FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Documentaries Prògraman Aithriseachd

B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Calum a’ tadhal air na h-Eaglaise Brice agus na h-Eich-uisge

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Calum] Tha Stephen a’ leigeil orm a dhol am broinn aon de na h-Eich-Uisge.

[Calum] So, I’m going in this way?

[Stephen] This is the way in.

[Calum] Cool, right thanks for your time.

[Stephen] Good luck

[Calum] Cheers.

[Calum] Tha mi a’ dol a dh’fhaighinn a-mach ciamar a tha iad gan cumail ann an deagh òrdugh.

[Calum] Nice to meet you Bradley. How are you?

[Bradley] Yeah, well thank you.

[Calum] Right, what are we doing?

[Bradley] Nice one, right, today we’re here to inspect the structure. Basically, I need you to be roped up and ready to go.

[Calum] Haha, nice one. Right, I’m up for that!

[Calum] Agus tha agam ris an àradh craicte seo a shreap chun a’ mhullaich. O cuidich mi!

[Calum] All righty, so, off I go?

[Bradley] Off you go!

[Calum] Ma tha eagal agad bho bhith suas gu h-àrd, na coimhead idir air an seo.

[Calum] O mo chreach sa thàinig!

[Calum] Tha mi cho sgìth ri seann chù mar-tha.

[Calum] Chan eil mi airson coimhead sìos idir, idir.

[Calum] Oh, my goodness.

[Calum] Chan eil sin furasta idir, idir.

[Calum] O mo chreach sa thàinig.

[Calum] You’ll be fit for that job Calum!

[Bradley] Oh yes indeed

[Calum] Bha mi dìreach air chrith a’ dol suas. Tha mo làmhan dìreach…

[Calum] When I was climbing the ladder there Bradley, I think I had a panic attack almost. I just like, I I couldn’t talk, I couldn’t think, the only thing that was going through my head was: get to the top as quick as you can.

[Bradley] Happens to everybody.

[Calum] Gee-whiz. So, when you’ve reached the top of a structure, what’s involved in your inspection?

[Bradley] Well, first and foremost: safety. And the actual work itself is to check the structural integrity. Just to make sure all the steel is intact, bolts, paint, everything is good, no rust.

[Calum] So, what else should we talk about, my mind’s gone a bit blank you know.

[Calum] Tha mo chridhe… tha mi dìreach air chrith. Flipping heck, tha mi an-fhoiseil!

[Calum] Tha an sgioba-ròpa a’ sgrùdadh gach pìos stàtainn, a’ dèanamh cinnteach nach eil cron sam bith air nochdadh.

[Calum] Bradley, what goes up must come down. So, how do we get off this platform?

[Bradley] Well, the quickest, easiest way for us to get off this platform is on these ropes.

[Calum] Oh man, I’ve got to go over there?

[Bradley] You do.

[Calum] And then ‘peeugh’.

[Bradley] And then down.

[Calum] Agus tha agam ri mo shlighe a dhèanamh sìos a-nis. O mo chreach!

[Calum] Tha mo dhòrn seo cho geal ris an t-sneachd.

[Calum] O uill, seo sinn ma-tha.

[Calum] So, how do you reach, like, place bits over there then?

[Bradley] You just have to manoeuvre the ropes. Sometimes, we have to climb. How are you feeling? OO?

[Calum] Yeah.

[Calum] Tha mi ag innse bhreugan. Tha mi dìreach air chrith. Tha e a’ faireachdainn cho mì-nàdarrach a bhith crochte ’s an èadhar mar seo.

[Calum] O mo chreach sa thàinig.

[Calum] An talamh! An talamh! An talamh… an talamh… yasss!

[Calum] Thank you so much, man!

[Bradley] You’re welcome.

[Calum] Gee-whiz, tha mo làmhan dìreach air chrith às dèidh sin. Tha mo chridhe a’ dol aig astar cuideachd. Tha mi cho taingeil gu bheil mi air talamh a ruighinn. O mo chreach.

[Calum] Agus, fhad ’s a tha mise crochadh anns an èadhar aig na h-eich-uisge, tha Niall Iain air a bhith ga ghabhail gu socair aig Cuibhle na h-Eaglaise Brice.

[Calum] Niall Iain.

[Niall Iain] Sin thu a Chaluim, bha mi a’ gabhail dragh mu do dheidhinn.

[Calum] An robh?

[Niall Iain] Cà’ robh thu?

[Calum] Bha mi aig na h-eich-uisge.

[Niall Iain] Tha mi dìreach a’ toirt sùil air an fheadhainn bheaga a tha seo.

[Calum] oh-ho bha nan fheadhainn seo tòrr nas motha ge-tà.

[Niall Iain] An robh e math?

[Calum] Bha, bha mi nam broinn cuideachd.

[Niall Iain] A’ dèanamh dè?

[Calum] Uill, dìreach a’ gabhail sùil mun cuairt ach bha mi a’ leantainn mo shròn ’s bha mo thon gam stiùireadh.

[Niall Iain] Mar as àbhaist.

[Calum] O mar as àbhaist. Bha e gu math inntinneach.

[Niall Iain] Thug mi sùil air a’ chuibhle mhòire a tha seo. Tha mi a’ sùileachadh a dhol oirre, tha mi a’ smaointinn.

[Calum] Agus a bheil thu?

[Niall Iain] Tha mi an dòchas. Tha e dìreach a’ coimhead gu math àrd. Tha e a’ coimhead eireachdail ge-tà, dìreach an seòrsa cumadh a th’ orra, an seòrsa dreach a th’ orra. Ach tha e math dìreach a toirt cuimhne ort, tha mi a’ smaointinn, an seòrsa gnìomhachasan troma a bha anns an sgìre seo o chionn, tha mi cinnteach, airson ceudan de bhliadhnaichean air ais. Tha mi a’ faireachdainn gaisgeach agus tha mi a’ smaointinn gum bu choir dhomh fheuchainn agus a’ dol suas gu h-àrd. Chì sinn ciamar a thèid dhomh.

[Calum] A’ bheil thu air chrith fhathast?

[Niall Iain] Tha, ach seall sinn. ‘S dè tha thusa a’ dol a bhith ris ma-tha?

[Calum] Uill, fhad ‘s a thusa air bòrd bàta beag bìdeach, tha mise dol a dh’ionnsachadh beagan a bharrachd mun a’ chuibhle agus mu mar a tha e ag obrachadh.

[Niall Iain] So fhad ‘s a tha mise air, tha thusa a’ cumail smachd air?

[Calum] Tha, tha mise a’ cumail smachd air a h-uile sìon. Na gabh dragh sam bith, a dhuine. Right, bidh mi gad fhaicinn an ceartair.

[Niall Iain] Cheers, man, cheers!

[Niall Iain] ‘S ann mar phròiseact na mìle bliadhna a chaidh an eisimpleir iongantach de h-einnseanaireachd seo gu bith. Chosg e seachdad ’s a h-ochd millean not agus chaidh fhosgladh ann an dà mhìle agus a’ dhà. Bhon uair sin, tha e air a bhith na tarraing mhòr do luchd-tadhail, a’ tàladh luchd-turais bho air feadh an t-saoghail.



Calum visits Falkirk and the Kelpies

English Beurla

[Calum] Stephen is letting me go inside one of the Kelpies

[Calum] So, I’m going in this way?

[Stephen] This is the way in.

[Calum] Cool, right thanks for your time.

[Stephen] Good luck

[Calum] Cheers.

[Calum] I’m going to find out how they look after them.

[Calum] Nice to meet you Bradley. How are you?

[Bradley] Yeah, well thank you.

[Calum] Right, what are we doing?

[Bradley] Nice one, right, today we’re here to inspect the structure. Basically, I need you to be roped up and ready to go.

[Calum] Haha, nice one. Right, I’m up for that!

[Calum] And I have to climb this crazy ladder to the top. Ah help!

[Calum] All righty, so, off I go?

[Bradley] Off you go!

[Calum] If you’re scared of heights, don’t watch this.

[Calum] Oh my goodness.

[Calum] I’m already as tired as a dog.

[Calum] I don’t want to look down at all.

[Calum] Oh my goodness.

[Calum] This isn’t at all easy.

[Calum] Oh my goodness.

[Calum] You’ll be fit for that job Calum!

[Bradley] Oh yes indeed

[Calum] I was terrified going up. My hands we like…

[Calum] When I was climbing the ladder there Bradley, I think I had a panic attack almost. I just like, I couldn’t talk, I couldn’t think, the only thing that was going through my head was: get to the top as quick as you can.

[Bradley] Happens to everybody.

[Calum] Gee-whiz. So, when you’ve reached the top of a structure, what’s involved in your inspection?

[Bradley] Well, first and foremost: safety. And the actual work itself is to check the structural integrity. Just to make sure all the steel is intact, bolts, paint, everything is good, no rust.

[Calum] So, what else should we talk about, my mind’s gone a bit blank you know.

[Calum] My heart, I’m shaken, I feel uneasy!

[Calum] The rope team have to inspect every piece of steel, to make sure that no issues arise.

[Calum] Bradley, what goes up must come down. So, how do we get off this platform?

[Bradley] Well, the quickest, easiest way to get off this platform is on these ropes.

[Calum] Oh man, I’ve got to go over there?

[Bradley] You do.

[Calum] And then ‘peeugh’.

[Bradley] And then down.

[Calum] And I have to make my way down now. Oh my gosh!

[Calum] My fist is as white as snow

[Calum] Oh well, here we are.

[Calum] So, how do you reach place bits over there then?

[Bradley] You just have to manoeuvre the ropes. Sometimes, we have to climb. How are you feeling? Ok?

[Calum] Yeah.

[Calum] I’m lying. I’m absolutely terrified. It feels so unnatural to be hanging in the air like this.

[Calum] Oh my gosh.

[Calum] The ground! The ground! The ground… the ground… Yassss!

[Calum] Thank you so much man, gee-whiz!

[Bradley] You’re welcome.

[Calum] My hands are shaking after that. My heart is beating so fast as well. I’m so thankful that we’ve reached the ground. Oh my gosh.

[Calum] And, as I’m hanging in the air in a Kelpie, Niall Iain has been relaxing at the Falkirk Wheel.

[Calum] Niall Iain

[Niall Iain] There you are Calum, I was starting to worry about you.

[Calum] Were you?

[Niall Iain] Where were you?

[Calum] I was at the Kelpies.

[Niall Iain] I’ve been looking at these small ones.

[Calum] Oh-ho, these ones were much bigger though.

[Niall Iain] Were they good?

[Calum] Yes, I was inside them too.

[Niall Iain] Doing what?

[Calum] Well, just having a look around but I was following my nose and my bum was leading me.

[Niall Iain] As usual.

[Calum] Oh, as usual. It was really interesting.

[Niall Iain] I had a look at this big wheel. I thinking about going in it.

[Calum] And will you?

[Niall Iain] I hope so. It just looks very high. It looks beautiful though, just the type of shape it has. But it’s good for reminding you, I think, of the kinds of heavy industries that were in this area for hundreds of years. I’m feeling brave and I think I should try and go up. We’ll see how I do.

[Calum] Are you scared yet?

[Niall Iain] Yes, but look at that. And what will you be doing?

[Calum] Well, while you in the tiny wee boat, I’ll be learning a bit more about the wheel and how it works.

[Niall Iain] So while I’m on it, you’ll be controlling it?

[Calum] Yes, I’ll be controlling everything – don’t worry! Right, I’ll see you soon.

[Niall Iain] Cheers, man, cheers!

[Niall Iain] This wonderful example of engineering was created as a project for the millennium. It cost £78m and was opened in 2002. Since then, it’s been a huge attraction for visitors, bringing tourists from around the world.



Calum a’ tadhal air na h-Eaglaise Brice agus na h-Eich-uisge

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Calum] Tha Stephen a’ leigeil orm a dhol am broinn aon de na h-Eich-Uisge.

[Calum] So, I’m going in this way?

[Stephen] This is the way in.

[Calum] Cool, right thanks for your time.

[Stephen] Good luck

[Calum] Cheers.

[Calum] Tha mi a’ dol a dh’fhaighinn a-mach ciamar a tha iad gan cumail ann an deagh òrdugh.

[Calum] Nice to meet you Bradley. How are you?

[Bradley] Yeah, well thank you.

[Calum] Right, what are we doing?

[Bradley] Nice one, right, today we’re here to inspect the structure. Basically, I need you to be roped up and ready to go.

[Calum] Haha, nice one. Right, I’m up for that!

[Calum] Agus tha agam ris an àradh craicte seo a shreap chun a’ mhullaich. O cuidich mi!

[Calum] All righty, so, off I go?

[Bradley] Off you go!

[Calum] Ma tha eagal agad bho bhith suas gu h-àrd, na coimhead idir air an seo.

[Calum] O mo chreach sa thàinig!

[Calum] Tha mi cho sgìth ri seann chù mar-tha.

[Calum] Chan eil mi airson coimhead sìos idir, idir.

[Calum] Oh, my goodness.

[Calum] Chan eil sin furasta idir, idir.

[Calum] O mo chreach sa thàinig.

[Calum] You’ll be fit for that job Calum!

[Bradley] Oh yes indeed

[Calum] Bha mi dìreach air chrith a’ dol suas. Tha mo làmhan dìreach…

[Calum] When I was climbing the ladder there Bradley, I think I had a panic attack almost. I just like, I I couldn’t talk, I couldn’t think, the only thing that was going through my head was: get to the top as quick as you can.

[Bradley] Happens to everybody.

[Calum] Gee-whiz. So, when you’ve reached the top of a structure, what’s involved in your inspection?

[Bradley] Well, first and foremost: safety. And the actual work itself is to check the structural integrity. Just to make sure all the steel is intact, bolts, paint, everything is good, no rust.

[Calum] So, what else should we talk about, my mind’s gone a bit blank you know.

[Calum] Tha mo chridhe… tha mi dìreach air chrith. Flipping heck, tha mi an-fhoiseil!

[Calum] Tha an sgioba-ròpa a’ sgrùdadh gach pìos stàtainn, a’ dèanamh cinnteach nach eil cron sam bith air nochdadh.

[Calum] Bradley, what goes up must come down. So, how do we get off this platform?

[Bradley] Well, the quickest, easiest way for us to get off this platform is on these ropes.

[Calum] Oh man, I’ve got to go over there?

[Bradley] You do.

[Calum] And then ‘peeugh’.

[Bradley] And then down.

[Calum] Agus tha agam ri mo shlighe a dhèanamh sìos a-nis. O mo chreach!

[Calum] Tha mo dhòrn seo cho geal ris an t-sneachd.

[Calum] O uill, seo sinn ma-tha.

[Calum] So, how do you reach, like, place bits over there then?

[Bradley] You just have to manoeuvre the ropes. Sometimes, we have to climb. How are you feeling? OO?

[Calum] Yeah.

[Calum] Tha mi ag innse bhreugan. Tha mi dìreach air chrith. Tha e a’ faireachdainn cho mì-nàdarrach a bhith crochte ’s an èadhar mar seo.

[Calum] O mo chreach sa thàinig.

[Calum] An talamh! An talamh! An talamh… an talamh… yasss!

[Calum] Thank you so much, man!

[Bradley] You’re welcome.

[Calum] Gee-whiz, tha mo làmhan dìreach air chrith às dèidh sin. Tha mo chridhe a’ dol aig astar cuideachd. Tha mi cho taingeil gu bheil mi air talamh a ruighinn. O mo chreach.

[Calum] Agus, fhad ’s a tha mise crochadh anns an èadhar aig na h-eich-uisge, tha Niall Iain air a bhith ga ghabhail gu socair aig Cuibhle na h-Eaglaise Brice.

[Calum] Niall Iain.

[Niall Iain] Sin thu a Chaluim, bha mi a’ gabhail dragh mu do dheidhinn.

[Calum] An robh?

[Niall Iain] Cà’ robh thu?

[Calum] Bha mi aig na h-eich-uisge.

[Niall Iain] Tha mi dìreach a’ toirt sùil air an fheadhainn bheaga a tha seo.

[Calum] oh-ho bha nan fheadhainn seo tòrr nas motha ge-tà.

[Niall Iain] An robh e math?

[Calum] Bha, bha mi nam broinn cuideachd.

[Niall Iain] A’ dèanamh dè?

[Calum] Uill, dìreach a’ gabhail sùil mun cuairt ach bha mi a’ leantainn mo shròn ’s bha mo thon gam stiùireadh.

[Niall Iain] Mar as àbhaist.

[Calum] O mar as àbhaist. Bha e gu math inntinneach.

[Niall Iain] Thug mi sùil air a’ chuibhle mhòire a tha seo. Tha mi a’ sùileachadh a dhol oirre, tha mi a’ smaointinn.

[Calum] Agus a bheil thu?

[Niall Iain] Tha mi an dòchas. Tha e dìreach a’ coimhead gu math àrd. Tha e a’ coimhead eireachdail ge-tà, dìreach an seòrsa cumadh a th’ orra, an seòrsa dreach a th’ orra. Ach tha e math dìreach a toirt cuimhne ort, tha mi a’ smaointinn, an seòrsa gnìomhachasan troma a bha anns an sgìre seo o chionn, tha mi cinnteach, airson ceudan de bhliadhnaichean air ais. Tha mi a’ faireachdainn gaisgeach agus tha mi a’ smaointinn gum bu choir dhomh fheuchainn agus a’ dol suas gu h-àrd. Chì sinn ciamar a thèid dhomh.

[Calum] A’ bheil thu air chrith fhathast?

[Niall Iain] Tha, ach seall sinn. ‘S dè tha thusa a’ dol a bhith ris ma-tha?

[Calum] Uill, fhad ‘s a thusa air bòrd bàta beag bìdeach, tha mise dol a dh’ionnsachadh beagan a bharrachd mun a’ chuibhle agus mu mar a tha e ag obrachadh.

[Niall Iain] So fhad ‘s a tha mise air, tha thusa a’ cumail smachd air?

[Calum] Tha, tha mise a’ cumail smachd air a h-uile sìon. Na gabh dragh sam bith, a dhuine. Right, bidh mi gad fhaicinn an ceartair.

[Niall Iain] Cheers, man, cheers!

[Niall Iain] ‘S ann mar phròiseact na mìle bliadhna a chaidh an eisimpleir iongantach de h-einnseanaireachd seo gu bith. Chosg e seachdad ’s a h-ochd millean not agus chaidh fhosgladh ann an dà mhìle agus a’ dhà. Bhon uair sin, tha e air a bhith na tarraing mhòr do luchd-tadhail, a’ tàladh luchd-turais bho air feadh an t-saoghail.



Calum visits Falkirk and the Kelpies

English Beurla

[Calum] Stephen is letting me go inside one of the Kelpies

[Calum] So, I’m going in this way?

[Stephen] This is the way in.

[Calum] Cool, right thanks for your time.

[Stephen] Good luck

[Calum] Cheers.

[Calum] I’m going to find out how they look after them.

[Calum] Nice to meet you Bradley. How are you?

[Bradley] Yeah, well thank you.

[Calum] Right, what are we doing?

[Bradley] Nice one, right, today we’re here to inspect the structure. Basically, I need you to be roped up and ready to go.

[Calum] Haha, nice one. Right, I’m up for that!

[Calum] And I have to climb this crazy ladder to the top. Ah help!

[Calum] All righty, so, off I go?

[Bradley] Off you go!

[Calum] If you’re scared of heights, don’t watch this.

[Calum] Oh my goodness.

[Calum] I’m already as tired as a dog.

[Calum] I don’t want to look down at all.

[Calum] Oh my goodness.

[Calum] This isn’t at all easy.

[Calum] Oh my goodness.

[Calum] You’ll be fit for that job Calum!

[Bradley] Oh yes indeed

[Calum] I was terrified going up. My hands we like…

[Calum] When I was climbing the ladder there Bradley, I think I had a panic attack almost. I just like, I couldn’t talk, I couldn’t think, the only thing that was going through my head was: get to the top as quick as you can.

[Bradley] Happens to everybody.

[Calum] Gee-whiz. So, when you’ve reached the top of a structure, what’s involved in your inspection?

[Bradley] Well, first and foremost: safety. And the actual work itself is to check the structural integrity. Just to make sure all the steel is intact, bolts, paint, everything is good, no rust.

[Calum] So, what else should we talk about, my mind’s gone a bit blank you know.

[Calum] My heart, I’m shaken, I feel uneasy!

[Calum] The rope team have to inspect every piece of steel, to make sure that no issues arise.

[Calum] Bradley, what goes up must come down. So, how do we get off this platform?

[Bradley] Well, the quickest, easiest way to get off this platform is on these ropes.

[Calum] Oh man, I’ve got to go over there?

[Bradley] You do.

[Calum] And then ‘peeugh’.

[Bradley] And then down.

[Calum] And I have to make my way down now. Oh my gosh!

[Calum] My fist is as white as snow

[Calum] Oh well, here we are.

[Calum] So, how do you reach place bits over there then?

[Bradley] You just have to manoeuvre the ropes. Sometimes, we have to climb. How are you feeling? Ok?

[Calum] Yeah.

[Calum] I’m lying. I’m absolutely terrified. It feels so unnatural to be hanging in the air like this.

[Calum] Oh my gosh.

[Calum] The ground! The ground! The ground… the ground… Yassss!

[Calum] Thank you so much man, gee-whiz!

[Bradley] You’re welcome.

[Calum] My hands are shaking after that. My heart is beating so fast as well. I’m so thankful that we’ve reached the ground. Oh my gosh.

[Calum] And, as I’m hanging in the air in a Kelpie, Niall Iain has been relaxing at the Falkirk Wheel.

[Calum] Niall Iain

[Niall Iain] There you are Calum, I was starting to worry about you.

[Calum] Were you?

[Niall Iain] Where were you?

[Calum] I was at the Kelpies.

[Niall Iain] I’ve been looking at these small ones.

[Calum] Oh-ho, these ones were much bigger though.

[Niall Iain] Were they good?

[Calum] Yes, I was inside them too.

[Niall Iain] Doing what?

[Calum] Well, just having a look around but I was following my nose and my bum was leading me.

[Niall Iain] As usual.

[Calum] Oh, as usual. It was really interesting.

[Niall Iain] I had a look at this big wheel. I thinking about going in it.

[Calum] And will you?

[Niall Iain] I hope so. It just looks very high. It looks beautiful though, just the type of shape it has. But it’s good for reminding you, I think, of the kinds of heavy industries that were in this area for hundreds of years. I’m feeling brave and I think I should try and go up. We’ll see how I do.

[Calum] Are you scared yet?

[Niall Iain] Yes, but look at that. And what will you be doing?

[Calum] Well, while you in the tiny wee boat, I’ll be learning a bit more about the wheel and how it works.

[Niall Iain] So while I’m on it, you’ll be controlling it?

[Calum] Yes, I’ll be controlling everything – don’t worry! Right, I’ll see you soon.

[Niall Iain] Cheers, man, cheers!

[Niall Iain] This wonderful example of engineering was created as a project for the millennium. It cost £78m and was opened in 2002. Since then, it’s been a huge attraction for visitors, bringing tourists from around the world.




a ladder




a fist