris na Dòmhnallaich agus gu robh iad a’ gabhail tlachd anns an aoigheachd a fhuair iad agus gun do chuir iad às dhaibh aig a’ cheann thall.

[Brigadier Iain MacPhàrlain] Mharbh iad fichead ‘s a h-ochd deug tha mi smaointinn ach chaochail mòran dhiubh cuideachd a theich, thilg iad tro na monaidhean do Ghleann Èite an seo.

[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Bidh an taisbeanadh a’ dol air an 10mh dhen Chèitean. Andreas Wolff, BBC An Là, Dùn Èideann.



300 years since the second Jacobite Uprising

English Beurla

[Iain Macinnes - Presenter] The new Gaelic version of the New Testament is almost ready. A team of four experts have been working on it for more than six years, translating books of the Bible from the language they were originally written in. They hope this will encourage more people to read the Bible. Eilidh Macleod met with some who are involved in the project.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] The first Gaelic Bible was written over two hundred years ago in the Perth and Argyll dialect, one which is rarely spoken now.

[Rev John Urquhart] It bewildered me with how difficult it was. If it’s difficult for someone like me, who was fluent before going to school, how on earth will a learner read it? That’s the challenge we faced and it was very clear to us that there was a need for modern day translation. [Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] A team from different churches and Highland areas have been working on a new version of the New Testament in the language of the 21st Century. The translators are working from the books in the languages they were written in originally. [Fr Iain Angus MacDonald] This is the very beginning of the gospel according to Saint John: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. [Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] The means that they are discarding the small mistakes that appear in each translation. [Fr Iain Angus MacDonald] It was then translated to Latin in the Third Century by Saint Jerome and in his writing there are mistakes and it was then translated again to Greek and everyone was in agreement that that this was reasonably correct. We are happy to use this. [Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] There are no plans yet to do new translations of the all the scriptures but there is hope that the new version of the New Testament will encourage a new generation of readers of the Bible. [Rev John Urquhart] We’ve had letters from England, Scotland, old and young in response to the Gospel according to John, which we’ve published already and very often things have come through saying ‘this is the first time I’ve read the Bible without Dwelly beside me.’ It’s fluent, simple, clear. [Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] The fruits of their labour will be available online before eventually a hard copy is made. Eilidh MacLeod, BBC An Là.



300 bliadhna bhon dàrna Ar-a-mach nan Seumasach

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Iain MacIllEathain – Preseantair] Nise ‘s iongantach gu bheil làmh-sgrìobhainnann an eachraidh na h-Alba cho droch chliùiteach ris an òrdugh airson murt Glinne Comhainn. Tha am pàipear a-nis aig taigh-tasgaidh na h-Alba, mar phàirt de thaisbeanadh a tha comharrachadh trì cheud bliadhna bhon dàrna ar- a-mach nan Seumasach. Tha Andreas Wolff a-nis a’ mìneachadh a’ cheangail a th’ann eatorra.

[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Gach bliadhna thathar a’ comharrachadh murt Ghlinne Comhainn, a thachair ann an 1692, le seirbheis sa Chàrnaich. As dèidh a’ chiad ar-a-mach nan Seumasach ann an 1689, thug an rìgh Uilleam an t-òrdugh seachad gum feumadh na cinn cinnidh bòidean a ghabhail gus dearbhadh gu bheil e dìleas dha. Bha Dòmhallaich Glinne Comhainn fadalach gus sin a dhèanamh agus chaidh eisimpleir a dhèanamh leotha.

[Brigadier Iain MacPhàrlain] Bha na Seumasaich air rìgh-chathair na h-Alba airson ma dh’fhaodte 500 bliadhna agus bha, gu sònraichte na Gàidheil a’ creidsinn gur iad am fìor ghrèim.

[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Tha a-nise trì cheud bliadhna ann bhon an dàrna ar-a-mach nan Seumasach ‘s tha taisbeanadh aig leabharlann nàiseanta Dhùn Èideann ga chomharrachadh. Tha iad ga chur ann an co-theacsa leis an èirigh suas eile cuideachd.

[Raibeart Betterridge] The first one was just the initial reaction to the fact that the Stuarts had been removed from the throne and there was not really time for serious organisation, it was fairly quickly snuffed out. The 15 I think is a lot more interesting because it comes so soon after the union of the parliaments and a large number of the people that fought for the Stuarts in 1715 and 16 were very much against the union. By 1745, Britain was becoming more united, the Scots were starting to see some benefits of union.

[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Aig teis-mheadhan an taisbeanaidh tha làmh-sgrìobhainn, co-cheangailte ri murt Glinne Comhainn, nach eil ri fhaicinn dhan a’ phoball gu h-àbhaisteach.

[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] ‘S e seo an làmh-sgrìobhainn a thug an t-òrdugh seachad airson murt Ghlinne Comhainn agus chan eil e ag ràdh gu dìreach gu feum na saighdearan fuireach còmhla ris na Dòmhnallaich cha mhòr fad cola-deug mus tachradh am murt. ‘S e sin an rud as motha a thug uabhas air daoine as dèidh làimh, gu robh na saighdearan a’ fuireach còmhla ris na Dòmhnallaich agus gu robh iad a’ gabhail tlachd anns an aoigheachd a fhuair iad agus gun do chuir iad às dhaibh aig a’ cheann thall.

[Brigadier Iain MacPhàrlain] Mharbh iad fichead ‘s a h-ochd deug tha mi smaointinn ach chaochail mòran dhiubh cuideachd a theich, thilg iad tro na monaidhean do Ghleann Èite an seo.

[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Bidh an taisbeanadh a’ dol air an 10mh dhen Chèitean. Andreas Wolff, BBC An Là, Dùn Èideann.



300 years since the second Jacobite Uprising

English Beurla

[Iain Macinnes - Presenter] The new Gaelic version of the New Testament is almost ready. A team of four experts have been working on it for more than six years, translating books of the Bible from the language they were originally written in. They hope this will encourage more people to read the Bible. Eilidh Macleod met with some who are involved in the project.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] The first Gaelic Bible was written over two hundred years ago in the Perth and Argyll dialect, one which is rarely spoken now.

[Rev John Urquhart] It bewildered me with how difficult it was. If it’s difficult for someone like me, who was fluent before going to school, how on earth will a learner read it? That’s the challenge we faced and it was very clear to us that there was a need for modern day translation. [Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] A team from different churches and Highland areas have been working on a new version of the New Testament in the language of the 21st Century. The translators are working from the books in the languages they were written in originally. [Fr Iain Angus MacDonald] This is the very beginning of the gospel according to Saint John: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. [Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] The means that they are discarding the small mistakes that appear in each translation. [Fr Iain Angus MacDonald] It was then translated to Latin in the Third Century by Saint Jerome and in his writing there are mistakes and it was then translated again to Greek and everyone was in agreement that that this was reasonably correct. We are happy to use this. [Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] There are no plans yet to do new translations of the all the scriptures but there is hope that the new version of the New Testament will encourage a new generation of readers of the Bible. [Rev John Urquhart] We’ve had letters from England, Scotland, old and young in response to the Gospel according to John, which we’ve published already and very often things have come through saying ‘this is the first time I’ve read the Bible without Dwelly beside me.’ It’s fluent, simple, clear. [Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] The fruits of their labour will be available online before eventually a hard copy is made. Eilidh MacLeod, BBC An Là.





Murt Ghleann Comhann

the massacre of Glencoe

Ar-a-mach nan Seumasach

the Jacobite Rebellion

A’ Chàrnaich

Glencoe Village



èirigh suas


