FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

News Naidheachdan

B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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BBC ALBA a’ foillseachadh prògraman an fhoghair

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Iain MacIlleathain – Preseantair] Dh’fhoillsich BBC ALBA clàr phrògraman an Fhoghair an-diugh. Am measg eile bidh Donaidh MacLeòid a’ coimhead air ais air 30 mar Donaidh Dòtaman, mar phàirt dhen t-sreath Trusadh. Tha cuideachd prògraman gu bhith ann mu Jim Baxter agus mun fhear-ealain, Iain Labhraidh Moireasdan, no Jolomo, cho math ri sreath ùr de Bhannan. Seo Andreas Wolff.

[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Dh’ fhoillsich BBC ALBA clàr phrògraman an Fhoghair an-diugh. Tha an seanail a’ gealltainn gum bi rudeigin ann dhan h-uile duine.

[Mairead Mhàiri Mhoireach] Thairis air mìosan an Fhoghair tha sinn an dòchas raon farsaing de phrògraman ùra a thoirt chun an luchd-amhairc air BBC ALBA. Eadar prògraman chloinne, a thòisich a raoir le a-nis?, prògraman ùra aithriseach anns an t-sreath Trusadh, sreathan aithriseach, sreathan ciùil, dràma agus spòrs. Raon gu math farsaing de phrògraman agus prògraman àbhachdais cuideachd leithid Gaol@Gael agus Fonn Fonn Fonn.

[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Tha an sreath dràma Bannan gu bhith a’ leantainn. Chithear prògraman mun chluicheadar ball-coise ainmeil Jim Baxter nach maireann, cho math ri fear mun an fhear-ealain chliùiteach Iain Labhraidh Moireasdan, no Jolomo.

[Iain ‘Jolomo’ Moireasdan] The film profile will hopefully show me as a person, rather than just about my work all the time. This is what’s always been displayed over the past 20 years, not only in this country but in China and in America, it’s always my paintings they home in on, which is great I mean that’s what I’m about. But this is a profile about my life and work as well.

[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Ach a dh’aindeoin farsaingeachd de phrògraman, tha cuid den bheachd gu bheil cothrom ann fhathast gus cùisean a thoirt am feathas.

[Dòmhnall Caimbeul] Tha a’ BhBC a’ cur fada fada bharrachd de ghoireas agus de phrògraman a-staigh dhan t-seirbheis Cuimreach agus tha sinn a’ faicinn gu bheil cothrom ann ‘s dòcha barrachd a chur gu BBC ALBA a thaobh prògraman a tha am BBC a’ dèanamh airson an t-seanail agus bidh sinn ag iarraidh sin gu soilleir bhon BhBC anns na deasbadan mu dheidhinn na cairt.

[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Bidh prògram ann mu Dhonaidh MacLeòid cuideachd agus e a’ comharrachadh 30 bliadhna dhen a phrògram chloinne Dotaman. Andreas Wolff, BBC An Là, Glaschu.



BBC ALBA launches its autumn schedule

English Beurla

[Iain MacLean – Presenter] BBC ALBA launched its autumn schedule today. This will include Donnie MacLeod looking back on 30 years as Donnie Dotaman, as part of the series Trusadh. There will also be programmes about Jim Baxter agus the artist John Lowrie Morrison, or Jolomo, as well as a new series of Bannan. Here’s Andreas Wolff.

[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] BBC ALBA launched its autumn schedule today. The channel promises something for everybody.

[Margaret Mary Murray] Over the autumn months we hope to bring a wide range of new programming to the viewers of BBC ALBA. From children’s programmes, which began last night with Dè a-nis?, to new documentaries in the series Trusadh, documentary series, music series, drama and sport. A wide variety of programmes and comedies too such as Gaol@Gael and Fonn Fonn Fonn.

[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] The drama series Bannan continues. There will be a programme about the late famous footballer Jim Baxter, as well as a programme about the esteemed artist John Lowrie Morrison, or Jolomo.

[John ‘Jolomo’ Morrison] The film profile will hopefully show me as a person, rather than just about my work all the time. This is what’s always been displayed over the past 20 years, not only in this country but in China and in America, it’s always my paintings they hone in on, which is great I mean that’s what I’m about. But this is a profile about my life and work as well.

[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] But despite the wide range of programmes, some are still of the opinion that there’s room for improvement.

[Donald Campbell] The BBC are putting far more resources and programmes into the Welsh service and we see that there's perhaps an opportunity for more programmes to be made for BBC ALBA by the BBC and we'll want clarification on that from the BBC in the discussions on the charter review.

[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] There will be a programme about Donnie MacLeod too as he celebrates 30 years of the children’s programme Dotaman. Andreas Wolff, BBC An Là, Glasgow.



BBC ALBA a’ foillseachadh prògraman an fhoghair

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Iain MacIlleathain – Preseantair] Dh’fhoillsich BBC ALBA clàr phrògraman an Fhoghair an-diugh. Am measg eile bidh Donaidh MacLeòid a’ coimhead air ais air 30 mar Donaidh Dòtaman, mar phàirt dhen t-sreath Trusadh. Tha cuideachd prògraman gu bhith ann mu Jim Baxter agus mun fhear-ealain, Iain Labhraidh Moireasdan, no Jolomo, cho math ri sreath ùr de Bhannan. Seo Andreas Wolff.

[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Dh’ fhoillsich BBC ALBA clàr phrògraman an Fhoghair an-diugh. Tha an seanail a’ gealltainn gum bi rudeigin ann dhan h-uile duine.

[Mairead Mhàiri Mhoireach] Thairis air mìosan an Fhoghair tha sinn an dòchas raon farsaing de phrògraman ùra a thoirt chun an luchd-amhairc air BBC ALBA. Eadar prògraman chloinne, a thòisich a raoir le a-nis?, prògraman ùra aithriseach anns an t-sreath Trusadh, sreathan aithriseach, sreathan ciùil, dràma agus spòrs. Raon gu math farsaing de phrògraman agus prògraman àbhachdais cuideachd leithid Gaol@Gael agus Fonn Fonn Fonn.

[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Tha an sreath dràma Bannan gu bhith a’ leantainn. Chithear prògraman mun chluicheadar ball-coise ainmeil Jim Baxter nach maireann, cho math ri fear mun an fhear-ealain chliùiteach Iain Labhraidh Moireasdan, no Jolomo.

[Iain ‘Jolomo’ Moireasdan] The film profile will hopefully show me as a person, rather than just about my work all the time. This is what’s always been displayed over the past 20 years, not only in this country but in China and in America, it’s always my paintings they home in on, which is great I mean that’s what I’m about. But this is a profile about my life and work as well.

[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Ach a dh’aindeoin farsaingeachd de phrògraman, tha cuid den bheachd gu bheil cothrom ann fhathast gus cùisean a thoirt am feathas.

[Dòmhnall Caimbeul] Tha a’ BhBC a’ cur fada fada bharrachd de ghoireas agus de phrògraman a-staigh dhan t-seirbheis Cuimreach agus tha sinn a’ faicinn gu bheil cothrom ann ‘s dòcha barrachd a chur gu BBC ALBA a thaobh prògraman a tha am BBC a’ dèanamh airson an t-seanail agus bidh sinn ag iarraidh sin gu soilleir bhon BhBC anns na deasbadan mu dheidhinn na cairt.

[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Bidh prògram ann mu Dhonaidh MacLeòid cuideachd agus e a’ comharrachadh 30 bliadhna dhen a phrògram chloinne Dotaman. Andreas Wolff, BBC An Là, Glaschu.



BBC ALBA launches its autumn schedule

English Beurla

[Iain MacLean – Presenter] BBC ALBA launched its autumn schedule today. This will include Donnie MacLeod looking back on 30 years as Donnie Dotaman, as part of the series Trusadh. There will also be programmes about Jim Baxter agus the artist John Lowrie Morrison, or Jolomo, as well as a new series of Bannan. Here’s Andreas Wolff.

[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] BBC ALBA launched its autumn schedule today. The channel promises something for everybody.

[Margaret Mary Murray] Over the autumn months we hope to bring a wide range of new programming to the viewers of BBC ALBA. From children’s programmes, which began last night with Dè a-nis?, to new documentaries in the series Trusadh, documentary series, music series, drama and sport. A wide variety of programmes and comedies too such as Gaol@Gael and Fonn Fonn Fonn.

[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] The drama series Bannan continues. There will be a programme about the late famous footballer Jim Baxter, as well as a programme about the esteemed artist John Lowrie Morrison, or Jolomo.

[John ‘Jolomo’ Morrison] The film profile will hopefully show me as a person, rather than just about my work all the time. This is what’s always been displayed over the past 20 years, not only in this country but in China and in America, it’s always my paintings they hone in on, which is great I mean that’s what I’m about. But this is a profile about my life and work as well.

[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] But despite the wide range of programmes, some are still of the opinion that there’s room for improvement.

[Donald Campbell] The BBC are putting far more resources and programmes into the Welsh service and we see that there's perhaps an opportunity for more programmes to be made for BBC ALBA by the BBC and we'll want clarification on that from the BBC in the discussions on the charter review.

[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] There will be a programme about Donnie MacLeod too as he celebrates 30 years of the children’s programme Dotaman. Andreas Wolff, BBC An Là, Glasgow.



clàr phrògraman

programme schedule

an fhoghair




prògraman aithriseach




Cuimreach is also used for a person from Wales