FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Planaichean Ionad Hiort gam foillseachadh

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Innes Rothach – Preseantair] Dh'fhaodadh gun tòisich obair air Ionad Hiort an ceann bhliadhna. Sin na chuala daoine a chruinnich ann an Steòrnabhagh an-diugh airson mìneachadh fhaighinn air diofar dhòighean anns am faodadh am pròiseact ann an Ùige, Leòdhais a thoirt gu buil. Aon uair 's gun tèid a thogail tha dòchas ann gum bi an t-ionad na phrìomh ghoireas turasachd do dhaoine a tha a' tadhail air na h-Eileanan an Iar. Tha an aithris seo aig Catriona NicNicIllInnein.

[Catriona NicNicIllInnein – Neach-aithris] Tha còrr is còig bliadhna bhon a chaidh Mangarstaigh ann an Ùige a thaghadh airson a bhith na dhachaigh do dh’ionad taisbeanaidh mu Eilean Hiort. Bhon uair sin chaidh companaidh ùr a chruthachadh agus tha iad air pìos fearainn fhaighinn far an tèid an t-ionad a thogail. An-diugh, ghabh a’ chùis ceum eile air adhart.

[Iain Bochanan] Bha sinne glè riaraichte leis na chaidh a ràdh an-diugh aig a’ phresentation agus tha e air solas uaine thoirt dhuinn airson an visitor centre. Ach bha a’ choimhearsnachd againne ‘s companaidh Ionad Hiort, bha sinne an dòchas gum biodh Ionad Hiort, gum biodh e nas motha agus gum biodh barrachd ann na faidhr visitor attraction no visitor experience air dhòigh ‘s gum feum sinn an t-àite chumail fosgailte fad na bliadhna agus tha sinn an dòchas gu bheil slighe againn air a lorg airson sin a dhèanamh.

[Catriona NicNicIllInnein – Neach-aithris] Tha Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar am measg nam buidhnean a th’air taic a chur ri Ionad Hiort, ‘s dòchas ann gum bi e na bhuannachd do dh’eaconomaidh nan eilean.

[Alasdair MacLeòid] Air na h-Eileanan an Iar tha turasachd toirt a-steach thairis air leth-cheud millean anns a’ bhliadhna. Tha sinn ag iarraidh leudachadh air sin agus chan e a-mhàin sin ach tha iad a’ sealltainn dòighean airson cumail an ionaid seo fosgailte chan ann a-mhàin as t-Samhradh anns a’ Gheamhradh cuideachd so tha ideas gu math eadar-dhealaichte aca. Pròiseact mar seo, tha e toirt buannachd mhòr dhan choimhearsnachd, dhan eaconomaidh. Gu dearbha fhèin tha tòrr feum againn air pròiseactan den t-seòrsa seo.

[Catriona NicNicIllInnein – Neach-aithris] Chaidh na molaidhean air na dòighean as fheàrr a’ phròiseact seo a’ thoirt gu buil a dhealbh le fear aig a bheil sàr eòlas air gnothaichean dhe leithid agus às an sin, bidh comas aig Companaidh Ionad Hiort a dhol air adhart agus planaichean mionaideach a dhealbh.

[Calum MacIlleathain] Tha sinn air a bhith uabhasach fortanach ann an Seumas Lee Banks, ‘s e an duine as ainmeil air an t-saoghal air turasachd co-cheangailte ri World Heritage Sites. ‘S e an spokesperson airson UNESCO agus World Heritage Centre ann am Paris agus bha Seumas air sgrùdadh cruaidh dha-rìribh agus mionaideach a dhèanamh air na h-argamaidean airson Ionad Hiort ann an Ùige anns na h-eileanan ‘s ciamar a dh’ fhaodadh e obrachadh, na duilgheadasan ach na buannachdan a thigeadh a-mach aiste.

[Catriona NicIlleathain – Neach-aithris] ‘S e nàdar de mholaidhean eadar-amail a chaidh a chur fa chomhair na bha cruinn còmhla aig coinneamh an an-diugh gus leigeil do dhaoine a tha an sàs anns a’ phròiseact an cuid bheachdan a thoirt seachad. Thèid aithisg oifigeil fhoillseachadh aig deireadh a’ Mhàirt agus bidh cothrom aig a’ mhòr-shluagh sùil a thoirt air an uair sin. Catriona NicNicIllInnein, BBC An Là.



St Kilda Centre plans published

English Beurla

[Innes Munro – Presenter] Work could perhaps start on the St Kilda Centre in two years time. That’s what the people who gathered in Stornoway today heard to get an explanation of the different ways this project in Uig, Lewis could be brought to fruition. Catriona Maclennan has this report.

[Catriona Maclennan – Reporter] It’s been more than five years since Mangersta in Uig was chosen to be the home of the St Kilda exhibition centre. Since then a new company has been formed and they have acquired a piece of land on which the centre will be built. Today, things took another step forward.

[Iain Buchanan] We were quite satisfied with what was said today at the presentation and it’s given us the green light for the visitor centre. But our community and the St Kilda Centre company had hoped that it would be bigger and that it would be more than just a visitor attraction or a visitor experience so that we can keep the centre open all year round and we hope we have found a way to do this.

[Catriona Maclennan – Reporter] The Western Isles Council are among the groups providing support to the St Kilda Centre, with hopes that it will be of benefit to the island economy.

[Alasdair MacLeod] In the Western Isles tourism brings in over £50 million a year. We wish to expand on this and not only that, they are looking at ways to keep this centre open not only in summer but in Winter too so they have very different ideas. A project like this, is very beneficial to the community and the economy. We certainly have a great need for projects of this kind.

[Catriona Maclennan – Reporter] The recommendations on ways to bring this project to fruition came from someone with an expert knowledge on these matters which will enable the St Kilda Centre company to go ahead with their detailed planning.

[Calum Maclean] We’ve been really lucky with Seumas Lee Banks, he’s a world renowned expert on tourism linked to World Heritage Sites. He’s the spokesperson for UNESCO and the World Heritage Centre in Paris and Seumas has done a lot of difficult and detailed research on the arguments for a St Kilda Centre in the islands in Uig and how it could work, what the difficulties would be but also the benefits it would bring.

[Catriona Maclennan – Reporter] The interim recommendations that were put before the people who had gathered at today’s meeting allowed those involved in the project a chance to air their views. An official report will be published at the end of March and the public will have a chance to look at it then. Catriona Maclennan, BBC An Là.



Planaichean Ionad Hiort gam foillseachadh

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Innes Rothach – Preseantair] Dh'fhaodadh gun tòisich obair air Ionad Hiort an ceann bhliadhna. Sin na chuala daoine a chruinnich ann an Steòrnabhagh an-diugh airson mìneachadh fhaighinn air diofar dhòighean anns am faodadh am pròiseact ann an Ùige, Leòdhais a thoirt gu buil. Aon uair 's gun tèid a thogail tha dòchas ann gum bi an t-ionad na phrìomh ghoireas turasachd do dhaoine a tha a' tadhail air na h-Eileanan an Iar. Tha an aithris seo aig Catriona NicNicIllInnein.

[Catriona NicNicIllInnein – Neach-aithris] Tha còrr is còig bliadhna bhon a chaidh Mangarstaigh ann an Ùige a thaghadh airson a bhith na dhachaigh do dh’ionad taisbeanaidh mu Eilean Hiort. Bhon uair sin chaidh companaidh ùr a chruthachadh agus tha iad air pìos fearainn fhaighinn far an tèid an t-ionad a thogail. An-diugh, ghabh a’ chùis ceum eile air adhart.

[Iain Bochanan] Bha sinne glè riaraichte leis na chaidh a ràdh an-diugh aig a’ phresentation agus tha e air solas uaine thoirt dhuinn airson an visitor centre. Ach bha a’ choimhearsnachd againne ‘s companaidh Ionad Hiort, bha sinne an dòchas gum biodh Ionad Hiort, gum biodh e nas motha agus gum biodh barrachd ann na faidhr visitor attraction no visitor experience air dhòigh ‘s gum feum sinn an t-àite chumail fosgailte fad na bliadhna agus tha sinn an dòchas gu bheil slighe againn air a lorg airson sin a dhèanamh.

[Catriona NicNicIllInnein – Neach-aithris] Tha Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar am measg nam buidhnean a th’air taic a chur ri Ionad Hiort, ‘s dòchas ann gum bi e na bhuannachd do dh’eaconomaidh nan eilean.

[Alasdair MacLeòid] Air na h-Eileanan an Iar tha turasachd toirt a-steach thairis air leth-cheud millean anns a’ bhliadhna. Tha sinn ag iarraidh leudachadh air sin agus chan e a-mhàin sin ach tha iad a’ sealltainn dòighean airson cumail an ionaid seo fosgailte chan ann a-mhàin as t-Samhradh anns a’ Gheamhradh cuideachd so tha ideas gu math eadar-dhealaichte aca. Pròiseact mar seo, tha e toirt buannachd mhòr dhan choimhearsnachd, dhan eaconomaidh. Gu dearbha fhèin tha tòrr feum againn air pròiseactan den t-seòrsa seo.

[Catriona NicNicIllInnein – Neach-aithris] Chaidh na molaidhean air na dòighean as fheàrr a’ phròiseact seo a’ thoirt gu buil a dhealbh le fear aig a bheil sàr eòlas air gnothaichean dhe leithid agus às an sin, bidh comas aig Companaidh Ionad Hiort a dhol air adhart agus planaichean mionaideach a dhealbh.

[Calum MacIlleathain] Tha sinn air a bhith uabhasach fortanach ann an Seumas Lee Banks, ‘s e an duine as ainmeil air an t-saoghal air turasachd co-cheangailte ri World Heritage Sites. ‘S e an spokesperson airson UNESCO agus World Heritage Centre ann am Paris agus bha Seumas air sgrùdadh cruaidh dha-rìribh agus mionaideach a dhèanamh air na h-argamaidean airson Ionad Hiort ann an Ùige anns na h-eileanan ‘s ciamar a dh’ fhaodadh e obrachadh, na duilgheadasan ach na buannachdan a thigeadh a-mach aiste.

[Catriona NicIlleathain – Neach-aithris] ‘S e nàdar de mholaidhean eadar-amail a chaidh a chur fa chomhair na bha cruinn còmhla aig coinneamh an an-diugh gus leigeil do dhaoine a tha an sàs anns a’ phròiseact an cuid bheachdan a thoirt seachad. Thèid aithisg oifigeil fhoillseachadh aig deireadh a’ Mhàirt agus bidh cothrom aig a’ mhòr-shluagh sùil a thoirt air an uair sin. Catriona NicNicIllInnein, BBC An Là.



St Kilda Centre plans published

English Beurla

[Innes Munro – Presenter] Work could perhaps start on the St Kilda Centre in two years time. That’s what the people who gathered in Stornoway today heard to get an explanation of the different ways this project in Uig, Lewis could be brought to fruition. Catriona Maclennan has this report.

[Catriona Maclennan – Reporter] It’s been more than five years since Mangersta in Uig was chosen to be the home of the St Kilda exhibition centre. Since then a new company has been formed and they have acquired a piece of land on which the centre will be built. Today, things took another step forward.

[Iain Buchanan] We were quite satisfied with what was said today at the presentation and it’s given us the green light for the visitor centre. But our community and the St Kilda Centre company had hoped that it would be bigger and that it would be more than just a visitor attraction or a visitor experience so that we can keep the centre open all year round and we hope we have found a way to do this.

[Catriona Maclennan – Reporter] The Western Isles Council are among the groups providing support to the St Kilda Centre, with hopes that it will be of benefit to the island economy.

[Alasdair MacLeod] In the Western Isles tourism brings in over £50 million a year. We wish to expand on this and not only that, they are looking at ways to keep this centre open not only in summer but in Winter too so they have very different ideas. A project like this, is very beneficial to the community and the economy. We certainly have a great need for projects of this kind.

[Catriona Maclennan – Reporter] The recommendations on ways to bring this project to fruition came from someone with an expert knowledge on these matters which will enable the St Kilda Centre company to go ahead with their detailed planning.

[Calum Maclean] We’ve been really lucky with Seumas Lee Banks, he’s a world renowned expert on tourism linked to World Heritage Sites. He’s the spokesperson for UNESCO and the World Heritage Centre in Paris and Seumas has done a lot of difficult and detailed research on the arguments for a St Kilda Centre in the islands in Uig and how it could work, what the difficulties would be but also the benefits it would bring.

[Catriona Maclennan – Reporter] The interim recommendations that were put before the people who had gathered at today’s meeting allowed those involved in the project a chance to air their views. An official report will be published at the end of March and the public will have a chance to look at it then. Catriona Maclennan, BBC An Là.



Ionad Hiort

St Kilda Centre













