FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Expressing hopes Ag innse mu dhòchasan

I hope that you had a good trip? Tha mi an dòchas gun robh turas math agad?

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

tha mi an dòchas gun robh ... I hope that … was ...

turas math a good trip

tha mi an dòchas gun robh turas math agad I hope that you had a good trip

… gun robh e feumail … that it was useful

Video is playing in pop-over.

Man 1 Halò Aonghais.
Fàilt’ air ais.
Hello Angus.
Welcome back.
Aonghas Tapadh leat. Thank you.
Man Dè do chor? How’s your form?
Aonghas Cor math.
Dè tha dol agad fhèin?
What’s happening with yourself?
Man Chan eil mòran.
Tha mi an dòchas gun robh turas math agad?
Not much.
I hope that you had a good trip?
Aonghas Bha.
Tha mi sgìth a-nis.
I’m tired now.
Man Tiugainn ma-thà.
Tha an càr agam a-muigh an sin.
Let’s go then.
My car is out there.
Aonghas Glè mhath. Very well.