FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Teachdaireachd ann am botal

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Angela NicIlleathain – Preseantair] Uill 's iomadh duine a tha air a bhith ris a' chleas - a' cur teachdaireachd ann am botal - ga thilgeil dhan mhuir le dòchas gun tèid a thogail le cuideigin, am badeigin, an ceann-ùine. Sin a rinn prògram telebhisean saidheans ann an Innis Tìle bho chionn bliadhna. Nise cha b' e cleas a bha seo, ge-tà, ach oidhirp sealltainn na tha tachairt le sgudal a bha ga thilgeil dhan mhuir. Agus sheall an uidheamachd GPS a bha ceangailte ris a' bhotal seo gu bheil e a' dol astar gu math fada. Chaidh am botal seachad air a' Ghraonlainn agus air Canada, mus tàinig e air tìr ann an Tiriodh. Tha Seonaidh MacCoinnich ag aithris.

[Seonaidh MacCoinnich – Neach-aithris] Leis an eilean fosgailte dhan Chuan Shiar, tha iomadh rud a’ nochdadh air cladaichean Thiriodh gach bliadhna. San Fhaoilleach an-uiridh chuir luchd-saidheans, ann an com-pàirt le prògram telebhisein, dà bhotal sa mhuir far costa Innis Tìle.

[Ævar Þór Benediktsson] Kind of two ideas. One - I just wanted to see if it would be available to track messages in a bottle because many kids have tried throwing bottles with messages in them into the sea and some of them never reach shore again and I wanted to see where they would go – that’s one reason. And the other reason is that I wanted to show kids that if you throw something in the sea, like garbage or just anything, it doesn’t disappear, it goes on a trip and it ends up somewhere. So we have to be very careful what we do.

[Seonaidh MacCoinnich – Neach-aithris] Agus an-dè, thàinig am botal sònraichte air tìr, aig Mìodar air iar-thuath Eilean Thiriodh.

[Rhoda Meek] Seo ma-thà am botal agam. Chan e botal a th’ ann, gu fìrinneach ach tha botal na bhroinn agus ma ghabhas sinn sùil an seo chì thu ‘s dòcha an teachdaireachd: ‘Message in a bottle. Scientific project.’ Càil a dh’ fhios am dè nì mi leis a-nise ach thèid sinn dhachaigh agus feuchaidh mi ri grèim fhaighinn air na daoine.

[Seonaidh MacCoinnich – Neach-aithris] Bha dùil aig an luchd-saidheans gum biodh am botal air Nirribhidh a ruighinn ach thug e slighe diofraichte. Dè am fiosrachadh eile a gheibh iad bhon bhotal?

[Ævar Þór Benediktsson] GPS trackers that are put into bottles are usually used, they are used for example when they are tracking birds and bird movements. Now that we’ve seen that you can use this for all sorts of projects.

[Seonaidh MacCoinnich – Neach-aithris] A-nis feumaidh Rhoda foil meatailt a chur timcheall a’ bhotail agus a chur sa phost air ais gu Innis Tìle. Is cinnteach nach toir e bliadhna airson na cuairt dhachaigh ge-tà. Seonaidh MacCoinnich, BBC An Là.



Message in a bottle

English Beurla

[Angela MacLean – Presenter] Many people have put a message in a bottle and thrown it in the sea, in the hope that somebody, somewhere at some point will find it. That’s what a scientific TV programme in Iceland did a year ago. This wasn’t just for fun though, it was an attempt to show what happens to rubbish that is thrown into the sea. And the GPS tracking system on this bottle shows that it’s travelled quite a distance. The bottle passed Greenland and Canada, before it came ashore on Tiree. Seonaidh MacKenzie reports.

[Seonaidh MacKenzie – Reporter] With the island open to the Atlantic, many things appear on the shores of Tiree each year. Last January, scientists in conjunction with a television programme, launched two bottles into the sea off the coast of Iceland.

[Ævar Þór Benediktsson] Kind of two ideas. One - I just wanted to see if it would be available to track messages in a bottle because many kids have tried throwing bottles with messages in them into the sea and some of them never reach shore again and I wanted to see where they would go – that’s one reason. And the other reason is that I wanted to show kids that if you throw something in the sea, like garbage or just anything, it doesn’t disappear, it goes on a trip and it ends up somewhere. So we have to be very careful what we do.

[Seonaidh MacKenzie – Reporter] And yesterday, the special bottle came ashore at Miodar on the northwest of the Isle of Tiree.

[Rhoda Meek] Here is it then, my bottle. It’s not really a bottle as such, but there’s a bottle inside it and if we look here you can perhaps see the message: ‘Message in a bottle. Scientific project.’ No idea what I’ll do with it now but we’ll go home and we’ll try and contact the people.

[Seonaidh MacKenzie – Reporter] The scientists had hoped that the bottle would have reached Norway but it took a different path. What other information will they obtain from the bottle?

[Ævar Þór Benediktsson] GPS trackers that are put into bottles are usually used, they are used for example when they are tracking birds and bird movements. Now that we’ve seen that you can use this for all sorts of projects.

[Seonaidh MacKenzie – Reporter] Now Rhoda must wrap the bottle in tinfoil and post it back to Iceland. Surely its journey home won’t take a year though. Seonaidh MacKenzie, BBC An Là.



Teachdaireachd ann am botal

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Angela NicIlleathain – Preseantair] Uill 's iomadh duine a tha air a bhith ris a' chleas - a' cur teachdaireachd ann am botal - ga thilgeil dhan mhuir le dòchas gun tèid a thogail le cuideigin, am badeigin, an ceann-ùine. Sin a rinn prògram telebhisean saidheans ann an Innis Tìle bho chionn bliadhna. Nise cha b' e cleas a bha seo, ge-tà, ach oidhirp sealltainn na tha tachairt le sgudal a bha ga thilgeil dhan mhuir. Agus sheall an uidheamachd GPS a bha ceangailte ris a' bhotal seo gu bheil e a' dol astar gu math fada. Chaidh am botal seachad air a' Ghraonlainn agus air Canada, mus tàinig e air tìr ann an Tiriodh. Tha Seonaidh MacCoinnich ag aithris.

[Seonaidh MacCoinnich – Neach-aithris] Leis an eilean fosgailte dhan Chuan Shiar, tha iomadh rud a’ nochdadh air cladaichean Thiriodh gach bliadhna. San Fhaoilleach an-uiridh chuir luchd-saidheans, ann an com-pàirt le prògram telebhisein, dà bhotal sa mhuir far costa Innis Tìle.

[Ævar Þór Benediktsson] Kind of two ideas. One - I just wanted to see if it would be available to track messages in a bottle because many kids have tried throwing bottles with messages in them into the sea and some of them never reach shore again and I wanted to see where they would go – that’s one reason. And the other reason is that I wanted to show kids that if you throw something in the sea, like garbage or just anything, it doesn’t disappear, it goes on a trip and it ends up somewhere. So we have to be very careful what we do.

[Seonaidh MacCoinnich – Neach-aithris] Agus an-dè, thàinig am botal sònraichte air tìr, aig Mìodar air iar-thuath Eilean Thiriodh.

[Rhoda Meek] Seo ma-thà am botal agam. Chan e botal a th’ ann, gu fìrinneach ach tha botal na bhroinn agus ma ghabhas sinn sùil an seo chì thu ‘s dòcha an teachdaireachd: ‘Message in a bottle. Scientific project.’ Càil a dh’ fhios am dè nì mi leis a-nise ach thèid sinn dhachaigh agus feuchaidh mi ri grèim fhaighinn air na daoine.

[Seonaidh MacCoinnich – Neach-aithris] Bha dùil aig an luchd-saidheans gum biodh am botal air Nirribhidh a ruighinn ach thug e slighe diofraichte. Dè am fiosrachadh eile a gheibh iad bhon bhotal?

[Ævar Þór Benediktsson] GPS trackers that are put into bottles are usually used, they are used for example when they are tracking birds and bird movements. Now that we’ve seen that you can use this for all sorts of projects.

[Seonaidh MacCoinnich – Neach-aithris] A-nis feumaidh Rhoda foil meatailt a chur timcheall a’ bhotail agus a chur sa phost air ais gu Innis Tìle. Is cinnteach nach toir e bliadhna airson na cuairt dhachaigh ge-tà. Seonaidh MacCoinnich, BBC An Là.



Message in a bottle

English Beurla

[Angela MacLean – Presenter] Many people have put a message in a bottle and thrown it in the sea, in the hope that somebody, somewhere at some point will find it. That’s what a scientific TV programme in Iceland did a year ago. This wasn’t just for fun though, it was an attempt to show what happens to rubbish that is thrown into the sea. And the GPS tracking system on this bottle shows that it’s travelled quite a distance. The bottle passed Greenland and Canada, before it came ashore on Tiree. Seonaidh MacKenzie reports.

[Seonaidh MacKenzie – Reporter] With the island open to the Atlantic, many things appear on the shores of Tiree each year. Last January, scientists in conjunction with a television programme, launched two bottles into the sea off the coast of Iceland.

[Ævar Þór Benediktsson] Kind of two ideas. One - I just wanted to see if it would be available to track messages in a bottle because many kids have tried throwing bottles with messages in them into the sea and some of them never reach shore again and I wanted to see where they would go – that’s one reason. And the other reason is that I wanted to show kids that if you throw something in the sea, like garbage or just anything, it doesn’t disappear, it goes on a trip and it ends up somewhere. So we have to be very careful what we do.

[Seonaidh MacKenzie – Reporter] And yesterday, the special bottle came ashore at Miodar on the northwest of the Isle of Tiree.

[Rhoda Meek] Here is it then, my bottle. It’s not really a bottle as such, but there’s a bottle inside it and if we look here you can perhaps see the message: ‘Message in a bottle. Scientific project.’ No idea what I’ll do with it now but we’ll go home and we’ll try and contact the people.

[Seonaidh MacKenzie – Reporter] The scientists had hoped that the bottle would have reached Norway but it took a different path. What other information will they obtain from the bottle?

[Ævar Þór Benediktsson] GPS trackers that are put into bottles are usually used, they are used for example when they are tracking birds and bird movements. Now that we’ve seen that you can use this for all sorts of projects.

[Seonaidh MacKenzie – Reporter] Now Rhoda must wrap the bottle in tinfoil and post it back to Iceland. Surely its journey home won’t take a year though. Seonaidh MacKenzie, BBC An Là.





am badeigin


Innis Tìle




astar can also mean speed



Eilean Thiriodh

Isle of Tiree

An Cuan Siar

The Atlantic Ocean



