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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Pròiseact uighean a bha a’ dol anns na h-Uibhistean anns na leth-cheudan ath-nuadhachadh

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Iain MacAonghais - Preseantair] Nise, tha Urras Ghoireasan Loch Baghasdail air pròiseact uighean a bha a’ dol anns an sgìre anns na leth-cheudan ath-nuadhachadh. Fhuair iad taic bhon Chrannchur Nàiseanta airson gnìomhachasan beaga a thòiseachadh a chuidicheas ann a bhith a’ toirt piseach air eaconomaidh an àite. Chaidh Shona NicDhòmhnaill am measg nan cearc airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Anns na leth-cheudan, bha Co-comann Margaidheachda’ reic nam mìltean uighean às Uibhist tro sgeama a bha a’ toirt taic do chroitearan beagan teachd-a-steach a thoirt às toradh àireachas na croite. Tha Urras Ghoireasan Loch Baghasdail a-nis air pròiseact a chur air bhonn a tha a’ toirt cuideachadh do dhaoine a’ chiad cheum a ghabhail gu cosnadh a thoirt às reic uighean an-diugh. Seo mar a tha e a’ dol.

[Catriona Walker] Fhuair sinn airgead bho, mar a chanas iad, the Village SOS, airson buidheann a chur air aghaidh airson uighean a bhith ga faighinn anns an àite fhèin, far am faodadh daoine gnìomhasan beaga a dhèanamh suas dhaibh fhèin. Tha triùir againne an-dràsta. Thathar a’ ceannachd cearc air deich notaichean agus ma tha cuideigin ag iarraidh trì-cheud cearc, tha sinn a’ meanagadh gu bheil trì mìle not aig an duine sin ri chur a-mach airson na cearcan sin a cheannach. Ach chan eilear a’ gabhail an airgid suas an tòiseach, tha iad a’ pàigheadh na circe no nan cearcan nuair a tha na h-uighean a’ tighinn a-staigh. Bheir iad an t-airgead far na h-uighean a h-uile seachdain, so pàigheadh sin suas na cearcan.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Às aonais na taic sin, bhiodh e gu math doirbh gnìomhachas de deagh mheudachd a thòiseachadh.

[Ioseph MacIain] I don’t think you could ever have managed that, no, it would have been far too much, the cost would have been just too much altogether, I would say, aye. Here, you would only be able to start off with say, a few dozen at a time, you know, you’d never be able to manage on this scale. I think it’s a great scheme and I hope more people pick up on it and go for it, you know. You don’t have to take 330 hens, like I did, you know. You can take between 20 and 50 hens. I started off, I was only getting maybe a dozen a day, but now I’m up to 23 dozen a day, or so.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Tha am bèicear ann am Beinn na Fadhla a’ dol tro còrr agus ceud gu leth dusan ugh ann an t-seachdain. Agus thuige seo, cha robh na bha sin de dh’uighean ionadail rim faighinn.

[Ailean MacIlleathain] An fheadhainn sin a tha a’ toirt an stuth thugainn dhaibh, mar na co-ops, daoine mar sin. Tha iad ag iarraidh a h-uile sìon nas fheàrr fad an t-siubhail. ‘S tha fhios ‘am an aon rud dhen a bha iad ag iarraidh oirnne feuchainn ri shifteadh gu free-range uighean. Agus mar a thàinig seo mun chuairt bha cho math feuchainn air. Tha sinne, an aire sin fhèin, fad nas fheàrr ni thu fuine nas fheàrr leis na h-uighean. Tha barrachd neart annta agus tha iad nas fheàrr ann am pancakes, tha iad nas fheàrr ann an sgonaichean cuideachd, tha iad nas tasty. Tha fhios ‘am, mar a bhios fhios aig daoine g’ eil sinn gan cleachdadh gum biodh daoine nas toilichte a’ cleachdadh an stuth againne.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Tha an t-urras an dòchas gun gabh barrachd dhaoine ùidh anns a’ phròiseact agus nach fhada gus am bi na h-uighean ga reic air tìr-mòr cuideachd. Shona NicDhòmhnaill, BBC An Là, Uibhist.



An egg project from the fifties is revived

English Beurla

[Iain MacInnes - Presenter] Now, the Lochboisdale Amenity Trust have renewed an egg project from the fifties. They got help from the National Lottery to start little enterprises which will help bring prosperity to the economy of the area. Shona MacDonald went amongst the chickens for more information.

[Shona Macdonald – Reporter] In the fifties, the Co-operative Market sold thousands of eggs from Uist through a scheme that brought help to crofters to bring in an income from the land of the croft. The Lochboisdale Amenity Trust now have set up a project that gives help to people to take the first step to take a wage from selling eggs today. Here’s how it works.

[Catriona Walker] We got money from, as they call it, the Village SOS, to set up a group to get eggs in the area itself. We have three people just now. They buy chickens for ten pounds and if someone wants three hundred chickens, that means they have three thousand pounds to pay for those chickens. But they don’t pay the money upfront at the start, they pay for the chicken, or chickens when the eggs come in. They take the money from the eggs when they come in. They give the money from the eggs every week, so that will pay up the chickens.

[Shona Macdonald – Reporter] Without that help it would be difficult to start a business of good size.

[Joseph Johnson ] I don’t think you could ever have managed that, no, it would have been far too much, the cost would have been just too much altogether, I would say, aye. Here, you would only be able to start off with say, a few dozen at a time, you know, you’d never be able to manage on this scale. I think it’s a great scheme and I hope more people pick up on it and go for it, you know. You don’t have to take 330 hens, like I did, you know. You can take between 20 and 50 hens. I started off, I was only getting maybe a dozen a day, but now I’m up to 23 dozen a day, or so.

[Shona Macdonald – Reporter] The baker in Benbecula goes through more than 150 dozen eggs a week. And up to now, you could not get that level of local eggs.

[Allan MacLean] Those who give the stuff to us, like the co-ops, people like that. They want everything to be better all the time. And I know that at one toe they wanted us to try and shift to free-range eggs. And as this came about, it was as well to try it. We, in our own opinion, a lot better, you do baking which is better with the eggs. There is more strength in them and they are better in pancakes, they are better in scones too, they are tastier. I know that people know that we are using them and people will be happier using our stuff.

[Shona Macdonald – Reporter] The trust hope that more people will take an interest in the project and it won’t be long until the eggs are sold on the mainland too. Shona MacDonald, BBC An Là, Uist.



Pròiseact uighean a bha a’ dol anns na h-Uibhistean anns na leth-cheudan ath-nuadhachadh

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Iain MacAonghais - Preseantair] Nise, tha Urras Ghoireasan Loch Baghasdail air pròiseact uighean a bha a’ dol anns an sgìre anns na leth-cheudan ath-nuadhachadh. Fhuair iad taic bhon Chrannchur Nàiseanta airson gnìomhachasan beaga a thòiseachadh a chuidicheas ann a bhith a’ toirt piseach air eaconomaidh an àite. Chaidh Shona NicDhòmhnaill am measg nan cearc airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Anns na leth-cheudan, bha Co-comann Margaidheachda’ reic nam mìltean uighean às Uibhist tro sgeama a bha a’ toirt taic do chroitearan beagan teachd-a-steach a thoirt às toradh àireachas na croite. Tha Urras Ghoireasan Loch Baghasdail a-nis air pròiseact a chur air bhonn a tha a’ toirt cuideachadh do dhaoine a’ chiad cheum a ghabhail gu cosnadh a thoirt às reic uighean an-diugh. Seo mar a tha e a’ dol.

[Catriona Walker] Fhuair sinn airgead bho, mar a chanas iad, the Village SOS, airson buidheann a chur air aghaidh airson uighean a bhith ga faighinn anns an àite fhèin, far am faodadh daoine gnìomhasan beaga a dhèanamh suas dhaibh fhèin. Tha triùir againne an-dràsta. Thathar a’ ceannachd cearc air deich notaichean agus ma tha cuideigin ag iarraidh trì-cheud cearc, tha sinn a’ meanagadh gu bheil trì mìle not aig an duine sin ri chur a-mach airson na cearcan sin a cheannach. Ach chan eilear a’ gabhail an airgid suas an tòiseach, tha iad a’ pàigheadh na circe no nan cearcan nuair a tha na h-uighean a’ tighinn a-staigh. Bheir iad an t-airgead far na h-uighean a h-uile seachdain, so pàigheadh sin suas na cearcan.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Às aonais na taic sin, bhiodh e gu math doirbh gnìomhachas de deagh mheudachd a thòiseachadh.

[Ioseph MacIain] I don’t think you could ever have managed that, no, it would have been far too much, the cost would have been just too much altogether, I would say, aye. Here, you would only be able to start off with say, a few dozen at a time, you know, you’d never be able to manage on this scale. I think it’s a great scheme and I hope more people pick up on it and go for it, you know. You don’t have to take 330 hens, like I did, you know. You can take between 20 and 50 hens. I started off, I was only getting maybe a dozen a day, but now I’m up to 23 dozen a day, or so.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Tha am bèicear ann am Beinn na Fadhla a’ dol tro còrr agus ceud gu leth dusan ugh ann an t-seachdain. Agus thuige seo, cha robh na bha sin de dh’uighean ionadail rim faighinn.

[Ailean MacIlleathain] An fheadhainn sin a tha a’ toirt an stuth thugainn dhaibh, mar na co-ops, daoine mar sin. Tha iad ag iarraidh a h-uile sìon nas fheàrr fad an t-siubhail. ‘S tha fhios ‘am an aon rud dhen a bha iad ag iarraidh oirnne feuchainn ri shifteadh gu free-range uighean. Agus mar a thàinig seo mun chuairt bha cho math feuchainn air. Tha sinne, an aire sin fhèin, fad nas fheàrr ni thu fuine nas fheàrr leis na h-uighean. Tha barrachd neart annta agus tha iad nas fheàrr ann am pancakes, tha iad nas fheàrr ann an sgonaichean cuideachd, tha iad nas tasty. Tha fhios ‘am, mar a bhios fhios aig daoine g’ eil sinn gan cleachdadh gum biodh daoine nas toilichte a’ cleachdadh an stuth againne.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Tha an t-urras an dòchas gun gabh barrachd dhaoine ùidh anns a’ phròiseact agus nach fhada gus am bi na h-uighean ga reic air tìr-mòr cuideachd. Shona NicDhòmhnaill, BBC An Là, Uibhist.



An egg project from the fifties is revived

English Beurla

[Iain MacInnes - Presenter] Now, the Lochboisdale Amenity Trust have renewed an egg project from the fifties. They got help from the National Lottery to start little enterprises which will help bring prosperity to the economy of the area. Shona MacDonald went amongst the chickens for more information.

[Shona Macdonald – Reporter] In the fifties, the Co-operative Market sold thousands of eggs from Uist through a scheme that brought help to crofters to bring in an income from the land of the croft. The Lochboisdale Amenity Trust now have set up a project that gives help to people to take the first step to take a wage from selling eggs today. Here’s how it works.

[Catriona Walker] We got money from, as they call it, the Village SOS, to set up a group to get eggs in the area itself. We have three people just now. They buy chickens for ten pounds and if someone wants three hundred chickens, that means they have three thousand pounds to pay for those chickens. But they don’t pay the money upfront at the start, they pay for the chicken, or chickens when the eggs come in. They take the money from the eggs when they come in. They give the money from the eggs every week, so that will pay up the chickens.

[Shona Macdonald – Reporter] Without that help it would be difficult to start a business of good size.

[Joseph Johnson ] I don’t think you could ever have managed that, no, it would have been far too much, the cost would have been just too much altogether, I would say, aye. Here, you would only be able to start off with say, a few dozen at a time, you know, you’d never be able to manage on this scale. I think it’s a great scheme and I hope more people pick up on it and go for it, you know. You don’t have to take 330 hens, like I did, you know. You can take between 20 and 50 hens. I started off, I was only getting maybe a dozen a day, but now I’m up to 23 dozen a day, or so.

[Shona Macdonald – Reporter] The baker in Benbecula goes through more than 150 dozen eggs a week. And up to now, you could not get that level of local eggs.

[Allan MacLean] Those who give the stuff to us, like the co-ops, people like that. They want everything to be better all the time. And I know that at one toe they wanted us to try and shift to free-range eggs. And as this came about, it was as well to try it. We, in our own opinion, a lot better, you do baking which is better with the eggs. There is more strength in them and they are better in pancakes, they are better in scones too, they are tastier. I know that people know that we are using them and people will be happier using our stuff.

[Shona Macdonald – Reporter] The trust hope that more people will take an interest in the project and it won’t be long until the eggs are sold on the mainland too. Shona MacDonald, BBC An Là, Uist.



Urras Ghoireasan Loch Baghasdail

Lochboisdale Amenity Trust

An Crannchur Nàiseanta

The National Lottery



Beinn na Fadhla


