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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Cuideam air Riaghaltas na h-Alba mun phrìomh rathad Bhreacais

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Angela NicIlleathain - Preseantair] Tha muinntir Bhreacais anns an Eilean Sgitheanach ag ràdh gun cùm iad orra a’ cur cuideam air Riaghaltas na h-Alba am prìomh rathad a tha a’ dol tron bhaile a dhèanamh nas sàbhailte. A dh’aindeoin ‘s gun deach innsidh dhaibh nach eil airgead gu leòr ann airson ceum-coise a thogail. ‘S e am prìomh iarrtas a chuir iad gu Riochdaire Chòmhdhail na h-Alba aig coinneamh phoblach far an do nochd mun ceathramh chuid dhen t-sluagh, ach dh’fhalbh iad le briseadh dùil. Mar a tha Eilidh NicLeòid ag aithris.

[Seonachan MacLeòid] Seo agad an t-àite a tha mise a’ smaoineachadh a tha nas cunnartaiche ‘s chan eil àite sam bith ann airson duine a bhith coiseachd, tha balla ann an siud agus tha bruach-dall ann an seo cuideachd, ... chan eil thu a’ faicinn dad sam bith a tha tighinn.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Seonachan MacLeòid ga mo thoirt air an A ochd a seachd tro Bhreacais. Tha e fhèin is gu leòr eile ag ràdh gu bheil daoine a tha a’ coiseachd no air baidhsagal ann an cunnart leis nach eil cabhsair ann fad na slighe. Dh’iarr iad air Còmhdhail na h-Alba a thighinn a bhruidhinn riutha.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Coma leam nach eil na dathan a tha orm an-dràsta a’ dol còmhla idir, ach chan eil cabhsair air oir an rathaid far a bheil mi coiseachd an-dràsta. Agus tha mi air mothachadh gu bheil mòran dhaoine a tha air tighinn chun na coinneimh a-nochd --- gu bheil na seacaidean buidhe seo orrasan cuideachd.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Nochd cha mhòr ceud duine ann. Mhìnich iad do Mhanaidsear Còmhdhail na h-Alba an cunnart a th’ann. An teachdaireachd aca dha, ceum-coise tron bhaile air fad. Chaidh innse dhaibh ged-tà gun cosgaidh sinn suas ri millean not – airgead nach eil ann.

[Bob Mitchell] We will continue with the process of assessing the design for a footpath, in case at some point in the future there is funding available.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Dh’fhàg mòran air an tàmailteachadh agus fearg orra.

[Boireannach bho Bhreacais] There’s nothing you can do anymore, about it was a bit pointless, really.

[Boireannach bho Bhreacais] I just want to see some action, very much so.

[Boireannach bho Bhreacais] Fear a tha seo, tha e dìreach a’ bruidhinn, bruidhinn agus chan eil sinn a’ faighinn freagairt.

[Boireannach bho Bhreacais] The offers that have been made are merely window dressing and we’re no nearer getting a pavement than when we started the meeting.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] ‘S e a fhuair iad barantas ‘s gum biodh fhathast casg astair fhichead mìle san uair, seach leth-cheud mìle mar a bha air a mholadh. Gealltanas cuideachd do bheagan obrach son an rathad a dhèanamh nas sàbhailt’. Ach chan eil sin a’ riarachadh an luchd-iomairt.

[Hamish Friseil] Feumaidh iad a-nise tòiseachadh air smaoineachadh, eil fhios agad, tha rudan ceàrr a thaobh sàbhailteachd nan daoine a tha a’ coiseachd air an rathad, sàbhailteachd daoine a tha a’ dràibheadh air an rathaid a tha seo agus feumadh iadsan a-nise a bhith a’ gabhail uallach airson sin.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] ‘S e an aon dòchas gu bheil am ball-pàrlamaid aca aig Holyrood a’ gealltainn a’ chùis. a thoirt gu aire luchd-poilitigs aig an ìre as àirde.

[Dave Thompson] I’ll be writing to Transport Scotland and the minister, following the insert meeting there was a lot of really useful information given to Bob Mitchell of Transport Scotland here tonight. I’ll keep the pressure up and I’m sure the local community will.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Gu dearbh, chan eil an strì seachad fhathast, tha iad ag ràdh. Ach, tha an t-eagal orra mu thachras mus bi fuasgladh ann.

[Seonachan MacLeòid] Tha tubaist a’ dol a thachairt. Tha tubaistean a’ tachairt a h-uile bliadhna a-muigh ann an sin. Ach, bidh barrachd thubaistean a’ tachairt o àm gu àm air an rathad a tha sin, air sgàth ‘s gu bheil e cho cunnartach.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Eilidh NicLeòid, BBC An Là, Breacais.



Pressure on the Scottish Government about the Breakish Road

English Beurla

[Angela MacLean - Presenter] The people of Breakish in the Isle of Skye say that they will continue to put pressure on the Scottish Government to make the main road through the town safer. In spite of being told that there is not enough money to build a footpath. The main campaign has been sent to the representative of Transport Scotland at a public meeting where about a quarter of the residents attended, but they left with disappointment. As Eilidh MacLeod reports.

[Jonathon MacLeod] This is the area I think is most dangerous, and there is no area for people to walk, there is a wall there and a blind turn there and you can’t see anything that is coming.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] Jonathon MacLeod taking me on the A8 through Breakish. He and many others say that people who are walking, or on a bicycle, are in danger as there is no pavement on the road. They asked Transport Scotland to come and speak to them.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] I don’t care for the colours I have on at all, but there is no pavement on the edge of the road where I am walking just now. And I am aware that many people who are coming tonight to the meeting –they have the same yellow jackets on too.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] More than one hundred people came. They explained to the manager of Transport Scotland the danger. Their message to him, a footpath through the village. They were told, though, that this will cost up to a million pounds – money that does not exist.

[Bob Mitchell] We will continue with the process of assessing the design for a footpath, in case at some point in the future there is funding available.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] Many left disappointed and furious.

[Lady from Breakish] There’s nothing you can do about it anymore, it was a bit pointless, really.

[Lady from Breakish] I just want to see some action, very much so.

[Lady from Breakish] This man, he just talks and talks and we don’t get answers.

[Lady from Breakish] The offers that have been made are merely window dressing and we’re no nearer getting a pavement than when we started the meeting.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] They did get an assurance that there will still be a speed limit of forty miles per hour, instead of the fifty miles per hour that was recommended. There was also a promise that there will be work done to make the road safer. But that did not satisfy the campaigners.

[Hamish Fraser] They have to start to think, you know, things are wrong regarding the safety of people walking on the road, safety regarding people who are driving on the road here and they must take responsibility for that.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] The one hope is that their politician at Holyrood can fight their cause and bring it to the attention of the politicians at the highest level.

[Dave Thompson] I’ll be writing to Transport Scotland and the minister, there was a lot of really useful information given to Bob Mitchell of Transport Scotland here tonight. I’ll keep the pressure up and I’m sure the local community will.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] Certainly, the fight is not over yet, they say. But, they are concerned about what may happen before there is a solution.

[Jonathon MacLeod] An accident is going to happen. Accidents happen all the time out there. But, there will be more accidents from time to time on that road as it is so dangerous.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] Eilidh MacLeod, BBC An Là, Breakish.



Cuideam air Riaghaltas na h-Alba mun phrìomh rathad Bhreacais

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Angela NicIlleathain - Preseantair] Tha muinntir Bhreacais anns an Eilean Sgitheanach ag ràdh gun cùm iad orra a’ cur cuideam air Riaghaltas na h-Alba am prìomh rathad a tha a’ dol tron bhaile a dhèanamh nas sàbhailte. A dh’aindeoin ‘s gun deach innsidh dhaibh nach eil airgead gu leòr ann airson ceum-coise a thogail. ‘S e am prìomh iarrtas a chuir iad gu Riochdaire Chòmhdhail na h-Alba aig coinneamh phoblach far an do nochd mun ceathramh chuid dhen t-sluagh, ach dh’fhalbh iad le briseadh dùil. Mar a tha Eilidh NicLeòid ag aithris.

[Seonachan MacLeòid] Seo agad an t-àite a tha mise a’ smaoineachadh a tha nas cunnartaiche ‘s chan eil àite sam bith ann airson duine a bhith coiseachd, tha balla ann an siud agus tha bruach-dall ann an seo cuideachd, ... chan eil thu a’ faicinn dad sam bith a tha tighinn.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Seonachan MacLeòid ga mo thoirt air an A ochd a seachd tro Bhreacais. Tha e fhèin is gu leòr eile ag ràdh gu bheil daoine a tha a’ coiseachd no air baidhsagal ann an cunnart leis nach eil cabhsair ann fad na slighe. Dh’iarr iad air Còmhdhail na h-Alba a thighinn a bhruidhinn riutha.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Coma leam nach eil na dathan a tha orm an-dràsta a’ dol còmhla idir, ach chan eil cabhsair air oir an rathaid far a bheil mi coiseachd an-dràsta. Agus tha mi air mothachadh gu bheil mòran dhaoine a tha air tighinn chun na coinneimh a-nochd --- gu bheil na seacaidean buidhe seo orrasan cuideachd.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Nochd cha mhòr ceud duine ann. Mhìnich iad do Mhanaidsear Còmhdhail na h-Alba an cunnart a th’ann. An teachdaireachd aca dha, ceum-coise tron bhaile air fad. Chaidh innse dhaibh ged-tà gun cosgaidh sinn suas ri millean not – airgead nach eil ann.

[Bob Mitchell] We will continue with the process of assessing the design for a footpath, in case at some point in the future there is funding available.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Dh’fhàg mòran air an tàmailteachadh agus fearg orra.

[Boireannach bho Bhreacais] There’s nothing you can do anymore, about it was a bit pointless, really.

[Boireannach bho Bhreacais] I just want to see some action, very much so.

[Boireannach bho Bhreacais] Fear a tha seo, tha e dìreach a’ bruidhinn, bruidhinn agus chan eil sinn a’ faighinn freagairt.

[Boireannach bho Bhreacais] The offers that have been made are merely window dressing and we’re no nearer getting a pavement than when we started the meeting.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] ‘S e a fhuair iad barantas ‘s gum biodh fhathast casg astair fhichead mìle san uair, seach leth-cheud mìle mar a bha air a mholadh. Gealltanas cuideachd do bheagan obrach son an rathad a dhèanamh nas sàbhailt’. Ach chan eil sin a’ riarachadh an luchd-iomairt.

[Hamish Friseil] Feumaidh iad a-nise tòiseachadh air smaoineachadh, eil fhios agad, tha rudan ceàrr a thaobh sàbhailteachd nan daoine a tha a’ coiseachd air an rathad, sàbhailteachd daoine a tha a’ dràibheadh air an rathaid a tha seo agus feumadh iadsan a-nise a bhith a’ gabhail uallach airson sin.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] ‘S e an aon dòchas gu bheil am ball-pàrlamaid aca aig Holyrood a’ gealltainn a’ chùis. a thoirt gu aire luchd-poilitigs aig an ìre as àirde.

[Dave Thompson] I’ll be writing to Transport Scotland and the minister, following the insert meeting there was a lot of really useful information given to Bob Mitchell of Transport Scotland here tonight. I’ll keep the pressure up and I’m sure the local community will.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Gu dearbh, chan eil an strì seachad fhathast, tha iad ag ràdh. Ach, tha an t-eagal orra mu thachras mus bi fuasgladh ann.

[Seonachan MacLeòid] Tha tubaist a’ dol a thachairt. Tha tubaistean a’ tachairt a h-uile bliadhna a-muigh ann an sin. Ach, bidh barrachd thubaistean a’ tachairt o àm gu àm air an rathad a tha sin, air sgàth ‘s gu bheil e cho cunnartach.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Eilidh NicLeòid, BBC An Là, Breacais.



Pressure on the Scottish Government about the Breakish Road

English Beurla

[Angela MacLean - Presenter] The people of Breakish in the Isle of Skye say that they will continue to put pressure on the Scottish Government to make the main road through the town safer. In spite of being told that there is not enough money to build a footpath. The main campaign has been sent to the representative of Transport Scotland at a public meeting where about a quarter of the residents attended, but they left with disappointment. As Eilidh MacLeod reports.

[Jonathon MacLeod] This is the area I think is most dangerous, and there is no area for people to walk, there is a wall there and a blind turn there and you can’t see anything that is coming.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] Jonathon MacLeod taking me on the A8 through Breakish. He and many others say that people who are walking, or on a bicycle, are in danger as there is no pavement on the road. They asked Transport Scotland to come and speak to them.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] I don’t care for the colours I have on at all, but there is no pavement on the edge of the road where I am walking just now. And I am aware that many people who are coming tonight to the meeting –they have the same yellow jackets on too.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] More than one hundred people came. They explained to the manager of Transport Scotland the danger. Their message to him, a footpath through the village. They were told, though, that this will cost up to a million pounds – money that does not exist.

[Bob Mitchell] We will continue with the process of assessing the design for a footpath, in case at some point in the future there is funding available.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] Many left disappointed and furious.

[Lady from Breakish] There’s nothing you can do about it anymore, it was a bit pointless, really.

[Lady from Breakish] I just want to see some action, very much so.

[Lady from Breakish] This man, he just talks and talks and we don’t get answers.

[Lady from Breakish] The offers that have been made are merely window dressing and we’re no nearer getting a pavement than when we started the meeting.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] They did get an assurance that there will still be a speed limit of forty miles per hour, instead of the fifty miles per hour that was recommended. There was also a promise that there will be work done to make the road safer. But that did not satisfy the campaigners.

[Hamish Fraser] They have to start to think, you know, things are wrong regarding the safety of people walking on the road, safety regarding people who are driving on the road here and they must take responsibility for that.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] The one hope is that their politician at Holyrood can fight their cause and bring it to the attention of the politicians at the highest level.

[Dave Thompson] I’ll be writing to Transport Scotland and the minister, there was a lot of really useful information given to Bob Mitchell of Transport Scotland here tonight. I’ll keep the pressure up and I’m sure the local community will.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] Certainly, the fight is not over yet, they say. But, they are concerned about what may happen before there is a solution.

[Jonathon MacLeod] An accident is going to happen. Accidents happen all the time out there. But, there will be more accidents from time to time on that road as it is so dangerous.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] Eilidh MacLeod, BBC An Là, Breakish.







Còmhdhail na h-Alba

Transport Scotland



