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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Pròiseict Ulbha a' soirbheachadh

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Angela NicIlleathain – Preseantair] Tha a' bhuidheann a tha air cùl pròiseact taigheadais Chaolas Ulbha gu math faisg air an targaid-ionmhais aca. Bha mu £400,000 a dhìth orra airson an sgeama. Chan eil aca ri thogail a-nis ach nas lugha na £4,000. Chan eil ach mu 100 duine a' fuireach ann an Caolas Ulbha, àite iomallach air taobh siar Mhuile agus mar a fhuair am fear-naidheachd againn Andreas Wolff a-mach, tha iomadh pròiseict eile aca cuideachd.

[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Uair sa mhìos bidh daoine bho air feadh an Eilein Mhuilich a’ cruinneachadh is iad a’ seinn còmhla. Ron seo, bha e doirbh do chuid sna h-àitichean as iomallaiche faotainn ann. Ach a-nis, tha bus gan toirt ann bho thaobh siar an eilein.

[Chrissie Dhòmhnallach] Tha sinn tighinn suas an seo agus tha sinn a' coinneachadh daoine, sin na tha mise ag iarraidh. Faicinn daoine bho An Ros, Mhuile. Ach chan eil iad an seo an-diugh, chan eil fhios càite bheil iad, chan eil fhios agam. Agus bidh sinn a’ seinn. Chan urrainn dhòmhsa seinn ach co-dhiù tha iad a’ seinn is tha mi ag èisteachd. Tha mi duilich gur e òran Beurla a tha iad a’ seinn, chan eil fhios agam carson a tha sin.

[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] O chionn ghoirid, thòisich am bus seirbheis le clàr-ama a’ ruith, rud nach robh ann an caolas Ulbha co-dhiù bho chionn 10 bliadhna. Chan e a-mhàin nach robh còmhdhail phoblach ri fhaotainn ge-tà ach tha gainnead thaighean cuideachd na dhuilgheadas. Tha Alasdair Satchel dìreach air taigh a thogail e fhèin, as dèidh dha fear a lorg fad ùine mhòir.

[Alasdair Satchel] Bha duilgheadas aig an sgoil le na h-àireamhan cho beag. Bha dìreach mar, ochdnar san sgoil. So thug USCA – Ulva School Community Association – air dòigh agus thòisich iad a’ bruidhinn mu dheidhinn nan rudan as cudromaiche agus an rud as cudromaiche airson na daoine ‘s e taighean sàbhailte.

[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Thathar an dùil ri thaigh a thogail agus cosgaidh am pròiseact £400,000. Fhuair iad taic airgid à iomadach àite agus as coltach gu bheil a-nise nas lugha na £4000 a dhìth orra. Ach chan eil cùisean a’ dol a stad aig an sin. Thathar cuideachd an dòchas pontùn ùr a thogail agus leasachadh a bharrachd aig a’ chaolas fhèin.

[Cally Fleming] This will include toilets, showers, a mini launderette, a shop area, possibly a tearoom, visitor information and maybe other facilities as well and also help manage the increasing number of tourists that come to Ulva Ferry. Again, in anticipation of the forthcoming introduction of RET.

[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Chan eil ach beagan is 100 neach a’ fuireach san sgìre seo, ’s coltach gu bheil mòran dhuibh agus na gnìomhachasan beaga a’ coimhead air adhart ri na leasachaidhean seo. Andreas Wolff, BBC An Là, Caolas Ulbha.



The success of the Ulva project

English Beurla

[Angela MacLean – Presenter] The group behind the Sound of Ulva Housing Project is very close to its financial target. Around £400,000 was required for the scheme. They now have less than £4,000 to raise. There are only around 100 people living in the Sound of Ulva, a remote place on the west side of Mull and as our reporter Andreas Wolff found out, they have many other on-going projects too.

[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] Once a month people from all around the Isle of Mull gather and sing together. Before now, it was difficult for those in the most remote areas to get there. But now, a bus takes them there from the west side of the island.

[Chrissie MacDonald] We are coming up here and that there is an open invite, that’s what I want. Seeing people from the Ross of Mull. But they aren’t here today, I’m not sure where they are, I don’t know. And we sing. I can’t sing but anyway, they sing and I listen. I am disappointed that it’s English songs they are singing, I’m not sure why that is.

[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] Recently, a bus service with a timetable started running, something there’s not been in the Sound of Ulva for at least 10 years. It’s not merely a case of public transport not being available though, the shortage of houses has also been a problem. Alasdair Satchel has just built a house himself, after looking for one for a very long time.

[Alasdair Satchel] The school was struggling with small numbers. There were only like, eight in the school. So USCA - Ulva School Community Association – was set up and they started discussing the most crucial matters and the most important thing to the people was safe housing.

[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] They hope to build two houses and the project will cost £400,000. They received funding from several sources and it seems as thoughthey now require less than £4000. But things are not going to stop at that. They hope to build a new pontoon and to further develop the Sound itself.

[Cally Fleming] This will include toilets, showers, a mini launderette, a shop area, possibly a tearoom, visitor information and maybe other facilities as well and also help manage the increasing number of tourists that come to Ulva Ferry. Again, in anticipation of the forthcoming introduction of RET.

[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] There are only a little over 100 people living in this area and it would seem that many of them and the small businesses are looking forward to these developments. Andreas Wolff, BBC An Là, the Sound of Ulva.



Pròiseict Ulbha a' soirbheachadh

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Angela NicIlleathain – Preseantair] Tha a' bhuidheann a tha air cùl pròiseact taigheadais Chaolas Ulbha gu math faisg air an targaid-ionmhais aca. Bha mu £400,000 a dhìth orra airson an sgeama. Chan eil aca ri thogail a-nis ach nas lugha na £4,000. Chan eil ach mu 100 duine a' fuireach ann an Caolas Ulbha, àite iomallach air taobh siar Mhuile agus mar a fhuair am fear-naidheachd againn Andreas Wolff a-mach, tha iomadh pròiseict eile aca cuideachd.

[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Uair sa mhìos bidh daoine bho air feadh an Eilein Mhuilich a’ cruinneachadh is iad a’ seinn còmhla. Ron seo, bha e doirbh do chuid sna h-àitichean as iomallaiche faotainn ann. Ach a-nis, tha bus gan toirt ann bho thaobh siar an eilein.

[Chrissie Dhòmhnallach] Tha sinn tighinn suas an seo agus tha sinn a' coinneachadh daoine, sin na tha mise ag iarraidh. Faicinn daoine bho An Ros, Mhuile. Ach chan eil iad an seo an-diugh, chan eil fhios càite bheil iad, chan eil fhios agam. Agus bidh sinn a’ seinn. Chan urrainn dhòmhsa seinn ach co-dhiù tha iad a’ seinn is tha mi ag èisteachd. Tha mi duilich gur e òran Beurla a tha iad a’ seinn, chan eil fhios agam carson a tha sin.

[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] O chionn ghoirid, thòisich am bus seirbheis le clàr-ama a’ ruith, rud nach robh ann an caolas Ulbha co-dhiù bho chionn 10 bliadhna. Chan e a-mhàin nach robh còmhdhail phoblach ri fhaotainn ge-tà ach tha gainnead thaighean cuideachd na dhuilgheadas. Tha Alasdair Satchel dìreach air taigh a thogail e fhèin, as dèidh dha fear a lorg fad ùine mhòir.

[Alasdair Satchel] Bha duilgheadas aig an sgoil le na h-àireamhan cho beag. Bha dìreach mar, ochdnar san sgoil. So thug USCA – Ulva School Community Association – air dòigh agus thòisich iad a’ bruidhinn mu dheidhinn nan rudan as cudromaiche agus an rud as cudromaiche airson na daoine ‘s e taighean sàbhailte.

[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Thathar an dùil ri thaigh a thogail agus cosgaidh am pròiseact £400,000. Fhuair iad taic airgid à iomadach àite agus as coltach gu bheil a-nise nas lugha na £4000 a dhìth orra. Ach chan eil cùisean a’ dol a stad aig an sin. Thathar cuideachd an dòchas pontùn ùr a thogail agus leasachadh a bharrachd aig a’ chaolas fhèin.

[Cally Fleming] This will include toilets, showers, a mini launderette, a shop area, possibly a tearoom, visitor information and maybe other facilities as well and also help manage the increasing number of tourists that come to Ulva Ferry. Again, in anticipation of the forthcoming introduction of RET.

[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Chan eil ach beagan is 100 neach a’ fuireach san sgìre seo, ’s coltach gu bheil mòran dhuibh agus na gnìomhachasan beaga a’ coimhead air adhart ri na leasachaidhean seo. Andreas Wolff, BBC An Là, Caolas Ulbha.



The success of the Ulva project

English Beurla

[Angela MacLean – Presenter] The group behind the Sound of Ulva Housing Project is very close to its financial target. Around £400,000 was required for the scheme. They now have less than £4,000 to raise. There are only around 100 people living in the Sound of Ulva, a remote place on the west side of Mull and as our reporter Andreas Wolff found out, they have many other on-going projects too.

[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] Once a month people from all around the Isle of Mull gather and sing together. Before now, it was difficult for those in the most remote areas to get there. But now, a bus takes them there from the west side of the island.

[Chrissie MacDonald] We are coming up here and that there is an open invite, that’s what I want. Seeing people from the Ross of Mull. But they aren’t here today, I’m not sure where they are, I don’t know. And we sing. I can’t sing but anyway, they sing and I listen. I am disappointed that it’s English songs they are singing, I’m not sure why that is.

[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] Recently, a bus service with a timetable started running, something there’s not been in the Sound of Ulva for at least 10 years. It’s not merely a case of public transport not being available though, the shortage of houses has also been a problem. Alasdair Satchel has just built a house himself, after looking for one for a very long time.

[Alasdair Satchel] The school was struggling with small numbers. There were only like, eight in the school. So USCA - Ulva School Community Association – was set up and they started discussing the most crucial matters and the most important thing to the people was safe housing.

[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] They hope to build two houses and the project will cost £400,000. They received funding from several sources and it seems as thoughthey now require less than £4000. But things are not going to stop at that. They hope to build a new pontoon and to further develop the Sound itself.

[Cally Fleming] This will include toilets, showers, a mini launderette, a shop area, possibly a tearoom, visitor information and maybe other facilities as well and also help manage the increasing number of tourists that come to Ulva Ferry. Again, in anticipation of the forthcoming introduction of RET.

[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] There are only a little over 100 people living in this area and it would seem that many of them and the small businesses are looking forward to these developments. Andreas Wolff, BBC An Là, the Sound of Ulva.



pròiseact taigheadais

housing project


financial target



Caolas Ulbha

the sound of Ulbha



