FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Pròiseact Còmhdhail Seasmhach Muile 's Ì

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Iain MacIlleathain – Preseantair] Nise tha coltas gu bheil pròiseact airson càraichean dealain ann am Muile a' soirbheachadh gu mòr. Tha Urras Mhuile agus Idhe a' ruith sgeama a tha ag amas air grunn sheòrsaichean còmhdhail seasmhach, 's tha càraichean dealain nam measg - rud a dh'fhaodadh a bhith na dhùbhlan a bharrachd 's dòcha, ann an sgìre dhùthchail. Ag aithris à Muile, Seonaidh MacCoinnich.

[Seonaidh MacCoinnich – Neach-aithris] Sin a’ chiad rud a mhothaicheas tu mu charbad dealain. Chan eil fuaim ann. Tha iad a’ fàs nas cumanta air tìr-mòr agus anns na h-eileanan. Thòisich pròiseact còmhdhail sheasmhach Eilean Mhuile 's Eilean Idhe ann an 2011, a’ coimhead air iomadh dòigh airson na gasaichean a tha tighinn bho charbadan a lùghdachadh.

[Rebecca Lewis] Our aim is to increase the uptake of sustainable transport on the island as a whole. Be it community transport, your buses, taxis, any time where you’re putting more than one person in the car.

[Seonaidh MacCoinnich – Neach-aithris] Ach leis gu bheil iad air eilean, cho seasmhach ‘s a tha e an taca ri carbad àbhaisteach?

[John Lilly] On the island there is a problem perhaps if someone very rarely occurs which may have an electrical problem. Is it a problem because you need computer diagnostics to actually understand what has gone wrong.

[Calum MacIlleathain] Ma bhios càr an seo ann an tubaist, chan urrainn do luchd-smàlaidh a ghearradh anns an dòigh àbhaisteach. Feumaidh iad a bhith mothachail mu seòrsa car a th’ann.

[Seonaidh MacCoinnich – Neach-aithris] Fhuair dithis anns an eilean cuideachd cothrom na carbadan dealain fheuchainn cuideachd airson a’ chiad uair.

[Alasdair Satchel] Tha e luath agus tha e coltach ri càr eile, dha-rìribh. An aon rud a tha doirbh leis ‘s e a bhith gu math eaconamach leis a’ chàr. Airson tòiseachadh feumaidh tu bhith gu math socair, socair, socair agus as dèidh sin nas luaithe.

[Seumas Westland] Tha mi cinnteach gun obraich e glè mhath an seo agus ann an àitichean eile. Cho fad ’s a tha na stèiseanan dealain ann airson neart a chur sa bhataraidh gach turas. Chan eil thu faighinn ach, chan eil fhios agam, 100 mìle bhon teàrrds. Dh’ fheumadh tu bhith cinnteach gu robh àite ann airson a theàrrdsadh a-rithist. Agus tha e glan, tha e uaine so aidh, tha e glè mhath. Obraichidh e glè mhath tha mi cinnteach.

[Seonaidh MacCoinnich – Neach-aithris] Seonaidh MacCoinnich, BBC An Là, Muile.



Mull and Iona Sustainable Transport Project

English Beurla

[Iain MacLean – Presenter] Now, it seems a project for electric cars in Mull is proving to be very successful. The Mull and Iona Community Trust is running a sustainable transport scheme, which includes electric cars – something which could perhaps be more challenging in a rural area. Reporting from Mull, Seonaidh MacKenzie.

[Seonaidh MacKenzie – Reporter] That’s the first thing you notice about an electric car. It has no sound. They are becoming more common on the mainland and in the islands. The Mull and Iona sustainable transport project began in 2011 and it looks at the many ways to limit emissions from vehicles.

[Rebecca Lewis] Our aim is to increase the uptake of sustainable transport on the island as a whole. Be it community transport, your buses, taxis, any time where you’re putting more than one person in the car.

[Seonaidh MacKenzie – Reporter] But as they are on an island, how sustainable is it compared to a regular vehicle?

[John Lilly] On the island there is a problem perhaps if someone very rarely occurs which may have an electrical problem. Is it a problem because you need computer diagnostics to actually understand what has gone wrong.

[Calum MacLean] If a car is in an accident here, the fire service can’t go about cutting it in the normal way. They have to be made aware what kind of car it is.

[Seonaidh MacKenzie – Reporter] Two people on this island were also given the opportunity to try the electric vehicles for the first time.

[Alasdair Satchel] It is fast and it is indeed like other cars. One thing that’s difficult is how to be economic with it. You have to go so very slow initially to get it going and after that you can go faster.

[Seumas Westland] I’m sure it will work quite well here and in other places. As long as there are plenty charging points to charge up your battery each time. You only get what, I don’t know, 100 miles from a charge. You’d have to make sure there was somewhere available to charge it up again. And it’s clean, it’s green so aye, it’s quite good. It will work well I’m sure.

[Seonaidh MacKenzie – Reporter] Seonaidh MacKenzie, BBC An Là, Mull.



Pròiseact Còmhdhail Seasmhach Muile 's Ì

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Iain MacIlleathain – Preseantair] Nise tha coltas gu bheil pròiseact airson càraichean dealain ann am Muile a' soirbheachadh gu mòr. Tha Urras Mhuile agus Idhe a' ruith sgeama a tha ag amas air grunn sheòrsaichean còmhdhail seasmhach, 's tha càraichean dealain nam measg - rud a dh'fhaodadh a bhith na dhùbhlan a bharrachd 's dòcha, ann an sgìre dhùthchail. Ag aithris à Muile, Seonaidh MacCoinnich.

[Seonaidh MacCoinnich – Neach-aithris] Sin a’ chiad rud a mhothaicheas tu mu charbad dealain. Chan eil fuaim ann. Tha iad a’ fàs nas cumanta air tìr-mòr agus anns na h-eileanan. Thòisich pròiseact còmhdhail sheasmhach Eilean Mhuile 's Eilean Idhe ann an 2011, a’ coimhead air iomadh dòigh airson na gasaichean a tha tighinn bho charbadan a lùghdachadh.

[Rebecca Lewis] Our aim is to increase the uptake of sustainable transport on the island as a whole. Be it community transport, your buses, taxis, any time where you’re putting more than one person in the car.

[Seonaidh MacCoinnich – Neach-aithris] Ach leis gu bheil iad air eilean, cho seasmhach ‘s a tha e an taca ri carbad àbhaisteach?

[John Lilly] On the island there is a problem perhaps if someone very rarely occurs which may have an electrical problem. Is it a problem because you need computer diagnostics to actually understand what has gone wrong.

[Calum MacIlleathain] Ma bhios càr an seo ann an tubaist, chan urrainn do luchd-smàlaidh a ghearradh anns an dòigh àbhaisteach. Feumaidh iad a bhith mothachail mu seòrsa car a th’ann.

[Seonaidh MacCoinnich – Neach-aithris] Fhuair dithis anns an eilean cuideachd cothrom na carbadan dealain fheuchainn cuideachd airson a’ chiad uair.

[Alasdair Satchel] Tha e luath agus tha e coltach ri càr eile, dha-rìribh. An aon rud a tha doirbh leis ‘s e a bhith gu math eaconamach leis a’ chàr. Airson tòiseachadh feumaidh tu bhith gu math socair, socair, socair agus as dèidh sin nas luaithe.

[Seumas Westland] Tha mi cinnteach gun obraich e glè mhath an seo agus ann an àitichean eile. Cho fad ’s a tha na stèiseanan dealain ann airson neart a chur sa bhataraidh gach turas. Chan eil thu faighinn ach, chan eil fhios agam, 100 mìle bhon teàrrds. Dh’ fheumadh tu bhith cinnteach gu robh àite ann airson a theàrrdsadh a-rithist. Agus tha e glan, tha e uaine so aidh, tha e glè mhath. Obraichidh e glè mhath tha mi cinnteach.

[Seonaidh MacCoinnich – Neach-aithris] Seonaidh MacCoinnich, BBC An Là, Muile.



Mull and Iona Sustainable Transport Project

English Beurla

[Iain MacLean – Presenter] Now, it seems a project for electric cars in Mull is proving to be very successful. The Mull and Iona Community Trust is running a sustainable transport scheme, which includes electric cars – something which could perhaps be more challenging in a rural area. Reporting from Mull, Seonaidh MacKenzie.

[Seonaidh MacKenzie – Reporter] That’s the first thing you notice about an electric car. It has no sound. They are becoming more common on the mainland and in the islands. The Mull and Iona sustainable transport project began in 2011 and it looks at the many ways to limit emissions from vehicles.

[Rebecca Lewis] Our aim is to increase the uptake of sustainable transport on the island as a whole. Be it community transport, your buses, taxis, any time where you’re putting more than one person in the car.

[Seonaidh MacKenzie – Reporter] But as they are on an island, how sustainable is it compared to a regular vehicle?

[John Lilly] On the island there is a problem perhaps if someone very rarely occurs which may have an electrical problem. Is it a problem because you need computer diagnostics to actually understand what has gone wrong.

[Calum MacLean] If a car is in an accident here, the fire service can’t go about cutting it in the normal way. They have to be made aware what kind of car it is.

[Seonaidh MacKenzie – Reporter] Two people on this island were also given the opportunity to try the electric vehicles for the first time.

[Alasdair Satchel] It is fast and it is indeed like other cars. One thing that’s difficult is how to be economic with it. You have to go so very slow initially to get it going and after that you can go faster.

[Seumas Westland] I’m sure it will work quite well here and in other places. As long as there are plenty charging points to charge up your battery each time. You only get what, I don’t know, 100 miles from a charge. You’d have to make sure there was somewhere available to charge it up again. And it’s clean, it’s green so aye, it’s quite good. It will work well I’m sure.

[Seonaidh MacKenzie – Reporter] Seonaidh MacKenzie, BBC An Là, Mull.



còmhdhail seasmhach

sustainable transport



carbad dealain

electric vehicle

Eilean Mhuile

Isle of Mull

Eilean Ì

Isle of Iona


fire service