FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Social Media Na Meadhanan Sòisealta

Absolute Beginners (A1) - Useful Words (20 words)

A wee bit more than 20 words, this page will help you use Gaelic in your social media accounts whilst you are learning. Come on, dive in and get started! You’ll soon find that you can combine some of these phrases to tell your story. Rud beag a bharrachd na Fichead Facal, tha an duilleag seo airson taic a thoirt dhut nuair a tha thu ag ionnsachadh. Trobhad, leum a-steach agus tòisich. Bidh e furasta dhut na h-abairtean a chur ri chèile airson do sgeulachd innse!

Tha Fichead Facal ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh facal sam bith san colbh Gàidhlig agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh gnè an fhacail ann.Twenty Words is integrated with the dictionary. Choose any word in the Gaelic column and the dictionary will open and you will see the gender of the Gaelic word.

Here are some general Gaelic phrases you might want to use on your social media accounts 'S dòcha gum bi na h-abairtean seo feumail air na cunntasan meadhanan sòisealta agad

English Gàidhlig  
I am learning Gaelic Tha mi ag ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig <))
I’m going out for a run Tha mi a’ dol a-mach a’ ruith <))
I’m going to the game Tha mi a’ dol chun ghèam <))
I am tired Tha mi sgìth <))
Out for food A-mach airson biadh <))
Out for drink A-mach airson deoch <))
With friends Còmhla ri caraidean <))
The weekend is here! Tha an deireadh-sheachdain ann! <))
What are your plans for the weekend? Dè na planaichean a th’ agad airson na deireadh-sheachdain? <))

When you want to show your friends a photo or video, why not use one of these handy phrases? Nuair a tha dealbh no bhidio spòrsail agad, ‘s urrainn dhut na h-abairtean seo a chleachdadh.

English Gàidhlig  
Look where I am today! Seall far a bheil mise an-diugh! <))
Selfie Fèineag <))
I love this Tha gaol agam air an seo <))
Lovely view Sealladh brèagha <))
This is tasty Tha seo blasta <))
Look at the colours Seall air na dathan <))
My breakfast Mo bhracaist <))
My lunch Mo lòn <))
My dinner Mo dhinnear <))
New outfit Èideadh ùr <))
Good friends Deagh charaidean <))
Love Gaol <))
Throwback - look back for the oldies ;-) Sùil air ais <))

When you want people to read, view or listen to a link you can encourage them to do so with one of these nifty statements. Bidh na h-abairtean seo feumail nuair a tha thu ag iarraidh air cuideigin èisteachd, leughadh no coimhead air rudeigin.

English Gàidhlig  
This is awesome! Tha seo sgoinneil! <))
This is fascinating! Chuir seo iongnadh orm! <))
Listen to this! Èist ri seo! <))
Have you seen this yet? Am faca tu seo fhathast? <))
Have you read this yet? An do leugh thu seo fhathast? <))
This is important Tha seo cudromach <))
This is funny Tha seo èibhinn <))

Remember the dictionary with audio files and more! In addition to this we have plenty of free online resources to begin your own Gaelic-learning adventure and we have our course finder too. Cuimhnich gu bheil am faclair ann le faidhlichean fuaim is eile! A bharrachd air an sin, tha goireasan gu leòr ann airson Gàidhlig ionnsachadh air-loidhne aig gach ìre agus tha liosta de chùrsaichean ann cuideachd.