FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Talking about abilities and permission A’ bruidhinn mu chomasan agus cead

Can you read this?An urrainn dhuibh seo a leughadh?

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

an urrainn dhuibh…? can you …? (plural/polite)

an urrainn dhuibh seo obrachadh? can you work (or operate) this? (plural/polite)

’s urrainn yes (to the question an urrainn?)

chan urrainn no (to the question an urrainn?)

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Teacher Bha sin glè mhath.
Thig a-steach.
That was very good.
Come in.
Student Gabhaibh mo leisgeul.
Am faod mi bruidhinn ribh an-dràsta?
Excuse me.
May I speak to you just now?
Teacher Tha mi duilich.
Tha mi trang an-dràsta.
An urrainn dhuibh tighinn air ais ann an deich mionaidean?
I'm sorry.
I’m busy just now.
Can you come back in ten minutes?
Student ’S urrainn. Yes.
Instructor Tha i fuar an-diugh, nach eil? It’s cold today, isn’t it?
Learner Tha. Yes.
Instructor Nise, an urrainn dhuibh sin a leughadh? Now, can you read that?
Learner ’S urrainn.
K, trì, naoi, neoni, P, N, S.
K, 3, 9, 0, P, N, S.
Instructor Ceart ma-thà. Ok then.
Man Nise, an urrainn dhuibh seo obrachadh? Now, can you work this?
Woman Dè seòrs’ a th’ ann?
’S urrainn.
What type is it?
Man 'S math sin.
Tha an oifis agam fhèin thall an sin.
My own office is over there.
Woman Glè mhath. Very good.