FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

News Naidheachdan

B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Farpais chòcaireachd do sgoilearan Inbhir Nis

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Iain Macaonghais – Preseantair] Uill bho gnothaichean cànan ma-thà gu còcaireachd agus chaidh an treasamh farpais Masterchef do sgoilearan Inbhir Nis a’ chumail anns a’ bhaile a-raoir. Bha ceathrar nighean anns a’ chuairt dheireannach agus chur iad measgachadh de bhiadh air beulaibh nam britheamhan. Chaidh am fear-naidheachd againne Ruairidh MacÌomhair ann airson blasad fhaighinn air na bha a’ dol.

[Ruairidh MacÌomhair – Neach-aithris] Chan eil còcaireachd ann a tha cho duilich ri seo. Chaidh farpais Masterchef sgoilearan Inbhir Nis a chumail airson an treas uair a-raoir. Cothrom do chòcairean òg a’ bhaile an sgilean a thaisbeanadh air beulaibh dà bhritheamh cliùiteach.

[Ruairidh MacÌomhair – Neach-aithris] Tha cùisean a teasachadh anns a’ chidsin agus chan eil ach aon chuairt eile eadar na sgoilearan seo agus duais Masterchef na bliadhna. Tha iad air obair mhòr a dhèanamh gus an ìre seo a’ ruighinn agus tha e uile a’ tighinn gu ceann a-nochd.

[Ruairidh MacÌomhair – Neach-aithris] Fhuair na farpaisich air fad moladh bho na britheamhan. Ach ’s e sgoilear bho Acadamaidh Allt a’ Mhuilinn a ghlèidh an duais mhòr.

[A’ Bh-uas Claire NicDhòmhnaill] The standard of the cooking was what blew us away, me and Michael Smith, my fellow judge and Lucia, Lucia is the winner. And it was very difficult to judge but her food was just that little bit above in each course.

[Ruairidh MacÌomhair – Neach-aithris] Bha blas eadar-nàiseanta air a’ cho-fharpais le ceanglaichean dhan Eadailt, Èirinn, a’ Ghearmailt agus Alba fhèin aig na sgoilearan. Nochd measgachadh de bhiadh air na truinnsearan.

[Murchadh Caimbeul] Bha feadhainn a’ còcaireachd le feòil-circe, feadhainn le iasg agus bha an uair sin, bha a’ chiad chùrsa againn cuideachd far robh brot ann agus chan e brot mar a dh’ aithnicheas sinne ach brot caran sònraichte.

[Ruairidh MacÌomhair – Neach-aithris] Do Lucia ’s e ceum an ionnsaigh dreuchd ann an còcaireachd a bh’ ann an seo agus fhuair i tairgse shònraichte air an oidhche.

[Lucia] Yeah I’d love to become a chef when I’m older.

[A’ Bh-uas Claire NicDhòmhnaill] Ah, could I just leap in here and offer you a job at Kinloch Lodge Hotel?

[Ruairidh MacÌomhair – Neach-aithris] Do nighean a tha fhathast gun ach 12 bliadhna a dh’ aois, h-abair gur e cothrom a th’ann an sin. Ruairidh MacÌomhair, BBC An Là, Inbhir Nis.



Cookery competition for school pupils in Inverness

English Beurla

[Iain Macinnes – Presenter] Well from matters concerning language to cooking and the third Masterchef competition for school pupils in Inverness was held in the city last night. There were four girls in the final and they presented the judges with a mixture of food. Our reporter Ruairidh MacIver went to get a taste of the event.

[Ruairidh MacIver – Reporter] Cooking doesn’t get much tougher than this. The Masterchef competition for school pupils in Inverness was held for the third time last night. A chance for the city’s young cooks to display their skills in front of the two esteemed judges.

[Ruairidh MacIver – Reporter] Things are heating up in the kitchen with only one more round standing between these pupils and this year’s Masterchef title. They’ve done a great deal of work to reach this stage and it all comes to a head tonight.

[Ruairidh MacIver – Reporter] All the competitors received praise from the judges. But it was a pupil from Milburn Academy who won the big prize.

[Lady Claire MacDonald] The standard of the cooking was what blew us away, me and Michael Smith, my fellow judge and Lucia, Lucia is the winner. And it was very difficult to judge but her food was just that little bit above in each course.

[Ruairidh MacIver – Reporter] The competition had an international flavour to it with the pupils dishes having ties to Italy, Ireland, Germany and Scotland itself. A mixture of food appeared on the plates.

[Murdo Campbell] Some were cooking with chicken, some with fish and we also had starters where we had soup, but not the kind of soup we know but a special soup.

[Ruairidh MacIver – Reporter] For Lucia, this was a step towards a career in cooking and she received a special offer on the night.

[Lucia] Yeah I’d love to become a chef when I’m older.

[Lady Claire MacDonald] Ah, could I just leap in here and offer you a job at Kinloch Lodge Hotel?

[Ruairidh MacIver – Reporter] For a girl who is still only 12 years old, what a fantastic opportunity. Ruairidh MacIver, BBC An Là, Inverness.



Farpais chòcaireachd do sgoilearan Inbhir Nis

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Iain Macaonghais – Preseantair] Uill bho gnothaichean cànan ma-thà gu còcaireachd agus chaidh an treasamh farpais Masterchef do sgoilearan Inbhir Nis a’ chumail anns a’ bhaile a-raoir. Bha ceathrar nighean anns a’ chuairt dheireannach agus chur iad measgachadh de bhiadh air beulaibh nam britheamhan. Chaidh am fear-naidheachd againne Ruairidh MacÌomhair ann airson blasad fhaighinn air na bha a’ dol.

[Ruairidh MacÌomhair – Neach-aithris] Chan eil còcaireachd ann a tha cho duilich ri seo. Chaidh farpais Masterchef sgoilearan Inbhir Nis a chumail airson an treas uair a-raoir. Cothrom do chòcairean òg a’ bhaile an sgilean a thaisbeanadh air beulaibh dà bhritheamh cliùiteach.

[Ruairidh MacÌomhair – Neach-aithris] Tha cùisean a teasachadh anns a’ chidsin agus chan eil ach aon chuairt eile eadar na sgoilearan seo agus duais Masterchef na bliadhna. Tha iad air obair mhòr a dhèanamh gus an ìre seo a’ ruighinn agus tha e uile a’ tighinn gu ceann a-nochd.

[Ruairidh MacÌomhair – Neach-aithris] Fhuair na farpaisich air fad moladh bho na britheamhan. Ach ’s e sgoilear bho Acadamaidh Allt a’ Mhuilinn a ghlèidh an duais mhòr.

[A’ Bh-uas Claire NicDhòmhnaill] The standard of the cooking was what blew us away, me and Michael Smith, my fellow judge and Lucia, Lucia is the winner. And it was very difficult to judge but her food was just that little bit above in each course.

[Ruairidh MacÌomhair – Neach-aithris] Bha blas eadar-nàiseanta air a’ cho-fharpais le ceanglaichean dhan Eadailt, Èirinn, a’ Ghearmailt agus Alba fhèin aig na sgoilearan. Nochd measgachadh de bhiadh air na truinnsearan.

[Murchadh Caimbeul] Bha feadhainn a’ còcaireachd le feòil-circe, feadhainn le iasg agus bha an uair sin, bha a’ chiad chùrsa againn cuideachd far robh brot ann agus chan e brot mar a dh’ aithnicheas sinne ach brot caran sònraichte.

[Ruairidh MacÌomhair – Neach-aithris] Do Lucia ’s e ceum an ionnsaigh dreuchd ann an còcaireachd a bh’ ann an seo agus fhuair i tairgse shònraichte air an oidhche.

[Lucia] Yeah I’d love to become a chef when I’m older.

[A’ Bh-uas Claire NicDhòmhnaill] Ah, could I just leap in here and offer you a job at Kinloch Lodge Hotel?

[Ruairidh MacÌomhair – Neach-aithris] Do nighean a tha fhathast gun ach 12 bliadhna a dh’ aois, h-abair gur e cothrom a th’ann an sin. Ruairidh MacÌomhair, BBC An Là, Inbhir Nis.



Cookery competition for school pupils in Inverness

English Beurla

[Iain Macinnes – Presenter] Well from matters concerning language to cooking and the third Masterchef competition for school pupils in Inverness was held in the city last night. There were four girls in the final and they presented the judges with a mixture of food. Our reporter Ruairidh MacIver went to get a taste of the event.

[Ruairidh MacIver – Reporter] Cooking doesn’t get much tougher than this. The Masterchef competition for school pupils in Inverness was held for the third time last night. A chance for the city’s young cooks to display their skills in front of the two esteemed judges.

[Ruairidh MacIver – Reporter] Things are heating up in the kitchen with only one more round standing between these pupils and this year’s Masterchef title. They’ve done a great deal of work to reach this stage and it all comes to a head tonight.

[Ruairidh MacIver – Reporter] All the competitors received praise from the judges. But it was a pupil from Milburn Academy who won the big prize.

[Lady Claire MacDonald] The standard of the cooking was what blew us away, me and Michael Smith, my fellow judge and Lucia, Lucia is the winner. And it was very difficult to judge but her food was just that little bit above in each course.

[Ruairidh MacIver – Reporter] The competition had an international flavour to it with the pupils dishes having ties to Italy, Ireland, Germany and Scotland itself. A mixture of food appeared on the plates.

[Murdo Campbell] Some were cooking with chicken, some with fish and we also had starters where we had soup, but not the kind of soup we know but a special soup.

[Ruairidh MacIver – Reporter] For Lucia, this was a step towards a career in cooking and she received a special offer on the night.

[Lucia] Yeah I’d love to become a chef when I’m older.

[Lady Claire MacDonald] Ah, could I just leap in here and offer you a job at Kinloch Lodge Hotel?

[Ruairidh MacIver – Reporter] For a girl who is still only 12 years old, what a fantastic opportunity. Ruairidh MacIver, BBC An Là, Inverness.





cuairt dheireannach




Acadamaidh Allt a’ Mhuilinn

Milburn Academy

An Eadailt




A’ Ghearmailt


