Entertainment Dibhearsan
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
A' toirt rèididheatar far balla
[Donaidh] A' chiad rud a tha mi a' dol a dhèanamh anns an rùm suidhe 's e na rèididheatars a thoirt far a' bhalla.
[Donaidh] Fiù 's mur eil thu a' dèanamh pròiseact mòr mar a tha mise, tha e feumail airson an leithid peantadh agus boltaigeadh.
[Donaidh] Feumaidh mi na thermostat valves a dhùnadh sìos an toiseach. Agus an uair sin air a' cheann eile, 's e seo lock shield valve. Tog am mullach dheth agus dùin sìos e. Dìreach cuir car no dhà ann. Sin e, dùinte.
[Donaidh] Agus a-nis air ais an seo lena spanners. 'S e water pump pliers agus shifting spanner a tha mi a' cleachdadh an seo. Agus le beagan cuideim, sin e. An do thoisich e? Sin an t-uisge dìreach a' tòiseachadh a' tighinn a-mach. Le rud plastaig mar seo, tha iad sin caran feumail airson glacadh an uisge.
[Donaidh] Bi faiceallach le seo. Agus nuair a dh'fhàsas e caran slaodach, leig a-steach beagan èadhair leis an iuchair seo.
[Donaidh] Sin e a' tòiseachadh a-rithist.
[Donaidh] Tha e feumail aig an ìre seo gu bheil dà chanastair agad air sgàth feumaidh tu a bhith cliobhair leis an uisge a chur dhan pheile.
[Donaidh] Agus tòisich a-rithist. Tha mi a' dol a thoirt seo dheth a-nis.
[Donaidh] Sin e. Agus an aon seòrsa rud. Cuir an spanner dìreach mun cuairt mar sin. Ò tha e caran teann, nach eil? Cùm grèim air an seo. An àirde, beagan mar sin.
[Donaidh] Agus beagan uisge an seo. Cuir an canastair ann a-rithist. Bidh beagan ann. Sin e.
[Donaidh] Nise, bi cinnteach gu bheil tòrr rudan mun cuairt na pìoba nuair a tha sinn a' dol a thogail na rèididheatair far a' bhalla.
[Donaidh] Feumaidh tu a bhith caran tapaidh a-nis air sgàth tha mi a' dol a thogail na rèididheatair beagan agus an uair sin a-mach. Agus thig an t-uisge salach a-mach aig a' cheann sin. A h-aon, a dhà, a trì. An àirde 's a-mach. Tog an àirde e.
[Donaidh] Seall cho salach 's a tha seo. Nach math nach deach e air a' charpet!
Chaidh am prògram seo, DIY Le Donnie, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2014. Le taing do BBC Gàidhlig.
Taking a radiator off a wall
[Donnie] The first thing that I am going to do in the sitting room is take the radiators off the wall.
[Donnie] Even if you are not doing a big project like I am, it is useful for the likes of painting and wallpapering.
[Donnie] I must close the thermostat valves first. And then at the other end, this is a lock shield valve. Take the top off and close it down. Just twist it once or twice. That is it, closed.
[Donnie] And now back here with the spanners. It is water pump pliers and a shifting spanner that I am using here. And with a little force, that is it. Has it started? That is the water just starting to come out. With a plastic thing like this, they are quite useful for catching the water.
[Donnie] Be careful with this. And when it gets quite slow, let in a little air with this key.
[Donnie] That is it starting again.
[Donnie] It is useful at this stage that you have two containers because you need to be quick at putting the water in the pail.
[Donnie] And begin again. I am going to take this off now.
[Donnie] That is it. And the same sort of thing. Just put the spanner around like that. Oh it is quite tight, isn't it? Keep hold of this. Lift it up a little like that.
[Donnie] And a little water here. Put the container in again. There will be a little. That is it.
[Donnie] Now, be sure that you have lots of something around the pipe when we go to lift the radiator off the wall.
[Donnie] You need to be quite vigorous now because I am going to lift the radiator a little and then out. And the dirty water will come out at that end. One, two, three. Up and out. Lift it up.
[Donnie] Look how dirty this is. Isn't it good that it didn't go on the carpet!
This programme, DIY Le Donnie, was first broadcast in 2014. Courtesy of BBC Gàidhlig
A' toirt rèididheatar far balla
[Donaidh] A' chiad rud a tha mi a' dol a dhèanamh anns an rùm suidhe 's e na rèididheatars a thoirt far a' bhalla.
[Donaidh] Fiù 's mur eil thu a' dèanamh pròiseact mòr mar a tha mise, tha e feumail airson an leithid peantadh agus boltaigeadh.
[Donaidh] Feumaidh mi na thermostat valves a dhùnadh sìos an toiseach. Agus an uair sin air a' cheann eile, 's e seo lock shield valve. Tog am mullach dheth agus dùin sìos e. Dìreach cuir car no dhà ann. Sin e, dùinte.
[Donaidh] Agus a-nis air ais an seo lena spanners. 'S e water pump pliers agus shifting spanner a tha mi a' cleachdadh an seo. Agus le beagan cuideim, sin e. An do thoisich e? Sin an t-uisge dìreach a' tòiseachadh a' tighinn a-mach. Le rud plastaig mar seo, tha iad sin caran feumail airson glacadh an uisge.
[Donaidh] Bi faiceallach le seo. Agus nuair a dh'fhàsas e caran slaodach, leig a-steach beagan èadhair leis an iuchair seo.
[Donaidh] Sin e a' tòiseachadh a-rithist.
[Donaidh] Tha e feumail aig an ìre seo gu bheil dà chanastair agad air sgàth feumaidh tu a bhith cliobhair leis an uisge a chur dhan pheile.
[Donaidh] Agus tòisich a-rithist. Tha mi a' dol a thoirt seo dheth a-nis.
[Donaidh] Sin e. Agus an aon seòrsa rud. Cuir an spanner dìreach mun cuairt mar sin. Ò tha e caran teann, nach eil? Cùm grèim air an seo. An àirde, beagan mar sin.
[Donaidh] Agus beagan uisge an seo. Cuir an canastair ann a-rithist. Bidh beagan ann. Sin e.
[Donaidh] Nise, bi cinnteach gu bheil tòrr rudan mun cuairt na pìoba nuair a tha sinn a' dol a thogail na rèididheatair far a' bhalla.
[Donaidh] Feumaidh tu a bhith caran tapaidh a-nis air sgàth tha mi a' dol a thogail na rèididheatair beagan agus an uair sin a-mach. Agus thig an t-uisge salach a-mach aig a' cheann sin. A h-aon, a dhà, a trì. An àirde 's a-mach. Tog an àirde e.
[Donaidh] Seall cho salach 's a tha seo. Nach math nach deach e air a' charpet!
Chaidh am prògram seo, DIY Le Donnie, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2014. Le taing do BBC Gàidhlig.
Taking a radiator off a wall
[Donnie] The first thing that I am going to do in the sitting room is take the radiators off the wall.
[Donnie] Even if you are not doing a big project like I am, it is useful for the likes of painting and wallpapering.
[Donnie] I must close the thermostat valves first. And then at the other end, this is a lock shield valve. Take the top off and close it down. Just twist it once or twice. That is it, closed.
[Donnie] And now back here with the spanners. It is water pump pliers and a shifting spanner that I am using here. And with a little force, that is it. Has it started? That is the water just starting to come out. With a plastic thing like this, they are quite useful for catching the water.
[Donnie] Be careful with this. And when it gets quite slow, let in a little air with this key.
[Donnie] That is it starting again.
[Donnie] It is useful at this stage that you have two containers because you need to be quick at putting the water in the pail.
[Donnie] And begin again. I am going to take this off now.
[Donnie] That is it. And the same sort of thing. Just put the spanner around like that. Oh it is quite tight, isn't it? Keep hold of this. Lift it up a little like that.
[Donnie] And a little water here. Put the container in again. There will be a little. That is it.
[Donnie] Now, be sure that you have lots of something around the pipe when we go to lift the radiator off the wall.
[Donnie] You need to be quite vigorous now because I am going to lift the radiator a little and then out. And the dirty water will come out at that end. One, two, three. Up and out. Lift it up.
[Donnie] Look how dirty this is. Isn't it good that it didn't go on the carpet!
This programme, DIY Le Donnie, was first broadcast in 2014. Courtesy of BBC Gàidhlig