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Making requests A’ dèanamh iarrtas

Càirdeas (Friendship)Càirdeas

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Murchadh Aha.
Ò, ist, cha bhi.
Bidh e far an rathaid airson dà bhliadhna co-dhiù.
Uill, chan urrainn dha an obair aige a chumail a-nis.
Tha fhios agam.
Tha sibh glè cheart.
Feumaidh mi innse dha.
Haidh, Mhichelle.
An tèid thu a dh’iarraidh Seumas, mas e do thoil e?
Tapadh leat, a Mhichelle.
Am faigh thu dà chupa cofaidh, a ghràidh?
Siuthad a-nis, a Sheumais.
Suidh sìos.
Tha fhios agad dè tha mi a' dol a ràdh.
Uh huh.
Oh, wheesht, no.
He’ll be off the road for two years at least.
Well, he can’t keep his job now.
I know.
You are very right.
I'll have to tell him.
Hi, Michelle.
Will you go and get James, please?
Thank you, Michelle.
Will you get two cups of coffee, dear?
On you go, James.
Sit down.
You know what I am going to say.
Seumas Tha.
Tha mi duilich.
Bha mi a' dràibheadh fada ro luath.
I’m sorry.
I was driving far too fast.
Murchadh Uill, a Sheumais.
Tha eagal orm.
Chan fhaod thu bhith ag obair anns a’ gharaids a-nis.
Well, James.
I’m afraid. You can’t work in the garage now.
Seumas A Mhurchaidh! Murdo!
Murchadh Gheibh thu obair eile. You’ll get another job.
Seumas Chan eil e cho furasta an-dràsta. It’s not so easy just now.
Murchadh Uill, tha mi duilich.
Sin am poileasaidh a th’ againn.
Tapadh leat, a ghràidh.
Siuthad, a Sheumais.
Well, I’m sorry.
That’s our policy.
Thank you, dear.
On you go, James.
Seumas Cha ghabh mise cofaidh, tapadh leat, a Mhichelle. I won’t have coffee, thank you, Michelle.
Iain Haidh Anna.
Dè do chor a-nochd?
Hi Anne.
How are you tonight?
Anna Cor math.
Thu fhèin?
Iain Chan eil càil às ùr. Nothing new.
Anna Dè tha Iseabail ag iarraidh co-dhiù? What does Ishbel want anyway?
Iain Rudeigin mu dheidhinn an dràma, tha mi a’ smaoineachadh. Something about the drama, I think.
Anna Am bi Ceit ann a-nochd? Will Kate be there tonight?
Iain Chan eil fhios agam. I don’t know.
Anna Tha i cho ìseal mu dheidhinn Tormod. She is so depressed about Norman.
Iseabail Anna, Iain.
Ciamar a tha sibh a-nochd?
Trobhadaibh a-steach.
Anne, John.
How are you tonight?
Come in.
Anna Haidh Iseabail.
Tha i fliuch an-diugh, nach eil?
Hi Ishbel.
It’s wet today, isn’t it?
Iseabail Siuthad, Iain.
Thoir dhìot do sheacaid.
A Chailein, trobhad a ghràidh.
An tèid thu sìos dhan bhùth a dh’iarraidh pinnt bainne do mhamaidh?
On you go, John.
Take off your jacket.
Colin, come here dear.
Will you go down to the shop to get a pint of milk for mummy?
Cailean Och, mam.
Siuthad a ghràidh
Och, mam.
Go on dear
Iseabail Faodaidh tu suiteis fhaighinn dhut fhèin agus comaig.
Suidhibh sìos.
Nise, tha mi airson bruidhinn ribh mu dheidhinn an dràma Ghàidhlig.
An gabh thu glainne searaidh, Anna?
You can get sweets for yourself and a comic.
Sit down.
Now, I want to speak to you about the Gaelic drama.
Will you have a glass of sherry, Anne?
Anna Tapadh leat, Iseabail. Thank you, Ishbel.
Iseabail Agus seo Iain.
Fhuair mi làgar dhut fhèin agus do Sheumas.
And here John.
I got lager for yourself and for James.
Iain Tapadh leat, Iseabail.
Cha bu chòir dhut.
Thanks Ishbel.
You shouldn’t have.
Iseabail Uill, saoil càit a bheil Seumas co-dhiù?
Aran milis, Anna?
Nise, chan urrainn dhuinn an dealbh-chluich aig Tormod a dhèanamh, Màiri Banrigh na h-Alba.
Tha e ro dhuilich, nach eil?
Well, I wonder where James is anyway?
Shorbread, Anne?
Now, we can’t do Norman’s play, Mary Queen of Scots.
It’s too difficult, isn’t it?
Anna Tha e duilich, ceart gu leòr. It is difficult, right enough.
Iain Chan eil daoine gu leòr againn. We don’t have enough people.
Anna Uill, chan eil fireannaich gu leòr againn co-dhiù. Well, we don’t have enough men anyway.
Iseabail Uill, tha dealbh-chluich agamsa as urrainn dhuinn a dhèanamh.
Sgrìobh mi fhìn e airson an Ibrox Highlanders Ladies Drama Group B.
Sgrìobh mi ann am Beurla e.
Ach ’s urrainn dhuinne Gàidhlig a chur air.
“Murder at the Mòd, a Tale of Mystery and Supense by Ishbel Macrae.”
Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gum bi e glè mhath.
Chan eil mòran fhireannaich idir ann.
Well, I have a play that we can do.
I wrote it myself for the Ibrox Highlanders Ladies Drama Group B.
I wrote it in English.
But we can translate it into Gaelic.
“Murder at the Mòd, a Tale of Mystery and Suspense by Ishbel Macrae.”
I think that it will be very good.
There aren’t many men in it at all.
Seumas Am faigh thu tacsaidh dhomh? Will you get me a taxi?
Barman Faigh fhèin e. Get it yourself.
Iain Tapadh leibh, tìoraidh. Thank you, cheerio.
Iseabail Tapadh leibh airson tighinn. Thank you for coming.
Anna Tapadh leat airson an searaidh. Thanks for the sherry.
Iseabail Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gum bi an dhealbh-chluich math ann an Gàidhlig, “Murt aig a’ Mhòd”. I think that the play will be good in Gaelic, “Murt aig a’ Mhòd”.
Iain Ò murt!
Iseabail bhochd.
Cha bu chòir dhuinn.
Oh man!
Poor Ishbel!
We shouldn’t.
Anna Murt aig a’ Mhòd!
Murt aig a’ Mhòd! (Murder at the Mòd!)