Giving directions A’ toirt seachad seòlaidhean
It's beside the schoolTha e ri taobh na sgoile
Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.
ri taobh na h-aibhne beside the river
ri taobh na sgoile beside the school
Notice that phrases in this unit like ri taobh (beside), air beulaibh (in front of) and air cùlaibh (behind) cause changes in the words following them, so an abhainn becomes na h-aibhne and an sgoil becomes na sgoile. This is the genitive case.
Anna | Halò, a Mhòrag. | Hello Marion. |
Mòrag | Halò. Ciamar a tha thu Anna? | Hello. How are you Anna? |
Anna | Chan eil mi dona idir, tapadh leat. Ciamar a tha thu fhèin? | Im not bad at all, thank you. How are you, yourself? |
Mòrag | Tha glè mhath. Càit a bheil thu fuireach an-dràsta? | Very well. Where are you living just now? |
Anna | Ann am Pàrtaig. | In Partick. |
Mòrag | Càit ann am Pàrtaig? | Where in Partick? |
Anna | A bheil fios agad càit a bheil Sràid Havelock? | Do you know where Havelock Street is? |
Mòrag | Tha. | Yes. |
Anna | Uill, tha am flat againn ri taobh na sgoile. | Well, our flat is beside the school. |
Mòrag | Glè mhath. Tha mi duilich ach.... | Very good. I’m sorry but... |
Anna | Siuthad ma-thà. Chì mi a-rithist thu. | On you go then. I’ll see you again. |
Mòrag | Chì. Tìoraidh an-dràsta. | Yes. Cheerio for now. |
Woman | Gabhaibh mo leisgeul. A bheil fios agaibh càit a bheil Kelvin Drive? | Excuse me. Do you know where Kelvin Drive is? |
Man | Tha. A bheil sibh eòlach air Queen Margaret Drive? | Yes. Are you familiar with Queen Margaret Drive? |
Woman | Tha. | Yes. |
Man | Uill, tha Kelvin Drive dìreach ri taobh na h-aibhne. | Well, Kelvin Drive is just beside the river. |
Woman | Tapadh leibh. | Thank you. |
Man | ’S e ur beatha. | You’re welcome. |