FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Taigh-staile na Hearadh a' fosgladh as t-Samhradh

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Iain MacAonghais – Preseantair] Nise aig a’ cheart àm tha companaidh staile na Hearadh air innse gu bheil iad an dòchas taigh-staile a tha iad a’ togail air an Tairbeart fhosgladh anns a’ Chèitean. Bidh e fosgailte dhan choimhearsnachd agus do luchd-turais agus tha e mar-thà air deich cosnaidhean a chruthachadh. Tha na companaidhean ag ràdh gum bu chòir gun cùm e cosnaidhean math ri daoine airson iomadach bliadhna sa sgìre. Le tuilleadh, seo Aonghas Dòmhnallach.

[Aonghas Dòmhnallach – Neach-aithris] Ged a tha tòrr obair a’ dol air adhart timcheall an togalaich fhèin fhathast tha an companaidh air adhartas math a dhèanamh, le dùil gum bi an an taigh-staile fosgailte sa Chèitean agus an-diugh bha fiosrachaidh aca, ag innse dhan choimhearsnachd bha tachairt.

[Sìm Erlanger] Today’s really quite a momentous day. Yesterday was the arrival of the first of the distillation plants so we had three low loaders arriving yesterday morning, offloading some of the distillation equipment and starting to install that so actually this is when things really start to become real. The other thing I think is last Friday was quite exciting because we concluded the recruitment programme.

[Aonghas Dòmhnallach – Neach-aithris] Tha deichnear aca air fhastadh, a tha fuireach anns na Hearadh fhèin. Rud a bheir misneachd mhòr dhan choimhearsnachd.

[Coinneach MacIlleathain] Och ‘s e gu dearbha. Chan eil duine ag obair air an seo nach eil a’ fuireach anns na Hearadh agus tha teaghlach aig a h-uile duine aca, clann anns an sgoil agus mar sin tha sin uabhasach feumail dhan àite. Tha fhios agad fhèin gun do dhùin àite eile sìos anns na Hearadh bho chionn greis air ais agus tha seo dìreach gu math fortanach mar a thàinig e gu bhith aig an àm.

[Aonghas Dòmhnallach – Neach-aithris] Agus cha ghann nach eil an companaidh air a bhith a’ siubhal an t-saoghail airson an uidheamachd as fhèarr fhaighinn dhan taigh-staile.

[Sìm Erlanger] Yes well the stills are now ready. They’re sitting in their warehouse in Italy, near Siena, where they’re being manufactured. On Monday our Chairman is going to go over there and wave them off as it were onto the lorry and then they start and 8 day journey across the Alps and then up to Ullapool to take the ferry over to Stornoway so Tuesday 10th February they should be coming down the road here and arriving for their final resting place at the distillery.

[Aonghas Dòmhnallach – Neach-aithris] Agus tha iad a’ dèanamh dheth gum bi an taigh-staile na tharraing mhòr do luchd-turais agus e coltach gu bheil a’ chliù a’ sgaoileadh air feadh gnìomhachas na turasachd mar-thà.

[Coinneach MacIlleathain] Tha tòrr luchd turais a’ tighinn dha na Hearadh mar a tha fhios agaibh ach chan eil mòran ann dhaibh ri dhèanamh an seo ‘s e rud math tha seo, bidh iad a’ faicinn na Hearaich ag obair. ‘S e social distillery tha seo, tha e supposed a bhith dìreach coltach ris an àite, bidh e trì bliadhna mus fhaic sinn uisge beatha, can an lagh a bhith deiseil. ‘S dòcha gum bi e bliadhna no dhà as dèidh sin gus am bi e deiseil airson òl agus mar sin feumaidh an t-aite cumail a’ dol agus ‘s e na luchd-turais a bhios a’ dèanamh sin.

[Aonghas Dòmhnallach – Neach-aithris] Agus ris nach còrdadh e drama a ghabhail ann an àite cho tarraingeach. Aonghas Dòmhnallach, BBC An Là.



Harris distillery to open in the summer

English Beurla

[Iain Macinnes – Presenter] Now at the same time Isle of Harris Distillers have said that they hope to open the distillery they are building in Tarbert in May. It will be open to the community and to tourists and it’s already created jobs. The companies say it should keep people in jobs in the area for many years. Here’s Angus Macdonald with more.

[Angus MacDonald – Reporter] Although a lot of work is still taking place around the building itself the company has made good progress, with hopes that the distillery will be open in May and today there was an information day to tell the community what was happening.

[Simon Erlanger] Today’s really quite a momentous day. Yesterday was the arrival of the first of the distillation plants so we had three low loaders arriving yesterday morning, offloading some of the distillation equipment and starting to install that so actually this is when things really start to become real. The other thing I think is last Friday was quite exciting because we concluded the recruitment programme.

[Angus Macdonald – Reporter] There are ten employed who stay in Harris itself. Something that will give the community encouragement.

[Kenny Maclean] Och it does indeed. There’s nobody working on this who doesn’t stay in Harris and they all have families and children in the school, therefore it’s very beneficial to the area. You’ll know yourself that another place in Harris closed down a while ago and it’s very lucky this came along at this time.

[Angus MacDonald – Reporter] And the company has made a great effort to travel the world to get the best equipment for the distillery.

[Simon Erlanger] Yes well the stills are now ready. They’re sitting in their warehouse in Italy, near Siena, where they’re being manufactured. On Monday our Chairman is going to go over there and wave them off as it were onto the lorry and then they start and 8 day journey across the Alps and then up to Ullapool to take the ferry over to Stornoway so Tuesday 10th February they should be coming down the road here and arriving for their final resting place at the distillery.

[Angus MacDonald – Reporter] And they reckon the distillery will be a major attraction to tourists and it’s reputation is spreading throughout.

[Kenny Maclean] Many tourists come to Harris as you know but there isn’t much for them to do here so this is a good thing, they will see Harris people working. This is a social distillery, it’s supposed to be reflective of the place, it’ll be three years before we see whisky according to the law. It’ll perhaps be a couple of years after that before it’s ready to drink therefore the place needs to be kept ticking over and tourists will do that.

[Angus MacDonald – Reporter] And who wouldn’t enjoy a dram in such an attractive place. Angus MacDonald, BBC An Là.



Taigh-staile na Hearadh a' fosgladh as t-Samhradh

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Iain MacAonghais – Preseantair] Nise aig a’ cheart àm tha companaidh staile na Hearadh air innse gu bheil iad an dòchas taigh-staile a tha iad a’ togail air an Tairbeart fhosgladh anns a’ Chèitean. Bidh e fosgailte dhan choimhearsnachd agus do luchd-turais agus tha e mar-thà air deich cosnaidhean a chruthachadh. Tha na companaidhean ag ràdh gum bu chòir gun cùm e cosnaidhean math ri daoine airson iomadach bliadhna sa sgìre. Le tuilleadh, seo Aonghas Dòmhnallach.

[Aonghas Dòmhnallach – Neach-aithris] Ged a tha tòrr obair a’ dol air adhart timcheall an togalaich fhèin fhathast tha an companaidh air adhartas math a dhèanamh, le dùil gum bi an an taigh-staile fosgailte sa Chèitean agus an-diugh bha fiosrachaidh aca, ag innse dhan choimhearsnachd bha tachairt.

[Sìm Erlanger] Today’s really quite a momentous day. Yesterday was the arrival of the first of the distillation plants so we had three low loaders arriving yesterday morning, offloading some of the distillation equipment and starting to install that so actually this is when things really start to become real. The other thing I think is last Friday was quite exciting because we concluded the recruitment programme.

[Aonghas Dòmhnallach – Neach-aithris] Tha deichnear aca air fhastadh, a tha fuireach anns na Hearadh fhèin. Rud a bheir misneachd mhòr dhan choimhearsnachd.

[Coinneach MacIlleathain] Och ‘s e gu dearbha. Chan eil duine ag obair air an seo nach eil a’ fuireach anns na Hearadh agus tha teaghlach aig a h-uile duine aca, clann anns an sgoil agus mar sin tha sin uabhasach feumail dhan àite. Tha fhios agad fhèin gun do dhùin àite eile sìos anns na Hearadh bho chionn greis air ais agus tha seo dìreach gu math fortanach mar a thàinig e gu bhith aig an àm.

[Aonghas Dòmhnallach – Neach-aithris] Agus cha ghann nach eil an companaidh air a bhith a’ siubhal an t-saoghail airson an uidheamachd as fhèarr fhaighinn dhan taigh-staile.

[Sìm Erlanger] Yes well the stills are now ready. They’re sitting in their warehouse in Italy, near Siena, where they’re being manufactured. On Monday our Chairman is going to go over there and wave them off as it were onto the lorry and then they start and 8 day journey across the Alps and then up to Ullapool to take the ferry over to Stornoway so Tuesday 10th February they should be coming down the road here and arriving for their final resting place at the distillery.

[Aonghas Dòmhnallach – Neach-aithris] Agus tha iad a’ dèanamh dheth gum bi an taigh-staile na tharraing mhòr do luchd-turais agus e coltach gu bheil a’ chliù a’ sgaoileadh air feadh gnìomhachas na turasachd mar-thà.

[Coinneach MacIlleathain] Tha tòrr luchd turais a’ tighinn dha na Hearadh mar a tha fhios agaibh ach chan eil mòran ann dhaibh ri dhèanamh an seo ‘s e rud math tha seo, bidh iad a’ faicinn na Hearaich ag obair. ‘S e social distillery tha seo, tha e supposed a bhith dìreach coltach ris an àite, bidh e trì bliadhna mus fhaic sinn uisge beatha, can an lagh a bhith deiseil. ‘S dòcha gum bi e bliadhna no dhà as dèidh sin gus am bi e deiseil airson òl agus mar sin feumaidh an t-aite cumail a’ dol agus ‘s e na luchd-turais a bhios a’ dèanamh sin.

[Aonghas Dòmhnallach – Neach-aithris] Agus ris nach còrdadh e drama a ghabhail ann an àite cho tarraingeach. Aonghas Dòmhnallach, BBC An Là.



Harris distillery to open in the summer

English Beurla

[Iain Macinnes – Presenter] Now at the same time Isle of Harris Distillers have said that they hope to open the distillery they are building in Tarbert in May. It will be open to the community and to tourists and it’s already created jobs. The companies say it should keep people in jobs in the area for many years. Here’s Angus Macdonald with more.

[Angus MacDonald – Reporter] Although a lot of work is still taking place around the building itself the company has made good progress, with hopes that the distillery will be open in May and today there was an information day to tell the community what was happening.

[Simon Erlanger] Today’s really quite a momentous day. Yesterday was the arrival of the first of the distillation plants so we had three low loaders arriving yesterday morning, offloading some of the distillation equipment and starting to install that so actually this is when things really start to become real. The other thing I think is last Friday was quite exciting because we concluded the recruitment programme.

[Angus Macdonald – Reporter] There are ten employed who stay in Harris itself. Something that will give the community encouragement.

[Kenny Maclean] Och it does indeed. There’s nobody working on this who doesn’t stay in Harris and they all have families and children in the school, therefore it’s very beneficial to the area. You’ll know yourself that another place in Harris closed down a while ago and it’s very lucky this came along at this time.

[Angus MacDonald – Reporter] And the company has made a great effort to travel the world to get the best equipment for the distillery.

[Simon Erlanger] Yes well the stills are now ready. They’re sitting in their warehouse in Italy, near Siena, where they’re being manufactured. On Monday our Chairman is going to go over there and wave them off as it were onto the lorry and then they start and 8 day journey across the Alps and then up to Ullapool to take the ferry over to Stornoway so Tuesday 10th February they should be coming down the road here and arriving for their final resting place at the distillery.

[Angus MacDonald – Reporter] And they reckon the distillery will be a major attraction to tourists and it’s reputation is spreading throughout.

[Kenny Maclean] Many tourists come to Harris as you know but there isn’t much for them to do here so this is a good thing, they will see Harris people working. This is a social distillery, it’s supposed to be reflective of the place, it’ll be three years before we see whisky according to the law. It’ll perhaps be a couple of years after that before it’s ready to drink therefore the place needs to be kept ticking over and tourists will do that.

[Angus MacDonald – Reporter] And who wouldn’t enjoy a dram in such an attractive place. Angus MacDonald, BBC An Là.





an Tairbeart


na Hearadh

Isle of Harris





