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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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An 175mh Fèill Àiteachais Rìoghail na Gàidhealtachd

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Iain Macaonghais – Preseantair] Nise, tha Fèill Àiteachais Rìoghail na Gàidhealtachd air tòiseachadh aig ionad Ingliston faisg air Dùn Èideann. Tha an fhèill air a bhith ruith airson 175 bliadhna a-nis, ‘s tha dùil ri grunn mhìltean dhaoine tro na geataichean eadar seo agus na Sàbaid seo tighinn. Mar a chunnaic sinn bhon fhear-naidheachd againn Darren Linc ge-tà, tha draghan air luchd-àiteachais mu staid a’ ghnìomhachais.

[Darren Linc – Neach-aithris] Tractaran, tuathanaich, tairbh. Tha cothrom aig cuid spòrs a bhith aca dìreach a’ coimhead timcheall aig an fhèill-sa. Do chàch, ‘s e cothrom a th’ann ceanglaichean a dhèanamh agus an gnothach aca fhèin a chuideachadh. Seo an dàrna turas aig Uist Asco, companaidh meadhanach ùr à Uibhist a Tuath, a tha a’ giullachd feamainn, a bhith aig an fhèill.

[Raghnall MacIain] Uill bha sinn an seo an-uiridh airson a’ chiad turas agus bha sinn air leth trang an-uiridh. So tha dùil againn, tha fhios aig daoine gu bheil sinn a’ tighinn a-nuas a-nis agus tha daoine air eòlas a chur oirnn. Tha daoine fònadh thugainn fhathast bhon turas a bha sinn aig an show mun àm seo an-ùiridh ‘s tha dùil againn gum bi sinn nas trainge am-bliadhna.

[Darren Linc – Neach-aithris] ‘S e cothrom a th’ann an cruinneachadh mar seo a bhith gabhail tomhas air na draghan agus na ceistean mòra a th’aig daoine a tha an sàs ann an obair fearainn. An dragh as motha chuala mi am-bliadhna - ‘s e mar a tha dùil ri maill air subsadaidh ùr am ‘basic payment scheme’ a tha tighinn an àite an t-seann ‘single farm payment.’ B’àbhaist dhan airgead a bhith tighinn a-staigh san Dùbhlachd, ach tha dragh ann am-bliadhna-sa gum bi a’ Chèitean ann an ath-bhliadhna mus tig e an turas seo.

[Dòmhnall Moireasdan] Tha amharas agam gum feum daoine a b’ àbhaist a bhith cumail stoc gu toiseach an ath-bhliadhna - feumaidh iad sin a reic nas tràithe airson airgead fhaighinn bho nach eil a’ tighinn a-staigh ann an subsadaidhean. Ach aig an aon àm, na daoine a bhios a’ ceannach na stuic tha sin, ‘s e airgead an t-subsadaidh a bhiodh ga cheannach dhaibhsan agus tha an rud a’ dol a bhualadh ri chèile agus tha e cur dragh ormsa, ma bhios barrachd bheathaichean gan reic anns an fhoghar seo, a thaobh nach eil airgead ann dha na croitearan agus dha na tuathanaich aig an àrach, aig an aon àm cha bhi airgead aig daoine a cheannaicheas iad.

[Raghnall MacIain] An aon rud as urrainn dhomh faicinn as urrainn dhaibh a dhèanamh, ‘s e tighinn a-mach le ‘interim payment’ ann an December agus mar as cliobhaire iad sin agus innse do dhaoine gum bi iad a’ faighinn rudeigin ro dheireadh na bliadhna agus sin a’ guaranteeadh, mar as cliobhaire iad sin ‘s e as fheàrr.

[Richard Lochhead] It is a new system and it’s very very complex, this new policy. So we cannot guarantee it’ll be exactly the same timetable for payments we’ve had in previous years. We’re somehow a victim of our own success because we always pay at the earliest possible time. It may take a bit longer this year for the 2016 payments to go out. I’ll do my best to make sure these payments go out the door before the end of the year.

[Darren Linc – Neach-aithris] Nuair a thig a fèill a tha seo gu crìoch ma tha, bidh na grunn mhìltean air a thighinn tro na geataichean agus air gu leòr fhaicinn, gu leòr ithe, gu leòr òl. Ge-tà bidh na ceistean agus na draghan mu àiteachais ann an Alba, obair an fhearainn, bidh iad sin a’ leantainn. Darren Linc, BBC An Là, faisg air Dùn Èideann.



The 175th Royal Highland Show

English Beurla

[Iain MacInnes – Presenter] The Royal Highland Show has begun at Ingliston near Edinburgh. The show has been running for 175 years now and they expect many thousands through the gates between now and Sunday. As we saw from our reporter Darren Laing though, agriculturists have concerns about the state of the industry.

[Darren Laing – Reporter] Tractors, farmers, bulls. There’s a chance for some to have fun simply by looking around this show. For the rest, it’s an opportunity to make contacts and help their own business. This is the second time for Uist Asco, a relatively new company from North Uist which prepares seaweed, to be at the show.

[Ronald Johnson] Well we were here last year for the first time and we were extremely busy. So we hope, people know we come down now and people have gotten to know us. People are phoning us still from the last time we were at the show around this time last year and we hope to be even busier this year.

[Darren Laing – Reporter] A gathering such as this is a good indicator as to what concerns and big questions those involved working the land have. The biggest concern I’ve heard this year – is the proposed delay on the new subsidy ‘basic payment scheme’ that has replaced the old ‘single farm payment.’ The money used to be paid in December but there are concerns this year that it will be May next year before it is arrives this time.

[Donald Morrison] I suspect that those who previously kept their stock until the beginning of the next year will need to sell earlier to earn money since nothing will be coming in the form of subsidies. But at the same time, those who purchase the stock would be buying it from subsidy money and both these factors are going to collide and it concerns me. If more animals are being sold this autumn due to crofters and farmers not having enough money, those buying them won’t have the money to buy either.

[Robert MacDonald] The one thing I can see which they could do, is come up with an interim payment in December and the sooner they do that and tell people they will get something before the end of the year and guarantee it, the better.

[Richard Lochhead] It is a new system and it’s very very complex, this new policy. So we cannot guarantee it’ll be exactly the same timetable for payments we’ve had in previous years. We’re somehow a victim of our own success because we always pay at the earliest possible time. It may take a bit longer this year for the 2016 payments to go out. I’ll do my best to make sure these payments go out the door before the end of the year.

[Darren Laing - Reporter] When this show comes to an end, many thousands will have come through those gates and seen plenty, eaten plenty and drunk plenty. Though, questions and concerns about agriculture in Scotland, work on the land, will continue. Darren Laing, BBC An Là, near Edinburgh.



An 175mh Fèill Àiteachais Rìoghail na Gàidhealtachd

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Iain Macaonghais – Preseantair] Nise, tha Fèill Àiteachais Rìoghail na Gàidhealtachd air tòiseachadh aig ionad Ingliston faisg air Dùn Èideann. Tha an fhèill air a bhith ruith airson 175 bliadhna a-nis, ‘s tha dùil ri grunn mhìltean dhaoine tro na geataichean eadar seo agus na Sàbaid seo tighinn. Mar a chunnaic sinn bhon fhear-naidheachd againn Darren Linc ge-tà, tha draghan air luchd-àiteachais mu staid a’ ghnìomhachais.

[Darren Linc – Neach-aithris] Tractaran, tuathanaich, tairbh. Tha cothrom aig cuid spòrs a bhith aca dìreach a’ coimhead timcheall aig an fhèill-sa. Do chàch, ‘s e cothrom a th’ann ceanglaichean a dhèanamh agus an gnothach aca fhèin a chuideachadh. Seo an dàrna turas aig Uist Asco, companaidh meadhanach ùr à Uibhist a Tuath, a tha a’ giullachd feamainn, a bhith aig an fhèill.

[Raghnall MacIain] Uill bha sinn an seo an-uiridh airson a’ chiad turas agus bha sinn air leth trang an-uiridh. So tha dùil againn, tha fhios aig daoine gu bheil sinn a’ tighinn a-nuas a-nis agus tha daoine air eòlas a chur oirnn. Tha daoine fònadh thugainn fhathast bhon turas a bha sinn aig an show mun àm seo an-ùiridh ‘s tha dùil againn gum bi sinn nas trainge am-bliadhna.

[Darren Linc – Neach-aithris] ‘S e cothrom a th’ann an cruinneachadh mar seo a bhith gabhail tomhas air na draghan agus na ceistean mòra a th’aig daoine a tha an sàs ann an obair fearainn. An dragh as motha chuala mi am-bliadhna - ‘s e mar a tha dùil ri maill air subsadaidh ùr am ‘basic payment scheme’ a tha tighinn an àite an t-seann ‘single farm payment.’ B’àbhaist dhan airgead a bhith tighinn a-staigh san Dùbhlachd, ach tha dragh ann am-bliadhna-sa gum bi a’ Chèitean ann an ath-bhliadhna mus tig e an turas seo.

[Dòmhnall Moireasdan] Tha amharas agam gum feum daoine a b’ àbhaist a bhith cumail stoc gu toiseach an ath-bhliadhna - feumaidh iad sin a reic nas tràithe airson airgead fhaighinn bho nach eil a’ tighinn a-staigh ann an subsadaidhean. Ach aig an aon àm, na daoine a bhios a’ ceannach na stuic tha sin, ‘s e airgead an t-subsadaidh a bhiodh ga cheannach dhaibhsan agus tha an rud a’ dol a bhualadh ri chèile agus tha e cur dragh ormsa, ma bhios barrachd bheathaichean gan reic anns an fhoghar seo, a thaobh nach eil airgead ann dha na croitearan agus dha na tuathanaich aig an àrach, aig an aon àm cha bhi airgead aig daoine a cheannaicheas iad.

[Raghnall MacIain] An aon rud as urrainn dhomh faicinn as urrainn dhaibh a dhèanamh, ‘s e tighinn a-mach le ‘interim payment’ ann an December agus mar as cliobhaire iad sin agus innse do dhaoine gum bi iad a’ faighinn rudeigin ro dheireadh na bliadhna agus sin a’ guaranteeadh, mar as cliobhaire iad sin ‘s e as fheàrr.

[Richard Lochhead] It is a new system and it’s very very complex, this new policy. So we cannot guarantee it’ll be exactly the same timetable for payments we’ve had in previous years. We’re somehow a victim of our own success because we always pay at the earliest possible time. It may take a bit longer this year for the 2016 payments to go out. I’ll do my best to make sure these payments go out the door before the end of the year.

[Darren Linc – Neach-aithris] Nuair a thig a fèill a tha seo gu crìoch ma tha, bidh na grunn mhìltean air a thighinn tro na geataichean agus air gu leòr fhaicinn, gu leòr ithe, gu leòr òl. Ge-tà bidh na ceistean agus na draghan mu àiteachais ann an Alba, obair an fhearainn, bidh iad sin a’ leantainn. Darren Linc, BBC An Là, faisg air Dùn Èideann.



The 175th Royal Highland Show

English Beurla

[Iain MacInnes – Presenter] The Royal Highland Show has begun at Ingliston near Edinburgh. The show has been running for 175 years now and they expect many thousands through the gates between now and Sunday. As we saw from our reporter Darren Laing though, agriculturists have concerns about the state of the industry.

[Darren Laing – Reporter] Tractors, farmers, bulls. There’s a chance for some to have fun simply by looking around this show. For the rest, it’s an opportunity to make contacts and help their own business. This is the second time for Uist Asco, a relatively new company from North Uist which prepares seaweed, to be at the show.

[Ronald Johnson] Well we were here last year for the first time and we were extremely busy. So we hope, people know we come down now and people have gotten to know us. People are phoning us still from the last time we were at the show around this time last year and we hope to be even busier this year.

[Darren Laing – Reporter] A gathering such as this is a good indicator as to what concerns and big questions those involved working the land have. The biggest concern I’ve heard this year – is the proposed delay on the new subsidy ‘basic payment scheme’ that has replaced the old ‘single farm payment.’ The money used to be paid in December but there are concerns this year that it will be May next year before it is arrives this time.

[Donald Morrison] I suspect that those who previously kept their stock until the beginning of the next year will need to sell earlier to earn money since nothing will be coming in the form of subsidies. But at the same time, those who purchase the stock would be buying it from subsidy money and both these factors are going to collide and it concerns me. If more animals are being sold this autumn due to crofters and farmers not having enough money, those buying them won’t have the money to buy either.

[Robert MacDonald] The one thing I can see which they could do, is come up with an interim payment in December and the sooner they do that and tell people they will get something before the end of the year and guarantee it, the better.

[Richard Lochhead] It is a new system and it’s very very complex, this new policy. So we cannot guarantee it’ll be exactly the same timetable for payments we’ve had in previous years. We’re somehow a victim of our own success because we always pay at the earliest possible time. It may take a bit longer this year for the 2016 payments to go out. I’ll do my best to make sure these payments go out the door before the end of the year.

[Darren Laing - Reporter] When this show comes to an end, many thousands will have come through those gates and seen plenty, eaten plenty and drunk plenty. Though, questions and concerns about agriculture in Scotland, work on the land, will continue. Darren Laing, BBC An Là, near Edinburgh.



Fèill Àiteachais Rìoghail na Gàidhealtachd

Royal Highland Show











