FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

What's the Time?

Dè an Uair a tha e?

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Subtitles: Gaelic Fo-thiotalan: Gàidhlig Subtitles: English Fo-thiotalan: Beurla Subtitles: none Às aonais fo-thiotalan Download text (Gaelic and English) Faigh an teacsa (Gàidhlig agus Beurla)

Dè an Uair a tha e?

Gaelic Gàidhlig

Dè an uair a tha e?

Presenter: Derek MacAoidh (Derek MacKay)

[DEREK] Tha cuid ag ràdh nach eil mi math air èirigh, ach tha mi fhìn dhen bheachd gu bheil mi fìor mhath air cadal.

Co-dhiù, tha mi a' cur feum air trì uidheaman dùsgaidh. Tha fòn-làimhe agam a bhios a' bìogail. Tha gleoc didseatach agam a bhios a' cluich an radio agus a' bìogail. Agus, tha seann ghleoc bhuidhe le dà chlag agam a bhios a' glaodhraich.

Bidh mi gan cur a dhol eadar aon uair deug a dh' oidhche agus dà reug (dà uair dheug) - meadhan-oidhche. Bidh mi a' cur uair dhan fhòn - can cairteal às dèidh seachd. Bidh an gleoc didseatach a' faighinn dà uair - leth-uair às dèidh seachd, can, agus còig mionaidean fichead gu ochd. Bidh an seann ghleoc a' dol gu deich mionaidean às dèidh ochd - daonnan.

Mar as tric, chan obraich am fòn. Uaireannan, bidh mi ga chur dheth na mo leth-chadal. Bidh an gleoc didseatach ag obrachadh, ach tha putan air a tha cunnartach - putan mòr tha ag iarraidh orm norrag bheag a ghabhail - deich mionaidean no cairteal na h-uaireach. Agus, mar as trice, bidh mi a' gabhail norraig. Nach dèan dà fhichead mionaid a' chùis airson dèanamh deiseil? Neo leth-uair a thìde? Neo deich mionaidean? Cò a smaoinich air a' phutan ud? An ath rud, cuiridh mi an gleoc didseatach dheth le putan eile agus bidh e an urra ris an t-seann ghleoc mo chur an àirde.

Aig deich mionaidean às dèidh ochd, air an diog, dùisgidh an t-òrd beag a tha eadar an dà chlag agus bidh an gleoc aosda a' gliongartaich gu socair ... mus tòisich e a' glagadaich. Mu dheireadh, bidh e a' gliongartaich, a' glagadaich agus a' glaodhraich. Chan eil putan air airson norraig no càil eile. Chan eil an gleoc aosda airson càil a dhèanamh ach mo dhùsgadh, agus leis gu bheil e còig troighean air falbh bhon leabaidh, bidh agam ri èirigh is dùsgadh gu ceart airson a chur dheth. 'S math gu bheil e ann.

'S e nàmhaid, canaidh cuid, a th' ann an tìm, ach 's e fìor charaid a th' anns an t-seann ghleoc bhuidhe leis an dà chlag.

Bheir sinn sùil air cuid dhe na facail is abairtean a chleachd mi.

Bìogail. Tha fòn-làimhe agam a bhios a' bìogail.

Glaodhraich. Agus, tha seann ghleoc bhuidhe le dà chlag agam a bhios a' glaodhraich.

Dà reug (dà uair dheug). Bidh mi gan cur a dhol eadar aon uair deug a dh'oidhche agus dà reug (dà uair dheug) - meadhan-oidhche.

Cairteal. Bidh mi a' cur uair dhan fhòn - can cairteal às dèidh seachd.

Didseatach. Bidh an gleoc didseatach a' faighinn dà uair - leth-uair às dèidh seachd, can, agus còig mionaidean fichead gu ochd.

Air an diog. Aig deich mionaidean às dèidh ochd, air an diog, dùisgidh an t-òrd beag a tha eadar an dà chlag ...

Nàmhaid. 'S e nàmhaid, canaidh cuid, a th' ann an tìm, ach 's e fìor charaid a th' anns an t-seann ghleoc bhuidhe leis an dà chlag.

Sin e. Mar sin leat an-dràsta.

What's the Time?

English Beurla

What's the time?

Presenter: Derek MacAoidh (Derek MacKay)

[DEREK] Some people say that I'm not very good at getting up, but I'm of the opinion that I'm very good at sleeping.

Anyway, I need to three things to wake me up. I have a mobile phone that bleeps. I have a digital clock that plays the radio and bleeps. And I have an old yellow clock that has two bells and rings very loudly.

I set them between eleven o' clock at night and twelve o' clock - midnight. I set a time on the phone - say quarter past seven. The digital clock is set for two times - half past seven, say, and twenty-five to eight. The old clock is set for ten past eight - always.

Usually, the phone doesn't work. Sometimes, I turn it off while I'm half asleep. The digital clock does work, but there's a dangerous button on it a large button that tells me to have a little snooze - ten minutes or quarter of an hour. And, more often than not, I have a snooze. Isn't forty minutes long enough to get ready? Or half an hour? Or ten minutes? Who thought of that button? The next thing is I'll switch the digital clock off using another button and it will be up to the old clock to get me out of bed.

At ten past eight to the second (on the dot), the little hammer between the bells wakes up and the old clock tinkles gently ... before it starts to ring. In the end, it will be clanging, chiming and bonging. It doesn't have a button for snoozing or anything else. The old clock doesn't want to do anything other than wake me, and because it's five feet away from my bed, I have to get up and wake properly to switch it off. It's just as well it's there.

Some people say that time is an enemy, but the old yellow clock with the two bells is a very good friend.

Let's take a look at the words and phrases I used.

Bleeping. I have a mobile phone that bleeps.

Ringing. And I have an old yellow clock that has two bells and rings very loudly.

Twelve o' clock. I set them between eleven o' clock at night and twelve o' clock - midnight.

Quarter. I select a time on the phone - say quarter past seven.

Digital. The digital clock is set for two times - half past seven, say, and twenty-five to eight.

To the second. At ten past eight to the second, the little hammer between the bells wakes up ...

Enemy. Some people say that time is an enemy, but the old yellow clock with the two bells is a very good friend.

That's it. Goodbye for now.

Dè an Uair a tha e?

Gaelic Gàidhlig

Dè an uair a tha e?

Presenter: Derek MacAoidh (Derek MacKay)

[DEREK] Tha cuid ag ràdh nach eil mi math air èirigh, ach tha mi fhìn dhen bheachd gu bheil mi fìor mhath air cadal.

Co-dhiù, tha mi a' cur feum air trì uidheaman dùsgaidh. Tha fòn-làimhe agam a bhios a' bìogail. Tha gleoc didseatach agam a bhios a' cluich an radio agus a' bìogail. Agus, tha seann ghleoc bhuidhe le dà chlag agam a bhios a' glaodhraich.

Bidh mi gan cur a dhol eadar aon uair deug a dh' oidhche agus dà reug (dà uair dheug) - meadhan-oidhche. Bidh mi a' cur uair dhan fhòn - can cairteal às dèidh seachd. Bidh an gleoc didseatach a' faighinn dà uair - leth-uair às dèidh seachd, can, agus còig mionaidean fichead gu ochd. Bidh an seann ghleoc a' dol gu deich mionaidean às dèidh ochd - daonnan.

Mar as tric, chan obraich am fòn. Uaireannan, bidh mi ga chur dheth na mo leth-chadal. Bidh an gleoc didseatach ag obrachadh, ach tha putan air a tha cunnartach - putan mòr tha ag iarraidh orm norrag bheag a ghabhail - deich mionaidean no cairteal na h-uaireach. Agus, mar as trice, bidh mi a' gabhail norraig. Nach dèan dà fhichead mionaid a' chùis airson dèanamh deiseil? Neo leth-uair a thìde? Neo deich mionaidean? Cò a smaoinich air a' phutan ud? An ath rud, cuiridh mi an gleoc didseatach dheth le putan eile agus bidh e an urra ris an t-seann ghleoc mo chur an àirde.

Aig deich mionaidean às dèidh ochd, air an diog, dùisgidh an t-òrd beag a tha eadar an dà chlag agus bidh an gleoc aosda a' gliongartaich gu socair ... mus tòisich e a' glagadaich. Mu dheireadh, bidh e a' gliongartaich, a' glagadaich agus a' glaodhraich. Chan eil putan air airson norraig no càil eile. Chan eil an gleoc aosda airson càil a dhèanamh ach mo dhùsgadh, agus leis gu bheil e còig troighean air falbh bhon leabaidh, bidh agam ri èirigh is dùsgadh gu ceart airson a chur dheth. 'S math gu bheil e ann.

'S e nàmhaid, canaidh cuid, a th' ann an tìm, ach 's e fìor charaid a th' anns an t-seann ghleoc bhuidhe leis an dà chlag.

Bheir sinn sùil air cuid dhe na facail is abairtean a chleachd mi.

Bìogail. Tha fòn-làimhe agam a bhios a' bìogail.

Glaodhraich. Agus, tha seann ghleoc bhuidhe le dà chlag agam a bhios a' glaodhraich.

Dà reug (dà uair dheug). Bidh mi gan cur a dhol eadar aon uair deug a dh'oidhche agus dà reug (dà uair dheug) - meadhan-oidhche.

Cairteal. Bidh mi a' cur uair dhan fhòn - can cairteal às dèidh seachd.

Didseatach. Bidh an gleoc didseatach a' faighinn dà uair - leth-uair às dèidh seachd, can, agus còig mionaidean fichead gu ochd.

Air an diog. Aig deich mionaidean às dèidh ochd, air an diog, dùisgidh an t-òrd beag a tha eadar an dà chlag ...

Nàmhaid. 'S e nàmhaid, canaidh cuid, a th' ann an tìm, ach 's e fìor charaid a th' anns an t-seann ghleoc bhuidhe leis an dà chlag.

Sin e. Mar sin leat an-dràsta.

What's the Time?

English Beurla

What's the time?

Presenter: Derek MacAoidh (Derek MacKay)

[DEREK] Some people say that I'm not very good at getting up, but I'm of the opinion that I'm very good at sleeping.

Anyway, I need to three things to wake me up. I have a mobile phone that bleeps. I have a digital clock that plays the radio and bleeps. And I have an old yellow clock that has two bells and rings very loudly.

I set them between eleven o' clock at night and twelve o' clock - midnight. I set a time on the phone - say quarter past seven. The digital clock is set for two times - half past seven, say, and twenty-five to eight. The old clock is set for ten past eight - always.

Usually, the phone doesn't work. Sometimes, I turn it off while I'm half asleep. The digital clock does work, but there's a dangerous button on it a large button that tells me to have a little snooze - ten minutes or quarter of an hour. And, more often than not, I have a snooze. Isn't forty minutes long enough to get ready? Or half an hour? Or ten minutes? Who thought of that button? The next thing is I'll switch the digital clock off using another button and it will be up to the old clock to get me out of bed.

At ten past eight to the second (on the dot), the little hammer between the bells wakes up and the old clock tinkles gently ... before it starts to ring. In the end, it will be clanging, chiming and bonging. It doesn't have a button for snoozing or anything else. The old clock doesn't want to do anything other than wake me, and because it's five feet away from my bed, I have to get up and wake properly to switch it off. It's just as well it's there.

Some people say that time is an enemy, but the old yellow clock with the two bells is a very good friend.

Let's take a look at the words and phrases I used.

Bleeping. I have a mobile phone that bleeps.

Ringing. And I have an old yellow clock that has two bells and rings very loudly.

Twelve o' clock. I set them between eleven o' clock at night and twelve o' clock - midnight.

Quarter. I select a time on the phone - say quarter past seven.

Digital. The digital clock is set for two times - half past seven, say, and twenty-five to eight.

To the second. At ten past eight to the second, the little hammer between the bells wakes up ...

Enemy. Some people say that time is an enemy, but the old yellow clock with the two bells is a very good friend.

That's it. Goodbye for now.

look@LearnGaelic is a series of videos aimed at learners of Scottish Gaelic. It features a variety of styles, including interviews with experts and Gaelic learners, monologues and conversations. Use the links above to select subtitles in English or Gaelic - or to turn them off altogether. 'S e sreath de bhidiothan gu sònraichte do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig a th' ann an look@LearnGaelic. Bidh measgachadh de mhonologan ann, agallamhan le eòlaichean is luchd-ionnsachaidh, agus còmhraidhean. Gheibhear fo-thiotalan anns a' Ghàidhlig agus ann am Beurla.