FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Deoch ùr Albannach?

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Iain MacIlleathain- Preseantair] Nise, ma tha sibh a’ gabhail deoch-slàinte aig an àm-sa den bhliadhna-sa ‘s dòcha gun tug sibh an aire gu bheil fada a bharrachd roghainn ann na chleachd den t-seòrsa deoch a tha ri fhaighinn. Am measg seo, tha diofar sheòrsaichean gin. Le Alba a’ reic trì fichead ‘s a deich às a’ cheud de gin ann am Breatainn, tha a h-uile coltas gu bheil a’ mhargaidh a’ fàs. Seo Maggie NicFhionghain.

[Maggie NicFhionghain – Neach-aithris] Tha taighean-staile gu math cumanta air feadh na Gàidhealtachd. Ach, ma bha sibh a’ smaointinn gun robh fios le cinnt agaibh bha a’ dol nam broinn, bhiodh sibh ‘s dòcha ceàrr. Nas trice a-nise, chan e a-mhàin uisge-beatha a tha a’ tighinn às na toglaichean seo, ach deoch eile a tha daoine air fàs gu math miadhail air - gin.

[Sìm Buley] A lot of whisky distilleries you’ll find do make vodkas, gins, what we call white spirits, basically because there is no waiting, it’s make it today, sell it tomorrow, you know, so it gives us that bit of cash flow to keep us able to make the premium whiskies etc that we make.

[Maggie NicFhionghain – Neach-aithris] ‘S e na lusan a tha a’ dol am broinn ‘Caorunn’ a tha ga dhèanamh sònraichte. Tha iad a’ fàs faisg air an taigh-staile agus bidh Sìm gam buain e fhèin. Tha e fhathast a’ fàs cleachdte ris an eadar-dhealachadh ann a bhith a’ cruthachadh gin an coimeas ri uisge-beatha.

[Sìm Buley] I’m used to what I make going in the barrel for at least three years and aging. A whisky distillery isn’t a fast-paced place to work, you know. What we make takes a long time to mature, etc. Whereas now, I’m making gin and it’s in the bottle tomorrow, the day after I’ve made it. Whereas the whisky I’ve made in the last nearly sixteen years is still not available for people to enjoy.

[Maggie NicFhionghain – Neach-aithris] cheud mìle deas ann an Berwick a Tuath, chaidh gin ùr air a’ mhargaidh le cupal a bha a’ lorg gnìomhachas a dh’fhaodadh an dithis aca a’ ruith còmhla. Rinn iad tòrr rannsachaidh agus cheannaich iad staile agus thòisich iad a’ reic anns an Dàmhair. Cha b’ urrainn dhaibh a chreidsinn cho math ‘s a tha iad a’ dèanamh.

[Viv Muir] It’s been overwhelming. We thought we would edge into the market in North Berwick, in our home town and we’re now sitting with over forty customers nationwide, all over Scotland and sold over a thousand bottles. The response has been so overwhelming that we feel we can go to the global market. We’ve been approached by a potential exporter and they’re looking for premium Scottish products of which our gin is one.

[Murchadh Caimbeul] Rud a th’ air atharrachadh, ‘s dòcha, bho na companaidhean mòra a bha ga dhèanamh bho chionn fhada, ‘s e gu bheil iad a’ cur rudan eadar-dhealaichte ann an-diugh agus ga dhèanamh gu math nas fheàrr na bha na companaidhean mòra, agus tha iad gu math nas fheàrr nan companaidhean mòra ga dhèanamh. ‘S ann a tha na companaidhean mòra air a bhith mar mhargaidheachd agus tha iad ga chur mu choinneamh an t-sluaigh, leis an sin. Ach na companaidhean nas lugha a tha a’ dèanamh de gin, tha iad ga dhèanamh ann an dòighean sònraichte far a bheil blas fada nas fheàrr air agus tha gu math nas fhasa ri reic air sàilleibh sin.

[Maggie NicFhionghain – Neach-aithris] Son bliadhnaichean, tha uisge beatha air a bhith a’ faighinn prìomhachas ann am margaidh an deoch làidir, ach tha a-huile coltas nach eil gin Albannach fada air a chùlaibh. Maggie NicFhionghain, BBC An



A new Scottish drink?

English Beurla

[Iain MacLean - Presenter] Now, if you are taking a drink at this time of the year maybe you you’ll understand that there is more choice than there was in the type of drink that you can get. Among them is different types of gin. With Scotland selling 70% of gin in Britain, it would appear that the market is growing. Here’s Maggie MacKinnon.

[Maggie MacKinnon – Reporter] Distilleries are very common all over the Highlands. But, if you thought that you knew with certainty what was inside, you might be wrong. More often now, it is not just whisky that comes from these buildings, but another drink which people are getting very fond of – gin.

[Simon Buley] A lot of whisky distilleries you’ll find do make vodkas, gins, what we call white spirits, basically because there is no waiting, it’s make it today, sell it tomorrow, you know, so it gives us that bit of cash flow to keep us able to make the premium whiskies etc that we make.

[Maggie MacKinnon – Reporter] It is the plants that go into ‘Caorunn’ that makes it special. They grow close to the distillery and Simon reaps them himself. He still gets used with the difference between making gin and whisky.

[Simon Buley] I’m used to what I make going in the barrel for at least three years and aging. A whisky distillery isn’t a fast-paced place to work, you know. What we make takes a long time to mature, etc. Whereas now, I’m making gin and it’s in the bottle tomorrow, the day after I’ve made it. Whereas the whisky I’ve made in the last nearly sixteen years is still not available for people to enjoy.

[Maggie MacKinnon – Reporter] Two thousand miles south in North Berwick, a new gin went on the market by a couple who were looking for something to run together. They did lots of research and bought a distillery and they started to sell it in October. They could not believe how it well it is doing.

[Viv Muir] It’s been overwhelming. We thought we would edge into the market in North Berwick, in our home town and we’ re now sitting with over forty customers nationwide, all over Scotland and sold over a thousand bottles. The response has been so overwhelming that we feel we can go to the global market. We’ve been approached by a potential exporter and they’re looking for premium Scottish products of which our gin is one.

[Murdo Campbell] Something that has changed, maybe, from the big companies that were doing it for a long time, they are putting different things in it today and they did it better than big companies and they are better at doing it than the big companies. The big companies do it through marketing and they sell it to people as that. But the smaller companies do it with gin, they do it in an unique way where the taste is a lot betterand they sell better because of it.

[Maggie MacKinnon – Reporter] For years, whisky gets priority in the drinks market, but it would appear that Scottish gin is not far behind. Maggie MacKinnon, BBC An Là.



Deoch ùr Albannach?

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Iain MacIlleathain- Preseantair] Nise, ma tha sibh a’ gabhail deoch-slàinte aig an àm-sa den bhliadhna-sa ‘s dòcha gun tug sibh an aire gu bheil fada a bharrachd roghainn ann na chleachd den t-seòrsa deoch a tha ri fhaighinn. Am measg seo, tha diofar sheòrsaichean gin. Le Alba a’ reic trì fichead ‘s a deich às a’ cheud de gin ann am Breatainn, tha a h-uile coltas gu bheil a’ mhargaidh a’ fàs. Seo Maggie NicFhionghain.

[Maggie NicFhionghain – Neach-aithris] Tha taighean-staile gu math cumanta air feadh na Gàidhealtachd. Ach, ma bha sibh a’ smaointinn gun robh fios le cinnt agaibh bha a’ dol nam broinn, bhiodh sibh ‘s dòcha ceàrr. Nas trice a-nise, chan e a-mhàin uisge-beatha a tha a’ tighinn às na toglaichean seo, ach deoch eile a tha daoine air fàs gu math miadhail air - gin.

[Sìm Buley] A lot of whisky distilleries you’ll find do make vodkas, gins, what we call white spirits, basically because there is no waiting, it’s make it today, sell it tomorrow, you know, so it gives us that bit of cash flow to keep us able to make the premium whiskies etc that we make.

[Maggie NicFhionghain – Neach-aithris] ‘S e na lusan a tha a’ dol am broinn ‘Caorunn’ a tha ga dhèanamh sònraichte. Tha iad a’ fàs faisg air an taigh-staile agus bidh Sìm gam buain e fhèin. Tha e fhathast a’ fàs cleachdte ris an eadar-dhealachadh ann a bhith a’ cruthachadh gin an coimeas ri uisge-beatha.

[Sìm Buley] I’m used to what I make going in the barrel for at least three years and aging. A whisky distillery isn’t a fast-paced place to work, you know. What we make takes a long time to mature, etc. Whereas now, I’m making gin and it’s in the bottle tomorrow, the day after I’ve made it. Whereas the whisky I’ve made in the last nearly sixteen years is still not available for people to enjoy.

[Maggie NicFhionghain – Neach-aithris] cheud mìle deas ann an Berwick a Tuath, chaidh gin ùr air a’ mhargaidh le cupal a bha a’ lorg gnìomhachas a dh’fhaodadh an dithis aca a’ ruith còmhla. Rinn iad tòrr rannsachaidh agus cheannaich iad staile agus thòisich iad a’ reic anns an Dàmhair. Cha b’ urrainn dhaibh a chreidsinn cho math ‘s a tha iad a’ dèanamh.

[Viv Muir] It’s been overwhelming. We thought we would edge into the market in North Berwick, in our home town and we’re now sitting with over forty customers nationwide, all over Scotland and sold over a thousand bottles. The response has been so overwhelming that we feel we can go to the global market. We’ve been approached by a potential exporter and they’re looking for premium Scottish products of which our gin is one.

[Murchadh Caimbeul] Rud a th’ air atharrachadh, ‘s dòcha, bho na companaidhean mòra a bha ga dhèanamh bho chionn fhada, ‘s e gu bheil iad a’ cur rudan eadar-dhealaichte ann an-diugh agus ga dhèanamh gu math nas fheàrr na bha na companaidhean mòra, agus tha iad gu math nas fheàrr nan companaidhean mòra ga dhèanamh. ‘S ann a tha na companaidhean mòra air a bhith mar mhargaidheachd agus tha iad ga chur mu choinneamh an t-sluaigh, leis an sin. Ach na companaidhean nas lugha a tha a’ dèanamh de gin, tha iad ga dhèanamh ann an dòighean sònraichte far a bheil blas fada nas fheàrr air agus tha gu math nas fhasa ri reic air sàilleibh sin.

[Maggie NicFhionghain – Neach-aithris] Son bliadhnaichean, tha uisge beatha air a bhith a’ faighinn prìomhachas ann am margaidh an deoch làidir, ach tha a-huile coltas nach eil gin Albannach fada air a chùlaibh. Maggie NicFhionghain, BBC An



A new Scottish drink?

English Beurla

[Iain MacLean - Presenter] Now, if you are taking a drink at this time of the year maybe you you’ll understand that there is more choice than there was in the type of drink that you can get. Among them is different types of gin. With Scotland selling 70% of gin in Britain, it would appear that the market is growing. Here’s Maggie MacKinnon.

[Maggie MacKinnon – Reporter] Distilleries are very common all over the Highlands. But, if you thought that you knew with certainty what was inside, you might be wrong. More often now, it is not just whisky that comes from these buildings, but another drink which people are getting very fond of – gin.

[Simon Buley] A lot of whisky distilleries you’ll find do make vodkas, gins, what we call white spirits, basically because there is no waiting, it’s make it today, sell it tomorrow, you know, so it gives us that bit of cash flow to keep us able to make the premium whiskies etc that we make.

[Maggie MacKinnon – Reporter] It is the plants that go into ‘Caorunn’ that makes it special. They grow close to the distillery and Simon reaps them himself. He still gets used with the difference between making gin and whisky.

[Simon Buley] I’m used to what I make going in the barrel for at least three years and aging. A whisky distillery isn’t a fast-paced place to work, you know. What we make takes a long time to mature, etc. Whereas now, I’m making gin and it’s in the bottle tomorrow, the day after I’ve made it. Whereas the whisky I’ve made in the last nearly sixteen years is still not available for people to enjoy.

[Maggie MacKinnon – Reporter] Two thousand miles south in North Berwick, a new gin went on the market by a couple who were looking for something to run together. They did lots of research and bought a distillery and they started to sell it in October. They could not believe how it well it is doing.

[Viv Muir] It’s been overwhelming. We thought we would edge into the market in North Berwick, in our home town and we’ re now sitting with over forty customers nationwide, all over Scotland and sold over a thousand bottles. The response has been so overwhelming that we feel we can go to the global market. We’ve been approached by a potential exporter and they’re looking for premium Scottish products of which our gin is one.

[Murdo Campbell] Something that has changed, maybe, from the big companies that were doing it for a long time, they are putting different things in it today and they did it better than big companies and they are better at doing it than the big companies. The big companies do it through marketing and they sell it to people as that. But the smaller companies do it with gin, they do it in an unique way where the taste is a lot betterand they sell better because of it.

[Maggie MacKinnon – Reporter] For years, whisky gets priority in the drinks market, but it would appear that Scottish gin is not far behind. Maggie MacKinnon, BBC An Là.











