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The Months in Verse

Bàrdachd nam Mìosan

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Subtitles: Gaelic Fo-thiotalan: Gàidhlig Subtitles: English Fo-thiotalan: Beurla Subtitles: none Às aonais fo-thiotalan Download text (Gaelic and English) Faigh an teacsa (Gàidhlig agus Beurla)

Bàrdachd nam Mìosan

Gaelic Gàidhlig

Bàrdachd nam Mìosan

Presenter: Seumas Dòmhnallach (James MacDonald)

[SEUMAS] Seo bàrdachd mu na mìosan agus an aimsir:

Anns an Fhaoilleach thig an sneachda,

Anns a' Ghearran tuiltean mòr';

Gheibh sinn stoirmean anns a' Mhàrt,

Is tùs nam blàth sa Ghiblean chòir.

Anns a' Chèitean bidh uain a' leumnaich;

Chì an t-Ògmhios fàs mòr;

Bidh frasan troma anns an Iuchar,

Ach bidh an Lùnastal mar bu chòir.

Measan agus sealg san t-Sultain,

Cnòthan anns an Dàmhair dhuinn,

Gèile is gailleann anns an t-Samhain,

Is grian is fuachd san Dùbhlachd dhuinn.

Tha an dàn snog, agus fìor tha mi a' smaoineachadh. Tha seanfhacal againn a tha ag ràdh: "Am feur a thig a-mach sa Mhàrt, thèid e a-staigh sa Ghiblean." Tha e ag innse dhuinn nach eil e math rud a dhèanamh ro thràth.

Bha an dàn ag ràdh: "Gheibh sinn stoirmean anns a' Mhàrt, "Is tùs nam blàth sa Ghiblean chòir." Feumaidh fios a bhith aig daoine a tha ag obrachadh an fhearainn dè an t-àm as fheàrr airson rudan a dhèanamh anns na diofar ràithean.

Grafaic: an t-Earrach; an Samhradh; am Foghar, an Geamhradh

Tha an t-àm a bhios croitearan a' buain na mònadh as t-earrach cudromach. Ma thaghas iad an t-àm ceart, tiormaichidh na fàdan mar is còir. Cuiridh iad am buntàta aig àm freagarrach as t-samhradh. A-rithist, as t-fhoghar, togaidh iad am buntàta, buainidh iad an t-arbhar agus bheir iad a' mhòine dhachaigh aig na h-amannan as fheàrr.

Nì iad deiseil airson a' gheamhraidh aig àm sònraichte cuideachd. Ged a tha "Gèile is gailleann anns an t-Samhain", bidh aimsir shocair anns a' mhìos sin cuideachd, a bhios croitearan a' cleachdadh airson a h-uile càil a dhèanamh tèarainte mus tig an droch shìde. 'S urrainn dhan aimsir a bhith caochlaideach.

Tha dùil againn ri aimsir mhath anns an Iuchar. Ach, tha an dàn ag ràdh: "Bidh frasan troma anns an Iuchar." Cuideachd, tha seanfhacal ann a tha ag ràdh: "Tha dà latha den Iuchar anns an Fhaoilleach agus dà latha den Fhaoilleach anns an Iuchar." Tha mi cinnteach gu bheil sin ceart, ach saoilidh mi fhìn gum faca mi barrachd de lathaichean geamhraidh as t-samhradh na chunnaic mi de lathaichean samhraidh anns a' gheamhradh.

Mus fhalbh thu a shealltainn an e geamhradh no samhradh a th' againn andiugh, bheir sinn sùil air cuid dhe na facail a chleachd mi.

Gheibh sinn stoirmean anns a' Mhàrt

An t-Ògmhìos
Chì an t-Ògmhios fàs mòr.

Am Màrt
Am feur a thig a-mach sa Mhàrt, thèid e a-staigh sa Ghiblean.

Cuiridh iad am buntàta aig àm freagarrach as t-samhradh.

As t-fhoghar, togaidh iad am buntàta, buainidh iad an t-arbhar agus bheir iad a' mhòine dhachaigh aig na h-amannan as fheàrr.

Ged a tha "Gèile is gailleann anns an t-Samhain", bidh sìde shocair anns a' mhìos sin cuideachd.

An t-Iuchar
Tha dà latha den Iuchar anns an Fhaoilleach agus dà latha den Fhaoilleach anns an Iuchar.

Sin e. Mar sin leat an-dràsta.

The Months in Verse

English Beurla

The Months in Verse

Presenter: Seumas Dòmhnallach (James MacDonald)

[JAMES] Here is a poem about the months and the weather:

In January comes the snow,

In February, floods will flow;

In windy March, the storms will loom,

And in warm April, blossoms bloom.

The lambs in May will leap and play;

Flowers in June see the longest day;

July will bring us heavy showers,

But come August, peace is ours.

September sees hunting, and fruit galore;

October follows with nuts in store.

Gales and tempests come in November,

Bright sun and cold in dark December.

It's a nice poem, and quite true in my opinion. We have an old proverb that says: "The grass that sprouts in March, it will wither in April." It tells us that it's not a good idea to do something too early.

The poem said: "In windy March, the storms will loom, "And in warm April, blossoms bloom." People who work the land need to know when it's best to do various tasks throughout the different seasons.

Graphic: Spring; Summer; Autumn; Winter

The time at which crofters cut peat in spring is important. If they choose the right time, the peats will dry properly. They will plant potatoes at a suitable time in summer. Again, in the autumn, they will lift the potatoes, reap the corn and take the peats home at the most suitable times.

They will prepare for winter at a specific time too. Although, "Gales and tempests come in November," that month also brings calm weather too, which the crofters use to make sure that everything is secure before the bad weather comes. The weather can be unpredictable (changeable).

We expect fine weather in July. But the poem says: "July will bring us heavy showers." There's another proverb that says: "There are two days of July in January and two days of January in July." I'm sure that's true, but I believe that I have seen more wintry days in summer than I have seen summery days in winter.

Before you go to check whether today is wintry or summery, let's take a look at some of the words I used.

In windy March, the storms will loom

And in June, all will grow; (Flowers in June see the longest day)

The grass that sprouts in March, it will wither in April.

Will plant
They will plant potatoes at a suitable time in summer.

Will lift
In autumn, they will lift the potatoes, reap the corn and take the peats home at the most suitable times.

Although, "Gales and tempests come in November," that month also brings calm weather too.

There are two days of July in January and two days of January in July.

That's all. Goodbye for now.

Bàrdachd nam Mìosan

Gaelic Gàidhlig

Bàrdachd nam Mìosan

Presenter: Seumas Dòmhnallach (James MacDonald)

[SEUMAS] Seo bàrdachd mu na mìosan agus an aimsir:

Anns an Fhaoilleach thig an sneachda,

Anns a' Ghearran tuiltean mòr';

Gheibh sinn stoirmean anns a' Mhàrt,

Is tùs nam blàth sa Ghiblean chòir.

Anns a' Chèitean bidh uain a' leumnaich;

Chì an t-Ògmhios fàs mòr;

Bidh frasan troma anns an Iuchar,

Ach bidh an Lùnastal mar bu chòir.

Measan agus sealg san t-Sultain,

Cnòthan anns an Dàmhair dhuinn,

Gèile is gailleann anns an t-Samhain,

Is grian is fuachd san Dùbhlachd dhuinn.

Tha an dàn snog, agus fìor tha mi a' smaoineachadh. Tha seanfhacal againn a tha ag ràdh: "Am feur a thig a-mach sa Mhàrt, thèid e a-staigh sa Ghiblean." Tha e ag innse dhuinn nach eil e math rud a dhèanamh ro thràth.

Bha an dàn ag ràdh: "Gheibh sinn stoirmean anns a' Mhàrt, "Is tùs nam blàth sa Ghiblean chòir." Feumaidh fios a bhith aig daoine a tha ag obrachadh an fhearainn dè an t-àm as fheàrr airson rudan a dhèanamh anns na diofar ràithean.

Grafaic: an t-Earrach; an Samhradh; am Foghar, an Geamhradh

Tha an t-àm a bhios croitearan a' buain na mònadh as t-earrach cudromach. Ma thaghas iad an t-àm ceart, tiormaichidh na fàdan mar is còir. Cuiridh iad am buntàta aig àm freagarrach as t-samhradh. A-rithist, as t-fhoghar, togaidh iad am buntàta, buainidh iad an t-arbhar agus bheir iad a' mhòine dhachaigh aig na h-amannan as fheàrr.

Nì iad deiseil airson a' gheamhraidh aig àm sònraichte cuideachd. Ged a tha "Gèile is gailleann anns an t-Samhain", bidh aimsir shocair anns a' mhìos sin cuideachd, a bhios croitearan a' cleachdadh airson a h-uile càil a dhèanamh tèarainte mus tig an droch shìde. 'S urrainn dhan aimsir a bhith caochlaideach.

Tha dùil againn ri aimsir mhath anns an Iuchar. Ach, tha an dàn ag ràdh: "Bidh frasan troma anns an Iuchar." Cuideachd, tha seanfhacal ann a tha ag ràdh: "Tha dà latha den Iuchar anns an Fhaoilleach agus dà latha den Fhaoilleach anns an Iuchar." Tha mi cinnteach gu bheil sin ceart, ach saoilidh mi fhìn gum faca mi barrachd de lathaichean geamhraidh as t-samhradh na chunnaic mi de lathaichean samhraidh anns a' gheamhradh.

Mus fhalbh thu a shealltainn an e geamhradh no samhradh a th' againn andiugh, bheir sinn sùil air cuid dhe na facail a chleachd mi.

Gheibh sinn stoirmean anns a' Mhàrt

An t-Ògmhìos
Chì an t-Ògmhios fàs mòr.

Am Màrt
Am feur a thig a-mach sa Mhàrt, thèid e a-staigh sa Ghiblean.

Cuiridh iad am buntàta aig àm freagarrach as t-samhradh.

As t-fhoghar, togaidh iad am buntàta, buainidh iad an t-arbhar agus bheir iad a' mhòine dhachaigh aig na h-amannan as fheàrr.

Ged a tha "Gèile is gailleann anns an t-Samhain", bidh sìde shocair anns a' mhìos sin cuideachd.

An t-Iuchar
Tha dà latha den Iuchar anns an Fhaoilleach agus dà latha den Fhaoilleach anns an Iuchar.

Sin e. Mar sin leat an-dràsta.

The Months in Verse

English Beurla

The Months in Verse

Presenter: Seumas Dòmhnallach (James MacDonald)

[JAMES] Here is a poem about the months and the weather:

In January comes the snow,

In February, floods will flow;

In windy March, the storms will loom,

And in warm April, blossoms bloom.

The lambs in May will leap and play;

Flowers in June see the longest day;

July will bring us heavy showers,

But come August, peace is ours.

September sees hunting, and fruit galore;

October follows with nuts in store.

Gales and tempests come in November,

Bright sun and cold in dark December.

It's a nice poem, and quite true in my opinion. We have an old proverb that says: "The grass that sprouts in March, it will wither in April." It tells us that it's not a good idea to do something too early.

The poem said: "In windy March, the storms will loom, "And in warm April, blossoms bloom." People who work the land need to know when it's best to do various tasks throughout the different seasons.

Graphic: Spring; Summer; Autumn; Winter

The time at which crofters cut peat in spring is important. If they choose the right time, the peats will dry properly. They will plant potatoes at a suitable time in summer. Again, in the autumn, they will lift the potatoes, reap the corn and take the peats home at the most suitable times.

They will prepare for winter at a specific time too. Although, "Gales and tempests come in November," that month also brings calm weather too, which the crofters use to make sure that everything is secure before the bad weather comes. The weather can be unpredictable (changeable).

We expect fine weather in July. But the poem says: "July will bring us heavy showers." There's another proverb that says: "There are two days of July in January and two days of January in July." I'm sure that's true, but I believe that I have seen more wintry days in summer than I have seen summery days in winter.

Before you go to check whether today is wintry or summery, let's take a look at some of the words I used.

In windy March, the storms will loom

And in June, all will grow; (Flowers in June see the longest day)

The grass that sprouts in March, it will wither in April.

Will plant
They will plant potatoes at a suitable time in summer.

Will lift
In autumn, they will lift the potatoes, reap the corn and take the peats home at the most suitable times.

Although, "Gales and tempests come in November," that month also brings calm weather too.

There are two days of July in January and two days of January in July.

That's all. Goodbye for now.

look@LearnGaelic is a series of videos aimed at learners of Scottish Gaelic. It features a variety of styles, including interviews with experts and Gaelic learners, monologues and conversations. Use the links above to select subtitles in English or Gaelic - or to turn them off altogether. 'S e sreath de bhidiothan gu sònraichte do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig a th' ann an look@LearnGaelic. Bidh measgachadh de mhonologan ann, agallamhan le eòlaichean is luchd-ionnsachaidh, agus còmhraidhean. Gheibhear fo-thiotalan anns a' Ghàidhlig agus ann am Beurla.