FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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An Aimsir

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Innes Rothach - preseantair] Seo Kirsteen leis an aimsir.

[Kirsteen NicDhòmhnaill - neach-aithris na h-aimsir] Feasgar math dhuibh, uill eile de fhrasan agus greisean grèine. A-nochd, ‘s ann frasach a mhaireas an t-sìde mun chost an iar agus tro mhòran sgìrean mu thuath, ma dh’fhaodte costa Bhanbh is Bhuchain cuideachd.

Dhan chòrr ged-tà, thig turadh le greisean de dh’ iarmailt shoilleir, agus tha oidhche car fuar air fàire a-nochd gu sònraichte tro chuid de sgìrean iomallach aig ìre reothaidh, no glè fhaisg air. Mar sin dheth dealt-reothaidh coltach ro mhadainn. Anns a’ chumantas, ged-tà, eadar còig agus ochd Celsius. A’ ghaoth bhon iar-thuath, gu bhith a’ socrachadh gu mòr a-nochd. Mairidh i làidir a-mhàin tro na h-eileanan mu thuath. A-màireach ma-tà, tha sinn a’ tòiseachadh an caran fuar do mhòran sgìrean, tioram do mhòran mun ear, mu mheadhan agus ceann a deas na dùthcha, le fìor chorra fhras a-mhàin. ‘S ann mun chost an iar agus tro cheann a tuath na dùthcha a bhios a’ chuid as bitheanta de na frasan a-rithist. Cha bhi i a’ faireachdainn buileach cho fionnar a-màireach, a’ ghaoth gu bhith tighinn bhon iar, lag anns a’ chumantas eadar dusan agus còig-deug Celsius.



The weather

English Beurla

[Innes Munro - Presenter] Here is Kirsteen with the weather.

[Kirsteen MacDonald – Weather presenter] Good evening, well, another showery day with sunny spells. Tonight, it will be showery on the West coast and many northern areas, perhaps the Banff and Buchan coast too.

For the remaining areas, it will be dry with sunny spells, with a cold night ahead, with many remote areas at freezing point, or close to it. There might be frozen dew before morning. In general, though, between five and eight degrees Celsius. The north-west wind is going to calm down a lot tonight. It will only remain strong in the Northern Isles. Tomorrow then, we are starting with a quite cold day for many areas, dry for many in eastern, central and southern Scotland, with only light showers. It is in the west coast and through the north of the country which will have the most frequent showers again. It will not be as cool tomorrow, the wind will come from the west, gentle in general and fifteen Celsius.



An Aimsir

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Innes Rothach - preseantair] Seo Kirsteen leis an aimsir.

[Kirsteen NicDhòmhnaill - neach-aithris na h-aimsir] Feasgar math dhuibh, uill eile de fhrasan agus greisean grèine. A-nochd, ‘s ann frasach a mhaireas an t-sìde mun chost an iar agus tro mhòran sgìrean mu thuath, ma dh’fhaodte costa Bhanbh is Bhuchain cuideachd.

Dhan chòrr ged-tà, thig turadh le greisean de dh’ iarmailt shoilleir, agus tha oidhche car fuar air fàire a-nochd gu sònraichte tro chuid de sgìrean iomallach aig ìre reothaidh, no glè fhaisg air. Mar sin dheth dealt-reothaidh coltach ro mhadainn. Anns a’ chumantas, ged-tà, eadar còig agus ochd Celsius. A’ ghaoth bhon iar-thuath, gu bhith a’ socrachadh gu mòr a-nochd. Mairidh i làidir a-mhàin tro na h-eileanan mu thuath. A-màireach ma-tà, tha sinn a’ tòiseachadh an caran fuar do mhòran sgìrean, tioram do mhòran mun ear, mu mheadhan agus ceann a deas na dùthcha, le fìor chorra fhras a-mhàin. ‘S ann mun chost an iar agus tro cheann a tuath na dùthcha a bhios a’ chuid as bitheanta de na frasan a-rithist. Cha bhi i a’ faireachdainn buileach cho fionnar a-màireach, a’ ghaoth gu bhith tighinn bhon iar, lag anns a’ chumantas eadar dusan agus còig-deug Celsius.



The weather

English Beurla

[Innes Munro - Presenter] Here is Kirsteen with the weather.

[Kirsteen MacDonald – Weather presenter] Good evening, well, another showery day with sunny spells. Tonight, it will be showery on the West coast and many northern areas, perhaps the Banff and Buchan coast too.

For the remaining areas, it will be dry with sunny spells, with a cold night ahead, with many remote areas at freezing point, or close to it. There might be frozen dew before morning. In general, though, between five and eight degrees Celsius. The north-west wind is going to calm down a lot tonight. It will only remain strong in the Northern Isles. Tomorrow then, we are starting with a quite cold day for many areas, dry for many in eastern, central and southern Scotland, with only light showers. It is in the west coast and through the north of the country which will have the most frequent showers again. It will not be as cool tomorrow, the wind will come from the west, gentle in general and fifteen Celsius.



greisean grèine

sunny spells


dry weather

iarmailt shoilleir

sunny skies

ìre reothaidh

freezing point


cool (temperature)