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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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An Aimsir le Kirsteen NicDhòmhnaill

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Kirsteen NicDhòmhnaill] Feasgar math dhuibh. Uill tha frasan geamhradail air a bhith ann ann am pailteas, an-diugh gu sònraichte air an talamh àrd mun iar agus mu thuath. An talamh a’ fuarachadh a-nochd. Agus gu dearbh, ri linn sin, tha Oifis na Sìde air rabhadh buidhe a sgaoileadh airson deigh, sin gu bhith na chunnart fad is farsaing air na ròidean.

[Kirsteen NicDhòmhnaill] A-nochd, ma-thà, na frasan a tha seo a’ cumail a’ dol, gu sònraichte mun iar agus mu thuath, a-rithist geamhradail air an talamh àrd a-staigh air an dùthaich. Oidhche gu math fuar anns an amharc, ma dh'fhaodte fo chòig fo ìre reothaidh agus bidh i gaothach gu sònraichte mun iar-thuath.

[Kirsteen NicDhòmhnaill] A-màireach, bidh na frasan a’ seargadh às gu ìre mhòr. Bidh i fuar, ach grianach tro mhòran sgìrean co-dhiù airson greis. Feasgar ged-thà, ‘s ann a’ sìor fhàs sgòthach a bhios cùisean tro oisean an iar-thuath agus gu dearbh, an t-uisge a’ biathadh a-staigh dha na sgìrean-sa. Nise, bidh a’ ghaoth air socrachadh airson greis a-màireach ach feasgar a-rithist, ‘s ann a bhios i ag èirigh agus i a’ tighinn bhon iar no bhon iar-dheas.

[Kirsteen NicDhòmhnaill] Dhan chòrr ged-thà feasgar a-màireach, co-dhiù airson greis, bu chòir gu mair an tuireadh le gathan-grèine ach ‘s ann air èiginn a dh’ èireas cùisean thairis air ìre reothaidh.

[Kirsteen NicDhòmhnaill] Nise a’ toirt sùil air adhart gu ciaradh an fheasgair, uill chan eil an t-uabhas ag atharrachadh. Mairidh an tuireadh mun ear airson greis. Ach ro chiaradh an fheasgair, an t-uisge a tha seo a’ putadh a-staigh gar n-ionnsaigh. Le ma dh'fhaodte sneachda air an talamh àrd tro dhruim na dùthcha mar gum biodh.

[Kirsteen NicDhòmhnaill] A’ toirt sùil air adhart nas fhaide air adhart, agus gu dearbh Oifis na Sìde air rabhadh tràth a sgaoileadh agus dragh ann mu neart na gaoithe Diciadain. Tha i gu bhith a’ tighinn bho thuath air neo bhon iar-thuath a’ ruighinn fìor neart gèile aig amannan mun iar agus mu thuath. Tha sinn a’ sùileachadh gun adhbhraich seo dàil air na h-aiseagan gu dearbha agus bidh frasan geamhradail mun cuairt a-rithist. Sin agaibh e.



The weather with Kirsteen MacDonald

English Beurla

[Kirsteen MacDonald] Good evening. Well, there have been plenty of wintery showers today, especially on high ground about the east and about the north. The town will cool down tonight. And certainly with regards to that, the Met Office has issued a yellow warning for ice which is going to be a danger far and wide on the roads.

[Kirsteen MacDonald] Tonight, then, the showers will keep going especially about the east and the north again wintry on the high ground on the country. A very cold night on the horizon, perhaps less than five degrees below freezing and it will be windy, especially about the north-east.

[Kirsteen MacDonald] Tomorrow, the showers will dry out to a large extent. It will be cold, but sunny through many areas anyway for a while. In the afternoon, then, things will become very cloudy in the north-east corner and certainly the rain will come into these areas. Now, the wind will quieten down for a while tomorrow, but tomorrow afternoon again, it will rise and it will come from the east, or the south east.

[Kirsteen MacDonald] For the rest of the afternoon tomorrow, for a while anyway, the dry weather should last with sunshine, but things will become critical at freezing point.

[Kirsteen MacDonald] Now, looking ahead to the evening, well not a lot is changes. The dry weather will last. But before the evening, the rain which is pushing in to us. With maybe snow on the high ground through the backbone of the country, as it were.

[Kirsteen MacDonald] Looking further ahead, and certainly The Met Office have issued an early warning and there is concern about the strength of the wind on Wednesday. It will come from the north or from the north-east reaching true gale-force at times about the east and about the north. We expect that this will put a stop to the ferries and the wintery showers will be about again. That’s it.



An Aimsir le Kirsteen NicDhòmhnaill

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Kirsteen NicDhòmhnaill] Feasgar math dhuibh. Uill tha frasan geamhradail air a bhith ann ann am pailteas, an-diugh gu sònraichte air an talamh àrd mun iar agus mu thuath. An talamh a’ fuarachadh a-nochd. Agus gu dearbh, ri linn sin, tha Oifis na Sìde air rabhadh buidhe a sgaoileadh airson deigh, sin gu bhith na chunnart fad is farsaing air na ròidean.

[Kirsteen NicDhòmhnaill] A-nochd, ma-thà, na frasan a tha seo a’ cumail a’ dol, gu sònraichte mun iar agus mu thuath, a-rithist geamhradail air an talamh àrd a-staigh air an dùthaich. Oidhche gu math fuar anns an amharc, ma dh'fhaodte fo chòig fo ìre reothaidh agus bidh i gaothach gu sònraichte mun iar-thuath.

[Kirsteen NicDhòmhnaill] A-màireach, bidh na frasan a’ seargadh às gu ìre mhòr. Bidh i fuar, ach grianach tro mhòran sgìrean co-dhiù airson greis. Feasgar ged-thà, ‘s ann a’ sìor fhàs sgòthach a bhios cùisean tro oisean an iar-thuath agus gu dearbh, an t-uisge a’ biathadh a-staigh dha na sgìrean-sa. Nise, bidh a’ ghaoth air socrachadh airson greis a-màireach ach feasgar a-rithist, ‘s ann a bhios i ag èirigh agus i a’ tighinn bhon iar no bhon iar-dheas.

[Kirsteen NicDhòmhnaill] Dhan chòrr ged-thà feasgar a-màireach, co-dhiù airson greis, bu chòir gu mair an tuireadh le gathan-grèine ach ‘s ann air èiginn a dh’ èireas cùisean thairis air ìre reothaidh.

[Kirsteen NicDhòmhnaill] Nise a’ toirt sùil air adhart gu ciaradh an fheasgair, uill chan eil an t-uabhas ag atharrachadh. Mairidh an tuireadh mun ear airson greis. Ach ro chiaradh an fheasgair, an t-uisge a tha seo a’ putadh a-staigh gar n-ionnsaigh. Le ma dh'fhaodte sneachda air an talamh àrd tro dhruim na dùthcha mar gum biodh.

[Kirsteen NicDhòmhnaill] A’ toirt sùil air adhart nas fhaide air adhart, agus gu dearbh Oifis na Sìde air rabhadh tràth a sgaoileadh agus dragh ann mu neart na gaoithe Diciadain. Tha i gu bhith a’ tighinn bho thuath air neo bhon iar-thuath a’ ruighinn fìor neart gèile aig amannan mun iar agus mu thuath. Tha sinn a’ sùileachadh gun adhbhraich seo dàil air na h-aiseagan gu dearbha agus bidh frasan geamhradail mun cuairt a-rithist. Sin agaibh e.



The weather with Kirsteen MacDonald

English Beurla

[Kirsteen MacDonald] Good evening. Well, there have been plenty of wintery showers today, especially on high ground about the east and about the north. The town will cool down tonight. And certainly with regards to that, the Met Office has issued a yellow warning for ice which is going to be a danger far and wide on the roads.

[Kirsteen MacDonald] Tonight, then, the showers will keep going especially about the east and the north again wintry on the high ground on the country. A very cold night on the horizon, perhaps less than five degrees below freezing and it will be windy, especially about the north-east.

[Kirsteen MacDonald] Tomorrow, the showers will dry out to a large extent. It will be cold, but sunny through many areas anyway for a while. In the afternoon, then, things will become very cloudy in the north-east corner and certainly the rain will come into these areas. Now, the wind will quieten down for a while tomorrow, but tomorrow afternoon again, it will rise and it will come from the east, or the south east.

[Kirsteen MacDonald] For the rest of the afternoon tomorrow, for a while anyway, the dry weather should last with sunshine, but things will become critical at freezing point.

[Kirsteen MacDonald] Now, looking ahead to the evening, well not a lot is changes. The dry weather will last. But before the evening, the rain which is pushing in to us. With maybe snow on the high ground through the backbone of the country, as it were.

[Kirsteen MacDonald] Looking further ahead, and certainly The Met Office have issued an early warning and there is concern about the strength of the wind on Wednesday. It will come from the north or from the north-east reaching true gale-force at times about the east and about the north. We expect that this will put a stop to the ferries and the wintery showers will be about again. That’s it.





ma dh'fhaodte


a’ seargadh





dry weather