FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

Travelling to Tiree

A’ siubhal gu Tiriodh

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St Andrew’s University

Oilthigh Chill Rìmhinn

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Cloth flowers

Flùraichean aodaich

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Ramsay’s off to St Andrews

Tha Ramsay a’ falbh gu Cill Rìmhinn

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Chair Pillows


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A food dish for birds

Soitheach-bìdh eun

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Where did the MacDonalds hide their stolen cattle?

Càit an robh Dòmhnallaich Ghlinn Chomhainn a’ falach nam mart a ghoid iad?

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A dog toy

Dèideag choin

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Look at the seals!

Seall air na ròin!

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A cat toy

Dèideag chait

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Ramsay’s off to Glencoe

Tha Ramsay a’ dol a Ghleann Comhann

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Shona’s Workshop – A chalk board

Bùth-obrach Shona - Bòrd chailc

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A game with golf balls

Gèam le buill ghoilf

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Fiona MacKenzie in conversation with Margaret MacLeod

Fiona NicChoinnich ann an còmhradh cuide ri Mairead NicLeòid

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Create a bright lantern for a dark night

Cruthaich lanntair breagha airson oidhche dhorcha

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A new life for a piece of furniture

Beatha ùr do phìos àirneis

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Create a chest of flowers

Cruthaich ciste-dhìthean

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A perspective from Canada

Sealladh à Canada

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Another project in the garden

Pròiseact eile sa ghàrradh

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Teaching at home in 2020

A’ teagasg aig an taigh ann an 2020

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Make an origami butterfly

Dèan dealan-dè origami

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Returning from China

A’ tilleadh bho Shìona

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Put your voice back in tune

Cuir do ghuth air ais air ghleus

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This is not a normal trip to the shops

Chan e turas àbhaisteach dha na bùithtean a tha seo

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Rhoda's new challenge

An dùbhlan ùr ro Rhoda

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It's in the blood

Tha e san fhuil

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Ollie's birthday

Cò-là breith Ollie

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You don't have to be productive

Cha leig thu leas a bhith tarbhach

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Ingrid is busy working on a music project

Tha Ingrid trang ag obair air pròiseact ciùil

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Calum cleans up a burn

Tha Calum a’ glanadh allt

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Things Eilidh doesn’t understand

Rudan nach eil Eilidh a’ tuigsinn

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John has new pals

Tha caraidean ùra aig Iain

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What’s Angus’s life like?

Cò ris a tha beatha Aonghais coltach?

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What was lockdown like for Eilidh?

Cò ris a bha lockdown coltach do dh’Eilidh?

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What was New Zealand like when Callum was there?

Cò ris a bha Sealainn Nuadh coltach nuair a bha Callum ann?

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Back to the water

Air ais dhan uisge

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From the shore to the plate

Bhon chladach dhan truinnsear

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A bit of fun: Advice from Adele about filming

Beagan spòrs: Comhairle bho Adele airson bhidio a chlàradh

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What’s the best thing to help grow vegetables in the garden?

Dè an rud as fhèarr airson taic a chur ri lusan a dh’fhàs sa ghàrradh?

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A’ cumail sàbhailte am broinn ‘Bùth Bharraigh’

Keeping safe inside ‘Bùth Bharraigh’

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Would you send a jigsaw to a good or bad friend?

An cuir thusa mìrean measgaichte do dheagh no droch charaid?

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Who stays here?

Cò tha a’ fuireach an seo?

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What is Tiree like just now?

Cò ris a tha Tiriodh coltach an-dràsta?

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Scarecrovid Competition

Farpais Scarecrovid

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Would you do this?

Am b’ urrainn dhut seo a dhèanamh?

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Are you as busy as Shannon?

A bheil thusa cho trang ri Shannon?

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What have you done in the garden?

Dè rinn thusa sa ghàrradh?

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The roads are quiet but the birds aren’t!

Tha na rathaidean sàmhach ach chan eil na h-eòin!

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What was China like?

Cò ris a bha Sìona coltach?

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Seonag is exercising at home. What about you?

Tha Seonag ag eacarsaich aig an taigh. Dè mu do dheidhinn sa?

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Are you keeping busy? Hamish is

A bheil thusa a’ cumail trang? Tha is Hamish

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Cleaning shingle

A’ glanadh morghan

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Does Gaelic ASMR work?

A bheil ASMR Gàidhlig ag obair?

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Have you tried to make rhubarb jam?

An do dh’fheuch thusa silidh rùbrab a dhèanamh?

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Have you tried these ideas?

An do dh’fheuch thusa na beachdan seo?

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Sensible advice from Calum

Comhairle ciallach bho Chalum

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Chloe’s family

An teaghlach aig Chloe

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Is Adele the new Mary Berry?

An e Mary Berry ùr a th’ ann an Adele?

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Building a fence

A’ càradh feansa

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How are Agnes’s plants getting on?

Ciamar a tha na planntraisean aig Agnes a’ faighinn air adhart?

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What’s lockdown like in London?

Cò ris a tha lockdown coltach ann an Lunnainn?

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Are you organised? If not, try this!

A bheil thusa eagraichte? Mur eil feuch air seo!

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Meet Seòras the cat

Coinnich ri Seòras an cat

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Remember this wisdom

Cuimhnich air a’ ghliocas seo

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The lambs are bringing Mairi joy

Tha na h-uain a’ toirt toileachas do Mhàiri

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What's Fiona doing in the kitchen

Dè tha Fiona a’ dèanamh sa chidsin?

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This is not sensible advice

Chan e comhairle ciallach a tha seo

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Who writes letters these days?

Cò tha a’ sgrìobhadh litrichean san latha an-diugh?

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Feeling unhealthy? Ewen is here for advice and support

A’ faireachdainn mì-fhallain? Tha Eòghann ann airson comhairle is taic a thoirt dhuinn

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Do you need a clip? Out with the clippers!

A bheil thusa feumach air cliop? A-mach leis an inneal cliopaidh!

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Sleeping under the Moon

A’ cadal fon Ghealaich

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Fiona MacKenzie in conversation with Joy Dunlop

Fiona NicChoinnich ann an còmhradh ri Joy Dunlop

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The plan for summer

Plana an t-samhraidh

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Another boring day in lockdown

Latha eile dòrainneach anns an lockdown

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The Great Escape

An Teiche Mhòr

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Are you decorating the house? Ewen is

A bheil thusa a’ sgeadachadh an taighe? Tha is Eòghann

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What’s Dr Lewis Hughes’s work like at this time?

Cò ris a tha obair Dtr Lewis coltach aig an àm seo?

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Is every one of your days different? Adele's are

A bheil a h-uile latha agad diofraichte? Tha aig Adele

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Mara is playing golf at home

Tha Mara a’ cluich goilf aig an taigh

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A car park? A milk park!

Pàirc nan càraichean? Pàirc nam bainne

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On the doorstep with Ricky

Air an stairsnich còmhla ri Ricky

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What is it like walking all day and night?

Cò ris a tha e coltach a bhith a’ coiseachd fad an latha is oidhche?

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Meet Ramsay

Coinnich ri Ramsay

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Tractar needs a clip

Tha Tractar feumach air clip

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Decorate your nails and learn a bit of Gaelic

Sgeadaich d’ìnean agus ionnsaich beagan Gàidhlig

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John McDiarmaid's top ten sounds

Na deich fuaimean as fheàrr le Iain MacDiarmaid

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Fiona in conversation with Donald Iain Brown

Fiona ann an còmhradh ri Dòmhnall Iain MacIlleDhuinn

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Murdo taught in Africa

Bha Murchadh a’ teagasg ann an Afraga

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Three new words

Trì faclan ùra

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Is Mary Anne telling the truth?

A bheil Màiri Anna ag innse na fìrinn?

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Murdo’s days in the police

Làithean Mhurchaidh air a’ phoileas

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Two Lewis folk as Aibisidh guests

Dithis Leòdhasach air aoigheachd Aibisidh

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Sarah enjoyed this prehistoric book

Leabhar ro-eachdraidheil a chòrd ri Sarah NicEachainn

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Completing Gaelic proverbs

A’ cur crìoch air sean-fhaclan

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Murdo Beaton in conversation with Donald Morrison

Murchadh Peutan a’ còmhradh ri Dòmhnall Moireasdan

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Meg’s university days

Làithean Meg aig an oilthigh

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Who is telling the truth in this round?

Cò tha ag innse na fìrinn sa chuairt seo?

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How Meg Bateman came to learn Gaelic

Mar a thàinig Meg Bateman dhan Ghàidhlig

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Welcoming Mairi and Neil

A' cur fàilte air Màiri 's Niall

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Meg Bateman in conversation with Donald Morrison

Meg Bateman a’ còmhradh ri Dòmhnall Moireasdan

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DIY le Donnie - DIY plumbing choices

DIY le Donnie - Roghainn plumaireachd

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Sci-fi book review

Lèirmheas leabhar sci-fi

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DIY le Donnie - Improving the gate

DIY le Donnie - A' leasachadh geata

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A dark story from Argyll

Sgeulachd dorcha à Earra-Ghàidheal

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Pipework in the kitchen

Obair phìoba sa chidsin

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Stories of magic

Sgeulachdan draoidheil

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Keeping a house warm

A' cumail taigh blàth

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A book that Josie read in high school

Leabhar a leugh Josie san àrd-sgoil

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Taking a radiator off a wall

A' toirt rèididheatar far balla

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Donald's connection to a book

Ceangal Dhòmhnaill ri leabhar

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Repairing an old table

A' càradh seann bhòrd

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An Australian novel chosen by Kirsty

Nobhail Astràilianach a thagh Ciorstaidh

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Taking down a wall

A' leigeil balla

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A historical novel that Anne likes

Nobhail eachdraidheil as toigh le Anna

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A book that had an impact on Mary Alice

Leabhar a thug buaidh air Màiri Alice

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Sandra Murray’s early years

Bliadhnaichean tràtha Sandra Mhoirich

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A book from Kenneth’s childhood

Leabhar bho òige Choinnich

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Kenny MacIver’s education

Foghlam Choinnich MhicÌomhair

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A book that Catriona likes

Leabhar as toigh le Catrìona

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When Fergie was young

Nuair a bha Fergie òg

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Gilleasbuig’s precious book

Leabhar prìseil aig Gilleasbuig

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Meet a Gaelic star - Kenny MacIver

Coinnich ri rionnag na Gàidhlig - Coinneach MacÌomhair

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Meet Iona Brown

Coinnich ri Iona NicGilleDhuinn

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Welcoming Sandra Murray

Fàilte air Sandra Mhoireach

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Fergie’s first job

A’ chiad obair aig Fergie

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Meet Sarah Fraser

Coinnich ri Sarah Fhriseil

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Iain Murray in conversation with Donald Morrison

Iain Moireach a’ còmhradh ri Dòmhnall Moireasdan

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Meet John Urquhart

Coinnich ri Iain Urchardan

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What do these new words mean?

Dè as ciall de na faclan ùra seo?

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The Reverend Professor Donald MacLeod

An t-Ollamh Urramach Dòmhnall MacLeòid

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Meet Aideen

Coinnich ri Aideen

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What does the word “crional” mean?

Dè th’ anns an fhacal “crional”?

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Donald Morrison in conversation with Lachie MacLeod

Lachie MacLeòid a’ còmhradh ri Dòmhnall Moireasdan

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Welcoming Marisa and DJ

A’ cur fàilte air Marisa agus DJ

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What was young Norma like?

Co ris a bha Norma òg coltach?

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Gaelic proverbs

Sean-fhaclan Gàidhlig

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Chrissie Lawson in conversation with Donald Morrison

Criosaidh Lawson a’ còmhradh ri Dòmhnall Moireasdan

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New words

Faclan ùra

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Donald Morrison in conversation with Norma MacLeod

Dòmhnall Moireasdan ann an còmhradh ri Norma NicLeòid

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Welcoming Morag and Allan

A’ cur fàilte air Mòrag is Ailean

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Growing up all over the place

A’ fàs suas air feadh an àite

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The meanings of new words

Ciall nam facal ùr

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Meet Donald Iain

Coinnich ri Dòmhnall Iain

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Donald Morrison in conversation with Mary-Anne MacDonald

Dòmhnall Moireasdan ann an còmhradh ri Màiri-Anna NicDhòmhnaill

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True or false

Fìrinn no breug

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Meet Ishi

Coinnich ri Ishi

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A’ gabhail ùidh ann an ceòl

Taking an interest in music

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Two teams of experts

Dà sgioba de dh' eòlaichean

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Welcoming Ishi and Dòmhnall Iain

A’ cur fàilte air Ishi is Dòmhnall Iain

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Growing up in Glasgow

A’ fàs suas ann an Glaschu

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The word's meaning

Ciall an fhacail

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Margaret's hobby

An cur-seachad aig Mairead

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New words

Faclan ùra

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Welcoming Agnes and Gilleasbuig

A' cur fàilte air Agnes agus Gilleasbuig

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Donald Morrison in conversation with Norman Gillies

Dòmhnall Moireasdan ann an còmhradh ri Tormod MacGillÌosa

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Donald Morrison in conversation with Neil Mitchison

Dòmhnall Moireasdan ann an còmhradh ri Niall Mitchison

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Donald Morrison in conversation with Mary Bremner

Dòmhnall Moireasdan ann an còmhradh ri Màiri Bremner

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How the late John Farquhar Munro went to sea

Mar a chaidh Iain Fearchar Rothach, nach mairean, gu muir

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Donald Morrison in conversation with the late John Farquhar Munro

Dòmhnall Moireasdan ann an còmhradh ri Iain Fearchar Rothach, nach maireann

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A Brigadier from Tobermory

Brigadier à Tobar Mhoire

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Donald Morrison in conversation with Brigadier John MacFarlane

Dòmhnall Moireasdan ann an còmhradh ri Brigadier Iain MacPhàrlain

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Donald Morrison in conversation with Anne Lorne Gillies

Dòmhnall Moireasdan ann an còmhradh ri Anna Latharna NicGillÌosa

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New Gaelic words - do you know them?

Faclan ùra Gàidhlig - a bheil thusa eòlach orra?

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Meaning of the word

Ciall an fhacail

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Welcoming Angela and Ryno

A' cur fàilte air Angela agus Ryno

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New Gaelic words

Faclan ùra Gàidhlig

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Explain the meaning of a word

Mìnich ciall an fhacail

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A new series of Aibisidh

Sreath ùr Aibisidh

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Where are you from Margaret?

Co às a tha thu, a Mhaighread?

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Donald Morrison in conversation with Margaret Stewart

Dòmhnall Moireasdan ann an còmhradh ri Maighread Stiùbhart

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Donald Morrison in conversation with Donnie 'Large' MacDonald

Dòmhnall Moireasdan ann an còmhradh ri Donaidh 'Large' Dòmhnallach

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Meaning of the word

Ciall an fhacail

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Welcoming Marie and Alec

A' cur fàilte air Marie agus Ailig

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