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Buying clothes A’ ceannach aodach

There's no red leftChan eil dearg air fhàgail

To ask if you may use something you can say the following.

gorm blue

uaine green

dearg red

donn brown

dubh black

purpaidh purple

buidhe yellow

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Son Tha mi ag iarraidh buidhe. I want yellow.
Mother Chan eil buidhe aca.
Dè mu dheidhinn dearg?
They don’t have yellow.
What about red?
Son Cha toigh leam dearg.
Tha dearg grot.
Tha mi ag iarraidh buidhe.
I don’t like red.
Red is disgusting.
I want yellow.
Mother Chan eil buidhe aca, a ghràidh.
Dè eile as toigh leat?
They don’t have yellow, dear.
What else do you like?
Son Uaine. Green.
Mother Uill, a bheil fhios agad air seo?
Chan eil uaine aca.
Dè mu dheidhinn dubh?
Well, do you know this?
They don’t have green.
What about black?
Son Cha toigh leam dubh.
Tha mi ag iarraidh uaine.
I don’t like black.
I want green.
Mother Fàgaidh sinn an-dràsta e, tapadh leibh. We will leave it for now, thank you.
Teacher ’S toigh leam sin.
Rinn thu glè mhath.
Nise. dè tha ceàrr?
I like that.
You did very well.
Now, what’s wrong?
Girl Feumaidh mi pìos dearg. I need a red piece.
Teacher Carson a tha thu ag iarraidh pìos dearg?
Dè tha thu a’ dèanamh?
Why do you want a red piece?
What are you doing?
Girl Tha mi a’ dèanamh boireannach.
Tha geansaidh dearg oirre.
I’m making a woman.
She is wearing a red jumper.
Teacher Seadh.
Ach chan eil dearg air fhàgail.
Dè mu dheidhinn purpaidh?
Sgiort gheal, agus geansaidh purpaidh.
Bhiodh sin math.
A bheil thu toilichte a-nis?
But there’s no red left.
What about purple?
A white skirt, and a purple jumper.
That would be good.
Are you happy now?
Girl Tha. Yes.