FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Commenting on things about to happen A’ bruidhinn mu nithean a tha gus tachairt

You will be stopped by the PoliceThèid do stad leis na Poilis

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

thèid mo stad I will be stopped

To say something will happen to you, you use thèid mo … followed by the verbal noun. In this type of phrase you use do, a, etc to say something will happen to someone else.

thèid do stad you will be stopped

cha tèid ar stad we won’t be stopped

... nach tèid mo stad ... that I won’t be stopped

cunnartach dangerous

Video is playing in pop-over.

Instructor Ma bhios tu a’ falbh ro luath, thèid do stad leis na poilis. If you go too fast, you’ll be stopped by the police.
Learner Tha mi an dòchas nach tèid mo stad leis na poilis a-rithist. I hope that I’m not stopped by the police again.
Instructor A-rithist? Again?
Learner Seadh.
Tha Coinneach air a bhith gam thoirt a-mach anns a’ chàr, agus chan eil e uabhasach math.
Aon latha bha sinn a’ dràibheadh dhachaigh nuair a chaidh ar stad leis na poilis.
Kenneth has been taking me out in the car, and he isn’t very good.
One day we were driving home when we were stopped by the police.
Instructor Carson a chaidh ur stad? Why were you stopped?
Learner Bha na poilis ag ràdh gun robh mi cunnartach air an rathad. The police said that I was dangerous on the road.
Instructor An robh gu dearbh? Did they indeed?
Learner Bha. Yes.
Instructor Uill, tha mi an dòchas nach tèid ur togail leis na poilis an-diugh. Well, I hope that you are not picked up by the police today.
Learner Cha tèid, cha tèid.
Chan eil sinn a’ falbh cho luath ’s a b’ àbhaist dhomh.
No. I won’t be.
We are not going as fast as I used to go.
Instructor Agus cha bhi sinn a’ falbh luath idir. And we won’t be going fast at all.
Learner Cha bhi. No, we won’t.
Instructor Tha sibhse fada nas fheàrr na Coinneach. You are much better than Kenneth.
Instructor Tapadh leat. Thank you.
Learner Ma nì mise rud sam bith ceàrr, thèid mo chàineadh le Coinneach.
Agus nuair a bhios mise a’ dràibheadh, bidh an t-eagal air.
Agus bidh e a’ dùnadh a shùilean.
If I do anything wrong, I’m scolded by Kenneth.
And when I’m driving, he’s afraid.
And he closes his eyes.
Instructor Bidh e a’ dùnadh a shùilean? He closes his eyes?
Learner Bithidh.
Agus chan urrainn dhomhsa coimhead air an rathad agus air a’ chloc.
I can’t look at the road and at the clock.
Instructor Nach urrainn? Can’t you?
Learner Chan urrainn.
Faodaidh sibhse coimhead air a’ chloc agus coimheadaidh mise air an rathad, agus cha tèid ar stad leis na poilis.
You can look at the clock and I'll look at the road and we won’t be stopped by the police.